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38 409 bytes (37.51K)
File date:
2011-02-02 23:03:34
Download count:
all-time: 433


pom pom pom    
intromuz 1     
last betrayal  
chiptune 12k   
disco zax      
enter adverts  

MODULE : POM POM POM           
AUTHOR .... ....               
Chipper / Desire               
LENGTH : 13                    
PATTERNS : 6                   
INSTRUMENTS : 7                
SIZE : 11402                   
PLAYTIME : 1: 47               

AUTHOR .... ....               
LENGTH : 13                    
PATTERNS : 7                   
INSTRUMENTS : 7                
SIZE : 18022                   
PLAYTIME : 1: 17               

MODULE : INTROMUZ 1            
AUTHOR .... ....               
Heatbeat / Carillon            
LENGTH : 13                    
PATTERNS : 4                   
INSTRUMENTS : 8                
SIZE : 15202                   
PLAYTIME : 1: 23               

AUTHOR .... ....               
LENGTH : 12                    
PATTERNS : 9                   
INSTRUMENTS : 10               
SIZE : 13980                   
PLAYTIME : 1: 24               

MODULE : CHIPTUNE 12K          
AUTHOR .... ....               
Nuke / Lemon                   
LENGTH : 11                    
PATTERNS : 10                  
INSTRUMENTS : 11               
SIZE : 12416                   
PLAYTIME : 1: 40               

MODULE : ONE                   
AUTHOR .... ....               
Strobo / Stellar               
LENGTH : 12                    
PATTERNS : 8                   
INSTRUMENTS : 5                
SIZE : 12096                   
PLAYTIME : 1: 22               

MODULE : SWEATBEAT             
AUTHOR .... ....               
Slammie / Disaster             
LENGTH : 11                    
PATTERNS : 7                   
INSTRUMENTS : 9                
SIZE : 10622                   
PLAYTIME : 1: 25               

MODULE : DISCO ZAX             
AUTHOR .... ....               
Mel o" Dee / Shining           
LENGTH : 10                    
PATTERNS : 7                   
INSTRUMENTS : 5                
SIZE : 10308                   
PLAYTIME : 1: 16               

AUTHOR .... ....               
LENGTH : 6                     
PATTERNS : 4                   
INSTRUMENTS : 4                
SIZE : 9900                    
PLAYTIME : 0: 46               

MODULE : METR0MIX              
AUTHOR .... ....               
Turtle / Accession             
LENGTH : 8                     
PATTERNS : 7                   
INSTRUMENTS : 14               
SIZE : 9772                    
PLAYTIME : 0: 30               

AUTHOR ..........              
Legend / Parallax              
LENGTH : 5                     
PATTERNS : 5                   
INSTRUMENTS : 9                
SIZE : 7652                    
PLAYTIME : 0: 31               

MODULE : KUKKO                 
AUTHOR ..............          
Groo / Virtual Dreams          
LENGTH : 4                     
PATTERNS : 4                   
INSTRUMENTS : 11               
SIZE : 7424                    
PLAYTIME : 0: 15               

AUTHOR .........               
Hawk / Sanctuary               
LENGTH : 12                    
PATTERNS : 4                   
INSTRUMENTS : 4                
SIZE : 6178                    
PLAYTIME : 1: 32               

 .... .... and now we decided to give ya the second issue of our funky chipchop .... we hope you find this issue even more interesting than the first one .... we do anyway!!!! right .... as you can see .... no bugs!!!! well .... at first we would like to thank all those lovely people whose have supported us in a way or another .... you were a great help mates .... keep in touch!!!! okey .... it would be a good time for the credits .... coding by venture .... all graffix and design by mel .... tunes by various talented artists .... and packing by mick and nsa!!!! now a short perioid of quite sunny text .... from our elegant partner called chipper ....     ....go ahead daddy!!!!   ..yo mamas and papas !! its da fucking chipper of desire here. so, i thought it would be kewl to write sum lines for this .produkktion. too. and as usual you will find sum messages for my contacts at the end of this text of mine ! .. but first i have to push you.. send own made chip tunes and swapping etc. advertisements to one of the editors of this nice chipchop !! without your help this will not be easy for us to continue releasing thiz... so, keep on sending tunes and adverts to us !!  first of all i want to send the great fuckings to the one and only.. almost skid row subgroup called... jetshit or was it jetset or something.. i cant remember such a shitty group.. .  .. .  then a same kind of message to a guy from iris who said ...  why you had the same tunes in your chip chop than in chipmania ??  well, i wanna say to him that how the hell we can know which tunes they have in their chipmania, coz it is impossible for us to get every issue of chipmania !!! anyway, who cares about it.. -what hell- ( hevosvaras mainos !! ) ... .. . . . hmm, then something other..      there have been sum rumours that desire is dead... do you think we are dead ?? does a dead group release such nice productions like thiz ?? no, so we are still alive and kicking... there have been sum changes in desire, but if i start telling you about those, you will be there sitting on our chair and reading this shitty scroll.. so, lets cut thiz crap now....  now i am in a deep need of sending sum messages to my good friends.. first the internal messages.  lets begin with our subgroup called - facets pussy -  ... well, i think you have found a really good name for yourself. i hope to see some very cool prods. from you in future. especially i want to greet ramon b5 for beeing so nice to me and keeping up the hope. then sacha.. you have done much nice lately. i appreciate that. you are the fucking best !! greets also to thd, riox and fabian !!      then lets continue with grolsch prods.  well, you guys are weird. first i thought you are the most productive members, but now i have to say that i was wrong. i have not heard anything about you guys in a great time.. so, what is up with you ?? i would really like to see sum preview gfx and code for my musicdisk. so, please try to send something to me and sooooon !!!  - bip ... well, i think you have done well in belgium, but i cannot say the same in the u.k .. well, most of the guys you took in were totally losers, but they will not be our members anymore !! i am very strict about these britons.. anyway, you are one of the best, too. but dont expect too much power to your hands !!  - germanians ... i dont know anything about you, so please pseudolukian and skyfox contact me as soon as possible !! - finnish dudes ... you are the best !! too much booze last thursday ?? anttikin pyori lattialla, vai ?? no, mulle tuli hiukka kiire, kun linkki lahti ja niin pois pain !! anyway, keep up the good work, perkele !!   - englishmen ... your first production must be very good. if its not, i have to do someting about it !!  .. no more internal messages ..   now, just the greets to my other contacts and friends !!!   lets go !!!   jugi/complex  -  bundy/sonic  -  supra/equinox  -  batman  -  bass/no soul  -  htd/vectra  -  billy the kid/skandal  - macno  -  vyrzel/calibra(?) ... jokerit suxx 4ever !!  -  wiper/interactive(?)  -  hifi/alpha flight  -  kalashnikov/x-trade  -  scott/spaceballs  -  2 amigos/wizzcat  -  virus  -  darky/equinox  -  prayer/banal projects  -  tint/?  -  joc and rize from out of the ordinary  -  raver  -  bad karma/atomic  -  terminator/tnc  -  bearer/calibra  -  dexter ( hillo karkas taas !!! ) .. .. . ... no other greetings !! only thing left is my address.. so, if you want to contact chipper for swapping modules and music things, just write to my add. also membership things..   chipper of desire ( whq )       karsikkotie 1 c50      fin-40340 jyvaskyla      finland      and heres my phone number ...   +358-41-685514 and ask for pasi !!   nothing more to write this time, so i hope to see ya all in our comming productions. especially i look forward to see you all reading my texts and listening my pieces in in my forthcoming musaxdisk !!   see ya, pals !!!        the mighty leader, chipper of desire is having a great hangover !!!    cya !!       okey....that was chipper....thanks matley!!!!! we promise to you all to create a very special third issue with the best pieces of music and adverts because we have a great reason to do that .... you will find that out somewhere around of may when the next issue will be released!!! see you all then .... and please not forget to contact us for any reason!!! greetings to all our mates! !!!             this issue was released at the week 17                                       

 |        \/\ COMPACT INC. /\/        |
 |                                    |
 |                                    |
 | For swapping the latest in a speed |
 | you never have seen before, simply |
 |             write to:              |
 |                                    |
 |                                    |
 |         Zenit/Compact Inc.         |
 |           Rustadvegen 36           |
 |            2830 Raufoss            |
 |               Norway               |
 |                                    |
 |                                    |
 |                                    |
 |                                    |
 |                                    |
 |         "Keep it Compact!"         |
 -         -       -      -    -  - --+
         FOR ACE ELITE TRADING         
            Herrmanskarrv. 7           
            SF-65610 Smedsby           
            Amiga / C64 Wares          
         Also musictape trading!       
        ...Hardcore Screams to         
    Alcatraz,Agnostic Front,Absolute   
   Cryptoburners,The Movement,Damones  
    Legend,Majic 12,Dual Crew,Chrome   
 +-- -  -    -     -      -           -
    o                             o    
    o      cOlOrbiRd/nOxiOuS      o    
    o   =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   o    
    o      Johan Andersson        o    
    o      Kaskog.18nb            o    
    o      S-16476 Kista          o    
    o      sWeDeN                 o    
    o                             o    
    o                             o    
    o  Nog is STILL not enough !  o    
    o                             o    
    o                             o    
    o  If u dont have a Noxious   o    
    o  contact then write !!!!!   o    
    o                             o    
    o  New OWN prods = answer !!  o    
        _    ___  _    __   ___  ___   
       /_\  / _ \/_\  / /  / _ \/ _ \  
      / _ \/ // / _ \/ /__/ // / // /  
     / / \/\/ \/\/ \/\___/\___/\_  /   
    / /_______________       ___/ /    
    *   If you need more contacts   *  
   *          than contact:          * 
    *       MR.KING OF ANALOG       *  
   *                                 * 
    *         Joerg Goedden         *  
   *          Postfach 3143          * 
    *      4240 Emmerich/Elten      *  
     *           Germany           *   
      *                           *    
       *   Some greets fly to:   *     
     There IS life after death!!!      
      Groo / Virtual Dreams            
                  for an example.      
    Are you a good musician composing  
   original tunes? (AM I?!) Interested 
   in slow swapping with long letters? 
      Chick Corea? Pekka Pohjola?      
       Contact Groo: Sami Jarvinen     
                     Sumupolku 1       
                     13500 HML         
  !su etov !su etov !su etov !su etov  
             Virtual Dreams            
        -luonnevikaiset banaanit       
 ___/\     .   :____    __/\           
 |?/:\\    :  /¿  \//\ /°   \   \/     
 |:\::\\/\_:__\..\/ \ \. |\=/   //\___ 
 | :\. // _:/ :\ °\/\\/: |/ \   /\ ___\
 |____//_°_.\_!___// \|: |\ _\_/\/ °__ 
     /..\..\  |  //: /|:_| \../? \/ ?/.
    \\_____/--+--\_¿/  :    \/\:__..:..
 .  /\        |    :   .       :  \/: .
 .            :    .           .    ¿ .
 .            .                       .
 : ..... to get the latest ........   :
 :.. .                                :
 :          N.S.A. / DESIRE           :
 :           RIISTAPOLKU 4            :
 :           SF-60100  SJK         .  .
 .              FINLAND            .  .
 .                                 .   
        ..... Only ELITE !!!!      :   
 .  . . .. ... ....................:...
      . .. ... /\ \/  //  /\/\/\\//:Mel
 /       /\____  /\__  __            \/
 \       \ o__.\/o__.\ \o\  /\        \
 /\      ///_ \_\/  \.\ \\\/./       \/
 \      /o__/ /o/   /./ /o ./         \
 /\     \\\___X\\__/./ ///\.\        \/
 \       \o ___X____ \/o/  \.\   /\   \
 /\       \_\       \_\/    \_\ CpR! \/
 \                               \/   \
 /\  CoNtAcT sUpRa FoR               \/
 \        sWaPpInG gFx AnD oThErS..   \
 /\      _____________________       \/
 \      /---------------------\       \
 /\    /     Supra/Equinox     \     \/
 \     \/      M.Saalamo      \/      \
 /\    /  Pupuhuhdant.12 D 56  \     \/
 \     \/    FIN-40340 JKL    \/      \
 /\    /     F I N L A N D     \     \/
 \     \/---------------------\/      \
            A L C A T R A Z            
         ~ Liberte  Toujours           
            A L C A T R A Z            
 |        \/\ COMPACT INC. /\/        |
 |                                    |
 |                                    |
 | If you want to get the very latest |
 | from the hottest MBBS close to the |
 | North-Pole, simply do nothing than |
 |                dial:               |
 |                                    |
 |                                    |
 |      ->  T O O N  T O W N  <-      |
 |                                    |
 |            +47-61-90355            |
 |                                    |
 |       SysOp: OnLine/Compact        |
 |      CoSysOp:  Zenit/Compact       |
 |                                    |
 |                                    |
 |         "Keep it Compact!"         |
 ___/\     .   :____    __/\           
 |?/:\\    :  /¿  \//\ /°   \   \/     
 |:\::\\/\_:__\..\/ \ \. |\=/   //\___ 
 | :\. // _:/ :\ °\/\\/: |/ \   /\ ___\
 |____//_°_.\_!___// \|: |\ _\_/\/ °__ 
     /..\..\  |  //: /|:_| \../? \/ ?/.
    \\_____/--+--\_¿/  :    \/\:__..:..
 .  /\ tEsTeD | oN : aNiMaLs!! :  \/: .
 .            :    .           .    ¿ .
 .            .                       .
 :          GaBbA GabbA JeE...        :
 :.. .                                :
 :           MICK 0F DESIRE           :
 :            PiiLikuja 11            :
 :            Sf-6O10o SJK         .  .
 .              FinLand!           .  .
 .                                 .   
        (.. .,.f0r sWabBiNg..!)    :   
 .  . . .. ... ....................:...
      . .. ... /\ \/  //  /\/\/\\//:Mel
 / // // //  K=R=A=F=T=E=D  \\ \\ \\ \ 
 \/.EvER hEARd AbOUt uS? WRiTe NoW!.\/ 
 /\eXTrA-CoOL PRiZEs FoR ThE CoOLEsT/\ 
 \/      ->->->SWapPINg<-<-<-       \/ 
 /\      ->ToNiC Of KrAfTEd<-       /\ 
 \/      ->KuMMuNMaENTiE 19<-       \/ 
 /\      ->41160 TiKKaKoSKi<-       /\ 
 \/      ->->->FiNLaNd!<-<-<-       \/ 
 ()======!DiSK = 100% ANsWEr!=======() 
 /\:~~   ->JOiNiNG ANd SWaP<-~~~~~~:/\ 
 \/:     ->CLoNE Of KrAfTEd<-      :\/ 
 /\.     -->SaMMaLKuJa 1 D<--      ./\ 
 \/.     ->36220 KaNGaSaLa2<-      .\/ 
 /\      ->->->FiNLaNd!<-<-<-       /\ 
 \/.bE FaST'n'CoOL ANd YoU MaY WiN!.\/ 
 \ \\ \_ARoUNd WoRLd ANd BeYONd_/ // / 
       ____/\____   _  /\  _____/\_    
       \  /  \_  \_/ \/  \/  __   /    
        \/   /   / __  __/___  \_/     
        /   /   /   /   \   /   \      
       /   /   /   /    /  /    /      
       \__/___/___/    /\______/       
       0o. FOR ELITE TRADING .o0       
            ( DARK / NXS! )            
              4152 KEMPEN              
 _____ ____ ___ __ _ __ ___ ____ _____ 
  _____                            __  
 .\    |mEtsARUlEZdESiGNliVES4EVER/ /. 
 |\) x |                         / (/| 
 | _  _|/\ ____  ____________ __/ __ | 
 | \\/    Y    \/    )   )   Y  \/\/ | 
 |  )\  x !   x ) ( /_ \/  x ! (\_(  | 
 | / (    :    /  |(  \ ~)   :  ~) \ | 
 |/!Z!\___.___(|__| \___/\___.__|   \| 
 . .                               . . 
 :.    !!!Do Not EVER CoNTACT!!!    .: 
 .                                . .: 
  .   - -+ ZoMbiE / PoORSofT +- -  .:| 
 : .                                .| 
 |.   .       Polvitie  8          . : 
 |:.       41160  Tikkakoski      .  . 
 |.             FINLAND             .: 
 :                                 . . 
 . !No diSK-BACk-SERViCE FoR lAMERS!   
 _____ ____ ___ __ _ __ ___ ____ _____ 
   __     __     __    _    __  __     
   \o\_/\/o_\/\ /o_\/\//o/\/__\/o_\/\  
    \  _ \/_\_/ \_\\_/\\_\ / // /_\_/  
    / //\ \_\ _/\ \\__/ // ~~/ ___/_   
   / /_\/ /__/ \ \/  / // /~\\_\__/ \  
   \_____/___/\/\___/_//_/  /_/___/\/  
        :. Tested On Animals .:    CpR!
   ContACT ChiPpeR For Module/Sample   
  schwapping at :                      
                  -= Chipper/DSR =-    
    Also things    Karsikkot.1 c50     
    considering   -=FIN-40340 JKL=-    
     MEMBERSHIP   -=   FINLAND   =-    
   should be sent                      
    to the same add....                
 _                                    _
   \ .............................. /  
        _________   _____   _____      
      _/     |  /_ /    |-A/    |      
      |  ____| /  V  ___|_/\  __:S     
      |  __: _/ : |  \__ |  \_  |W     
      |  |   |  | |    : |      |E     
            AiRBRAiN / FRoGS           
            Faltharev. 9               
            S-722 43 Vasteras          
               - + -                   
            DoT / fROGs                
            RoBErt Ekberg              
            Furunasv. 82               
            S-941 39 Pitea             
            bOTh In SWEDEN             
         L A S E R   D A N C E         
     For nice friendship and elite     
     mailtrading contact Agony at:     
         Agony of Laser Dance          
            Ingmar Eichner             
             Dahlienweg 3              
           W-4407 Emsdetten            
         - We FiGhT ThE GrEy -         
 |        \/\ COMPACT INC. /\/        |
 |                                    |
 |                                    |
 | For swapping the latest in a speed |
 | you never have seen before, simply |
 |             write to:              |
 |                                    |
 |                                    |
 |         Ikon/Compact  Inc.         |
 |         Wirtzfelder Weg 14         |
 |          4750  Butgenbach          |
 |              Belgium               |
 |                                    |
 |                                    |
 |                                    |
 |                                    |
 |                                    |
 |         "Keep it Compact!"         |
 /\___/\___/\  __/\____/\___/\___      
 \o _.\o __\o\_\.\__o _\o __\o _.\     
  \\\\.\\\_ \__  .\ \\\ \\\_ \\\\.\    
  / o\\.\o\___/o/\.\ \o\/ o\__\o _~\   
  \_____/_____\ \ \/ /_/\______\ \\_\  
               \/               \/     
           Is Looking For An           
          -= E  L  I  T  E =-          
            Group To Join...           
    So, groups who need a musician,    
    contact me as soon as possible !   
 :........   /\/ De%ter \/\   ........:
  :........  Karsikkot.5 A5  ........: 
   :........ FIN-40340  JKL ........:  
    :........   FINLAND    ........:   
        - A L C A T R A Z -            
          ~McDisk-The diskmag!         
             - A L C A T R A Z -       
        .oO   A T O M I C   Oo.        
         FuNkY DuDeZ, CoNtAcT:         
           BaD KaRmA / AtOmIc          
         LaToKaRtAnOnTiE 49 B 5        
               28300 PoRi              
            FaSt GrEeTz To:            
  - ALphA FLigHt - BaLaNcE - DaMoNeS - 
 - DeSiRe - DrEaMDeALeRs - DuAL CrEw - 
    - EqUiNoX - FaIrLiGhT - LeGeNd -   
   - MaJiC 12 - MoVeMeNt - PaRaSiTe -  
 - PuRe MeTaL CoDeRs - SaNiTy - SoNiC -
         - StELLaR - X-TrAdE -         
       /\/\-> D A M O N E S <-/\/\     
          JOHN PEEL of DAMoNES         
               SAAVIKATU 1             
              20780 KAARINA            
       /\/\-> D A M O N E S <-/\/\     
 AdDeR oF X-TrAdE                      
 SeEkS FoR CoNtAcTs                    
 So WrItE To:                          
 951 49 LuLeA                          
 GrEeTiNgS To:                         
 Astro Of Movement                     
 Biscrok Of Supplex                    
 D-lite Of D-29                        
 Equalizer Of Chrome                   
 Exthalion Of Addonic                  
 Freddy Of Centura                     
 Hiro Of Liquid                        
 Rockdazone Of Destiny                 
 X3m Of Rage                           
     ____  ________   ____  _______    
    /   /\/   __   \ /   /\/   __  \   
   //  / //  /\/   ///  / //  /\/__/\  
  //  / //      __///  / _\____   /    
 /   / /   /\   \ /   / /   /\/  /     
 \__/ /___/ /___/\\__/  \_______/      
  \ \ \   \ \   \  \ \   \      \      
  IRIS germany needs more members      
 Coders n Artists,take your chance!    
 Contact the GermanHQ (EPIC of IRIS)   
  EPIC * POSTLAGERND * 2084 Rellingen  
 On the 01-07-93 it is 25462 Rellingen 
    Friendly mailtrading , too !       
   / ______________________________ \  
  ( /                              \ ) 
  ((    -+*# S T Y L I N E #*+-     )) 
  ((                                )) 
  (( Contact Wasp/Styline for Coo0l )) 
  ((friendship or ELITE mailtrading:)) 
  ((                                )) 
  ((          Wasp/Styline          )) 
  ((         Vesa Halttunen (Write  )) 
  ((          Oskarinkatu    This)  )) 
  ((        41160 Tikkakoski        )) 
  ((            Finland             )) 
  ((                                )) 
  (( Disk=100% answer,long letters! )) 
  ((                                )) 
  ( \______________________________/ ) 
    /\\\  ______/\____/\    /\  /\__/\ 
   //~ \\ \____  /___  //\ //\\//\  /\ 
  / \/\///\ __/ /___/ ///\\~ / \  \ \  
 /(CPR)// // __// ___// \ ~_//\ \ / /  
 \  / // //  \__\ \___\  \/ /\/  \ /   
  \/\//_/ \___________\\___/\____//    
      We are back and we need NEW      
     CONTacts.. So, \ \                
                   _/ /                
                   \  /                
     Contact us for \/swapping the     
              2 Amigos/WIZZCAT         
 (no losers)    P.O.Box  119           
 (only ELITE)  FIN-94101 Kemi          
          Contact CALIBRA              
      For (lazy?) swapping or joining: 
         Bearer (ex-Zedi)              
         Vilpunlaakso 8                
         92130 RAAHE                   
 Tel: +358-(9)82-2236250/Mikko         
      For fast swapping (only):        
         V-M Poikola                   
         Kinniantie 5                  
         69950 PERHO                   
 Greetz to:-Lemon-Skid Row-Legend-Frogs
        .oO   A T O M I C   Oo.        
        KewL MuSiCiAnS, CoNtAcT:       
           BaD KaRmA / AtOmIc          
         LaToKaRtAnOnTiE 49 B 5        
               28300 PoRi              
   100% AnSwEr To aLL KewL MuSiCiAnS!  
  __/\_____/\____/\_  __/\___/\____    
  \    __/  _  \    \/  :  |  .   /    
  /   __/   |\_/ :   \  |  |__|__/(A)! 
  \   | \   | :  |   /\__  | |   \     
   \  |  \  | |  |  /      | :    \    
    \_|   \_| ¯\___/\______|_______:   
  cOnTAcT AiRBRAiN fOr fRiENdlY SWaP!  
      +--                   ---+       
      |   AiRBRAiN / FRoGS     |       
            Faltharev. 9               
      :   S-722 43 Vasteras    +       
      |       S!WEDEN          |       
      |        - + -           :       
      +----               =----|       
 Fast greetz to the following dudes:   
 JSP (Submission) # Sal-One (TRSI) #   
 Phantom (Centura) # Liberator (       
 Movement) # Telekinetic (TFA) #       
 Black Eagle (Rangers) # and to        
 Radavi, Native and Acute from         
 HAWK oF sAnCTuArY                     
 -+#%      S A N C T U A R Y       %#+-
 -:-> Where we come from there is no   
      darkness... <-:-                 
\___    /_     /    \  _    /\___ |  | 
 |  \__/ \____/ |    \ \___/_ \   |  | 
 |  | \   _/_   |_/   \_/_  |  \__   |_
 |  |  \__   \_ |     /   \ |   \_    /
 |  |    /    / |    /    //     /   / 
 | _|\__/__  /__|\  /__  /____  /_  /  
 |          .oO REMEDY Oo.             
 : ---> UnlImItEd BRaInStOrMinG <---   
 °   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -     
     :      cREepS  ReMedy       :     
 :   |      DaNiEl SoBOtTa       |     
     °    MUrTzaNeR  RiNg 18     .     
 O   |       1140  BeRLiN        |     
     .          GeRManY          °     
     :                           |     
     |   ---> OnLY LEgAl <---    :     
     ° nO dIsK   <-->   No rEplY |     
     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -     
           .oOo. PANIC .oOo.           
              Dux of Panic             
             Robert Salzmer            
           Rathsfelderstr. 1           
            Nordhausen 5500            
          Friedship Rulez !!!          
   2 Disks + Long Letter = My Answer   
 X       /\______  ____  |\________   X
 X      /  \_    \|    | |______   \  X
 X     /   / \  / |    | |   | /   /  X
 X     \/\ \__\/  |    | |  __/   /   X
 X     /  \___  \ |    | |  \____/    X
 X    /    \_/   \| /\ | |   |RGB     X
 X   /      \    /|/  \| |   |        X
 X  | __________/ /    \ | __|        X
 X  |/           /      \|/           X
 X  :           /________:            X
 X  Wanna Swap Th3 Lat3St pd-Stuff?   X
 X         Contact RGB/S!P            X
 X        Torsten  Wiermann           X
 X           Wodanstr. 8              X
 X        8500 Nuernberg 40           X
 X          G e r m a n y             X
 X                                    X
  Contact me 4 swapping da latest at:  
        .oO Wizard/Centura Oo.         
               Rak 99                  
               8446 NM                 
        .oO    Holland     Oo.         
       Some hello's must go to:        
  Alcatraz, Crystal, AFL, Sanity, AF,  
  TEK, Effect, Legend, Stellar, TSB,   
  Cyanide, Absolute, Interpol, Nova,   
  Wizzcat, Vicious, Parasite, Exact,   
  Noxious, LaserDance, Pleasure, M12,  
  Elysion, Analog, X-Trade, Solution,  
  And da rest...                       
   BTW: I'm looking 4 a new group...   
 GabBa GaBba Jeeeee .... ....          
 Feel free to contact us if you want to
 publish your advert on soon coming    
 issues of CHIPCHOP!!!!!               
 In CHIPCHOP your FORMAT IS 38x20!!!!!!
 We will not publish any  adverts which
 are made on paper. Only adverts on    
 disk will be puplished!!!!!           
 We  will send  your disc back with the
 latest issue of CHIPCHOP!!!!!         
 You are also warmly welcome to send us
 your  Chip-tune(s)  so we could spread
 them through  following issues of  our
 CHIPCHOP!!!!!!!!!! People want you!!!!
 Do not be passive ...... be active and
 help us  to keep this production alive
 ........... just contact us ..........
    RIISTAPOLKU 4    <=-- F0r FrEe ....
     SF-60100 SJK      AdVeRtiSeMeNtS!!
 F0r 0riGiNaL ....      PIILIKUJA 11   
   ChIp-TuNeS!! --=>    SF-60100 SJK   