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DeathStar                                                           Goto page:}


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Help .................... type this out
Smash any key to get back....}^\160,8
Well,  this is only  a short  version of
our mag.      Try HELP to get some help!

            C O N T E N T S
Help page .................................................. Found At Page 0
Contents & Credits ............................. Typed by Drucer/DeathStar 1
Editorial ......................................................... Drucer 2
Heading to Australia ................................... Lords Of Conquest 3
Heading to Australia page 2 & Fact ........................ LOC and Drucer 4
Girls on horizont & Some questions ............. Girls of Crush and Drucer 5
TJC - MGF - JOY party-report .................... Slide/The Jungle Command 6
Advertisements & Speech ........................................... Drucer 7
About the credits....  Texts were typed
in  by  the freaks  as shown  above and
the rest of credits go as following:

      Coding by Drucer/DeathStar
       Muzak by Jason/DeathStar
  Font by Amiga/Commodore-Amiga, inc.}^\160,
   EDITORIAL - a word from editor???
   So,  it's time  that you've  got the
1st number of our magazine and we truly
hope that  you enjoy  reading  this mag
and that  you will  support  us  making
new numbers by sending some articles to
   The texts that  you'll find  on this
disk-magazine,  now and in future,  are
written  by many  very different people
and so  the texts  may be  in  conflict
with each other.  But because this is a
free magazine (No russian jokes atleast
in this number),  it is  all up  to the
editors,  what they think  about things
and what they write to the pages.
   Though we in DeathStar don't support
any political idealism  and are absolu-
tely neutral when  it's up to this mag,
we keep  the rights to edit  or  to not
publish  the texts that  someone of you
may (you should) send to us.
   Anyway,  the advertisements  in  the
ad-pages  are published exactly as they
came. The only thing that we may change
in  the ads is the layout.  If the text
is typed in more than 39 chars per line
we will re-type it to fit the standards
of the magazine.
   The prices...  It's natural  that we
will collect  a little payment  for the
advertisements for keeping  the size of
them in  reasonable limits.
And so we have decided following:
 - for 39 chars width  and 8 chars high
   ad, we charge you with one disk.  So
   do not  expect your disk  to be  re-
   turned if you send an ad.
 - for 80 width and 10 high or 39 width
   and 16 high ad the payment is double
   so include one extra disk.
 - for bigger  ads you  should  contact
   another maggie or pay more!
So, if you are  for example planning to
have a copy-party, and want everyone to
notice it,write an advertisement to our
mag. It'll cost you only some disks and
your party will  be noticed by many and
many Amiga-freaks.
   Other way paying  your ad is writing
an interesting text.Everyone who writes
texts  to our mag,  is free to have  an
39'8 advertisement.So take your chance,
write  a story  for example  about what
happened on the latest party or meeting
where you were in and if your  story is
published, you can have  an ad for your
next party partessimum.         -Drucer}^\,

 The AMIGA first landed upon Australian
shores in the form  of the   A1000.  It  
was monstrously  over-priced  and   was
thus not a great success.  But   NO-ONE
disputed  the  AMIGA's  incredible GFX,
Sound, Capabilities  etc.  It  was only
a minor success  with  businessess  who 
used it for records , etc. (Not  really
accessing  its   full   potential).
 Later  that year the  A2000 came.   It 
was  not  very  successful  once  again
due  to  it's  extravagant  cost.   But
EVERYONE  wanted  an  AMIGA but  NO-ONE
was willing to spend that kind of cash.
So  it  was  no  suprise  when the A500
was introduced that  masses  of  people
trotted down  to  their local Commodore
dealer  with   A$1,000  in their sweaty
hands eager  to  purchase the new A500.
 From that day  (or week ... or  month)
AMIGA  sales  went  up .... and   up ..
and up some more.  EVERYONE wanted  one
All was going well for the  AMIGA  when
suddenly a  company  renowned  for  its 
making  of  one-bit video games pops up
and offers for  the same  price of  one
half-meg Amiga a one-meg 16-bitter  wid
a free  Monitor  thrown  in  more  good\328,
measure.  Who was  that company?  SEGA?
MSX? No ... wrong  it  was  none  other
than ATARI!!!!  Now the  spotlight  was
off the AMIGA  and  on  the ATARI.  Now
the   rush   was   on  to get  an ATARI
ST(upid) machine.......
 The whole  affair  was  a  bit  like a
filter, all the losers  lept  onto  the
ATARI whilst all the people  with  IQ's
larger than  their shoe size were drawn
towards  the  illustrious  AMIGA.  This
was  (or is) great  from our  point  of
view (that is us, the  Cracker,  Coder,
Hacker  etc.) because no self-respectin
Cracker (etc.) likes to think that  the
major users  of  his chosen  comp.  are
losing lamers  who wouldn't know an RTS
from a taxi, think a  virus is a  cold,
and think that Boot-Blox are things you
wear   when  playing  Football !!! But,
anyway it was good.
 Slowly but surely  chosen few searched
out the  secrets  of  coding  68000 and
cracking.  These  few people  were  the
AMIGA's first  Australian   Crackers!!!
I am happy to say   that  I  was one of
the key-founders of  Australia's  first
Group to not be deemed LAME!    Anyway,
soon  groups  sprang  up everywhere ...
some  lame,   some   very  lame,   some
incredibly  lame.  But   lets   deviate
        Well, change the page, will ya!}\,
AUSTRALIAN SCENE ............. continue

from this  LAME  subject and  move onto
a bit about US,  the Cracker (etc.)
 We (natuarally being thousands  of kms
from ANYWHERE!) found it   VERY hard to
get the much needed original.   So what
did we do?  Simple.  We began    coding
demos, intros,  utilities, even the odd
game.  This was   cool because it gives
us something UNIQUE  (therefore HOT) to
send.  At first Australian Hackers were
very, very lame.   But as time progress
we  began   gaining   many, many, many,
contacts  and  so  now,  in  1989,  the
software  reaches us,  in  some  cases,
before it lands in some of the   Europe
countries.  This is   something that we
are all extremely proud of!     And I'm
sure you would  be as well  considering
our predicament.
 So we can all look forward   to a time
when  maybe  the  world   will     know
Australia for its fine Groups and   not
for  its  high  population  of  lamers.

 Incidently I'd like to add that at the
moment  in  Australia  the penalty  for
hacking  stands at  10 years  jail  and
A$48,000 (the price of 48 Amigas) fine!
And  at  the moment  the Government  is
investigating  the subject  of Computer\328,
Crime.   We Australian Crackers have to
be  VERY  VERY  careful   or  else  its
goodbye HOME, hello CELL!
   These facts were delivered to us by:
       Lords Of Conquest from Australia

              FAKTA JUTTU
   Well, that was just that kinda story
that we would like you to send for this
mag.  It is good English, easy to read,
tells about some interesting things and
most of all,  that story was  very well
written:  I didn't  have to  edit it at
   Now, if someone is  planning to make
an article  samelike the above,  please
note that  you  should  not only  write
about 'Lamers in ?????', but write also
about  everything else  that happens in
your country.  Best groups, idiots (not
lamers, but Idiots!), police, penalties
for hacking etc.
   Because the story should be fair,you
should be a member of a good group,'coz
then you  have no  reason twist  things
in your story.Ofcourse loosers are also
welcome to write, but the normal story,
that  loosers write  is  that  everyone
better  than 'em are gays or shitheads,
but that's not true!            -DRUCER}^\,
         GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS!!

  We in the REAL Crush want to tell you
about the girls in the scene!  It seems
that there aren't many on Amiga, b'cauz
many of them are  on PC-engines or only
play with her computer!  So, we are one
of the only groups that consists almost
fully of girls,  which are good in gfx,
sounds etc., but we  see that  the male
freaks  says very often that "Girls are
stupid" and that  "They don't know any-
thing  about programming  and about the
scene!". That's absolutly shit! We hate
such guys!  So we hope  that in  future
the girls will  be accepted 100% by all
male freaks !!!!!!
  Now I have to say about a group which
stole our name!  We have no (!) members
in Norway!  Those guyz who prefer to be
a member of  Crush in Norway are liars!
  A good friendship and a fight for the
right in the new year!
         (The girls of the real Crush!)

 Well, this was another quite ok story,
even it  was so short,  but you got the
facts, or what???
 QUESTIONS (What, where, when and who)
 All (!) our contacts should answer the
following questions in your next letter
because  we want  to find out  what you
like this maggie...
(Answers to Finnish members only!!!!!!)
 And the questions are:
  1. How do you like the colors?
     A) Bad   B) Don't know   C) Good
     (If A, tell better ones!)
  2. Do you have A) Monitor or B) TV ?
  3. Do you prefer A) Party-reports or
     B) Hardware articles ??
  4. Do you  think we  should continue
     making this mag? A) Yes   B) No
  5. Do you  think that  pictures  are
     neccessary? A) Yes   B) No
  6. Should we publish this magazine
     A) Weekly     B) Monthly or
     C) When we have enough interesting
  7. Should this mag be
     A) 60  B) 30  C) 20  D) 10 paged??
  8. When do you hope to see next (the
     first real) number of this mag?
     A) Soon   B) Never  or
     C) After it's been published
  9. Do you want to see russian jokes
     on the pages of this mag?  A) No!
 10. Did you answer honestly??  A) Yes}^\,

  On the 7th of January 1989 this party
took place  in a place  near Utrecht in
Holland.   At  the  start we  had  some
trouble.For instance we arranged a live
mixer, but he couldn't come because his
car broke down.  And ofcourse  the long
awaited megademo which was not finished
at  the date  of  the  party.  Not  all
demoparts were ready, some of them were
not crunched  and the loader  had to be
made at the party.  As allways (?) this
went  wrong  a  few  times.  Anyway  we
finished the megademo  somewhere in the
night  (still  one part  is not on it).
There are some  plans for a megademo II
but  you  will  hear  about  that  soon
  The party  started at 11.00 am and at
that time the place was  already packed
with freaks, so we had to improvise and
put up some tables outside of the room.
  After an hour  these places were also
taken and that  caused that many people
couldn't  place their  amiga (sorry for
that).  Undoubtely the best game on the
party  was  Dragon's Lair   (original),\328,
which is really amazing so if you don't
own a megabyte  or a amiga 1000 you buy
one only  for this  game!  Exterminator
showed a little preview of his new game
'Sanatorium' on video.  Some games were
released and many demos  (some finished
at the party) saw the daylight.
  But maybe you know  that a real party
starts  when the visitors  are gone and
the best party was yet to come .....
  We consider  this party as succesfull
but  not perfect  so another  one  will
follow soon.
                  Reported by Slide/TJC

  Yeeee! Classic article about a party!
Ofcourse we like to publish good party-
reports and so  everytime you have one,
we suppose to get a report of it! Don't
let us down  and keep the facts of your
meeting on  yourselves,  but share them
with us!
  This is not the last page though this
number is  only a short one,  so please
try changing the page or something else
(Your head???? Telephone???? Music????)
(Atleast you could try it!!! Please!!!)

   Well,  I think everyone  understands
what this page is for, so I'll just put
the ads on...


  The REAL Crush Enterprises Ltd. is
searching 4 new contacts and hot coders
             PLK 032984-D
             844 Straubing
PS.  We have NO members in Norway!  All
guys who prefer to be a member of CRUSH
in Norway are liars!
       CRUSH - the female light


  Well,  it wasn't so busy as this is
  the first number,  but hope in next
  numbers there  will be  more freaks
  searching 4 hot  coders and so, but
  now all hot coders must contact the
  Crush Enterprises Ltd.

 SPEECH - more words from the editor!!

   So, now you've seen it all!  This is
the last page of this mag and it's time
for you  to press  ESC to  see  another
   But before  you do that,  I've still
got something to say to ya!
   Making a magazine is quite horrible,
when you have  to spend hours and hours
changing the articles  to fit the pages
and so I truly  hope that you send many
articles to us and when you do,  please
type it in right way.   That means that
you should write  the story in 39 chars
width lines and that's all!All you have
to look at when typing the text is that
there aren't more than 39 chars/line.
   Another thing:  The language used in
this magazine  is and will  be English.
We  won't  publish  storys  written  in
German, French  or anything else.  Only
non-English   language   that   can  be
written to  the pages of  this mag,  is
Finnish  and even  it will be used only
in some jokes or something.
   Enough of speeches, press ECS. NOW!!