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File size:
3 263 bytes (3.19K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:05
Download count:
all-time: 12


Hello NOVA 2024!   Defekt with a little compo-filler intro again to remind everyone we're still alive and loving the AMIGAAAAAAA!!! one more time...
1st the credits:
Music : Synesthesia
Intro picture/logo : Suule
Code/GFX/Design : Rich
Decrunch ASCII logo : Decca / Rift
Rich on the keys with not much to say, other than thanks to everyone who made this intro possible:  Suule for the wicked intro picture, Ash for the dirty funking .mod,
Bifat/TEK for the Cranker and Leonard/Oxygene for the Light Speed Player!  
Apologies for the slight lameness of the chess-funk above, I ran out of time to get it looking 100% correct, but it's close enough now and not nearly as bad as
when I first coded it a week ago!       
Some quick greets flying out to Sadie, Mrs Beanbag, H0ffman, Bifat and anyone & everyone that's keeping the Amiga scene alive, you rock!
howdy do peeps!!!  i should be with u by now in the party place. arriving on the friday (pitty Subi couldnt join us), ahead of gaining as much alcohol
free beer as is humanly possible to fit in Fells car (within budget ofc). yes im not a total t-totler but i do like to smoke u see (vaping makes me cough). 
right about now u'll be hearing my durty lil tune, entitled "dirty fucker". all samples generated by myself ofc. its a god send having PT in windows now. 
can just drag n drop samples to it (tho i prefer to use Richie's software for that task. made me a tool foor converting, resampling and re-arranging samples
for mods. even has a nice lil synth built in (tho i mostly use renoise and Tone2's Incarus2 vsti to program sounds). but it still has its uses. is this enough
bullshit (truth as i dont lie, zero point in lying is there) richie? or do we need more?. i'll go a bit longer then, he can always cut it back a bit if needed. 
right now im sat in my living room, on a cloudy day :( bring on the sunshine of budleigh. i guess we're off to the beach at midnight, for some night bacon (RIP Mod/Redheat. 
they were a loverly person and unfortunatly only live on in our memorys. like so many others i could mention). thats me about done. but here r a few greets: 
all in Defekt, RiFT, SLP, TTE, Artstate, C0sine, Suule, Rc55, and Virgil of watever crew hes in :P            
Finally let's do some group greets to those we admire and love for still releasing stuff for our favourite ever computer and other machines:    
-RAZOR 1911-
      and of course : YOU!!!