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File size:
1 489 bytes (1.45K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:05
Download count:
all-time: 2


 and another very great intro by the ultimativ defenders !!! it is called: spread it !!!! this code was created by ..... gresley  the logo was drawn by spin and the font was done by hooman !!!! the unbelievable soundtrack was composed hooman !!!!!!!!!.......... this intro was created to introduce our group !!! if you want to contact us .... call the snoopy under 06101 12565 !!!! (sysop einstein and cosysop gresley, sasquasch ) this group ( call us dns ) has the following members: gresley (code, modemswapper) ......... hooman (grafix, sounds) ......... spin (grafix) ......... black or byte (sounds) ......... supply fox (swapper und spielkind hehehe) !!!!            klingt imposant, oder ?!?   wir sind so frei .... denn kein atari ist dabei !!!!! dudidelduduschuwapp........           ohne worte            gelle !!!!! ach ja, bevor ichs vergesse ........ drohbriefe werden postwendend und kostenpflichtig zurueck geschickt !!!!!!  this scrolltext was hacked in by hooman (c)1992 !!!!! hehehe also ihr wisst jetzt wer fuer diesen ..... absoluten schwachsinn .... aeh .... verantwortlich ist !!!!.... nagut,  aeh ...... also was ich noch sagen wollte ..... aeh ....... also ..... wie waere es, wenn gresley auch was schreibt, mh ?!?!......mmmhhhh....... scheinbar nicht ..... nagut !!!!!! then here it is !!!!    the end           and don't forget:   the defenders ... they came from afar !!!!!!!      c u soon !!!!!