cult dk intro
fusion intro
magic intro
solaris demo
starlight intro
subzero intro
raw diskmag intro
symbiosis intro
magic design intro
hiho !! this is slick of design !! this time i present to you the first edition of my new pack-serie
called *killing bullets* hope ya like and spread them !!! if ya have some new and cool demos,intros,
dentros,mintros,mentros or something like that send them immediatly to the following addy slick
of design *dont write* lars petersen johannisburgerstrasse 17 2850 bremerhaven united
germany *only legal* credits : coding by shadow gfx by flite sfx by lonestar now the long
awaited greetinx will follow handshakes to all this cool guys *no order* : amaze *damion,fred,
mercy* panic-agnostic front *backlash,funky,sniper* tsb *doc dre,rebel mc,doc ice,dj magic,speedhawk*
lsd *undertaker,prisoner,unlimited* pirates *eazy e,cap,disaster* trsi *daryl,rave,sorehead* paradise
*brutus,mr.magnose* mexx *spy,lui,murdog* trackers *adventurer,tco,raf,mumu* hardline *powerswap,
slicer,crony* timezone *thorion,avenue* cult *cooper* awesome *wonderboy,blacktrooper* energy *greili*
d-tect *mr.x* contrast *bootbuster* vouge *trax* unlimited *climax* sharks *miker g.* vanish *aerobas*
paranoid *spiv* elicma *nightmare* symbiosis *zigzag* risk inc. *willow* tech *tronix* majic 12 *quaterman*
dazzle *wizard* untouchables *indy* the hidden *incognito* flash productions *cedric* dual crew *yoghurt*
axis *kr 33,fresh* anarchy *surfer* devils *mr.keel* delight *krom* sonic *murk* frantic *sledge,robin*
complex*mike d.* addonic *dragon* wizzcat *brainbuster* kefrens *krueger* airborne *pimpf* x-trade *manta*
eurofront *wotw* antarix *art* the dark demon *zomox* lunatic earls *the master,mr.fah* deffpaccers *doc bb*
vlsi *dagobert* courage *pennywise* cyborx *techno-priest* enzym *lucifer* awake *art* precise *zak,
mr.n,d-sign,merlin* independent *agnus,mr.steel* and to all other i forgot ..... scroller restarts