File Archive

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File size:
1 680 bytes (1.64K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:06
Download count:
all-time: 18


                     _____   ______ _______  |||   ___   __
  PROBLEMS WITH     )  __ \ /  ____)  __   )(. .) (   ) /  )  THE TOP IS AT
  YOUR COOL A1200? /  / /  )  /_  /  / /  /_/c /__/  /_/  /  THE BOTTOM/THE
  TRY AND TYPE    /==/ /= /==___)/==/_(==/_ ==____)=__ ==/ BOTTOM IS AT THE
  'E' BEFORE THE /  / /  /  /   /  ______)/  /  /  / /  /    TOP!..........
  DESIRED DEMO/ /  /_(  /  /___/  /      /  /  /  / /  /  /\  OR MAYBE:
  WHATEVER?!   (________)______)__)     (___) (__/ (___) =CC= WE GO DEEPER?
                                                          \/  YOU CHOOSE!
                     PRESENTS A NEW CRAPPY ANSI-PACK... 

          PACKING & ANSI BY...........................CURT COOL!
                   (JUST WAIT TILL I GET A CODED MENU!)
                        AND THIS ONE IS CALLED:
                        * UNDER THE SURFACE 3 *

          '1'..DCS=REBELS?............SMELLS LIKE TEAM SPIRIT II
          '2'..ALIEN ADENOIDS........................VULVA INTRO 
          '3'..IMAGINE..............................FLOW CHIPS 2
          '4'..LARD DESIGN.............................INTROTECH
          '6'..BLACK JACK...........................CHIP-PACK #1
          '7'..BLACK JACK................................WORMWAR

          Check the disk for infotxts about the ASSEMBLY and the 
          SOUTH SEALAND parties! The txt about SOUTH SEALAND is 
          especially important, since the date has been moved from 
          august to june... And that is final, and nothing but the 