File Archive

File download


File size:
1 388 bytes (1.36K)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:50:23
Download count:
all-time: 249


     -  d e c a d e  - 

 the clan of gods is back
 mickey's memory challenge
       from infogrames 

     suplied by - prod
     cracked by - zoonie

 the credits:

code:       calypso-vanish
all gfx:       navy-vanish
music:      d-zire-silents

  - call our great boards -  
courts of chaos (ushq) 
celtic path (ehq) 
house of games (dhq) 
the unforgiven (ghq) 

 north star land (ghq) 
los endos (ghq) 
cemetary (sfhq) 
a weird dream  (chhq) 

 digital crime  (ihq) 
interchange    (shq) 
bigger and deffer (ghq) 

  call also our dist. sites
spag. house   490261-elite
intec systems 490201200678

 - mega greetings to - 

- toxic - perfection -
- zany - caesar - mrc -
- nutribrain - selim -
- rudi - halligalli -
- bruce lee - ice q -
- tom - shut berlin -
- and all other dudes!

 greets go to: 

 d y n a m i x 
 t a r k u s  t e a m 
 m i n i s t r y 
 p a r a d i s e 
 s c o o p e x 
 b e e r m a c h t 
 t r s i 

      right mousebutton

   to switch pal - ntsc !