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<root>­/­mirrors­/­amigascne­/­Scrollers­/­D-Groupstext­/­Defcon 1/Defcon1-GraveYardSymphony-menu.txt

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2024-09-05 01:10:04
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                         »»»»»> DEFCON ONE <«««««

                             proudly present:

                 G R A V E Y A R D   -   S Y M P H O N Y
              musics composed by The Comrade of Defcon One

Press:  F1     FOR     Endless Yearning          8/91          2:19 min.
        F2     FOR     9 Months                  5/92          1:17 min.
        F3     FOR     Olli W.                   4/92          2:54 min.
        F4     FOR     Loading-Tune              2/92          0:45 min.
        F5     FOR     Ragarena                  6/91          2:42 min.
        F6     FOR     Mrs.Dumb                 11/91          3:53 min.
        F7     FOR     Train to Nowhere          8/92          2:09 min.
        F8     FOR     Maid of Hateford          7/91          3:14 min.

            F9  to see the greetings and contact-adresses
            F10 to exit

all songs are completely composed by The Comrade of Defcon One,exept F4
(converted from Nintendo Gameboy). If you wanna make a game and don`t 
have somebody for the music,feel free to contact us. (p) DC1 in 1992