File Archive

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File size:
487 bytes (487B)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:05
Download count:
all-time: 3


DEFJAM and CCS Proudly Present:
 HYBRIS Trainer by PHS of CCS  
[F1] Normal game   PAL/NTSC    
[F2] Many many Lives...        
[F3] Do not want do die...     

Yeeaah, HYBRIS from PHS of CCS. Cracked,normalised and trained by PHS of CCS in 20 hours. HARD WORK. I've heard that QUARTEX have been trying to crack it in 2 weeks now! This intro was made by PHS of CCS in 1024 bytes. Greetings to Red Sector,HQC,UNIT A,THRUST,Bamiga,Quartex,Megaforce and all others we know...