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2 059 bytes (2.01K)
File date:
2025-01-27 05:45:01
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all-time: 1


  welcome to the first real demo ever from deadlock      released on the  kefrens and dexion copy party in denmark february 1990      the name of the group was   Bdeadlock  C      D and watch out for this name cos you are gonna be seeing it more often all the time    the demo is called  freddys  C   D revenge  C   D and the credits for it are as follows    coding   C   D the computer freak and startrack  A  graphics    characters thunderbyte character animation thunderbyte and zoneman     charsetblade  logos zoneman   music rush  and it is thunderbyte   who is writing this silly scroller  A    hey check out the head and hands animation AB B A B  A     everybody is having great funA at this party  B we are anyway   and as being nonexpierenced visitors at copy parties we are amazed by the enthusiasm that the people involved are showing  B so please invite us to your next party   by the way  an amusing event took place   you see there was this fucking lamer  gamefreak  joystickwiggler  called  mortenB  and he was a pain in the ass for everybody A  this ment that a lot of guys from kefrens  wiz  and  deadlock  Bwho terrorized the poor hmm boy   quite funny actually A they Bpainted Bhim in his loserhead and tied little losernotes on his bag saying fx AkickAmeA or Ai amAa lamer    all of this was done while lamerboy was fast asleep and when he woke up he decided not to sleep again while on partyground    unfortunately he held his promise     damned  C   D  here comes the greets and messages      kefrens   hi detron  thanx for you help  loved your vectors   trilogy denmark   hi raz  nice phone conference  hi merlin wanna have a banana     zonix of rebels    dupondt of magic   wally of bounty     rodent the rat  hi old man  greets from thunderbyte  A  formula one crew in australia  A  megadeth  B  freeze of danish aliens  A  mister noname  B  fox of upfront     dr syntax of the moonlighters     aaaarghhhh   i am just to tired to continue writing greets  so you must all be cool    see ya all later