File Archive

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File size:
737 bytes (737B)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:50:23
Download count:
all-time: 236


        contact us...   deathstar hq    oravant 21    35100 orivesi    finland        deathstar...  no justice for losers!   D here we are again...  F deathstar E proudly presents  C their latest demos compact disk!! G you can freely put these demos into your own compact disks...   anyway, this little intro was dun by sulky fellow!! and this nice tune was composed by watchman!!  D   greetings to all our friends and contacts....  FB  signed by hackman of deathstar productions in 1989   D  ps. special note to loosers who are ripping music or gfx from our demos...  ripping shows your status, that you are looser and you cant do anything by yourself, but if you really have to rip, dont forget to give us credits, ok?!!!