File Archive

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File size:
1 216 bytes (1.19K)
File date:
2010-08-11 23:04:32
Download count:
all-time: 471


                             the datastorm  presents their first demo. credits of this fucking great piece of coding are cccoming..... * coding by cameron * muzax by starbuck of spreadpoint * graffax by cameron * scrollfonts by scy of bs *   memberlist of dts is     cameron, amiga coding , gfx and swapping.    archie, 64 swapping.    red head, 64 swapping and coding, soon on amiga.          new members badly wanted, all kind of them, coders, swappers, gfx mans and music masters, all are more than welcome.     ok, some info...  we are going to start publishing collection disks and i need all kind of stuff to it, demos, utillys, intros etc..  and they should be hot and cool that i can use them in my disks.      contacting addresses:  for swap h.o.t. amiga stuff, joinings and other things, write to our hq:  * cameron of dts    etelalahti    kp 1.50    74595 runni    finland *     or 64 swap:  * archie    ppa1.69c    74100    iisalmi    finland *          remember!   no disk * no answer!!       signing off...... cameron   of   datastorm     * the solution to your confusion *                                                                 
 the solution to your confusion *