~ DARKLIGHT Hallo guys !! ²here We are Again !!!~Magic Mind MAgic mind is typing ! use f1-f4 for members and esc to get to the infosquare . press - n - for next writer and - g - to jump to the greetinx !! find some other funktions by yourself ... and now enjoy the party-demo and his guests:~ 5 ~ 4 ~ 3 ~ 2 ~ 1
~ 0 ~ MURPHY hello guys murphy is screaming... here is
our party demo ,which we finished on the alphaflight-powerslaves and vision factory
copy party. ~copycopycopy we are in a great room but without air condition
and in this case it is very hot here.~sweating!!!! here are many computers
and lots of cool freaks ~ message hi deejay its nice to sit at home ,isn t it?
i think not , but nevermind i will send the progs as fast as i can , ok ?
hope that you will come to the next party in this area ,i'got many invitations
for parties in holland ,but i will tell you about it on the next phonecalling
,see you !!! ~ murphy i have a problem ,it is so hot that i
don't know what to write and in this case i give the keyboard to magic mind...
bye bye............ ~Magic Mind HI g g g g guys Magic mind
is typing . by the way i am here on this great copy-party in -geffen- (holland)
!! gdsu,ju nöcykgfhnölkjandäl that was ein bisschen ausflippen
da ich nicht mehr weiss was ich schreiben soll ! and now in english
panic everzwhere (shit german keycodes!!) made me feel so stoned that i lost
control of my fingers !! I dont know what to write so i just fuck off
the keys to somebody else .... bye bye gez Magic mind of darklight!!!!
~ NOVEX come to where the sudder blooms ! novex are now talking
: we are adyton,stream and the rawhide ! we are making a cool intro-disk
together with darklight ! with the new intro made within 10 hours by adyton
of novex ! sound was done by stream ! for the future we will plan a
cool copy-party together with darklight ! wait for invitations !
that were the party-news from novex ! ~New Order new order is now writing a
few lines into this scrollbar. i (digital spirit) want to say something
to the members of darlight. keep creating such nice demos as i saw. moooieehi guys !! here is morrissey of ~black octagon ! i think this copy party is very nice
~BlackOctagon Black octagon is here !!! i ( morrissey ) am typing here ! this copy party
is very great !! i want to greet all guys of darklight !!! bye at this way !!
~Genesis/AFL ok guys..this is genesis of afl. the party is really good but the room is
very crowded and also hoooooot. i think we better stop now, coz we have to go
now....oh i forget i wanted to greet some people..ok here comes the greetings..........
oder doch nicht........i want to greet: my omi , opi , mamma , papa ( huhu papi..
i am on the computer... huhu). ok now the real greetings: greetings to all people
we know...bye! ~Black Flag, here is Black Flag writing,
of -Bionic Force- and i want to greet all freaks on this super copy-party. hi to
|Merlin yeah it is great........message to all guys: watch out for a new
sounddisk of myself.......bye !!!! ~Hardy/Dope aahhhhhhahhhhuu ... Here is Hardy of
DOPE typing now .... just a few short msgs : 1st wait for our new roleplaying game , and
dont copy it , BUY IT . 2nd the party is really great , but here it is very hot .
3rd just short greetings : Scoopex , DDC , RSI , BCG , TSL , impact , spirit . thats all !!
aaaarrrrgggghhhh...... ~Moonwalker here is now moonwalker of the silents typing. i am a new
member of the silents. the party is hot like a wet girl!! now some soulsonics to:
defjam, the band (norway), rsi, dope, acc, ibb, supreme, quartex, eclipse..... thats
all from me.... ~Vision hello dudes !! this is jetaza of vision !!! first i want to
send some special greetings to darklight and to our new members command.
the party is nice here but much to hooooottt !!! ~Stream stream again ! i've forgot
to greet our second musician !!! hi esquire, sorry for this late greeting, but
there are many other things we had to do !!!! ~Vision yeah.. jetaza is right , it is really hot in here..
i was waiting on a friend of minalled thunderboy and he should be here for hours , but he only appeared at five o clock
where were you ! i asked , coz i should have gotten some videos from him (really hot ones) but
he had an accident, his computer broke, car in pieces and gues what... no insurance. but
let us forget that and tell you who i am..stingray of adress for contacting me is fully spread so i
do not have to name it again so see you fellaz..... ~ NOVEX again stream of novex ! now
i have forgotten to greet our leader (au backe !) Hello Anxion, sorry for late
greetings ! the Rawhide said : now end this scroller, but we wont !
~ Greetings and now the long awaited part of this party demo The greetings....
We send lightshinings to : vision factory , alphaflight , powerslaves , vision ( thanks for the calling cards !! ) ,
the band , starlight ( i hope that you were not angry about me , coz you had to give it to me so many times.
i am innocent , coz some dickheads switch of the power.. ) , bionic force , digital force , critters ( hope to see you
on the next party together with our bavarian member deejay ) , black octagon ( nice party eh ? )
, new order , morgoth , tristar , silents , aofcf ( do you like the intro ? )
, quartex , black monks , supreme , spreadpoint , quaterline , dutchcrack , sensor ,
setrox , tas , dutch art , trash and the top boys , phenomena , titanics , axenon ,
team x , sharadis , lucifer , the law-breakers and to all others we have forgotten !!! sorry.....
at last i have to say , that the greetings are in no special order....
bye baby see you on the next party , hope so.....