deathstar SB presents another part of their mega demo. look the sinus over this scroller to see our greetings. and now coming up the credits of this part..... this time code is done by: zei zei S (but routines recoded by drucer) graphics by: zei zei S muzax by: sir monkey S if you wanna change tune,then try to press the right mouse button. and when you have seen your name, you should hit the left one to burst the next demo into your amiga. text over
in this sinusthing you can see our greetings so lets start
supraspecial ones to abyss accession alcatraz bamiga sector one beastie boys crush enterpris ltd mad monks megaforce quartex quoram red sector inc s c t warriors the jungle command the light force tristar vision factory and the beyonders x men
normal specials to seven up crew acid alpha flight amiga industries cascade cff of triangle digi tech double density crew d o c dream warriors exceptions expert system fairlight fantasy free access hellcats hi tech imports hotline italian bad boys ice ipec elite it kefrens law breakers lords of conquest northstar public enemy no one piranhas prophets ag roadrunners sargon sinners sunriders the accumulators the band the knight hawks the saxxons crew the silents the supply team the wizards inc thorax top swap traitors trilogy tsk crew vortex world of wonders unicorn
normal normals to amiga lords asia avis united forces axenon bros btw byterapers creators in action critters crush crysis int cyborg power system ddd of dexion dexion disknet ecc election energy epsilion escape euroline exact fab family flash productions freedom force freestyle uk of afl fun factory hacktric crackn crew hawk hexagon highspeed horizon ics italy ikari imp triplesix int crackin service iron eagle crew jetspeed triangle jon j of t u i lazer brigade megatron nemesis neonsoftcrew northern lights odyssey overload phalanx raw force razor s o s secret force skc squadron static t n tacs tdt the agents the drunk ones the dual crew the floppies the gang triangle the goonies the inner circle the insiders the l a d s the link the power gang the round circle the sex boys the smlgg crew the softchecker the special brothers the thing trazion tst u two three eight vision one x press ydex zark zaxs zigag zoom
there is no numbers or special characters in this font, but try to get your name anyway sorry about that,,,,,,,,,,,