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   the credits.  
   all songs are 
   composed and  
    written by   
 the graphics and
  the design are 
      done by    
  and all of this
   is coded and  
     timed by    

I HATE writing scrolls, so why bother ??   Hoi ThD, Riox, B5, Sacha and
Judith.    Bey ...                           


Hello people, first of all welcome to my words, it has been a very long time
 since I wrote my last scrolltext. This one is intended to be my last one.
(?) Wich does not mean that I will totally stop doing little things in the
 scene. Okay, something you have to know about the graphics is the fact
that they are all drawn in 1992. I finished the "two-headed something" at
the PARTY '92. By the way that one is my first and last "pixelled" picture.
 Right now I prefer to SCAN&PROCESS things, because why digitize pictures by hand
when you can scan 'em in 10 seconds ?...   well anyway you will see the
results in our next productions...  AMIGAMATION rules...  OKay.. this is
where I say hi to people:  Ofcourse ALL 4 or 5 Desire members...    
   Supernao and (Super) Facet...  (we are gonna do some cool stuff this year!! 
  love ya guys!) ...  especially Fabian, the music still sounds great
 even after so many years!... I'll call ya soon..        Ramon, hi....   
  Peter, hi.....   ok.   and everybody I forgot...             
      BTW.   If you like to (E)mail me...  * thd(YouKnowWhat) *             
                      Ilze, Ik hou van je !                        

                              See ya...   

                                                                          . ..... ...... 
.......... Yes, Finnaly it is there where it should be. The (very)long and awaited Kings
Blood is arrived.   But why the hell took it so long to finnish this
Music-Disk ???   Well we must go back to the time I started to code this piece
of data.  I've lost my insperation and time to code,  Did some other things to do with my
life.  Most things were very stupid,  Some few nice things,  And a lot of doing
nothing,  not even working with my amiga,  and in the little time I had left
and worked with the amiga I took it easy, .......very easy,  even iritating
easy   about 2 years later I found a job and I was getting a little bit organized
I even found some time and some mood to code on kings blood, After a lot of the debugging,
I rewrote some routines, added some other routines, tested it,  and the result is now on your screen. 
               So thats about the delay, Oh... sorry about the lame intro.  But I wrote it
about 1.5 year ago. And I didn't wanted to put too much time in the whole
project that was left.   Thank GOD it's finnished !!!!             Ok still there ??   What the hell will I
tell you next,  I simply do not know... .. .     Well tomorow I will go
with my Girlfriend on a hollyday. So this means that the release date will
be delayed for 1 more week but I simply dont care about those things   the
date of the day im typing this text is:   6-8-1995.     The future
productions from DeSiRe will be released in a much more frequenter rate
than the last 3 year's.  I know this because ThD-RatBone-Dave And Riox will
take personal care for that !!!                                                        Im 
back from my hollyday and BOY!!! what did we have a lot of fun !!    Still
im not inspired to write - type a scroll text .................... Maybe
some message --------------  Here they come....
Lord Soth (DsR-FP-PC Section ) --- How is it Going with the PC-replay routine.
 Do you got any by now ????     Finaly Kings Blood is released ... Shall I make
a PC version --- Naaahh !   See ya around !!
Sacha --- If you ever get some nice routines (Amiga or PC) you can call olr
send me some i always can use some new insperation-motivation    hows live
out there... Its a long time we saw eachother -- Lots of changes im my live
   --   things like --- No more dope into my nose - No more 9MM Gun in wearing i my coat - No more
extreme opgefoktheid.  And i work now already for almost a year.   So great
improvement aint it ???   (And im proud of it !!!)
Fabian --- Its to bad that the last time you only could have a short visit.
Whale/Reality --- Nice C64 you have. Got any nice games and Demo's on it ????
Bernold/Reality --- Suprice Suprice,  here it is and i hope you can hear the great
music now....    do you got coded any nice routines ??   Make a visit some
time at my place in Tilburg so we can talk about that card you got for sell    I might buy it .
Ratbone/DsR --- What can i say ... keep up that great work coz i need it soon
!!!    I will see ya soon ............. This product will not work on your
computer  and i dont know why !!!
Thomas --- Great to see ya, if you have time pay a visit with RatBone
it's always nice to see ya.   GREAT MUSIC (in capitals written) you created  
        i realy loved it ... 

HmmmmMMHMMMMMmmm no more messages to people ... now i like to end my line
coz i wrote enough and i said everything i wanted to say.  It's time to get
all texten from all other DeSiRe members and put it in this
production  (whats on your screen now).
so i will be bussy for a while catching those other members ...............
See Ya Later in an Other Production .........................   Bey
.... ... .. .
Greets must go to all friends all aver the world ............ 

Welcome to Kings Blood.              The 5-Track-Music-Disk.   Written by
DeSiRe .....  After the BIGGEST delay evermade on Amiga    We finaly have
released it ......  Oh before i forget.     This Introduction text cant be
started after selecting an new scroll text.                   

          Song Info.

     SongName : ^Titania II^.
     PlayTime : 5.04 min.
     Size : 194 Kb.



     Samples from :

        - Roland D-70
        - Roland E-70
        - Yamaha TG-33
        - CD
        - First Priority

–This is the first tune I made
for this musicdisk, and also
the second Titania tune.
The first one was released in
the Desire-Dentro called
Explorer in the first half of
march 1992. That was the first
tune I had ever made for a
So I felt I had to make a
follow-up to it.
And here it is. I like it
quite a lot, because of the
melody that's in it.
It is a bit spooky/mysterious
and again happy (or sad?).
The heavy beat that's behind
it was not sampled from a CD
but self-made with a lot of
equipment. The bassline is
simple but fits the rest, so..

          Song Info.

    SongName : ^Nicole^.
    PlayTime : 6.31 min.
    Size     : 194 Kb.



     Samples from :

        - Roland D-70
        - CD

dIt's my best tune so far
because I have put all my
feelings into it. As you have
probably noticed by the title,
it is a lovesong. I composed
it in the second half of
september last year.
Originally it was composed for
the musicdisk, but I found a
girl who was willing to write
lyrics for it, and she could
also sing beautiful, so I
started together with her and
a rapper, a new band, and we
called it -NATIVE-. And we
will soon have our first
performance (1500 people !!).
Just a few weeks before the
party in Denmark I got the
idea of sampling the vocals
and raps. And so I did. The
result was a 5th place in the
music-competition. But to get
back to this musicdisk, the
version of Nicole you are
listening to is the original
long one.      Enjoy!

          Song Info.

SongName: ^Passion for Piano^
PlayTime: 5.04 min.
Size    : 145 Kb.



     Samples from :

        - Roland D-70
        - Yahama TG-55
        - CD

dYeah, at last a musicdisk
with both 'real' and rave
music. I like this tune
because it was my first real
London-style rave-tune. When
I made this one, I was very
much into the english rave-
music. I still am, but now I
prefer the more calm dutch
soul-techno style started
only a few months back by
DJ's as Dimitri, Eric Nouhan
and Koenie. This new style
isn't known to the masses
yet and let's keep it that
way...  I have only got one
message with this tune:
               THAT ROX YA !!

          Song Info.

SongName: ^StreetWise^.
PlayTime: 5.04 min.
Size    : 145 Kb.



     Samples from :

        - Roland D-70
        - Roland E-70
        - CD

dThis is the song I had the
most trouble with. I have
been busy for a long time
picking a lead instrument,
and still I am not entirely
satisfied with the organ
that's in it now. I think
it is the worst tune on this
disk, because it has no
feeling. It is just so
automatic, and not original at
all. Maybe it sounds nice the
first time you listen to it,
but as we in dutch say:
            'Schijn bedriegt'.

          Song Info.

SongName: ^Rush^.
PlayTime: 6.31 min.
Size    : 99 Kb.



     Samples from :

        - Roland D-70
        - Yamaha PSS-780
        - Yamaha TG-33
        - Reccords

dA very light tune with weak
chords and a simple melody.
But it is very easy to listen
to. Instead of a bass sound,
I have used a low octave
acoustic piano, and that is
quite original I guess.
As you might have noticed,
there are some waits in the
tune. I did that with the idea
not to make it such an obvious
tune. It turned out quite
nicely I think. Nothing more
to say actually.
   Just listen and enjoy...

d                                                                                                                         Some words from the               composer.                                                                                                                              


-       Play All Mode.      -


The following pages will
have some information from
the DeSiRe member and their
ideas for future productions.

 The autors are :


È                              The next comming bytes are      written by the coder            of Kings Blood.                                                                        Here comes Riox                                                                                              

dWell my next release will
be an intro designed by
ThD. It's a short one just
like Skandal!.  This intro
has simple code but need big
blocks of memory. Becoz of
the graphics and module.

dDave promised to a disco
in Tilburg, Some visual
effects on video/Computer
Im helping him with creating
effects. And maybe we will
use some of those effects in
an trance demo.
But this will take some time
to create B-coz we have an
permanent time problem.@

(We discovered that there is
 more than only amiga in
 this world, and we want
 also have a social live)

È                               The following pages are    typed by our great graphics              MAN                                              Listening to the name :                                            ThD                                                                        

dAllright, gotta tell
something about my idea of
the future.
My bossy told me so
  (ROXY? eh.. RIOX).... 

Well, eh, I think .. well
since I'm very busy in the
(cel) animation business it
will be VERY difficult to do
very much in the future, but
I will continue to make Riox
and Dave's lives very hard.

  (If they still love me?)

                                                                                                                        -* Commercial Break *-                                                                                                                                                     

dWatch out for da new
     VrroeMm?! productions.
Some sensitive productions.
by a nut-artist and a 
nut-musician. All VrroeMm!?
stuff is ofcourse done by
the magnificent DESIRE

È                              Next will speak our newest             member.                   He is a coder,          He is a man with style,   He is the sunny side of live,                                      He is Dave.                                                                   

dHi I'am Dave in the
codersroom of Desire.
Ofcourse you ask your self
who the fuck is Dave,
well I'am a new member of
Desire Amiga. In the future
you can expect some
productions coded by me.

dSoon after the release of
this production, Desire will
release a production for
VRroeMm?! and i will code it.
The graphics (by thd) will
be O.K, the codeing will be
O.K (i guess), but the music
(by fabian), can hardly
called music. I hope this
will be changed. 

dA other production that
will be released in the near
future is Tetramania Yes a
famous game, but this one
will designed by THD,
coded by Dave and the music
comes from Ratbone.
I hope to have the time to
release this game before
the end of this year.

dWell you can expect this
from me, in the future.
And now this will be the end
of my text, becouse im sick
of typing text, and i have
better things to do.

È                               Now comes a musician with  many diferent styles of music                              He wrote a lot of songs but only a few of them were used.Stil for me he is the best          song writer                                             Here comes RatBone      

È                                He left the Amiga scene            and went PC                                      He gived coders always moral           support.             Now terrorizing on the PC            Next is                                           Lord Soth (ex. Ramon B5)   8

–                               Yes!!  Again the Credits.   That's becouse we are proud      on this production                                                                  Also the contact adresses        for contacting us.                                                               


This 5-Track-Music-Disk
is produced together with :

Coding ----------------- Riox
Graphics ---------------- ThD
Music ---------------- Fabian
MoralSuport ------- Lord Soth
       thanks friend's      


To contact the coders from

 Write to Riox, Dave or

          Write to : 

ú                                  Holger Thiebosch             Dr Ahausstraat 398           5042 EM Tilburg              Holland                                               - No Demo swapping.          - Trading coding solutions.  - Just fun and friendship.                               


  To contact ThD of DeSiRe.

          Write to : 

d                                  Ton Habraken                 St Annastraat 14             Hilversum                    Holland