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File size:
1 745 bytes (1.70K)
File date:
2012-10-14 23:03:19
Download count:
all-time: 317


 hi everybody   welcome to this new deadlock production, it was released and dribled together at the dexion x mas conference in odense, first i want to thank the guyz who made these groovy tunes, thanx guyz.... if you are waiting for either a long scroll text or a lot of greetings you will be very disapointed cause non of the mentioned stuff will feature in this anyhow cool production, i (cyclone) just want to send a few personal greets,they go to:  droid of direct, nightshade of ecstasy ,mad freak of ??? and to startrack of defjam ooooooooooiink (defeat of direct immitating a pig) actually he is very good at it (i don't know why    well well well now this rather short text has reached the end.    hey wait      i think      yes  xience wants to type in some text too ,,,,,,yodel  this is xience of deadlock,time is short so here there are some personal greetings from me  here they go  icronite of kefrens   too bad that your demo for the competition didnt work  better luck next time     jake of the bluesbrothers  hey little hardwarefreak   cool of you to show up at this party   seen of kefrens   nice graphics     as always   tox of dexion   well then we didnt meet this time either    chead of van guard   i can always borrow another time    milkshake of kefrens      hvordan munker det i aarhus   hope to see powermunker soon     lightmann of the goonies   i will try to be a little faster   zinko of the goonies    mann  keep swapping and get some more contacts   right   see ya very soon in another demo from  deadlock    bye       ooooooh my good,i(cyclone) thought that this text was supposed to be short.  well this is it‹  cyclone and the rest of deadlock signing off........ text restarting ...