File Archive

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File size:
838 bytes (838B)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:50:23
Download count:
all-time: 156


 A B A B A B A B A B A B  another BdeathstarA    now follows credits... code byABAB sAulBkyA felBlow... music byABABABA watcBhman... gfx byA scenBic ABABABandA sulkyB fellow... thanks dudes.  as you maybe have noticed our member list isA scrolling Bin upper scroller, cool...  we need more coolA members so contBact our hq to get in..specially modem traders and cool coders... address to hqB     deathstar     oravantie 21     35100 orivesi     finland A    got it...hope so cause it wont be repeated until this scroller restarts...A signedB byA miguel and suicide 1989..B.                        

 here is our memberlist... apol , hackman , sulky fellow , miguel , suicide , scenic , drucer , overlord , glory boy , watchman , jason , smithson , doctor dma , loulou becane , unknown artist.