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2010-12-27 23:04:08
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all-time: 358


$VER: Cracktro for Fairlight V1.00 (12-May-94) by 	 / Desire 

[Da animal Desire-Posse kicks]
[ya charming face with]
[another rulin' Cracktro!]
[This time for our friends in]
[The staff behind this crap:]
[amazing bytes: Kernal]
[design & layout: Chaos!]
[tasty chippy: Zoef]
[Besides, this one is a]
[with a pretty proportional]
[Ofcourse, tested on all]
[Released in the middle of]
[the raining may]
[Chaos! has to torture ya now]
[with boring words and some]
[personal greetings.]
[At first sorry to all my]
[friends worldwide for my]
[smart delay in the last time.]
[You knew my little problems,]
[but now I'm back with a new]
[configuration......great stuff!]
[By the way, look on disk!]
[There are some ANSI's for you.]
[Please taste this kind of art!]
[And to all german right-wings:]
[Our dreams and desires for]
[freedom are full of idyllic]
[images inspired by our]
[lovely planet.....]
[So, why in the hell, still]
[exist such fuckin' brains,]
[which attacks our foreign]
[friends here in germany?]
[Hey you motherfuckers!]
[Well, enough earnest words.]
[Back to fun, here the greetz]
[(I hope they agree with me!?)]
[Beachy / Ivory]
[Coming Art / Independent]
[Covenant / Cadaver]
[Coyote / Kronical]
[Cyclon / Eskimos]
[Decadance / Vision]
[Deceiver / Decnite]
[Dire / The Dark Demon]
[Duke / Abyss]
[Dynamite / Rebels]
[Eliot / Status O.K.]
[Exciter / Rebels]
[Excess / Rebels]
[Fashion / Static Bytes]
[Fate / Outlaws]
[Flynn / Outlaws]
[Frame / Medicine]
[Ghandy / Rebels]
[Gigabyte / Iris]
[Gold Dragon / Chillblains]
[Hacksaw / Chrome]
[Hunter / The Fun Factory]
[Hysteric / Unlimited]
[Iron / Mad Elks]
[Jay Master / ex-Public Enemy]
[Lenin / Freezers]
[Limbo / Razor 1911]
[Loony / Saturne]
[Lord / Absolute!]
[Malarky / ex-Infect]
[Marble / Humane]
[MDB / Vision]
[Mercus / Fanatic]
[Mista King / still Scoopex?]
[Napoleon / Dreamdealers]
[N.Gene / Look4D]
[Nop / Saints]
[Optic / Banana Dezign]
[Orak / Intense]
[Overdose / Delicious]
[Pozz / C-Lous]
[Prime / Razor 1911]
[Pride / Razor 1911]
[Purple Haze / D-29]
[Python / TRSI]
[Rave / ex-Manitou]
[Razorblade / Balance]
[Redman / Mad Elks]
[Slash / Rebels]
[Snuffy / Scoopex]
[Splatterhead / Black Jack]
[Stan / Illusion]
[Steady / Majic 12]
[Sting / Alcatraz]
[The Hitcher / Angelica Prod.]
[TNT / Vision]
[Trader / Fear]
[Trasher / Sanity]
[Tuner / Hemoroids]
[Ufo / IDK]
[Vortex / Bronx]
[Zenit / Compact Inc.]
[Zibi / Flying Cows Inc.]
[And ofcoz to all captive]
[animals outta there...]
[...I know, I forgot a lotsa]
[mates, but this is not the]
[last production by the]
[KnC-Label of Desire.]
[So look out for our Trackmo]
['True Performance']
[There will be of course a]
[complete greetingslist.]
[Kernal here, but don't worry,]
[I'll make it short (hey Chaos!).]
[Now sum greetz to my friends]
[in the following groups:]
[Absolute! - Bronx - Byteriders]
[Delite - Diffusion - Digital]
[Escape - Infect - Interactive]
[Jetset - Look4D - MDR - Mystic]
[Narcosis - Pearl - Rebels]
[Scoopex - Star Rom]
[Status O.K. - Stellar - Taurus]
[Team Extreme - Trance Inc.]
[TRSI - Vision - X-Treme]
[and sum independent guys...]
[And, if you are an owner of]
[an A4000/040, search my addy]
[and write me, thanx!]
[Okay, bye for now...]
[Kernal of da Desire-posse!]
[a Desire production in 1994]
[published under the]
['two souls - one thought']
[.....tested on animals.....]
[Nonsense restarts again!]