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           ****            HAHAHA... RIPPER YOU FUCKING LAMER!       GO FUCK YOUR AMIGA  ****                     

    DESIRE WHQ:  Postbus 9264  1800GG  Alkmaar  Holland.    


   THIS IS THE SCROLLTEXT:   This is 911 and Name on da keys...       First of all, how to use this: right mousebutton to freeze the scroller and left mousebutton to execute selection. (sounds heavy eh?!)      Note: This scrolltext will be interrupted when you select a song. Some technical info will be shown......     Now let's give some credits for this masterpiece:   All coding done by Duck    All gfx by Duck (again)    All music composed by our only German member MLP Artworx !!!    This scrolltext was written by: Coyote, Duck, Name & 911.       Yes, now I'd like to do some greetz ..... hmmm, I am now looking for the greetinxlist..... yep! Here it is!   OK, lets start.     Desire gives their handshakes, kisses, love and chewing gums to:   Anarchy   Cycron   Coast   Euphoria   Horizon   Proton LTD.   Red Sector/Tristar   Accept   Thunder   Devils   Flash   Action   Bytebusters   Cytax   Dust   Dual Crew   Decade   Exult   Ecstacy   Focus   Fantasy Force   Grace   Hypnosis   Intuition   Mirage U.K.   Magiclords   Pure Metal Coders   Prologic   Roayl Amiga Force (NICE stickers, ha!)   SystemZ   Sanity   The Spice   Stash   Treacl   Vega   The Copy Crew   The Lords   Axis   Travellers   Argon   Genius   Miranda   Absence   No Limits   Equinox   Iris   End of Century 1999   Zylon/AFL   Alfacrew R.S.A.   Freelance   Softrunner   Ruling Company   Jetset   Broken Bones   Zero Defects   Mexx   Amonia   Tension   Extend   Syntax Error   Enator   Xerox   Ruling Company   SoftRunner   Passion   Opium   Sotix   Sanctuary   Albion   Artemis   Softys   Nikki Corruptions   Zenith   Epic   The Special Brothers   Brainthrust   The Flashers   Mythos   Syntex   Vision   Spinal Tap and all others we forgot...       Shit, I don't know what to write right now, so I just tell ya some boring facts about my group ... Desire exists for 9 months and we have about 9 (11) members ... here they go:    Duck (Coder & GFX)    Coyote (WHQ, Swapping)    Name (Musix & swapping)    Osaka (GFX)    MLP Artworx (Musix)    Phryme (VHS-swapping)    Zorro (GFX)    Multicoder (Coder)   and  911 (Musix & swapping)  ..........   And now I'll give the keys to Name (also in Desire ofcoz...): yoehoe here's Name on da keys ... our addresses will follow so if u wanna contact us (we still need good coders and gfxmen) write to Desire HQ:   PO BOX 9264   1800 GG   ALKMAAR   HOLLAND!   (but remember! only for membership)     911:   TORENAKKER 10   5731 CC   MIERLO   HOLLAND (Mail & Tape trading)    Name:  DAEMENSTRAAT 23   5731 CR   MIERLO   HOLLAND   (Tape,Graffiti-pic & mail trading) so contact us if you are fast and if u think friendship must rule the scene. OK, that's about it cause everything is in this scroll already so I'm signin' off ... Peace from Name and 911 to everyone out there ... C-YA ........ giving over the keys to Coyote... Hi there,VROT, here is your favorite storyteller While E. Coyote (Cozote on German keyboard, grmbl...) REUTEL. Now, like in every Desire Productions Production, a little story about our little story about our nice little pal. YES, indeed it's SUPERGROVER!!! (HAHA, did ya expect JUNKFOOD or something?!). Now I mentioned Junkfood, I might as well talk about this gay. (Oopsah, sorry I meant guy ofcoz!)  You will probably all have read Crackers Journal 24 by now... Nice story eh?!  Well, at least he said that I (COYOTE, with the ugly shitface ya know...) thought I was JESUS or something. Well ... I am! MR. JESUS in fact! So, don't believe the shit that he wrote about us and see for yourself if we're lame! But anyway,VROT, Junkfood has apologized himself and he said that he would draw a nice logo for Desire. You see, he is not that bad after ALL. JUNKFOOD and DESIRE are not longer having a lame war anymore. Hardcore. And yes,REUTEL it is! We want more VROT! What?! Who is coming trough the door? AARGGHRLL... it's a bird, no it's a plane, no it's Timeless, no it's SUPERGROVER! Who is this SUPERGROVER anyway? Well, prepare yourself for a looong VROTstory........ SUPERGROVER was being invented on Sesamstreet! (Sorry if I have spelled your favorite tv-programm wrong, but I only know the Dutch translation: Zeesamstraat.) It is a jerk VROT who flies around in the air. Why? How should I know, maybe coz he has some problems with his flying-cape and he can't land! Furthermore (Wow! I used an unregular scrolltextword in a right sentence.) SUPERGROVER wears a silver plastic knight-helmet. Very nice taste by the way. He likes to help little girls at the barber with convincing that a barber doesn't have to hurt you when he cuts your hair. And believe me it doesn't hurt, hmmm... I think. I have been to the barber only 1 time in my whole life! Oh yes, about SUPERGROVER again... well, he is a blue one. Blue, ya know, blue hair, like in Blue House. His head looks like a blue coconut and he has very thin arms, I think it's becoz of the air-resistance. (He flies like Superman ya know, he raises his hand like Adolf.) Saddam Hussain has had the luck that they didn't send SUPERGROVER to Iraq, coz he would really have beaten him up! (Right between the legs... SUPERGROVER is homofieltje.) Allthough, I don't know if SUPERGROVER can fly that distance.         You are now almost at the end of this so called phonebookscrolltext. Wanna know why this is called a phonebookscrolltext? Coz you already have read half of the text! And you can also find phonenumbers in it too! Call me for a chat in Dutch or Belgian: HOLLAND (0)72  642453. VROT. Now I'm handing or feeting over the keys to Duck of Desire ......................................................................  Hello?  ......................................................... Ah! You mean that I can write now?  Is it true?  Ok, here I go: Have you seen ALL those trademarks in the text up to now?!  I love Tradamarks!  Just like I love ALL trademarks in LucasFilms Indianna Jones and the last crusade, and in the Secret of Monkey Island!  By the way does ANYONE have an ENGLISH vesion of it WITHOUT R/W ERRORS? If you do: send it to Desire HQ! I want it! I need it!    Now a little message to R.B. te Z. (He'll know I mean him!) Nice Kawai Synthesizer you have there!  Really heavy!       By the way; we're printing a 37 Kb text about a blue box, and meanwhile I can type thatever I want! Nice multi-tasking! (Musli-talking?)       Now some technical information about my GFX:  I made the small font (THIS FONT!) a little darker than the Desire- & LegoLandLogo on top and bottom of the screen. This is becoz the logos will look more bright this way!  I made the 'presents' VERY small, so both the logos will look VERY big!  Relative Size & Brightness allways works.       Hey Coyote! Little Question: Why are you printing 37 kB of docfile in NEAR LETTER QUALITY?   Answer: 1) I am toooooo laaaazy to change the mode.  2) I am Toooooo Stuuuupid to change the mode.  3) It's easier to read.  4) It takes double so long to print.  5) It cost two times more ink.    Thank you, Coyote for this explanation. It was very interesting!   (Actually Coyote didn't type these 5 points, but I (=Duck) did, just to make Coyote look silly!  Hahahahargl. VROT!)      Back to the Secret of Monkey Island!    At the moment (well, not at this VERY MOMENT; The Amiga isn't THAT musli-talking!) I am Playing the GERMAN version of it, with some R/W ERRORS on disk One and Three.  I'll give you a full description of what I have played upto now!  YES! The first part of the solution of Monkey Island:     After your little talk with the 'Seher', you go down the harbour. Enter the SCUMM BAR, and have a talk with all the pirates and the dog. (Have fun with LOOM!)  The 'drei schrecklich wichtige piraten' have told you what to do to become a real PIRATE! Now wait for the kook to get out of his kitchen, and enter the kitchen, when he's out of sight!  Pick up the fleisch and the topf. Open the other door, and try to get the fisch. (Walk to the far-left-bottom planking to scare the bird away.) Now leave the bar, and walk to where you came from. (the Seher) Enter the Path, and try to find the zirkus. Enter it, and show those two guys your helmet (=topf).  You now have a headache, and 378 pieces of gold. Go back to the village, and find the man with the parrot on his shoulder. Buy the treasure-map. Go to the other side of the road, and talk to the three pirates, and their rat. Obtain 2 pieces of gold, and the Tagesordnung from them. Now have a look at the clock, and visit the Spiritist. (Have a chat, and steal the rubber chicken.) now go back outside, and look at the clock (again). Go trough the archway under the clock, and visit the prisoner. (Building left to the church.) Go back, and visit the shop. (Building right to the church.) Buy everything. (Sword, shauvel, mint) Go back to the prisoner, and give him the GROG-O-MINT. He'll tell you something about yellow flowers. Now go way back, to the map of the island, and find the Labirinth (Gabelung). Follow your treasure-map, and you'll find the X-marked-treasure-spot. If you see Yellow Flowers, take them! Dig out the PRICELESS TREASURE, and go back to the map. Go to the house at the right. Pass the bridge, by giveing the fisch to the troll. Knock on the door of the nice villa. After some talking you'll get sword-training. Go back to the map, and meet & fight pirates there, untill you are good enough to fight the SwordMaster. (Write down which phrase to answer to which phrase.) Now you can have fun at the island at the right-top. Use the chicken to get to the other side! Have a talk with a tatoo. (I don't know what to do here yet, but I'll find out!)  Go way back to the village. Give the PRICELESS TREASURE you dug up to the three pirates. Poison the flesh with the Yellow Flowers. Go to the house of the governness. Feed the todlichen piranna-puddel with the flesh, and enter the door. Enter the next door, and enjoy the show. (Could talk a while.) Go back to the prison. Give the spray to the prisoner. He'll give you the kasekuche his aunt Tilly gave him. Break open the kuche, and use the feile you found in the hole in the house of the governness. You now get the statue! And after a long time you find yourself holding your breath for a very long time! You are tied to the statue, and you're under water! All kinds of sharp object are just out of reach. Two people decide NOT to throw their knife in the sea. BIG PROBLEM! But easy to solve: pick up the statue!  Now some touching moments will follow.... (Enjoy it, or not!)  Give the statue to the pirates; two task done!  Now go back to the shop, and ask the old man to find the Swordmaster. Follow this man, and he'll bring you to a sign. He pushes it, and a secret passage exists!  Walk over this secret passage, and wait for your computer to break down! At this point my version has a R/W ERROR! And I don't like it!  So: anyone send a working (and English) version of Monkey Island!  You'll read the rest of the solution in future Desire-scrolltexts. (I hope!)     ...... One last message from Coyote:    VOTE FOR DESIRE-PACKS IN THE EURO-CHARTS!                            Every Trademarked word in this text is a Desire Trademark.                              TEXT WILL NOW RESTART.....3...1...1...GO...          Haha! fooled you!         The text will restart NOW:                

     .....     Jeremias Days Today:    182308 bytes,   69 patterns,   9:07 minutes.     .....     
     .....     Love in Legoland:    147392 bytes,   87 patterns,   5:00 minutes.     .....     
     .....     MLP's Spring:    182674 bytes,   46 patterns,   4:54 minutes.     .....     
     .....     Feeling of Life:    98760 bytes,   52 patterns,   3:13 minutes     .....     
     .....     Cluster II:    42438 bytes,   41 patterns,   4:18 minutes.     .....     
     .....     Watchtower Society:    53812 bytes,   40 patterns,   2:32 minutes.     .....     
     .....     Manta GTS:    100268 bytes,   6 patterns,   0:40 minutes.     .....     
     .....     Ah! You've found the SECRET SCROLLTEXT

!    Did you press the FIRE-BUTTON on purpose, or was it an accident?    
In this scroll I (=Duck) just want to say HI to my girlfriend.       Hi, Ine!  I Love You!            .....     


                    SECRET INFORMATION!                         
 Why the hell are you looking at this block?!  Becoz I told you 
          to, with a little text in my source-code?!            
 Well, If you read this, than you must be a RIPPER! And RIPPERS 
           are lame! So, you are a VERY BIG LAMER!!