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 We made it! The 2nd issue is out, right on time for the CeBit'93. And I hope you will like it as much as the first issue. You can read something about the reactions and opinions on the first issue in the "reactions"-article. We even got some letters! Not too much, but it's a start.
The main stuff that was sent to us were advertisments but we also got some articles. I hope this will rise in the next weeks. Issue One was spreaded quit well, by the official spreaders and by our modem traders, and got everywhere in europe (we got letters from various countries like Turkey, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Germany,...).

As you may have noticed there have been made some changes. You can now control the mag by using your keyboard. The routines to display the texts have also been improved: Now it's possible to use 16 colors for the text, a new screen mode (36 to 80 chars per line) has been included, there are more fonts and the graphic routine, for gfx in the articles, have improved. I hope you like it, please let me know your opinion about the new features.

                Enjoy this issue!



            C o n t a c t !              

    The Jungle

    PO Box 740

 A-6852 Dornbirn 3


Get in touch with us if you want to tell us what you think about this mag, if you want us to publish an article you wrote (we want your articles! Write about: Partys, computers, news, philosophy, music, movies, films, science-fiction, god, hell, heaven, devil, yourself, The Jungle, games, everything, enviroment, action, youth, drugs, legs, love, hate, oblivion, mysticism, chips, submarines, title-tatle, pride, crime, chickens, hamburgers, beer, teenspirit, nirvana, doors, zeppelins, ...).

If you have some  NEWS  you can also write to Friendly:
         Soenke Petersen
       W- 2090 Winsen/Luhe

And if you have some  ADVERTISMENTS  you can also write to Ace:
        Soeren Greinecker
        Hamburger Str. 32
       W- 2090 Winsen/Luhe


             The Jungle



            c r e d i t s            

     main editor  -  j.walker
         editors  -  blitter
                  -  ace
                  -  friendly
            code  -  j.walker
           music  -  mindblast
         all gfx  -  friendly

 the jungle  is a  DAMIAN  production.

a big THANK YOU must go to all persons who wrote articles or supported this magazine in any other way!

i'd like to change the world, 
but they won't give me the source.


              p d - n o t e             

 This magazine is Public Domain. It can be copied freely but it must not be sold for more than  3  US-Dollars (including all overheads!) by anybody without a written permission from the main-editor of this magazine (J.Walker).

We will  NOT  tolerate unauthorized sellings of this product! We are going to sue you if you sell this mag for more than 3 US-Dollars without written permission! You have been warned...

Prices and More

Prices And More

One issue of  The Jungle  straight from the source costs 35 oeS (5 DM, 5 SFr, 4 US$, 2 Pound sterling, 110 bfr, 20 FF, 6 hfl, 4700 Lit, 20 dkr, 20 nkr, 20 skr, 20 Fmk).

 Address:   The Jungle 
           PO Box 740
         A-6852 Dornbirn 3


 Advertising in  The Jungle  is free! Maximum size for an ad is 36 characters per line, 22 lines. Other sizes (full screen, graphics, etc) only by special agreement!
Possible fonts: 
Font #0: ABCDEFabcdef012345
Font #1: ABCDEFabcdef012345
Font #2: ABCDEFabcdef012345
Font #3: ABCDEFabcdef012345
Font #4: ABCDEFabcdef012345
Font #5: ABCDEFabcdef012345
Font #6: ABCDEFabcdef012345
 Please send us your advertisement as a (plain) ASCII-file on disk. Thanx!

How To Write For The Jungle

      How To Write For The Jungle

 You may have noticed, that we are always looking for all kinds of interesting articles for our magazine. You can write about every topic you like, but please read the following text and do what it says.

 *  Send us your articles as an ASCII-file on a normal 3,5" Amiga-DOS-Disk. It would be too much work for us to type in all the articles ourselfs. You can use every ASCII-Editor (e.g. Cygnus Ed) or any Editor you like, but please make sure that your article is not in a special format (no control-sequences etc.).

 *  Write your articles in English. English is the only language that will be accepted.

 *  Please insert a space after characters like '.,:;!?'. This is for formating reasons. Your text will look much better.

 *  Don't use only uppercase letters.

 *  Send your articles to:
          The Jungle 
         P.O.Box 740
         A-6852 Dornbirn 3

Reactions on the First Issue

     Reactions on the first Issue 

                        collected by Ace of Damian 

Well, as I guessed there were many (positive and negative) reactions on the
first issue, I think it might be interesting for you to know what they were 
like, so here are a few interesting ones:

- Jester of Sanity:... The mag is ok, but the Intro ... AAAAAAARGGHH!!! It 
  looks like it was made in 1988!

- Facet of Lemon.:Well, it`s not bad but it looks like it was made 2 years ago!

- Doc Mastermind of Laser Dance:It`s cool.I like it with all that color-
  flashing stuff

- 4T Thieves of Alcatraz:Nice mag! Graphics on title screen are a bit crap, but
  mag is pretty good!

- Speedy of Parasite:Hmmm, the mag looks a little strange and a bit old, but 
  it`s fun-back to the roots!

- Trion of Energy:Ace`s articles are a bit monotonous!

- Big BoSS of Damian:Wow, it runs on my Amiga 4000!

- Speed of Mexx:It`s hmmm, ok! But the Intro...

- Colorbird of Noxious:I really like it!

Yep, that are only a few opinions, but I can`t type down all I got, coz that 
would take a loooong time!

                                                                   end of file.

Official Spreaders List

Official Spreaders 

 Here are the adresses and BBSs where you can get  The Jungle  really fast:

 Ace of Damian 
Soeren Greinecker
W-2090 Winsen/Luhe

 Mr.King of Analog 
Postfach 3143
W-4240 Emmerich 

 Speedy of Parasite 
Albanigade 49
Dk- 5000 Odense C

 Sentinel of Legend 
Aleksanterinkatu 31
64260 Kaskinen

 Hijack of Grace 
Karvataskunkatu 10 D 40
20610 Turku

 Colorbird of Noxious 
Johan Andersson
Kaskaeg. 18nb
16476 Kista

 Speed of Mexx 
Holger Boettcher
Hauptstr 167
5210 Troisdorf

Bruno Baumann
Osloring 17
2300 Kiel

 Zenit/Compact Inc. 
Rustadvegen 36
2830 Rautoss
ToonTown BBS: +47-61-90355

 PO Box 5
6600 Reutte

 Pleasure Dome BSS
 Node 1 ++43 223 88543
Node 2 ++43 223 88294

 Metal Church BBS
 Node 1 ++43 725 266402
Node 2 ++43 725 280598
Node 3 ++43 725 2686557

 Unlimited Success DAMIAN WHQ
 ++43 767 227743

At these Adresses you can also get official Votesheets for the Charts!

Official Spreaders Wanted

                                SPREADERS WANTED!                               


Hello you... yes you over there! Are you a swapper with many contacts or a modemtrader in need of download-credits on many Boards? Why don`t you work as an official spreader of  THE JUNGLE ?! We need some talented guys that spread our mag all over the world. You`ll get the mag a few days before the official release-date so that you can do the spreading work.

Swappers should have at least about 50 contax and modemtraders should spread the mag to the most boards they can. Remember the download-credits!! The names of the spreaders will be mentioned in the mag, and we don`t care from what Group you are. The things that are really needful are many contax! If you wanna become an official spreader than send a letter to ACE OF DAMIAN (addy in the address section) and it would be nice if you would send a list of your contax!!



 There are some nice  icons  you can click:
The  'Index'-icon  to get back to the index/menu.
The  '>'-icon  to get to the next page.
The  '<'-icon  to get to the previous page.
The  'Up'-icon  to get to the previous article.
The  'Down'-icon  to get to the next article.
The  'Music on/off'-icon  to turn the music on or off.
The  'PRINT'-icon  to print the text.

NOTE: There is a little bug in the print routine. If your printer does not print the text although you have clicked the 'PRINT'-icon and your printer is all right (ON-LINE, paper, etc.) just try to put it OFF-LINE and then ON-LINE again! You can stop printing by pressing the right mouse button. If you have any idea how the bug could be fixed get in touch with me!

 The whole mag can now also be controlled using the keyboard! 
In the INDEX use the coursorkeys to scroll the menu up and down. To select an article type in the number shown on the right hand side of the articles name then press return or enter.
On the TEXTSCREEN you can use
the  'I'-key  to get to the index/nemu,
the  'M'-key  to turn music on/off,
and the  'P'-key  to print the article (to stop you still have to use the mouse).
 Coursor up/down  to get to the previous/next article.
 Coursor left/right  to get to the previous/next page.
This article is allways available by pressing the  'HELP'-key .

Dying Legends

   Dying Legends

            by Ace of Damian

 With this article I wanna remind the scene about a tragedy takin part on Amiga- the sleeping gods, the dying Legends. With this words (I think) everybody will at least be reminded on one group: Phenomena.
What`s up with all that great members like Azatoth, Celebrandil or Tip&Mantronix for example?
It`s getting quite around them. No more releases, the last Phenomena-production that appeared on our screens was the "Crystal Symphonies II", about one year ago. There weren`t many changes from the first issue but it`s really nice. Should that have been a bye-bye-release from them? Only they know.
The rumours about a new musicdisk appeared, but not many guys heard it. I think one reason that they stopped their work for scene are the rumours that are spread around them.
They wouldn`t be worth to be on top, they would rip their instruments, or whatever. Many guys want to see new releases from them, but due the rumours I wouldn`t expect that they sacrifice their time for a scene that only talks bad about them. Well, I talked to Tip/PHA a few minutes ago. He said that we can perhaps expect a new musicdisk from them somewhen, perhaps around may. I hope that they are going to make it true and that many releases will follow.

But it`s not only Phenomena, also TRSI, Scoopex or many others didn`t sacrifice much time in the past to release a real cool Trackmo for example.
TRSI had a comeback in 1992 with "Wicked Sensation" or "Ecliptica". I hope that they keep on releasing nice things the next time. Ok, that should be all for this article, I hope you got the message: Don`t spread so much rumours, you`ll miss the big guys quitting the scene!

The 2 Different Elite Crews

The Two Different

         by Friendly/Damian

 Have you ever realised that there are two different types of groups out there in the scene? One day I sat down and thought of some dead or dying legends, like Red Sector Inc. or Phenomena. And I discovered that they were different from groups like Anarchy or Silents. I don't know if anybody is interested in reading something about this, but who cares. Sure many other guys will have recognized that before me.   Here we have Anarchy or Silents: They have many activ members who are wellknown in the scene and who are perhaps in the charts. If you get a demo made by Anarchy you cannot think: "Wow, another stunning demo by Dan, Nuke and Facet!", because there are a lot of others like Hannibal and Slash who can create good demos. If the trio Dan, Nuke and Facet will leave the scene, Anarchy surely won't die, because they have other good members and many young talented guys will join them.   On the other hand - Sanity or RSI: When you hear of these groups you think of just three guys who represent the group, like Jester, Chaos and Cougar in Sanity. Almost every really cool production of Sanity is made by them and if they would leave the scene Sanity will die, I think. And when they loose interest in scene they want their crew to die with them, because they ARE Sanity. Same thing in RSI: No more productions, but no talented guys are allowed to join. So the rest of the group leaves and bye, bye RSI. Okay, today we have TRSI, and they are still good, but is it the same as the legend? I don't know what's up with Phenomena, but it won't surprise me if they will die, because Tip&Mantronix, Azatoth and Celebrandil are not very activ anymore.
  So, my wise thoughts end here. Hopefully we will see and hear more from Phenomena...

Different Scenes Introduction


                          Part One by BliTTeR / DAMIAN    

 We would like to present you every issue an other country`s scene. Both, mail- & modemscenes will be shown and we hope to give you the latest up-to-date-service concerning a country you haven`t heard much in the past or if you like to get an impression from a country`s scene you haven`t heard anything. This time we would like to start with Austria. Not only because Austria is nearly on the top of the alphabet, no.....Only a guy who lives in the same country as he talks about can write an article. For further issues we would like you to send scene-reports from different countries.

The Austrian Scene


          by BliTTeR / DAMIAN

 Many of you know the austrian scene from former days as a really good country for the scene with good groups and many productions. But nowadays the glory seems to be gone. True? Let`s have a look at the groups that are in the moment active and working on productions... In the past the demos were reduced and reduced, because the real active austrian scene counts in the moment just about 50-60 guys doing something for it...and this with total inhabitants of 8 million people...I`m sure we can do more good things for our computers than just yodeling the whole day or eating day by day "Kaiserschmarrn". What`s up? Let`s have a look at some active groups!


 Their have really cool members but the lazyness has cought them. In the moment their only activity is the elite BBS NO RESPECT which is one of the fastest in europe. But demos are miniority. Hope to see more productions in the future from you!


 Long time one of the best groups here but now only a few of the old "kings of austria" are active. Some dudes doing some things but no great productions anymore. Fell asleep TRSI? Awake, awake!!!


 Some time ago they got bigger and bigger, people left and joined... but then they kicked all foreign divisions with boards and only the roots here in Austria survived. They are doing a lot for the austrian scene by making Partys (Last year in Summer and this year together with SCOOPEX and MANITOU the Easter Conference in Innsbruck will be held. Come too and meet the austrian scene there!) They are producing also a Mag called SUICID which stands now by issue 4. Very funny and friendship-crew! Note: More cool parties! They founded a subgroup called BANANA POWER, but with no sense, because they haven`t released any production under this label.


 A new crew in the western part of Austria with good members trying to do their best. Together with SCX and NRG they organise the Easter Conference. We all hope to see more and cool productions from you in the near future!


 They have the METAL CHURCH BBS with 3 lines and therefore the biggest BBS here. They want to expand but now the only produce some really good Ami-Express utilities. They have all things to get really good, but they prefer the modem sector.


 A now crew born some days ago consisting from ex-GRACE members and former SLIPSTREAM members. Because they are new i haven`t seen any products in the past. Hopefully they get full active not just hanging around and looking what the other do!


 A small crew of modem traders and the cool BBS THE PLEASURE DOME. They are now a subgroup of FAIRLIGHT. Importing new stuff and contacts with dudes from all over the world.


 Small group trying to get to the top but i haven`t seen any productions from them except some old cracks.


 LAST BUT NOT LEAST! It`s really difficult to give you a real opinion because I`m a member of this cool group! But everything is based on friendship here in the austrian devision. Everybody knows the other well and more and more productions coming up soon! Because the near all Coders are in the military service at the moment it`s very difficult to release much stuff. Anyway we are entertaining you with THE JUNGLE. The BBS UNLIMITED SUCCESS (++43-767-227-743) is our WHQ and Ice MC is the leader of the crazy austrian band. We got a new hungarian HQ called THE AGA INN (++36-721-7226) and a new GHQ named STRANGE WORLD (++49-        ). The WHQ is located in Germany and devisions can be found at the moment in Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Hungary and of course Austria. We give our best do the best for the scene...Overall friendship is a basic thing on which DAMIAN is based. But we are always in the need of talented coders, modemslaves and artists. If you want to contact us just for fun or joining write to our WHQ!

The Austrian Modem Scene


                                by BliTTeR / DAMIAN

 The austrian modem scene isn`t as big as in other countries. Only nine boards are online at the moment and all in all around 40 austrian modemslaves are passing through the boards....but many of them can`t be called traders, because they just snoop around and upload some shit when they got some stuff...Besides the sysops and co-sysops you can meed around 10 real active guys.
It`s a real pitty, but only 10 guys out of a population of 8 million...poor! But the austrian isn`t lame at all....Much friendship (YES! MUCH FRIENDSHIP!) and all releases that can be found in foreign countries...Some boards are really speaders and others just get the normal stuff day by day.
You can also meet very many foreign trades from big groups who do most of the "business" here in Austria. Overall i would say that every BBS is worth at least one call and no one is just laming around. By the way: You also can upload your adverts, cliparts, articles or something softy to some BBS with a  JUNGLE -SUPPORT-CONFERENCE!!!

Upload it on: UNLIMITED SUCCESS   DAMIAN WHQ   ++43-767-227-743
          or: METAL CHURCH     NOW INDEPENDENT ++43-725-266-402 3 nodez!

But now lets introduce the BBS step by step without giving any bad or good votation! I don`t want somebody kill joking!

 METAL CHURCH:  The biggest board here in Austria which is at the moment running on 3 nodez...But this should increase soon...Over 500 users uploading everything from the little tool up to the main-releases. Friendly sysops, who try to help you in every situation. One gigabyte stuff has gone independent now.
A  JUNGLE -SUPPORT-CONFERENCE has been opened in which you can upload your articles for  THE JUNGLE . This board is official supporter of  THE JUNGLE !
Number: ++43-725-266-402

 NO RESPECT: The SCOOPEX EHQ... this shows the quality and stuff online... You can meet a great variety of real elite-traders there giving you the pleasure to download. The Sysop TRADE has got problems in the past with the pest...but we don`t hope to see you in jail! This board supports the Easter Conference with stuff and will spread all releases!
            Sysop: TRADE/SCX
            Number: ++43-767-465-216

 PLEASURE DOME:  Another hell for traders all around the globe. Always superb utilities and releases tools and fucking fast. It belongs to DIAMONDS & RUST, which is now a subgroup of FAIRLIGHT. Really cooperativ sysops and another official supporter of  THE JUNGLE !
               Sysop: STEVE/D&R/FLT
               Number: ++43-223-885-43

 UNLIMITED SUCCESS: Yep! DAMIAN WHQ  and of course a  Jungle -support-conference. Superb sysop and also PC and consoles available. This BBS is also Muffbusters AHQ. Call and just have fun! Many surprises will await you there!
                   Sysop: ICE MC/DAMIAN
                   Number: ++43-767-227-743

 CRIME CITY: THE FLYING ACES AHQ  with all main releases and often cool utilities you can hardly find at an other place. Nice sysop who loves long chats and much fun. Always worth a call. BTW: This board will also support the Easter Conference!
            Sysop: BRAIN/TFA
            Number: ++43-522-544-47

 FIRE & ICE:  Used to be a 2000AD board but then joined SCEPTIC and got much faster now! A lot of stuff available but sometimes some days ago the hot warez. But it`s changing all the time and due to you can overall say its a good bbs too!
            Sysop: IMAGIC/SCEPTIC
            Number: ++43-767-240-26

 VIENNA CALLING:  Very big private BBS with much IBM warez and always cool warez. Very strictly kept rules and no new users. Therefore if you don`t have experianced it by now....go and fetch a line!
                Sysop: MGCS
                Number: ++43-1-278-6783

 HIGHLANDER BBS:  One of the newer BBS here in Austria. It is the Surprise! Productions WHQ with a lot of warez but not too much users yet. But i`m sure this will change in the future. Test it out!
                Sysop: HIGHLANDER/S!P
                Number: ..........

 B.A.S.C:  This BBS has a lot of PC stuff available...bad that only some main releases for the amiga can be found...You can also get there streamer-abos. Test it and try to bring a new fresh hurricane with you!
         Sysop: WIZARD/LEPROSY
         Number: ++43-662-387-539

 I have heard of some guys who want to open a board in summer...let`s see whether it will be a success or not...A note to foreign traders: Try to call to Austria and support us a little BIT in doing a good job. THANX!

Design, Design, Design...

 Design, Design, 

           by Friendly/Damian       

I think design is an important fact in the scene today. In many reviews the design is mentioned and you can often read who has designed this part and that part or the whole Demo. If I see sentences like "The effects are not smashing, but the design is perfect!" I notice that it can be VERY important how you design a production of yours. Though, it seems like many guys haven't realised that yet. Of course not anybody has the skill to design a production, but I am sure that in every group is a freak who is able to do so. A lot of coders think that it is their job to design their production but that is BULLSHIT! If they have not the feeling for such things, why not letting another person of the group design the demo? Some popular groups have done it, like Melon Dezign. Human Target was designed by Walt.
  I also think that graphicians often have this special thing inside, which makes them able to compose the colours or to design other things. Another thing you could do is to watch some stunning and good designed demos. In general the design follows some principial facts, which you can copy or transform. (Perhaps we will have some design-copyrights in the future?).
  So, if you feel that you are not the right one to design a production, just ask others to do that and I am sure your production will get much better.

  Finally, I have to say, that I got the idea for this article as I saw the intro of  The Jungle  #1, which is really bad designed (Sorry Dream Warrior!). In the future we will get sure that every production of ours will have a good design!



           by Ace of Damian

 The scene lost another legendary group-ANARCHY itself is almost dead! Long live LEMON. What happened? The most guys of Anarchy didn`t want to keep up Anarchy- work and so the active members like Facet, Nuke, Dan, Hannibal and many others built up Lemon. Other guys joined Melon Dezign(Slammer and Xience) or built up The Camel Corporation(Milkshake and ICronite) and a few try to keep Anarchy alive, like Conquest, Trix, Krest and Titan. All this happened a few days after the Party 2 in Aars.

The first production of Lemon.(Don`t forget the point after the name!) will be released in a few weeks, The Camel Corporation released their first intro at the end of february. By the way, all infos (not much!) in this article are from Facet/Lemon. What will happen in the future, who`ll be the next Nr.1? I think (hope) we`ll get the answers to these questions very fast.

Diskmags - any differencies?

any differencies?

           by Ace of Damian

 This article is not about the number of diskmags as you might think. I wanna find some differencies in them. That`s very hard because almost every diskmag looks the same as another one. Of course you can`t change much, but you can try it as we do. Every Diskmag has no special Index as we have (I only heard from people that they like our Index!).
In almost all Diskmags it`s boring, we try to get a little bit life in it with the little objectin the Index, wich we are going to change at least in every 2nd or 3rd issue. Every Diskmag has the borders from the beginning on. Everything happens in the borders. In every Mag. Ok, that might be the best possibility, but it looks boring due the size of the Mag-numbers.
The number of mags is Ok, I don`t know why many people are shouting around that too many mags appear in scene. I don`t understand them. I think it`s allright, but it depends on the articles they publish. If they don`t have many or good articles, two or three mags should work tohether and these groups should release the mag, so it`s easier to become a wellknown mag, because when there are many articles there are many readers. And so the size of voters grows and your mag can be very successful. But always remember: try to make at least a little differency between other mags. It will be reminded more than any other, normal mag (...aaahh, that was the mag with that....) Think about it!



          by Colorbird/Noxious 

 Okey guys, lets talk about something that really upsets me and I think it upsets most of you guys too. Copyrights! Some of you may be crackers and you dont care a shit about copyrights, but most normal people do.
But strangely enough most so called PD-companies must never have heard the word copyright! Okey if they sell a demo for 10 SEK, thats what a disk+postage costs but selling demos for 30 SEK and selling demos with copyright texts and so... Nobody at all the computer magazines cares a shit.

I wrote a letter to a Swedish Computer Magazine (DMZ) which was published and there was not even a single reply! If you read that magazine you find adverts from a company called Softler Software.
They are selling Protracker 2.2a +10 sampledisks for 170 SEK!!! I thought Crayons Protracker was freeware, not public domain... And they were among other demos selling ODDYSSEY by Alcatraz for 85 SEK! 5 disk costs 20 SEK, that leaves 65 SEK to Softler Software. And not a single SEK per copy is going to Alcatraz!
And if I remember right I think that Oddysey has a text in the beginning saying that its illegal to sell it. I may be wrong because I havent seen Oddysey since January 92. I just want to say to all you guys out there if you see a demo made by you or your friends beeing selled then sue the motherfuckers!!!
I just want to say FUCK YOU to all those PD companies... And here is a promise from me. If I make a cool demo and if I see someone selling it I wont sue the motherfucking bastard, I will take my baseball-bat and beat his lousy brain out!!!

By the way do you know that if you havent included some text about copyright or the illegality of taking code, gfx and music out of your work ? Ok, We called that ripping and think its fucking lame. Well if you haven't written in your production a copyright text, its public domain and anyone can take what they want from your production and use it as they like. Its still lame but its fucking legal! So my advise to you all is that you write some text like "ALL shit (C)opyright 1992 by Xgroup" and it should be protected by the law. Also write something funny like this "Anyone selling this is accepting these demands... 1) I have the right to take all your computerstuff, whenever I like to. 2) I have the right to let my dog eat you balls. 3) I have the fucking right to take everything you own!"


Loser or Lamer Part 2

  Loser or Lamer
      Part 2

         by Ace of Damian  

Remember the first Loser or Lamer-article in the Jungle, iussue 1?? In this article I wrote something about the definition of these users as the name says.
With this article I wanted to make you response because of it! Due the fact that almost nobody checked the situation. Where are your reactions?!? I got one letter with a reaction for this article. It was an austrian guy called "TRION OF ENERGY".(Well dude, I can say that your on the right way!).
He only wrote one sentence (Losers are the freaks that call other users lame!!). Of course he forgot to put his addy under the letter so that I couldn`t write back because of the sentence about the articles. You must be a cool smucky, so, c`mon and write articles if you think you are better. Don`t be shy and write to my home-addy again.

This is NOT an agressive reaction coz of your critics. Remember:Raw wasn`t built in one day!! But back to the main thing- The Losers and Lamers. Here`s my true opinion:Fuck Lamers!! In our town there`s a guy (no names mentioned!) who`s really lame.
He tries to build up a new group (that wouldn`t be lame, of course), but everytime I meet him he tells me some stories who joined, and so on. If all that would be true I get told, this group would be very good, but who believes that a guy from Skid Row and a few days later a guy from Crystal joined them, a crew with no releases, no good contax, no quality-members! The guy is Ok in real life, but at the machine!?! Well, I think it`s enough of that Loser or Lamer-nonsence by now. If you have some reactions then write to me, my addy is in the addy-section (where else!?)



         by Ace of Damian

Releasedates... what`s about this? Normally they are there to tell the people How old the stuff is the have. That would always be a good information, but many groups fuck around with it. They push it up 2 weeks and start spreading it much earlier than the date in the release. What`s that for?

They want to get their production spread very well, without working for that, too much. When anybody realises that he got the stuff one week before the releasedate he starts spreading it because he thinks that it must be new and nobody of his contacts would have it. That`s a fault because the others might have it because it was already spread one week ago. Must be cool to push the date up to get it spread. of course you can type what you want in your intros, but do we need faked dates in Scene?


The Sense of X-Copy

           The sense of X-copy

                                 by Blitter/Damian

 There are X-Copy versions out there in the scene like sand on an italian beach.....with other words: the versions of this "favourite" copy programm are raising like hell!

 From V0.9 up to the latest Version V8.1......The only revolutionary one was the V8.1 which now runs in full MED-RES (but again without multi-tasking) but the others look quite the same shit! Up to now I have seen about 5 or 6 versions of V8.0! All the same programms just with a little "GFX-dope".

What the hell should this ??? Nowadays a group nearly has to shame itself unless an own version of the standart-scene-copy-programm is released! No new ideas, no new faster (does the disk-drive allow faster access to disk???) routines, bugs as hell and no new motivation.

If you have a quiter look at other (often PD) programms x-copy seems to be sucked in the beginning of stoneage! Others offer multitasking (the best way of copying stuff!), including of modules, games (just a good idea for swappers!), options as hell (like code/decode, repair-copy,...) and more stuff like that. But what does Cachet or the scene?
NOTHING! JUST NOTHING! Stop! Wait! Something is done! What a miracle! What the hell??? The version number of one and the same programm has to be increased! Yeahhhh, then Cachet is able to do a new advertisement-campaign and to gain more money in faking users who buy the orginal (couriously the scene-versions are much better!)....

Isn`t there a coder out there who is able to do a copy-programm with just new FUN(ctions)??? Ideas and support is everytime available! If somebody wants to get some nice support (serious only!) then don`t hesitate to contact THE JUNGLE for further details..... Or is the scene so conservativ that you judge every revolution to shit???

 BliTTeR / DaMiaN
 from the Jungle-Staff



           by Ace of Damian 

I can`t stand it anymore... WHAT ??? I`m gonna tell you! Vote for me, vote for my pax, vote for my group! Almost everyday I get letters with that vote me- stuff.
If I don`t get some, I see it in bad intros or other releases. It seems that the charts are the most important thing in life for them. Ok, the charts show who`s best or who`s good, but I wouldn`t vote for contax that tell me that I should vote for them, coz when we act like this the charts will only be a big fake. Partly they are already by now! It`s everybodys choice to vote for what he wants.

I got about 40-50 contax and the only guys it`s worth voting for as good swappers are Speedy/Parasite, Mr.King/Analog and Astro/Movement. The rest of my contax is nice, some good friends but nothing more! Even in Intros or other releases I saw this beggary. I remember one really bad Intro from an unknown group(press leftmb and the secret part is found-whooouuu!!!). Straight on the first side of the textwriter-these words again!!! Aaaargh!! It`s enough for now, vote for who you want! Another part of the story is the cheating of charts, which many smaller groups try, I think. It`s easy to get into the charts. Just tell your contacts friends and everybody to vote for you. Even give the votesheets to some guys from your class and tell them what to write into the spaces, even if they`re not in scene or not having a computer. Find a name for him and let him vote for you every issue.
That`s it. A bit easy, hmmm?

No Friendship In The Modemscene???


                                by BliTTeR/DAMIAN

 Everywhere you can read in different articles that there is no friendship in the modemscene. Different voices say that only the mailswapping and the demoscene is the REAL way of friendship by writing long letters, send some junk mail or just talk about different things.

 This opinion can only come from a guy, who has NEVER had a modem before and still hates them because he is much slower than the modemtrader.
I think that in the modemscene IS friendship! Sure, it differs from the one place to the other...But overall i would say that there is MUCH friendship...You can chat with the sysop for hours (oho....the bill!) or have fun with other users on the other nodes. When you logon to a new system you have to identify yourself and talk a little bit to the sysop.
Here starts the friendship! You call more and more, post messages concerning from bullshit up to important group messages like hell and transfer files.

Sure, only upload or download without any chatting isn`t fun...on many big and fast bbs there isn`t much contact with each other. Simply because the number of users is too big to chat with everyone for ten minutes or leaving mail.

Real Traders leech here, upload there and so on without giving any attention to other modemfreaks. But i think this isn`t the biggest percentage in the (modem)scene. It`s real fun to get known with the other person behind the pseudo and be in touch with others. You get friends, help each other and if you meet at a party it`s really funny! If you still have the opinion that the modemscene isn`t funny at all then just call one of the DAMIAN BBS around and fetch the spirit of friendship!


Faking Stamps In The Right Way


      by Anonymus Fakus Stampus


If you are a swapper with many contacts, you sure will notice after a while that the mony you spend for postage will increase heavily! Therefore many swappers use faked stamps with glue or stuff like that... In some countries it has become very dangerous to use faked stamps in the past. I will show you a way where the chance to be caught is MINIMAL and the saving is GREAT!

You should buy a large amount of small amounts of stamps and put many of them on a letter. The chance that many of them are unstamped when received is really big! Additionally put some normal tape over the stamps, but not too much! Put also some tape on the place where NO stamps are...the pest won`t be suspicious ...they just think you want to close the letter correctly.

Never mail your letters at the local post-office. Always search some mail-boxes around your home and always mail them there. You won`t be checked at the post office!
When receiving such a letter, unwrap it carefully and take the virgin stamps and use them once more. Get a anti-tint pen and remove SOFTLY the tint. But not TOO MUCH (that you can see the stamp mark) and then go to your local paper shop and buy a little glas of TINT EX. Sorry, but I don`t know whether this is available in foreign countries (here in Austria it is named in this way)!
Anyway, look out for something like this (should look something like a tint jar). Then take a little glass and fill the glass with the liquid and put your stamps in.
Put them near a heating or any other warm place (should be 38-40 degrees celcius). After about 34 hours take them and let them dry in normal conditioned air. Now the marks should be gone and you can look out for your next letters to your contacts! But remember: NEVER PUT YOUR OWN ADDRESS ON THE LETTER!!!!!!! (OR IN!)....For contact letters you have to take some legal stamps...Remember: Saving money is good - but if you want to save EVERY PENNY you will fuck up soon!

Do We Need Worldrecords?

       Do we need worldrecords? 

          by Friendly/Damian

 'And here comes the 1999 faces mega-glenzvektor... Wow! A new worldrecord!' Everybody who enjoys demos has read such a sentence so far. Everything which can be done better will be done better some time, that's o.k and without this fact the scene cannot survive. But do we really need the numberless worldrecords? It is totally okay to improve older routines if the new result is nice to see, but what I hate are these BORING records. Who cares if you have coded a glenzvektor with 20 or 200 faces? If you have seen one once, every glenzvektor looks like the other one.
  Just look in Anarchy's 'Seeing is believing'. Dan is very proud to show you a very fast circle-routine and it is shown quite often. Other coders may say how good the effect is, because it is so hard to code, but 'normal' people or poor graphicians like me do not find it original, just boring. So many new and great effects are copied by other crews, which think that they are really cool just because they have done it a bit better.  It would be nicer to send a short regard to the inventer of the new effect, because he is the one who should gain the regards.
  To the coders: A worldrecord is only cool if it is original and creative!

Interview with Peachy/MASQUE-TRSI

               with  Peachy/MASQUE-TRSI

                              by Friendly/Damian

 Friendly:  Let's begin with telling us something about yourself and your career!
 Peachy:  Jauser, I'm Magnus, some might know me as Peachy/Masque-TRSI. Right now I'm 21 years old. My hobbies are NO SPORTS MOVEMENT, pool and cinema. I got my AMIGA 1988 after being on C-64!!! My first group was VAMPS, a very local 'group'. Later I joined Action where I met TSM and Warhead/PANIC. After being a short time in Surprise Productions/TRSI we splitted up 'coz of too many people in that group. Now we founded MASQUE in TRSI to show that we are pure legal and have nothing in common with the illegals but the demo-section!

 Friendly:  Do you spend much time in drawing graphics or doing other things with your Amiga? How much time does it take you to create a complex picture?
 Peachy:  Well, there are periods where I spend much time in front of this soup box and in others I just don't want to see it, ok? Geeee, you want to know how much time it takes to draw a picture??? That differs...The most time I spend on SHERYL LEE which took me about 1 week. Others just one day or two-three. This depends on my personal motivation.

 Friendly:  Why Amiga? What's your personal reason to spend time at the computer? There are many other ways to enjoy life.
 Peachy:  I just love this machine! It's great. Have ya ever had an erection by having a nice time with ya dig in DF0:... Well, I never had (what d'ya think!!!) But maybe there are some masos who try to format while digging... No, I think it's a great hobby and for ya hobby you spend much time!

 Friendly:  Like everybody you have started as a poor lamer (Or?). Why did you try to draw pictures? Why didn't you learn to code?
 Peachy:  You might be surprised, but I can code! I think a real graphician has to know some basics of coding. So first I wanted to code then I tried something on Soundtracker and at last I prefered DPaint! In fact I still do some modules on Protracker but thats not good enough to release something more! First I have done only logos and fonts! Then I started on pictures!

 Friendly:  I find it very difficult to find a good 'real' picture to draw. Do you have the same problems? If not, where do you take your images from?
 Peachy:  Well, a lot of graphicians have a whole bunch of great fantasy books at home. Ok, it's great. Boris is quite good. In fact I have drawn 2 fantasy pictures One in Wicked and the Aars picture, which was originally drawn by Boris Valejo, but I changed a lot! Well I haven't got a lot of them 'coz they didn't interest me. Life is full of images. Also some friends tell me some good images if they have spotted one.

 Friendly:  The 'Wicked Sensation'-demo was a big success. Will TRSI continue to release productions of that quality or will it make again a rest, like in the past?
 Peachy:  I hope that there won't be a rest! But who knows...
Friendly: Speaking about the future, have you any plans for the next time? Please tell us how you think your life will develop (Job, Amiga).
Peachy: Well, after they throw me out of the army,hehehe and one year of lazyness I'll start to study graphic design. Maybe some more games on Amiga, who knows...

 Friendly:  You won the first place at the Party II in Aars. What did you think when you heard that you beat guys like Facet/Anarchy?
 Peachy:  There were several good pictures released in Aars and I was happy to win!

 Friendly:  How is the organisation in TRSI? Is there much friendship in the group?
 Peachy:  MASQUE has 13 members and is VERY good organized, so we have an internal BBS to have a much better communication. (Coding/module/pics/message sections) We have a good connection to the other legals in TRSI which are also 13 members. Friendship is very important! (And the meetings)

 Friendly:  The new Amiga 1200 offers new features, like more graphic-modi. What do you think about it? Do you think 'our' Amiga will have a chance against his brilliant brother?
 Peachy:  Well, I just have an A4000 and it is great but I wonder how long this one will rest for the A5000.There seems to be a big chaos at Commodore. A1200 is better in the new GFX-modes, but it will be surely not the last answer! Well, if the A500 will live depends on how much people buy the new and better A1200/A4000!

 Friendly:  What do you think about other graphicians like...
- Mack/Melon Dezign He did a nice slide and the one thing I like most are his colors!
- R.W.O/Kefrens Not so good motives, but his Monster from Tank-Art was a cool thing (Hi cougar)
- Scuba/X-Trade I love airbrush since I'm doing it on my own!
- Facet/Anarchy The one with the most releases and I wonder where he takes so much time.
- Hof/Movement Brilliant light-technique. Smart...

 Friendly:  How about game companies? Have you ever received an offer or if not would you like to work as a professional artist?
 Peachy:  I had some and I'm doing some games. Maybe there will be more in this way...

 Friendly:  Do you use any extra equipment beside your mouse, which helps you in pixelling?
 Peachy:  Well, since the Amiga 4000/1200 offers more colors it will be more efficient to draw on paper and use scanners...So if I have the money I will surly buy one! So besides my mouse I have an airbrush set, but at this point of time it does't help me on computer (But in future).

 Friendly:  Well, here we have got the last question. What's the name of your father?
 Peachy:  This is the best question in this interview. First I'd like to thank ya for this very, very good question! His name was Philipp (and so is the name of my sister's name is angelika...and the other sister is named mother is named anneliese (hehe)...Hope this gave ya a great insight into my family...By the way my father doesn't ran naked through the house, hehehe...he is dead...sniff...

 Friendly:  Thank you very much for standing the answers! I hope we will see some more from you. Maybe some last words by the fruit from TRSI...
 Peachy:  Thank you! A big hip to The Masked Team:Fade One (Der Mops) Wayne (Die Kanalratte) Dreamer (BundiHundi) RomeoKnight (Der Knechter) Xray (Der Suffkopp) Virgill (Der Vorbeter) Violas (Huehner) Cueball (Der Brueter) Warhead (Der Arbeiter) Deicide (Der Wuerger) Tee Jay (Der Limitierte)... and the rest team: TSM, DoubleTrouble and all in TRSI. Big hihos to all Sanitys! Hiho also to all graphicians! (Die Leidensgenossen) Ace of bass rules!

Interview with Chaos of Sanity

    Interview with Chaos of Sanity 

                             by Ace of Damian

 Ace:  Hello Chaos. First of all please introduce yourself to the readers!
 Chaos:  I am Chaos of Sanity, and I am a god. What's more to say? Pray to me, or I'll get angry. I reached level of immortality (Ever heard of "SWar1*" ?). I got all the millions of experience points by killing Dragons, Guardian Dragons to be precise, two of them, I eat melons for breakfast and whole galaxies at lunch. My power is only met by my arrogance and my ability to produce spelling errors, exspecially when writing english (hope you remove them).  [no way! Ed.]

 Ace:  What is your career on Amiga? When and in what group did it start,...
 Chaos:  I began as a lamer who was too lame to even notice the scene, but I was allways a coder. My first groups were Axenon (1989?), Undertakers, and then Sanity. My career began with the release of the Elysium Demo, which is still high in the charts. After the release of Elysium, Sanity broke apart, we joined Rebels and reformed Sanity a bit later. In fact, before beeing a lamer on Amiga, I was a lamer on the 64, but I don't think that anybody is still interested in such old storys.

 Ace:  What kind of hardware equipment do you use? Did you ever code one one of the new Amigas? Are they useful for you or the scene?
 Chaos:  Whoops, I like old computers. I mean, very old computers, 1975-1980. I collected some of the early CPM computers, and I still use them as Terminals for the Amigas. Here is a list of the Hardware Equiptment that I actually use, I own a few more things.
- A4000-40 2MBChip/4MBFast 120MB HDisk, 1hd-floppy intern, 1 A1010 external floppy.
- A2000 1MBChip/2MBFast 45MB Seagate HDisk with Combitec XT Controller, 2 internal dd-floppys, Action Replay II.
- Atari Mega St2 2MbST-Mem, 40MBQuantum SCSI Speed drive Controller (dont laugh, I really use this maschine).
- C64 (old) with 1541 and Formel 64.
- 2 CPM-computers (in rather bad condition, mostly self-repaired) as Terminals for the two Amigas.
- TV with Scart conector
- 1960 Monitor
- Monocrome monitor
- Some kind of scrap I turned into a monior, badly wired to one of the CPM's
Software I usually use:
 - Kick 3.0 including ARexx
 - Devpack - Cygnus Ed
 - Sanity Operating System (runtime and debugging system)
 - Mod3 (Monitor)
 - DPaint
 - butcher
 - Common (Monitor)
 - protracker
 - diverse packers
 - TeX (for the riddles. The riddle is using TeX)
 - Schwarzkopf-Killer
 - and a lot more.
Well, I wrote this list just to tell you that I use DEVPACK, and none of these fucking Seka-like toy-assemblers. Can't imagine that anybody codes good programms using a toy.
It's something for kids, not for serious coders. Well, 3D-Demo2 was coded wth some kind of ASM-One, and it's pretty stunning. But at least no serious coder except Hannibal uses sekas. Well, Panther uses the Buddha-Seka, and himself Buddha is one of the few coder I really admit, and he did code a seka, Hmmm, no serious coder except almost all serious coders I can think of right now use a Seka or ASMone, because these lousy utils are pure shit. There's nothing better then using Ced to type, Devpack to assemble (or Oma or Macro68) and ARexx to link both programms.

 Ace:  What do you like to do in your free time, beside coding?
 Chaos:  I like playing Boardgames (like Games Workshop games, or things like The Great Khan Game, you know, fantasy-freaky games; Nuclear Winter, Kung Fu CB Mamas on Wheels vs. the Motorcycle Aztec Wrestling Nuns) and roleplaying games (We don't use rule-systems, we play "Regelfreies Erzaehlspiel".).
If the weather is fine, I like cycling. I like reading Fantasy and Scifi, and I listen to a lot to music (Pixies, New Model Army, Nick Cave, Nine Inch Nails, and a lot of other strange things). I like listening to radio, in fact I listen to the radio all the time I code, and that is quite a lot of time. I hear to Radio Bremen 4, the best station around.
If you know Radio Bremen 4 you should also know Pop's toenende Wunderwelt, the best Radio Programm I ever heard, TUNE IT! if you can... Hey Leute: Kontakt zu Popkameraden gesucht: Tausche gerne Tapes, hab die letzten Jahre fast vollstaendig. Suche DRINGEND Tapes von den ersten Folgen, insbesondere alles ueber die Globale Rutschbahn! Auf Kameraden, Pop Pop Marsch Marsch! Paul E. Pop, der Mann aus dem Jenseits! Jeden Sonntag nach kommt er herab...

 Ace:  When did you start coding on Amiga?
 Chaos:  Don't know, perhaps 1987, 1988. It's quite long ago. I did a lot of things, and in the past I encountered almost all parts of the Amiga, including the Operating System.

 Ace:  What was the first release, coded by Chaos?
 Chaos:  The first thing I released under the name Chaos was the Benderlyser demo for the Undertakers. It had only one effect and a ripped music. It was just done for experience. I never liked releasing things that have been done better before, this is why there are few early releases. It took me some time learning before I was able to code something that was worth of beeing released, so first real release was Elysium.

 Ace:  What kind of routines do you prefer to code (beside zooming, of course!) ?
 Chaos:  Beside zooming, I like zooming. And perhaps texture mapping, that is a kind of zooming. Hmmm, no I like all effects that (a) are new or (b) are the same as before, only done much better (=faster) then ever seen. This is why I dislike vectordemos. If you have seen one, you have seen them all. Almost no vectordemos give you something new, exspecially Glenzvectors are stupid.
But if I see a really fast vectorroutine (like Vectorpreview by Complex or Hunt by Cryptoburners) I like it. The problem is, that there are few effects that meet my needs. Last year, I can remember only two effects: The transforming Dot-Sphere in the Alchemy Trackmo (copied and improved by Hannibal in his 3d-Demo2) and the Video-feedback-lookalike-effects in the Shining 40k-intro.

 Ace:  What plans do you have for the future?
 Chaos:  Do some Games and code Broken Promises. In fact, I am quite near to not only coding games, I am near to getting money for games, this is a very big difference (because almost everybody codes games, but to sell them is the real problem, and if you managed to sell them, the quest has just started, getting Money is the real problem in coding Games, nothing else.). Watch out for "Timet the flying Squirrel", I've done some special effects for it, so you'd better fasten you seatbelts.

 Ace:  A lot of people think you have a bad design. What do you say or think about  that?
 Chaos:  They are absolutely right. In fact, I don't care about design. I think my next demos will have good design, and Yesterday had a good design. But I also think that the Melon/Andromeda Design is shit.
In a few month, perhaps the rest of the scene joins my opinium, whats the meaning of all this moving around of vectorplanes? The Andromeda Musicidsk is the very near to being silly instead of beeing well designed (It is well designed, but a few more releases like this and it will look silly and ugly to us).
You will not get me to clone them. I tried out my own way of design in the Yesterday intro sequence. I made linkages, and I think it was a good success, althoug I don't want to do it again because it's a huge amount of work. Linkages this must not lead to demos like Guardian Dragon, where linkages link to linkages that link linkages together, links should link effects that are worth watching, otherwise you get "zero-design", Demos, that contain absolutely nothing like Dos/Andromeda (count the effects. If you cut all the boring vectors (even the complex inconvex vectors are a simple fake), you will get a total of 0 effects).
What do these demos demonstrate? Only the fact that the scene seems to be at thier end. We will show the scene that there are many unexplored areas beside vector-design that are to be discovered in our BP-Demo.

Links should contain ideas, not only shifting of planes. Just see Jesterday, where I had the irregular Vectorlins that are, seen from a special angle, a "presents"-logo. I miss these kind of ideas when I see most of the Design-Shit released today. Melon puts a sinescroller on a weirdly colored background and calls it intro. Whats the point of that?
DEMONSTRATIONS should DEMONSTRATE something. On Amiga, many freaks think that demos are done to show design. They forget that design is though as a better way of presentating something. What is left if the design presentates only the design. Haven't they forgotten something? Perhaps it is symptomatic that the contens is less important then the package. It is said that you should never judge a book buy its cover, but here the cover makes the book.
If they don't stop producing covers (using the word "cover" in two ways, (a) as the cover of the book and (b) as it is used in music buissness), it will become more and more useless.
Some freaks say that a demo must be understandable and "good" for none-scene persons. A none-computerfreak might like the so-called state of the art (but if this is the state of the art, then I don't know what happened to the scene) while he can't understand the meaning of a coding demo. Well, I think this none-scene guy will say "nice, but why are you using computer instead of Video", or he will say "I can see shit like this 24 hours on MTV".
The Eurocharts seem to support my opinion because design shit stays only very short in the charts while hardcore (=hardcode) demos seem to stay forever, although they need longer to rise. This implies that a really well done hardcore production (like 3d-Demo 2) has limited chances compared to any kind of design shit (like state of the art) on a competition because the impact of a design demo is much harder and faster. You need several times before you really like 3D Demo 2, while you simply can't watch State of the Art very often, it's too boring and simple done.

 Ace:  What about the "Broken Promises". When can we await it on our screens. Can you tell us some facts about it?
 Chaos:  I am not going to give you a proposed release date for it, because we will surely get further delays (It was planned for Fall 91!). But I can assure you one thing: Either it will be never released, or it will break all limits. There has never been a demo like BP, and perhaps there will never again something like this.
Perhaps the public will dislike it, because it will be very uncommon, but I am shure to get a big long-time success with it. It is under development for more then one year, and it'll better be good! You might say that I am a bit optimistic, but compared to the other members in Sanity I am very pessimistic.
In fact, only Mr. Pets intro sequence would be sufficiant for a very high Eurochart Positon, and when the introduction has run, the real effect are yet to come. I can also promise that the design will be better then you would expect from me, but you will have to adept to the style of the demo. You woun't see any Mainstream-shit from me. Perhaps I will break THIS promise too. Broken Promises: Nothing you can rely on, as the name sais. But if it comes, better leave the scene if you don't like beeing Slain & Slaugtered.
Perhaps you can imagine better what's comming next from Mr. Pet and me if you notice that the WoC-Demo was the result of emtying our Trashcans. (Allmost) only old effects, hastely put together to win a competition. It was not done for the scene, it was done to get a bit of money. Not it's quite high in the EC, and it's rising while the Wicked Dublication by Winny Mandela is falling. As I said before: Hardcore lives longer then shit, but shit winns competitions.

 Ace:  Do you work for a software-company or did you get any offers yet?
 Chaos:  At the moment I work for Neon.

 Ace:  Ok, thanx for the Interview. Do you have any last messages or greetinx?
 Chaos:  No greetings, because I allways forget the guys that I like to great most. Usually, I forget to greet McDeal/DTect, Hannibal/Lemon (as far as I know), Tyroxine/Electricity and the other freaks I usually forget. I also great everybody who should have gotten a letter from me half a year ago like Fury/Legacy and some more.
Search me on the CeBit at the Atari-place, I am going to release a Guestscreen for the latest Electricity Demo on ST! Well, if the effect runs 25% faster on St's then on Amigas, I release them on St.
Gruesse and die Organisierten Popkameraden n.e.v, wuerde gerne mal beim "Pop In" vorbeikommen, aber Bremen ist einfach zu weit weg...
Greets to all out there who are still creative.
Gruesse an Heralds Mysterika dafuer dass sie sich von Peter S. richtig haben verarschen lassen.
Gruesse an diesen ITALIAN Spinner MASTERBOY, der mir einen Brief geschrieben hat der 75% aller Merkmale einer Verarschung aufweisst wie sie von Peter S. und seinen Freunden normalerweise gemacht wird (Obwohl dieses Team natuerlich nur im Fantasy-Genre taetig ist und mich nicht kennt). Nun, ich glaube immer noch nicht dass es eine Verarschung ist, aber der Brief war auf alle Faelle peinlich.
Wir sehen uns dann auf der CeBit, der Atari Messe in Duesseldorf und der WoC!

Sanity: Demo or Die.
Please insert a (tm) after each capitalised word to keep the loyers happy.

Slain and Slaugtered (tm) is copyrighted by Peter S. & Co
SWar1* (tm) is copyrighted by MiBo & Co.
"Kung Fu CB Mamas on Wheels vs. the Motorcycle Aztec Wrestling Nuns" (tm) is copyrighted by Space Gamers

Rap Reviews

              RAP REVIEWS 

                                by Ace of Damian

 2Pac: Strictly 4 my N.I.G.G.A.S...

 Whooops, the 2nd Album of West-Coast-Rapper 2Pac. I runs for 64:05 minutes and contains 16 Tracks. For those who know him I don`t have to say anything, but for those who wanna know the style: Hardcore. There are many guest stars appearing on this release, like Ice Cube, Ice-T, Deadly Threat, Apache, Treach of Naughty by Nature, Digital Underground, and some more. This release is much better than the first album, so buy it!

Best Tracks are: Lazt Wordz, Holler if you hear me, Deadly Venomz and the rest!

 It gets 9 Points outta 10!!!


 Eazy E:5150-Home for the sick

 Yep yep, finally, after five years, the 2nd solo-project of N.W.A-Rapper Eazy E appeared. It`s an EP with an Intro and 4 Songs. The running time is 17:18 minutes. The sounds are cool, and Eazy`s beeeepy-voice is also funny. The last Track on this EP is a mix of some christmas-tunes, just with another text. Merry motherfuckin` X-mas and have a fucked-up new year! It`s not bad for those who like it, but... you got your own opinion.

Best Track is: Neighbourhood Sniper

 It gets 6 Points outta 10!!!


 Wreckx`n Effect: Hard or smooth

 Another first release, this time by Wreckx`n Effect called "Hard or smooth". It contains 11 songs and runs for 45:51 minutes. The style of their songs are more like hardcore than HipHop. There`s one song that all MTV-Watchers might know. It`s called "Rumpshaker". The mixed Mtv-Version contains samples from AMG and N2Deep for example and sounds a bit shitty bacause of the mixed melodies, but the original version is much cooler with much bass, making everybody jump and dance, as the other sounds. By the way, this album is produced by Teddy Riley, Who is also Michael Jackson`s producer. Not only that. One guy from the duo has the nice name Markell RILEY! (Got it?). About the Album: I think it`s worth beeing bought coz it will heat up every party.

Best songs are: Rumpshaker and the others are also not bad!

 It gets 7 Points outta 10!!!


 Young Black Teenagers: Dead Enz Kidz Doin` Lifetime Bidz

 Another 2nd release, diz time by YBT. It runs for 47:34 minutes and contains 14 Songs. The Album starts with an  Intro and the follow-up is the chartbreaker called "Tap the bottle" The whole style is funny and weird, reminds me of FU- Schnickens- just like I like it!! I can only give you the advice to buy this materpiece. By now it`s one of my all-time-favourites.

Best Tracks are: Tap the bottle, Sweatin` me, Soul wide open and the rest!

 It gets 10 Points outta 10!!!

Stop Fascism Review

              Stop Fascism
        by Alacatraz/Interactive

                            reviewed by Friendly/Damian

 This demo is not really a demo. It does not contain some new routines or something like that. It's simply a reaction to the raising amount of violence in Germany. No stunning code, no cool graphics, but the viewer gets the message the producers want to tell us.
Though I am german and have heard and seen reports about the rasists in Germany, I was shocked as I read all these places where brutal violance was used and where people were killed or injured. Mad Butcher has done a good combination between shocking textfiles and terrible newspaper pictures.
It was also good to include the examples of some metropoles, where people of every race live in peace together. About the demo itself, there is nothing more to say but I have to send best regards to Lizardking/Alcatraz for the fantastic tune in the demo.
It fits the demo perfectly, beginning with some atmospheric patterns turning out into a faster beat when Mad Butcher gives us some facts, and finally Lizardking composed a nice piano part for the credits. I have often watched that demo just to hear that sound and that is something which just happened to me with tunes by Tip&Mantronix!

Of course I cannot judge a demo which is no demo and so I just can say: Try to get this demo and listen to the perfect tune in it!

Thanx Alcatraz!


 Ì         by BliTTeR / DAMIAN

 I`ve just seen a new ANTI-TERROR-DEMO by Alcatraz & Interactive and was very impressed! There have been various anti-nazi- demos and anti-terror-demos lately. But none of them has come up to my expectations of a demonstration like Alcatraz and Interactive did.
In other productions you can see some little funny written text about foreigners and some vectors, plasmas & scrollies. But this is NOT the right thing to handle such an important subject like the foreigner problem in Germany.

If groups put their hard work in a production which should show their opinion in this matter or make the world kill terror & agression they should bear in mind that this should be either a serious demonstration or another demo which will be handled as every other.
ATZ did it in my eyes just in the right way it should be! Some impressive pictures to face the things and a very sensible text which can`t be misunderstood even by such shitheads destroying the democratic system. The meet exactly the point in which every normal thinking human being should agree and think things over. In such demos the design and the presentation is the second thing to think about.

First you should think of the REAL MATTERS of these conflicts and then have a carefull look at the words you place in a demo/intro. Such guys who want to meet just the fashion in the scene and make just a anti-terror-demo, because every "cool" group has released one, and just talk nonsense to fill the buffers with stupid scroll-texts, shouldn`t forget the aim of such a demonstration! If you aren`t able to handle such a fragile problem, please let your hands off from such things. Thanks in the name of  THE JUNGLE .

The Silents On MTV!


         by BliTTeR / DAMIAN

 What? The Silents on MTV? Yes...and ANARCHY, DESIRE, SANITY,...Thats NO joke! Sure, the demos aren`t shown as a three or five minute-clip, but they take some amiga demos together with some animations created by workstations and form a clip.
These clips are shown on Saturday or Sunday depending on the other programs in the late night. I don`t know how this program is named but I`m sure you will recognize it! If you don`t know it, it`s difficult to recognise that the clip is formed of amiga demos, because it`s sooo fast and normally you primary listen to the music and second you have a look at the often stupid clips and animations.

It`s not only fame or things like this to bear in mind, just think that the you neiter GET MONEY nor have been asked wheater you agree with using your demonstration! I think that THESE are the "STEALERS" of ideas and money...they make money with their in the end effect great animations and a guy who just copies some orginals makes no money with his activities.
Though many groups link a note to PD-distributors in front of their releases i have thought of a note no COMMERCIAL USE. They are just able to forget the note to the PD-distributors, because they aren`t any! They use OUR hard work even without giving us credits! We should protest against this, if we want to protect our own work. Demos are made for fun and not for commercial use!


Computer Translates Phonecalls


                               by BliTTeR / DAMIAN

 Experts have been developing over 14 month to make something possible that sounds like far future. Two persons from different countries and different languages (for example english and chinese) can talk to each other without thinking how to express something in an other language!

 The call will be routed over a computer translating all the words spoken and will speak them in the other language. Up to now 168.000 words are included in this "Mega- Computer" and this should be increased by thousand words per day. Some days ago the three main developers of operation "NO BORDER" had a thirty minutes call from from Germany, Canada and China to each other.
3000 people watched this revolutionary phone call in the press centre in Kioto, Carnegie-Mellon-University in Pittsbrugh and at the place of Siemens in Germany.
In this thirty minutes the comuter failed only three times because of some slang words. In a paper i read that the computer said as a line noise appeared: SHIT!. But the best thing is that your spoken words are translated to english AT THE SAME TIME! Yeah you will probably say...Superb and the best thing that could happen... But I think this is for the phreaks a big problem!
The official system should go online in 1996 in China for a testing phase of 1 year. If this system would be installed here in Europe, the phreaks will call over a computer on which everybody can manipulate your calls and confidential messages.

Imagine the computer translates some words not in that way you have meant them! But there are other big problems: How will it be with the native language of your country? This sland won`t be translated, you have to speak in correct written language! Shit....and words won`t be translated with intentiones....
Calling over Computer which translates all things is a real shitty thing... By the way: What should modem users do? Translate their ASCII`s? I think with this method we only come back to the words: BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU!


Airbrush and Graphicans

  and Graphicians

           by Friendly/Damian

 The airbrush is a quite new, easy and fantastic way to create a good looking painting. Most of the graphicians, including the elite-guys, need pictures of any kind when they do some coloured things with DPaint. Then they change some things or combinate some pictures with eachother - that's creative.
But why not creating your own 'real' picture. Then you can pixel it on Amiga. Everybody who thinks about donkeys when he hears the word 'Airbrush': The Airbrush is, simple said, a kind of a spraycan (Though it is a bit more expensive).
A compressor blows air under high pressure into the Airbrush and  sprays the colour on the underground. With this technique you are able to spray for example very smooth backgrounds, like a sky, and much more. Famous guys like Boris Valleijo create their pictures with this fantastic thing. As I think that graphicians are also able to draw good pictures by hand, they are the best skilled people for airbrushing.

After you have got drawn various pictures, it is such a great feeling to see that you get better and better - just like on DPaint, but faster. There are many books who will help you in developing this method and your friends will surely be astonished when they see that a 'normal' guy like you can paint this good! I have my Airbrush for a few months now and my pictures are in general not very good yet, but everybody who sees them thinks they are good.

When I show them some pictures by professional Airbrush-artists, they cannot believe that these pictures are made by using this 'spraycan'. Most of the people around do not know anything about Airbrush, though you can see products, which are sprayed, everyday: The movie 'Beauty and the Beast' by Walt Disney is coloured with the Airbrush, science-illustrations in your schoolbook are made with the Airbrush. Posters are made with Airbrush. Illustrations on magazines are made with Airbrush. Comics are...

I draw graphics for some time now and I think that I have reached a quite good quality (See for yourself: How did you like my Titlepic?), which is still getting better. So it tempted me to proof my talents in creating real pictures for everyone.
I think many graphicians want to do that and so I wrote this article: Buy an Airbrush (A good beginner-set for about 400 DM), spray a bit around and don't be angry that you cannot spray as good as on Amiga in the beginning, get some training books and some time later you may be as good as Boris Valleijo (OOOPS?). DPaint forever!


BCR: Hamburg

         BigCityReport: Hamburg

                                by Ace of Damian

 Hello and Welcome to the BCR, this time about the heart of the North:  Hamburg,  the City that never sleeps! Here you have everything you want. Let`s start!
The City of Hamburg has about 2.5 million people living in it, and so you can be sure to have fun and entertainment 24h a day.
Kick off in the morning: In the City and around there are many little pubs where you can have breakfast and enjoy the morning with a cup of coffee. After that you can go shopping in the City. Drive to the Hauptbahnhof and get out of that building. To one side you can go straight to a sex`n crime- quarter, to the other side you have one of  the most known shopping-streets in the world-The Moenckebergstrasse.
Here you have many nice shops where you can buy almost everything. To get through all  nice shops in this street and around, you need muuuuuch time. But that`s funny  and never boring!
When you`re hungry you can choose everything from McDonalds up to the Four Seasons. When the shops are closed you can walk to some famous parks like Planten Und Blomen, a really nice park to enjoy the early evening. you can also walk to your hotel and go to bed till later in the night. Get up and enjoy the number of Clubs, Discos and nice pubs.

If I was you, I`d also spend one evening on the famous Reeperbahn, there are also cool Discos and, aehm, nice pubs! When you`re in Hamburg and want to have real fun you should  buy a magazin called  PRINZ .
In it you`ll find all adresses of pubs, Discos, Theatres, Cocerts and everything else that`s going on in this MegaCity. There are Discos for every kind of Music-flavor, from Rap to Metal. But that`s not all. Hamburg is also a nice place to do Sightseeing. If yer a friend of this, just go to Hauptbahnhof. From there a special Sightseeing-Bus starts and shows you the City.

If you wanna go alone, here are some interesting sights:
 - The Michel  (it`s a very old cathedral)
 - The Harbour  (one of the biggest in Europe)
 - The Reeperbahn  (famous for many sex-shops and nice Pubs and Discos)
 - The Fernsehturm  (from there you have a nice look over Hamburg, there is also    a restaurant and a Disco in it)
 - Planten und Blomen  (a nice Park to enjoy the early evening)
...and many more.
If you have the plan to go to Hamburg this year or somewhen,  just write to me (ACE) and I`ll give you some more information.


In Your Room

             In Your Room

                             by Friendly/Damian

 I'm in your room. It is dark and it smells bad. I can see shadows on the wall, knowing that I'm not alone. You are here. I feel you. You creep around, me, see me shivering, make noises above me. I don't know what to do. I am frightened. There is a small window next to me. It is shut. I watch out of it but cannot see anything. Just deep swamps and darkness. I'm in your room. You could kill me if you want, you could pull me if you want. That moment I think I can see you, you are away, like a gentle breeze of air. I hate you and I love you. You are unimaginable ugly, absolutly beautiful. I want to kiss you, want to run away. But I can't do anything. I'm in your room. I hear voices at the door. They shout and cry and laugh. I want to shout, want to knock at the door, but I cannot find it. I cannot see the door. The voices go away, never been reality. You make me crazy, make me mad. I see colours and light in the darkness, but it is nothing. It is you. You are everywhere, you're in me, but not really. I want to touch you, want to hold you, but I can't. I'm in your room. Your room is so great, so high. I cannot move, it is so narrow. The room is so small. I lost my heart, I gained nothing. I gained you. I have a letter. A letter to you. I want to give it to you. I'm in your room. I have a knife. I want to push it into you. I'm in your room. Looking out of the window, I realise that there is no future, no past - nothing. Just you. I'm in your room.

This text was written after hearing the song 'In your room' by Fury in the Slaughterhouse and noticing that I am a dog...


Enjoy Life

   Enjoy Life...

           by Ace of Damian

 Well, we might have different opinions, but maybe you agree with me. Many guys ask themselves how to have fun in life. I found out that there`s only one way for me to have real weird fun- when I`m chilling with Friendly! of course it`s also nice to have fun with my girlfriend but that`s not the same.
When Friendly and I are doing one of our tours than only one thing counts: having fun without any plans. We`re doing journeys always without planing, coz that keeps the interesting and surprising sides of the fun. At almost every trip we slept at the train station and everything went cool.
For example: Read the "Nice Trip"- article in  The Jungle  1.

Here`s another one: Last year we drove home from CeBit in Hannover. When we (Ace, Friendly, Bullet and Home Boy) arrived in Lueneburg (20 KM from Winsen), we relised that the last train to Winsen left 2 minutes ago and the next one would go at about 5:00 am.
So we mainly stood in the building but also tried to reach our parents to get away from the station. Finally Friendly and I discovered a half-broken window of one of the shops. There was nobody else in the building so we crashed it and got some sweets out of it (gosh, we were hungry!) Now you might wonder what bad guys we are, but the window was very, very small!
Well, we reached nobody till 2:00 am and then some station-guys appeared and kicked us out, coz the building had to be shut. We took a taxi and drove home. I hope you got the message. No matter where you are or what you`re doing-do it with fun. If you have a real good friend then take my advice and try a trouble-trip.
You`ll like it! This year we wanted to fuck up whole europe with the Inter-Rail-Ticket but since january the following countries quit the membership of the Inter-Rail Staff: France, Spain, Portugal, Marocco and Italy. What can I say, that were the most interesting countries and so we`re not longer interested in it. By now we`re thinking of a flight, maybe to Tunesia, spain or somewhere. We`ll see.

Hitler and Jugoslavia

    Hitler and

          by Friendly/Damian

 The whole world shivers when they listen to stories about the second world war. All that dreadful things that have happened in the german KZ's. Everybody would kill Hitler again, if he had the chance to (Well, except the idiotic fascists). And a lot of people in the world still hate Germany. Today, nobody would accept that Germany could do such things once more and that's good! And let's make a short trip to the southeast of Europe.
There lies a really nice state with really nice immigrants, his name: Jugoslavia. The people in this land have just one problem: They hate eachother! Well, that won't disturb me, everywhere are people who hate eachother, but do they kill eachother? Do they do mad things to themselves? The war in Jugoslavia is not a better one than the second world war - it's worse!

I have seen a report from a little boy out of Jugoslavia and I couldn't stand it! He told about some soldiers who attacked the hometown of the kid. They did some bad things with the women of the town, but that is quite 'normal' in a war. They were very violent and thrashed the men soundly. Then they forced the boy to bite off the scrotum of some men!
(Scrotum is the little bag a man has under his penis.) In case the men were crying the soldiers took some wire and a needle and sew the lips of the men together. All these things happen next to us and nobody really cares about Jugoslavia, but about all this fascism-crap in Germany. That's terrible but all those awful things, happening in Jugoslavia are o.k.?

In Kuwait the USA destroyed the forces of Saddam, but nobody wants to restore the peace in Jugoslavia, because they are afraid of a 'second Vietnam'! It's something wrong in the world when such things can happen. But fascism in Germany is still the worsest thing in Europe, isn't it?




 Why do we need the arts - not just painting but literature, drama, music, film,
and all the other forms of creative expression?

  The answer is that, without the arts, education is not education but
vocational training. Many of our universities are turning out graduates who are
beautifully trained but poorly educated. Practicing one's profession
successfully calls for skills in dealing with people, for being able to
comprehend the connection between cause and effect, and for the ability to carry
the burdens placed on the individual in a free society. The arts help prepare 
the human mind for such needs.

  Art is a system invented by nature to enable human beings to come into full
possession of their higher senses. It is a form of wealth in which all can share
and which is dependent not on ownership but on desire and perception.
  It is a form of currency convertible into golden moments, readily accessible
and easily possessed.

  Art is a form of communication independent of language. It is a way of
speaking truth without proof. It is a way of manifesting human uniqueness. It
is a way of reminding ourselves that life is infinitly fragile, infinitly
precious. It is a way of teaching us that this planet is the only one in the
solar system possessing the numberless conditions that make human life possible.

  Art is a promise we make to ourselves to live life to the fullest. It is a
means of lighting up the imagination, enabling us to see deeply into our
visions. It is a way of breaking apart the seeds of time and opening ourselves 
to the enchantment and exuberance offered by the history of the race.

  Art is a way of telling us that true freedom is the highest price in the
universe, the supreme manifestation of collective achievement. It helps us to
learn that freedom is protected and preserved not just by power but by wisdom
and the full exercise of the moral imagination. It is a way of assigning values
to things we think about and do. Finally, it is a way of imparting meaning to
life and life to meaning.

Taken from 'How to speak truth without proof' by Norman Cousins.

    Hold fast to dreams
    For if dreams die
    Life is a broken-winged bird
    That cannot fly.

    Hold fast to dreams
    For when dreams go
    Life is a barren field
    Frozen with snow.

                - Langston Hughes -

Think about it...

About The Music of The Jungle

       Facts and Future of my Music

                               by MINDBLAST of DAMIAN

 In the first issue of The Jungle I had no chance (or better no time) to tell you some details and facts about my music life and my tune which was released in  The Jungle  issue no.1.... The tune in the first issue was called - SPIRIT of LIFE - and was dictated to all people who do not only get impressed by shitty techno-patterns.

I think to understand the ups and downs in this pice of music you must listen to it for several times because there is no straight melody or a kind of a refrain in it. This tune gets his atmosphere because of its variety of speeds and its often changing noise level. However, it was inspirated by some classical composions and some film-soundtracks which gave me the feeling to try something in this direction.
In this context i would like to send a message to Jester of Sanity: I heard you said that some of my samples sounded like my sampler would  sometimes have a breakdown - You are completely right but the unnerving noise in some samples were caused by bad quality of some AAD CDs I took them from. Thanks for your statement - I hope this time the samples sound better because they were all directly taken from my synthesizers...
By the way, how does your minimal art tape run ? I think i will order one the next days because i always loved your tunes on Amiga especially the tune called Wizardry. But back to my tunes.. I think there is nothing more to say about - SPIRIT of LIFE - so lets move over to the one to which you are listening at the moment (or have you switched it off ?).

This little tune is called - Pianomania - and was mostly made in a very bad mood. It mainly uses 5 different piano sounds (one for 1 oktave) which were sometimes mixed with some strings and a trumpet. It was composed only in three nights because Ace wanted to release the diskmag very soon.
By this tune i want to express some of my depressing feelings and inspirations i get sometimes when i am alone. I this mood you can wonderfully create deep piano tunes. But do not think i will always create material like this in the future. In the next demos we are going to release you will find all other kinds of styles, too. But i think the first releases of a new musician should not be standart Amiga tunes because they would not be remembered by anyone.
My aim is to bring some music with feeling in it to the scene and to differ from from the mass of Amiga tunes. I know that my style will not be liked by everyone but that is what i want. If you have fun in making music of if you have something to remark then do not be shy and contact me under the following address:

      Bardenweg 102, 2093 Stelle

 Of course only for music an no illegal shit like stupid games......

Bye Bye.....


New Postcodes

   New Postcodes

            by Ace of Damian

 Maybe you`ve heard of the change of Germany`s Postcodes somewhen. From the 1st of July on, there will be new, longer ones, now with 5 numbers. Why that? Well, since the GDR joined us (FRG), there many Postcodes used twice, one time in the east and the other in glory west. So we had to write an O or an W before the Postcodes to get the letter to the right adress.
That`s no longer needed when the new codes are there. But on the other side it will be big trouble for Swappers or others that have a friend in Germany. The swappers within Germany have to tell all foreign contact, that there`s a new Code from summer on, and the foreigns have to watch that they use the new Code. I bet many Swappers forget it and so we have the mess.
What will happen with the letters which have the old Postcode on it? They will finally arive at the right addy, but with a loooooooong delay. So Germans take my advice and write the foreigners  your new address early, so that you won`t have these delys.

Garfield Cartoon

You speak english very well...

   You speak english very well...

                             by Friendly/Damian

 This is a short story about two strangers who meet in London. Unfortunatly,
I think you won't find out the joke of this story if you do not speak german,
because it's just some fun with the german language.

 Okay ... two strangers meet in London. They start a conversation but they
have to use their dictionary quite often.
- Hello Sir, how goes it you?
- Oh, thanks for the afterquestion.
- Are you already long here?
- No, first a pair of days. I'm not out London.
- Thunderweather, that overrushes me. You see not so out.
- That can yes beforecome. But now what other. My hairs stood to mountains
  as i the traffic saw. So much cars give it here.
- You are heavy on the woodway if you believe that in London horsedroveworks
- Will we now a beer drink go. My throat is outdried. But look, there is a
  guesthouse, let us man go there!
- That is good think. Equal goes it loose. I will only my shoeband close.
- Here are we. Make me please the door open.
- But there is a beforehangingcastle, the economy is to.
  How sorry! Then I will go back to the hotel, it is already retard.
  On againsee!
- Oh yes I will too go. I must get the draught to Backsidemonkeycastle.
  Auf Wiedersehen.
- Oh, sie sind Deutscher?
- Ja, sie auch? Das wundert mich aber. Ihr English ist so hervorragend, dass
  ich es gar nicht bemerkt haette.

And then they make they make me-nothing you-nothing out of the dust.

ps.: backsidemonkeycastle:
  Backside - Asch (without the r)
  monkey - affe (plural)
  castle - burg
 >Aschaffenburg<!!! (German city)

TeKkNo SuX!

   TeKkNo SuX!

       by  C o l o r b i r d / Noxious

 Dunk,dunk, piiiip..... No please stop that awful noice, please... I'm trying to get some sleep... Okey play whatever you want now but please change away from Poing, I will kill you if you play it for the 356th time in a row... Those thoughts runned through my head that early morning in the Messecenter.
I was sitting on a chair trying to get an hour of sleep but the dunks and piiips were keeping me awake. I closed my eyes again and tried to relax and sink into nirvana, BUT I just couldnt! With an enormous amount of work I opened my tired eyes and looked around. And there it was.

A big fat ugly looking german dude playing Poing on an extremely high volume with his ugly lame friends. I reached for my baseball bat to punch heads, but I realised two things. First I would be thrown out if I had punched the guys brains out and I didnt hate him that much yet, that I wanted to sacrifice a Party for it. Secondly he had some friends and it could be hard fighting my way away from his dead body.
So that though went out of my mind quicker than a SWAP D0! (Which takes 4 cycles on an 68000, if Im not wrong.) I asked my friends who were sitting at the same table what they thought of the noice. Lizardking had an idea about gathering some dudes and walk up to them and stand around them until they quitted playing the noice.
But since only Core and I was interested in the idea, we didnt do it. Tired we slowly walked awy to watch some competitions and then me and Dolphin found a good place to sleep at. Where no arrangers woke me up... Besides the speakers druing the democompo. Four hours of pure sleep. And no tekkno-noice...

What I want to say is this, besides that I HATE tekkno-noice, think of other people when you play your favourite music on the highest volume at a party. There may be dudes that hate your music and likes beating people up there...

Collecting Phonecards


           by Ace of Damian

Maybe you heard or read that a new collectors item finds more and more friends: The Phonecard. Here are some tips and infos about this hobby!

Why to collect: It`s no question. I collect them because of the money(what else!!). It`s a real cool idea to make money, coz within 1-3 years many cards are worth at least ten times as big as the price for that you bought them.

What to collect: Simply question, you think? There are different types of phonecards. The ones you can buy at the post station and the collectors cards. You can get them via ordering. Just collect cards that have low number of produced ones(you can find the number on the card; the other numbers are for the catalogue and the date when the card was produced. Another thing: Just try to collect  full cards, they are at least worth five times as big as the empty ones!

How to collect: Always keep them clean and don`t call anybody with this cards. Evenone call makes them as worth as an empty card. Get a nice Album or something like that!

Much more mustn`t be said. After one year go to a special shop(in every bigger city) and ask what these cards are worth. If it`s enough, sell them. If ya wanna get more cash, wait longer!

An example: On a party a guy gave me his old phonecard which was almost empty. At home I looked into a pricelist-WHAT FUN!! the card was worth 200 DM (Empty). I sold it and had much money for free!! So, also ask everybody for his empty cards. If you are interested and have some questions, just write to me (Ace).

Amiga - A Fake?

             Amiga - A Fake?  

                                 by Friendly/Damian    

 Yes, it is right - I think that the Amiga is a fake! Why? One night I had some dreams where a really biiiig man with a long white beard appeared and spoke to me these wise words: "I'm God and I want you to tell the world that the Amiga is a fake!". That's what I will do!

 Some reasons why the Amiga is a fake: This gray thing simply called 'mouse' is not a mouse! Yes, it's true. Commodore gives us this gray thing and just says that that is a mouse and everybody believes that bullshit! But I know the truth, I have seen a real mouse and I know that they are totally different from this gray thing. They have eyes and a nose and hairs and a mouth and they can make "queek!". They run around and eat cheese and they bite everything they can find. I have written a letter to Commodore in which I warned them that I will discover this swindle, but they laughed and called me a madman!
I won't give up! Commodore writes that we are not allowed to open our Amiga, because we could destroy it, but who knows if there is a computer inside?

What functions have the slots on top of the Amiga? They say that it is to cool the machinery, but I think the slots are there, because there is something inside that has to breath! Why do we have to put disks into our diskdrive? They say that we have to, because the data is on them, but I think the disks have food inside to feed a mysterious thing!

I think that this is an invasion of the Commodore-creatures and one day they will all creep out of our Amiga and they will take that fake-mouse and overtake the world! Everybody who reads this: Destroy your Amiga! Burn it! Throw it into the ocean or take a hammer and bam it on your Amiga! THAT'S WHAT I HAD TO SAY...



           by Ace of Damian

 I don`t know what`s goin`on in your country, but when you turn on your TV in the evening, the most you see is some Reality-TV-Stuff. Now many guys say that`s too violently (because sometimes real crashes are shown) and it`s against the dignity of the human to show half-dead guys in a hospital or after a crash.
These people who are against Reality-TV don`t know that this is like a normal movie, nothing more and nothing less. Of course they don`t show real people dying, they just play it like in a normal movie, just with the difference that these stories happened some time ago.
They also only show things where the victims survived and now keep on their normal life like before the accident. The opinion of the people who are against Reality-TV is nothing but crap. When there are shows with real-filmed accidents, the stories are not so hard, everybody survives. The others are played, like I said. The scenes aren`t hard either.
You can see more violent stuff on TV every day. Another Part of this Reality-TV stuff is the happy side. Somewhere people, who had trouble with another person, can clear all problems they had, in front of the camera, or people who want to marry play a little game and straight after the show they get married. On TV, of course. There are also shows where people get to know somebody. At the end they can win a little journey, where they perhaps get to know each other better and maybe they stay together.
Or this: Sometimes there`s a show for people who want to become divorced. In the show they can tell everybody what was wrong with the former partner. There were always nice fights (with words, of course!) and at the end of the show they try to kill each other - HA!
No, I think they also win a price. Reality has become a part of TV, just like gameshows for example. I`m no big fan of this sort of series, but sometimes it`s nice to look at this stuff, but only when there`s nothing else to watch or to do.

 am quite near to not only coding games, I am near to getting money for games, this is a very big difference (because almost everybody codes games, but to sell them is the real problem, and if you managed to sell them, the quest has just started, getting Money is the real problem in coding Games, nothing else.). Watch out for "Timet the flying Squirrel", I've done some special effects for it, so you'd better fasten you seatbelts.

 Ace:  A lot of people think you have a bad design. What do you say or think about  that?
 Chaos:  They are absolutely right. In fact, I don't care about design. I think my next demos will have good design, and Yesterday had a good design. But I also think that the Melon/Andromeda Design is shit.
In a few month, perhaps the rest of the scene joins my opinium, whats the meaning of all this moving around of vectorplanes? The Andromeda Musicidsk is the very near to being silly instead of beeing well designed (It is well designed, but a few more releases like this and it will look silly and ugly to us).
You will not get me to clone them. I tried out my own way of design in the Yesterday intro sequence. I made linkages, and I think it was a good success, althoug I don't want to do it again because it's a huge amount of work. Linkages this must not lead to demos like Guardian Dragon, where linkages link to linkages that link linkages together, links should link effects that are worth watching, otherwise you get "zero-design", Demos, that contain absolutely nothing like Dos/Andromeda (count the effects. If you cut all the boring vectors (even the complex inconvex vectors are a simple fake), you will get a total of 0 effects).
What do these demos demonstrate? Only the fact that the scene seems to be at thier end. We will show the scene that there are many unexplored areas beside vector-design that are to be discovered in our BP-Demo.

Links should contain ideas, not only shifting of planes. Just see Jesterday, where I had the irregular Vectorlins that are, seen from a special angle, a "presents"-logo. I miss these kind of ideas when I see most of the Design-Shit released today. Melon puts a sinescroller on a weirdly colored background and calls it intro. Whats the point of that?
DEMONSTRATIONS should DEMONSTRATE something. On Amiga, many freaks think that demos are done to show design. They forget that design is though as a better way of presentating something. What is left if the design presentates only the design. Haven't they forgotten something? Perhaps it is symptomatic that the contens is less important then the package. It is said that you should never judge a book buy its cover, but here the cover makes the book.
If they don't stop producing covers (using the word "cover" in two ways, (a) as the cover of the book and (b) as it is used in music buissness), it will become more and more useless.
Some freaks say that a demo must be understandable and "good" for none-scene persons. A none-computerfreak might like the so-called state of the art (but if this is the state of the art, then I don't know what happened to the scene) while he can't understand the meaning of a coding demo. Well, I think this none-scene guy will say "nice, but why are you using computer instead of Video", or he will say "I can see shit like this 24 hours on MTV".
The Eurocharts seem to support my opinion because design shit stays only very short in the charts while hardcore (=hardcode) 

The Dorg, Chapter 2

               THE DORG

                           imagined by Friendly/Damian

 What happened: A young Dorg named Smucky left his beloved oakhome to have a nice adventure in the land of the dwarfs, with the help of a magic amulet, which allows him to command an animal for an hour. The wandering wizard Taliesin will keep an eye on him, but cannot help him in every situation.

What creatures did we meet: Dorgs - very small people who live on great oaks
                            Taliesin - the wandering wizard

                Chapter 2

                    A tree, a monster and other strange things.

Our hero had just reached the edge of his homely forest and began to climb down to the ground, because he rode on the rabbit now for over an hour.
^I have to find another animal to ride on^ he said to himself, wondering how the world looked like without trees. He had never left the forest before.
^You are free my little hoppsy!^
But just at this moment a great bird came along and killed the poor rabbit. ^Wait you damn bird!^ Smucky cried in the sky and really, it returned. Then he realised his amulet.
^Wow! I will fly on this bird, that way I will be much faster... Let me fly  on ya back!^ he commanded and after a few moments he watched the beautiful green area underneath him, the green forest!

^Yaaauuuu... that's really something else than squirrel-riding, eh?^
It was wonderful, unbelievable. He thought he never was that happy in his life. Underneath him, he saw blue rivers, dark seas, wide meadows and green valleys. But the best things were the mountains far away in front of him. As Dorgs are very small, they can't see them, and in their area there are just some hills.
^I never thought how big they would be!^ he thought. ^Too bad this flight has  to end now, the hour is almost gone and the daylight too!^

So he choose a big rock as sleeping place and landed. The rock was placed on top of a large hill and Smucky had a good outlook at the forest next to him. Because he left the green forest in a big hurry, he did not take any food with him. Thank goodness, a small tree with red-golden fruits grew on the rock. ^Please fetch me one of these strange fruits^, he told the bird. It used its wings and knocked down a fruit, but it did not return. With a loud noise it flew into the sky. The hour was over...
^Let's find out if this fruit tastes like it looks.^
And it did! Delicious!

Smucky lay down on the ground and watched the forest. Perhaps he could see a unicorn tonight, with his luck on this day. But he saw something totally different. Loud noises came out of the forest, like falling trees - many falling trees...   and there was a heavily breathing and stumping. Now he realised that there was a unnatural silence in the air. No bird cried, no insect made a sound - nothing... Smucky felt that something very strange was going on and he was frightened. Then with a loud crashing and stamping, a giant and unbelievable awful creature broke through the trees. It was almost as big as the trees and had deep red eyes, like gleaming coals. Smoke came out of its throat, which had rows of long, sharp teeth. His body was covered with scales and white spikes came out of his back. Where his big crawls touched the ground, the ground was brown and dead. It was a Gorm, but this one could not exist in reality. Gorms eat Dorgs and are not much bigger than a rabbit. But this one...

It raised its head to smell if there was something to eat here, but the wind blew into the wrong direction and it did not recognize Smucky. But he did smell it... and it smelled like - death! After some time the Gorm turned and went back into the deep forest, leaving a path of dead nature behind... Half an hour Smucky didn't dare to move, but then he could't stand it any longer and crawled away from his sightseeing place, away from this dead place. ^What is going on here?^ he whispered to himself ^Something new is upon this  land and it doesn't seem to be good! What can I do against such creatures? I  wish I were bigger and could be like a real hero!^ which soon would become true...

The next morning everything was back to normal again. The birds were singing, the grills made sounds and the sun shined. But the place of dead soil was there too. Smucky stood up and was shocked. Everything seemed to have become smaller during the night... The rock wasn't as big as yesterday, nor the trees.

Astonished he looked around and suddenly he understood - Not his environment was smaller, he had grown up! ^I am a human^ he wondered ^I am a real human!^ Some other things had changed too. His clothing wasn't any longer a cowl made out of leaves. Now he was wearing real clothing, on his trousers there was a wonderful sword. And the tree had disappeared! ^A wish-tree! It was a magic tree, with magic fruits.^ His grandma had told him about this mysterious plants, which can appear everywhere and disappear the next moment. It is said that you can wish everything you want to, when you have eaten one of the fruits.

Now he looked like a hero but he had to learn how to be one, because he still behaved like a Dorg. After these wise thoughts he continued his travel...
^I should follow this path of dead nature into the forest, perhaps I will find  some answers!^
Smucky stopped at the place where he had seen the Gorm and examined the ground. He found a part of a Scale. It was night-black and seemed to be as hard as iron.

^Who knows if I would need it sometime?^ Smucky grumbled and put it in his bag, which had become bigger aswell.
  The path was a nightmare. The ground was black and dead, the trees broken or burned. No living creature crawled on this ground, the animals of the forest were hidden deeper inside the forest. After a while another path crossed the Gorm's one. No dreadful tunnel, but a men-made one, with sand on the ground. What path should he take? He had to follow the Gorm if he wanted to know more about this riddle, but he also needed to get food and help and the new path seemed to go on to intelligence people...

^I think I will take the better one and follow the other one the next morning.^ And so he did...
  He went on and came to a clearing with a small hut in its middle. A lovely voice sang a song in an unknown language. Smucky knocked on the door...



Is This Trouble or What...

  Is this trouble
   or what....

 (Its easier to understand if you a little bit about the home of the Vikings  - SWEDEN!)

 A june morning 1996.

"The sun was shining as always but nothing else were the way it used to be. I thought that we really had big troubles here in Sweden now. The complete, once so rich, country was falling apart. There wasnt any water in the bathroom when I walked tried to take a shower this morning.
First I thought it was something wrong but then I remembered that there was no water on tuesdays, thursdays and sundays since january. And the central heating system hasnt been working since april 1995.

During the cold winter we had 1995-1996 we had to were three jackets inside the house and burn lots of furniture just to keep warm. I think that 200000 froze to death that winter. And if the military regime hadnt kept the country such tight we would have faced a 3rd revolution in 3 years time.

The regime who took power during the Russian expansionitic War september 1994 when Russia attacked Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Belrusia and Lithuania.
The regime took power in a country with a 45% unemployment in a fast military coup. They made some improvements for the country like cutting down the unemployment rate to 20% by strengthening the army and defense industry.

In November 1994 when our "beloved" governement tested the first atomic weapon in Lappland the Russians politely asked our country to help in the attack on Norway and Estonia (the other attacks had succeded) and to form an alliance our government, more aggresive than the fascist brother in east answered by using the first nuke since WWII, by nuking Trondheim.
Ten minuits after the attack came the American answer. And the once proud city of Sundsvall was nothing more than ashes. Our Foreign minister Christian Rangne simply answered America by the now infamous phrase. -Okay for one, but the you wouldnt simply be able to reply the next time...

The peace opinion in America stopped the big democracy from bothering the fascistic alliance again... Sweden didnt use anymore nukes and we are still having half our army in Norway, 10 divisions in Tallin and 30 divisions are fighting against the rebels in Skane.
During the spring we had some big flooding troubles in the north where thousands of finnish fugitives drowned. Stockholm and Gothenburgs suburbs were also a battlefield during the winter when our leaders decided to kill all non european immigrants.
They fought hard those immigrants but they were isolated and did only have handguns against tanks and artillery. Half a million were killed, men, women and children. Amazingly though is that the government is rebuilding all suburbs, thats the most constructive they have done yet. But who knows what will happen next?

Our leaders has announced that the state will finance some schools again from the autumn. That is also good because the schoolsystem hasnt worked for some years. Our fuhrer Klas Lund has forbidden all religions since february now and we have pictures of him everywhere now...

Some people are complaining about the situation in our country now and says it was better before, even before the short capitalistic regime 1991-1994 when the unemployment raised and the swedish crown dropped 100000%. During that period the Militant Nazi partys grew stronger and finally took power in september 1994 after some communist and military revolutions....

I havent seen those people since they complained in public! Gosh, I dream back to our socialistic democracy when you had the right to see cable TV, be politcally involved, be outside after 23:00 and meet foreigners... And where the elected leaders kept a low unemployment rate... "

 Colorbird/Noxious Feb 1993, after stepping out of my time machine I translated this text from 1996 Swedish to English.....

I don't have School

   I don`t have

           by Ace of Damian

 Hello. Today is Thursday and I don`t have school. So I`m sitting in Front of my machine just to write this nonsense-article and to tell you that I don`t  have school. Yes, you`re right.Normally I would have school, but today  (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday) I don`t have school. Well, it`s not only me  who has no school today (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday), it`s my whole class.

Yeah, we don`t have school today. Well, I remember that every class from my  school has no school today (Friday, aaaeeeehhhhmmmm, NO, Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday). It`s because of our teachers, that we don`t have school on Thursday (Today) and Friday (Tomorrow). They are on a special seminary about violece in school. The teachers also don`t have school today (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday), because they`re on that seminary about violence in school.
Oooooooh, that is a nice day today! I don`t have school and so it was no problem to sleep till 12o`clock. It`s so nice not to have school! You can sleep long (as I did today (Thursday) and will do Friday (Tomorrow)), then turn on the TV, like I  did (Remember? I don`t have school today (tomorrow) and Thursday (Friday)), get something to eat and drink and stay in bed the whole day. I will not only do  this today (tomorrow), I`ll also do this tomorrow (today). Why? Because i don`t have school! Why? Because my techers are on a seminary. Why? Because.... hmmm, dont ask me that!
I am so glad that my teachers are on a seminary (Don`t ask  why!) today (Thursday and Friday) and tomorrow (?), because I can stay in bed (like I do) watch TV (like I don`t do by now because I`m writing this article) and enjoy life (like I do). But now it`s time for me to stop because I wanna watch TV (which I didn`t do by now because I wrote this article). Sorry for  this nice article, but I only wanted to tell you that I don`t have school  tomorrow (today) and Thursday (Friday).

Jilly Baby

              JILLY BABY

                             by Rattle Head/Orgasm

He works in a new computer lab, in which he works all day long and really enjoys his job. Jill waited patiently by the door as he left. She smiled seductively, because she knew what was about to happen. He was nervous because he had never been with such a beautiful woman before and he really wanted to impress her.
Jill was so sexy, she even walked seductively, her ass moving gently side to sideas she walked ahead of him. They walked across the parking lots to Lafollette and on past it to her building.
She punched the button for the elevator and the doors opened almost instantly. She walked in and he followed. When the doors closed, she slid her arms around him and looked upinto his eyes.
Gently he bent his head down and softly touched his lips to hers. Her mouth was soft and sweet and it was only a few seconds before she opened her mouth and slid the tip of her tongue into his. He was shaking from being so nervous, but Jill's gentle french kiss seemed to calm him some.
He gently raised his hand toward her breast, but stopped short when the elevator door began to open. She led him to the stairs and then down the hall to her room. She quickly unlocked the door and ushered him in. The room was dark, except forone small lamp on her desk.

She quickly turned him around and continued their kiss from the elevator. Jill's tongue was less gentle this time and seemed to desire more from him than before. He slid his tongue a little further into her mouth and she moaned from the pleasure. She exerted a little pressure on him and they went back onto her bed. She adjusted herself so she was straddling him, her crotch rubbing firmly against his.
He began to unbutton her blouse, his fingers trembling intensly. Jill grabbed his hands and pushed the down to his chest, then she continued to unbutton her blouse for him. When she finished, she pulled the rest of the blouse out of her pants and then she pulled the top off altogether.
He gently reached up his hand and began to trace a line from her cheek, down her chin and her neck, then down her bra strap, over the egde of her bra cup, and finally to the point where her cups met. He then slowly spread his hand out over her left breast and began to massage it softly through the lacy white cloth of her underwear.
Jill moaned softly as he began to stroke her nipple to erection. Then he began to cup her other breast with his other hand. Jill sat up, rubbing her crotch harder against his erection, which was now firm in his pants. His hands were stretched out over both her breasts. He began lifting up on the bottom of her bra, trying to pull it up.
Jill reached around behind her back and unhooked it for him and it fell away in his hands. He looked at her full, soft breasts. Creamy white, unblemished, firm, with erect nipples. He suddenly realised that he was doing this to her, causing her to be excited. He had thought no one would ever be turned on by him, but he was finally beginning to believe in himself. Jill bent over a little, her beautiful breast wavering only inches from his mouth. He instinctively licked his lips, then placed his mouth softly over her nipple and areola.
Jill gasped lightly as he took it into his mouth. She placed her hand on the back of his head, holding his mouth against her bosom. Meanwhile, she continued to rub her crotch against the bulge in his pants. She was already so excited that she was very wet between her legs; her clitoris swollen from rubbing against his erection.
As he suckled like an infant, his right hand moved slowly from her other breast toward the elsatic of her sweats. He moved it gently over the soft bulge between her legs. He pressed a little harder, which solicited a gasp from Jill's mouth. He pulled his hand back and slid it into her sweats, but over the silky softness of her panties. He could feel the soft hairs of her mound underneath, begging to be touched, and the heavy wetness of her excitement. He stroked her for many minutes, at the same time switching his mouth back and forth between her breasts.
Finally, he pulled his hand back and slid it into her underwear. Her mound of silky hairs was slippery wet against his fingers. He had no trouble sliding two fingers into the mouth of her vagina. "Oh God." she moaned in a whisper. He worked his fingers slowly back and forth into her vagina, each time he penetrated deeper.
Jill arched herself back away from him, allowing him to pull down her sweats and panties all at once. She then twisted around on the bed, slipping out of the remainder of her clothes (except her socks, which they had both discovered the other found incredibly sexy). She lay facing him, naked. His shirt was partly unbuttoned; a situation which she soon remedied.
He pulled her bare breasts against his chest and he began to kiss her passionately. Their tongues were clashing and their hands were moving furiously through each other's hair. He pushed her to her back and she wrapped her legs around his hips. He rubbed the bulge in his pants against her like he was already deep inside her.
Jill was being overwhelmed by the speed and force with which he was grinding against her and she suddenly exploded in tremendous waves of pleasure... "Oh oh oh, oh God...I'm...ooooh...I'm coming!" she cried in his ear. Her hips and ass thrust about wildly as he pressed into her with all his energy. After a few seconds, the heat was flushed out of her system and she collapsed for a few minutes.
He slid off of her and lay his head on her breasts, gently suckling like he had been before he became so agressive. Jill ran her fingers softly through his unruly brown hair. He turned from her bosoms to look into her eyes. "I didn't mean to be so hard on you." "You weren't...I'm used to it. But I liked it when it was gentle, that was nice." She smiled. He smiled back and kissed her softly on the lips.
He moved down and softly nuzzled her breasts before continuing his downward journey. As he got closer to her mound, she began to feel hot and prickly. His mouth slipped past her navel and began to kiss the top part of her soft, brown, pubic triangle. She spread her legs slowly as his mouth moved down completely over her wet mound of Venus. The tip of his tongue slid down partway into the cleft of her labia at the top.
She shuddered as it darted around her clitoris. He wrapped his arms under and then over her thighs, which helped her hold her legs apart. He slid his tongue down all the way to her inner labia, sliding it gently into her vagina. His lips came to press fully against her genitals, his tongue at least two inches inside of her.
The taste didn't seem to bother him, perhaps it was because it was passion that drove him to her depths. Jill was rolling her hips and ass, as well as arching her back and head, as she moaned his name softly. He didn't make any sudden or deliberate movements; nothing to disturb the gentleness with which he was giving her pleasure.
As Jill ran her fingers over his head, holding it between her legs, he pulled one hand back and slid one finger deep into her vagina.  He pulled it out a few seconds later and slowly, but in time to his licking, began to move that finger back and forth into her anus. Jill felt electricity shoot up her spine as he touched this forbidden part of her anatomy. After a short time, his finger was all the way up inside her rectum, moving in time to the massaging movements of his tonuge and mouth on her genitals. She felt the pressure of another orgasm building within her loins. Slowly she rocked her hips, keeping her actions as tender as possible. It was building...building...BUILDING!! "Oh, oh, please..."  She cried, softly.  "Oh, oh, yes..."  She fell into a short sleep.

The erection in his pants was straining. He wanted so much to plunge into Jill, to experience the warmth of her love canal surrounding his hard penis. But he knew there was still more pleasure to come, this time for him. They lay together, letting their passions cool again.
She had her head on his chest and was gently stroking his erection through his pants. She unbuttoned his slacks and slid down the zipper. He lifted his hips and she pulled them off. The bulge in his underwear excited her again. She rubbed the cotton cloth of his briefs before she reached her fingers under the elastic and pulled them down past his socked feet. She lay beside him. He began to suckle her breast again as she wrapped her hand around the length of his penis and started to stroke it back and forth.
She pulled away from his mouth as she moved hers down toward the head of his erection. Gently she took it into her mouth. He felt such a warmth suround his phallus that he almost ejaculated immediately, but her manipulation of his testicles staved it off. She wrapped a hand around the base of his penis and lightly squeezed. His head became swollen and then she took it in to her mouth again, this time she took it all the way to her throat.
"Uh...ohhh, Jill...ohhhh.  Honey...ohhh...that feels so wonderful..." he moaned softly to her. She was craving this tender attention. To her, it seemed more like love than lustful passion. She moved her mouth up and down on his erection. She began to quicken the pace, but not enough to disrupt their promise of gentle lovemaking. He was tightening his hip, buttock, and thigh muscles as she sucked on him. His breathing was becoming more rapid.
"Jill...I...I'm going to...uh!" he called tenderly.  "It's too much...uh.  I've never been this'd better...uh...stop...or I'll...uh...OH!"  It was too late, he began to come. His hips and thighs shook as t      Q  rose in his  b itals and his prostate gland tightened.
He felt a flood of warmth rise in his testicles and penis. Then he was throbbing. Jill let his organ slip out of her mouth as the first wave came...a hot white gush of sperm ejaculated onto her cheek before she could get it back in her mouth, then she began bobbing her head up and down. Fivemore loads squirted from his erection before his supply was depleted, though it continued to throb for several dozen more times.
She swallowed all that came into her mouth, ignorant of everything but the passion his climax made her feel. "Oh Jill..."  He was crying.  She climbed up and wrapped herself around him and caressed him. "What's wrong, honey?  Don't cry. I'm here."  She stroked his face and brushed away his tears. "I...I'm sorry, Jill.  I don't know what came over me.  I've never felt anything like that before.  It drained me so much." "Hey, it's OK.  I've never felt anything like this before either.

I was right when I told Linda you were someone special." "You told her that?"  He asked, turning her onto her back and propping himself up on his elbow to talk to her. "Yeah, of course I did. It's true." He looked into her green eyes.  "Jill..." "Yes?"  She asked, without hesitation, her eyes meeting his. He paused, considering what he was about to ask her.  "Do you want to make love with me?"
Her eyes flickered for a second.  "Yes..." she whispered and pressed her lips softly against his.  His hand gently caressed her arm and moved slowly to her breast. She turned slightly and pressed her body against his. She could feel the head of his penis pressing against her mons. She moved them apart slowly and his erection moved a little ways into her. They looked into each other's eyes and smiled. "I care about you too much to betray you." He said suddenly. "What do you mean?" "I can't make love to you, in good conscience, without taking precautions."
He stood up and went across to where Jill had thrown his pants. He pulled out his wallet and removed a small square package. Jill smiled at him as he brought it over to her. "You are special" she said as she tore open the packet and removed the condom from inside. They began to kiss again in the position they were in before, but this time Jill stroked his penis, unrolling the condom onto it. He pressed it into her as they lay on their sides. She rolled slowly onto her back with him riding her.
His erection seemed to naturally slip into her vagina. Jill spawled herself out as he slid his hands under and over her shoulders to hold more firmly onto her. He slowly pushed himself into her mound, stopping every so often to pull back and then thrust deeper into her again. Soon he was moving rythmically back and forth inside of her. She could feel him pressing closer and closer to the cervix of her uterus.
Her hips and buttocks began to move up against him. "'re so wonderful..." she moaned, caressing his back with her hands. "Ohhhhh...Jill...this is the most wonderful thing....uhhhh...I've ever felt...I...I..." he answered back, but hesitating almost to say the most important words. Their mouths were locked in a passionate kiss, her tongue darting in and around his mouth. His chest was pressing against her breasts, flattening them against her chest.
The only space between their bodies was where he was pulling back to thrust again into her mound with his erect phallus. Her mons was covered in light chocolate hairs, but they were matted by the lubrication she was producing to facilitate their consummation. His penis was almost seven inches long and about an inch and three quarters wide.
The longer they made love, the closer he got to touching her cervix, so he was incredibly deep inside her. The condom he was wearing was ultra thin, so he could experience all the pleasures of their intimacy, though. She continued to raise her hips against him whenever he would thrust into her. Finally, one time, her struck her cervix lightly and she gasped in pleasure. She felt another powerful orgasm coming on...
From behind them the scene was also exciting. His testicles were hitting the lower part of her mound when he would thrust in and when he would pull out, his penis was glistening as it extended away from his scrotum into her genitals. Below their passionate sexual embrace, her anus was glistening with the dripping moisture of her mound. Above it, his perinium blended away into his anus, which was partly shielded by his quivering buttocks. The thrusting of their intercourse made them shake with the passion of his thrusts.
His moment was building... Jill was the first to achieve a plateau. Her pelvis screamed for release. He was hitting her cervix frequently now and she was trying to hold back the screams of pleasure. Her legs wrapped around him as she began to squeeze his body, but then they unwrapped so she could lift her hips and buttocks up against him.
She was pounding against his strength. "Oh, God!"  She cried as gently as possible.  "I'm coming...I'm coming...  ohhh...uhhhhh...please...yes..." He could feel her vagina contracting against his penis.  Her tightening body and passionate words made him need to thrust only a few more times. "Urrr...uhh!  Oh, Jill...Jill!"  Again, hoarse whispers of passion as he reached his second orgasm of the night and the best of his life (having achieved the second best only a short while before).
"Oh God, Jill...I...I..."  The hot semem and sperm gushed out of the tip of his ureathra into the resevoir tip of the condom he was wearing to protect her. "Jill...I LOVE YOU!" he cried and continued thrusting as the last few drops of his passion spurted into the condom.
He then slowly lay himself against her, where he held her for a few seconds in a kiss, then he withdrew his penis from her mound and lay gently at her side. "I love you too, she said to him softly as they both fell asleep in each other's arms...



         by Weatherman/Orgasm

 It was spring, and it was that time of the year that people like to take early vacations, and get away from the hardships of winter. I had always wanted to go to the mountains, especially since the temperatures were getting better, and the trees were in bloom.
I called up my friend over in western MD to see if he would let me and Trish stay at his log cabin house, since he was not using it. I set it all up for the weekend, and the plans were all completed. Trish seemed all excited about the entire idea. A weekend together, and away from the fast-times of life around here.
It has been some time since we had gotten away. We talked about all the neat things to do out there like taking walks in the woods, and driving around in the mountains. It just had to be really scenic this time of year.
Trish came over my house with all her bags and various things she wanted to take with her on the trip, and helped me get my stuff together. It was only going to be for the weekend, but we wanted to take just about everything to make sure we didn't forget anything. We loaded up my car, and decided we had better set off since it was going to be a long drive.

As we drove along, we were talking about how exciting it was going to be, and wish we could just stay out there forever, and never have to come back. How I wished that was true! Maybe we should just move out there to live in later years. She asked me if I wanted a beer, and I said "ok", so she cracked open a St. Pauli Girl for me. We didn't forget the beer opener either.
The open road was nice, and it gave us a chance to talk about many things envolving our long team relationship as far as marrage and everything goes. We also talked about more trips later in the summer. Before arriving at the cabin, we decided to stop in the TOWNE STORE down the street.
It reminded me of the old west. We picked out some food, and for some reason, Trish bought some whipped cream. I just looked at her and smiled. She also got me a cowboy hat. A large white one. Went good together with my long dark brown hair. I decided to buy Trish a pair of top quality boots. They were red leather. Quite good looking on her, I must say.
We managed to rack up a bill in there, and decided to get out before we spent all the money we took with us in the first 2 hours. We arrived at our cabin, and at first glance, we fell in love with the place.
Looked like a house of love from something out of the movies. Wish that, I decided to be a motcho kinda guy, and carry her into the place. She was giggling and frenched me as we walked in the door. I set her down, and went back to the car to bring all our shit in the cabin. She was busy cooking me some food from the supplies we had picked up at the store. At the dinner table, we talked about what we were going to do after the sun set.
I said, "How about a drive up in the moutains?". Trish seemed to like that idea, and said "What do you want me to wear, Mark ?". I told her to pick out whatever makes her happy. After she had taken her shower, and I got myself together, we got back into the car, to explore the sights to be seen out west.

I drove us all the way up the east side of the mountain, I stopped at the top, and we got out and looked down into the valley. It was the most romantic place we had ever seen before. The stars were all out, and it was a clear night.
Trish told me to turn the radio on so we could hear it outside, and I put on some Fate's Warning. The melodic sounds of the guitar solos were heard from the car, and seemed to set the scene for some real plesant memories.
We sat close to each other on the hood of my car, and gazed out into the stars, and wondered what the world and life itself had planned for us. I knew right then that I would never forget this moment as long as I lived. I looked at her, and she looked at me, and we seemed to forget all the bad things that happened in our lives before we each met.

As our lips touched and we embraced, we slowly fell back until we were laying on the hood of my car. Soon after we were laying down, our tounges were working in each others mouth and our grip on each others body increased in pressure. We were holding on tight to each other, and she grabbed my one hand and put it under her warm sweater.
I then moved my other hand underneath her sweater. As the long kissing continued, she took one of her hands and placed it on my dick, and kept rubbing her hand in circles. Meanwhile, I took my hands and managed to work off her bra, and let it slowly fall down between the two of us.
I got a good grip on both her tits, and gently moved them around pressing in and releasing in a steady motion.

We were both getting extreamly turned on, and I backed my lips from her face, and whispered "Lets go back to the cabin". Trish smiled and picked up her bra, got up, and slowly walked to the side of the car, and got in. I hopped off the car, and got in, and once I was in, she was giving me a look of extream pleasure, and excited about getting more. I was ancious to get back to the cabin, and had her hands clutched underneath her legs trying to hold off for the ride home.
I started the car up, and we began to drive back to the cabin for a delightful night. Once we got back, we went straight for the bedroom. It was some sort of feeling in the night air, that must have gotten under our skin.?

I could see the silhouette of her tits through her thin sweater next to the window with the moon glowing ever so brightly. As she stood by the window, she turned around, and looked at me, smiled, and took off her sweater. I walked up to her and quickly embraced her, and slowly pulled her over to the bed, where we fell.
I felt her fingers lift up my shirt, and yanked it over my head. Trish's tits were rubbing all over my chest, and I put my hands on her ass, then pulled her mini-skirt up, and planted my hands on her panties. After getting a good feel, I worked off her skirt. She started in rhythm by mounting my leg, and massageing her clit. As she was doing this, she undid my pants, and inbetween her thigh action, she pulled them all the way off.
Once again, I slipped my hand on her ass, and pushed her panties down to the base of her leg, where I kicked them off with my foot. Waisting no time, she released my underwear from my body, and went down on me. With both her hand gripped at the base of my dick, she surrounded her lips around my dick, and it slowly disappeared into her mouth.
Her tounge worked its way in a circular motion around my dick, and I could feel her soft lips clinch the base of my arroused love muscle. Her eyes were closed, as she slirped and moved her head up and down. We both began to get so horney, that she raised her head from between my legs, and she held my hand as I guided her to lay down on her back. I put my mouth around her nipples, and started to suck. With my finger, I excited her clit. It was turning me on as much as it was turning her on.
I went to her other nipple, and then licked all the way up to her face where I started frenching her again. Her hips were moving around, and so were mine. I got in between her legs, and pushed myself up so my dick was inbetween her tits. She lifted her legs up over my back, and wrapped them around me and I started fucking between her tits. She took her hands and pushed her tits together to wrap closly and firmly to me.
After getting extreamly excited from all of this, I then slid down, and moved my dick around her clit and rubbed it up and down at the top of her cunt. I was kissing her mid section, and she had her long fingernails gripped into the skin in my back.
Trish then started to shake violently and moaned, and her whole body went into a spasm from her first orgasm. She became very wet after that, and it was very easy for my dick to find a warm lubricated slot to enter. I gently went inside her all the way until it fulled stretched her vaganal walls. We started slowly guiding each others bodies back and forth. Trish had her hands on my ass, and I had my hands on the side of her tits while we were still kissing.
I started going faster and faster while the pleasurable feeling of my skin on my dick touching her walls inside her love tunnel got stronger and stronger.  Trish's body went into another spasm as she could no longer hold the feeling, and let loose another orgasm.
I felt like I was going to cum, and decided to try another position. I pulled out, and quickly rolled her over and got her on her knees, and stuck my dick back in from the behind. I had a good firm grip on her tits, and she was kicking her ass back and forth swollowing up my pole. I was going deeply inside her with each forceful push, and she was about to have an extreamly large orgasm when I felt mine come on. I called her name out just before the peak occurred. Trish moaned, and called my name out not more than a second later.

Love juices poured from my body as I was in extasy, and as soon as she felt the warm cum hit her walls, she had a very long orgasm that left us both breathless. I left my dick way inside her and we stopped to catch out breath, and she flexed her muscles inside her cannal sweezing my dick, and then letting up. I did the same, and then pulled out, and she rolled over, and I layed on the bed next to her. We just looked at each other in a sort of gaze, and hugged once again, and kissed.
Before going to sleep, we talked about how much we loved each other, and how happy we were. We also made some plans for our next adventure tomorrow. She mentioned something about the whipcream she bought at the store. There was also so much to do out in the mountains, and we only had one more day. With that note, we kissed each other goodnight, and feel asleep after an exausting day.

As the sun rose out from between the mountains, the birds started to chirp, and a fresh scent of air filled the room. I rose, and stretched out and before I knew it, Trish was up. I grabbed her arm, and pulled her out of bed, and we proceded to the bathroom, where we jumped into the shower. After we got each other together, we decided to take a ride down to the local gun shop since we had forgotten one of our tools of love. We got to the gun shop, and Trish picked out a pair of gold plated handcuffs that we both liked, so I bought then.
As the day progressed, we knew we had to make this day count more and more, since we would have to go back home the next day. Trish packed a picnic basket, and we went out to the the west side of the mountain so we could see the sun go down, and parked the car, and climbed up the mountain part way. We made it to a partial clearing, and set things up. It was getting darker, so we lit a small candle and ate all the food that was packed in the basket.
Once it was dark, Trish suprised me by pulling out the can of whipped cream that we had bought the past day. Of course, I had the gold cuffs, and since we were all secluded and alone, it was a good night for passion. I took her in my hand, and we walked up to a tree. I leaned her up against the tree as she glared at me with her starry eyes. Trish sedusively said "RAPE ME".
Since we had practiced this a few times, it was the perfect location. I forcefully ripped of her top, and starting kissing her cheast and neck while she was crying out for me to stop. I tore off the rest of her cloths, and wasted no time trying to enter her already wet hole, once I wrestled her to the ground. As my dick touched her clit, she stopped resisting, and started to enjoy it.
I wanted her to resist durring the entire time, but she couldn't put the show on anymore. She grabbed the can of whipped cream, and sprayed it in my open mouth, and took her tounge and licked it all out. I took the cuffs off my pants strap, and handcuffed her. We still had a little baby oil left from tanning, and I dumped it all over her body while deeply rubbing into her skin so that our bodies would glide upon one another.
I took my mouth, and placed it on her tit, and wrapped my teeth around her slippery hard nipple. She moaned as I entered her, and started to wildly kiss and french me. I felt her tightness between the thighs and we pounded each other out in the middle of nowhere. The grass was full of due, and we slid all over each other. We were pumping so fast, that we gave each other the largest orgasms that we have had in along time. After I pulled out, and the cum ran down and out of her pussy, I undid her cuffs, and we grabbed out things, and walked to the car.

We were still at it in the car, and she asked me if I wanted some head for the ride home. I was all for it, and she wrapped her lips upon my dick once again for the ride home. Upon entering the house again, we were all worn out again, and went to bed under the red sky, and embrased, and fell into a deep sleep.
In the morning, we had to quickly gather our things, and pack up and go home. It was an experience that we both would never forget, and have to live again one day. We headed eastbound in the car towards the sun. Our love had grown and blossomed with each extra minute that we were together. It would continue to become an everlasting relationship that couldn't be topped.



                                by Zorc/Orgasm

 The last thing I remember was a huge wave sweeping over my sailboat, turning it over and spilling me into the water.  Then I woke up on the shore of a deserted island with my face in the sand, and my body covered in dried salt water. My clothes still stuck to my body, sticky with sweat and seaweed.
There were bits of my craft all around, as well as traces of oil on the water. I gathered together the wood pieces to make a signal fire, then set out to explore my surroundings.
I took off my shirt and left it on the beach, stuck up on a long piece of wood next to the fire, just in case anyone happened to come upon it while I was away. Most of the island was covered with trees and vine-like growths, the jungle dominating it.
The sounds were like every Tarzan movie I ever saw; exotic bird calls echoed through the trees. I marvelled at the purity of it; untouched by the hand of man, I thought to myself.  Animals passed by me, seemingly unafraid. I came upon a freshwater pool in the shade of a huge banyan tree and decided to clean myself up.  I took off my ruined jeans and underwear and saturated them in the water of the pool.  I then put them on a rock to dry.  Then I dove in and washed myself off.  After my brief swim, I shook myself off and lay down, naked, on another flat rock to dry off.
I must have dropped off, because I woke up some time later when the sun
went behind a cloud.  I opened my eyes and looked at the face of the most beautiful woman I ever saw.

She was a blonde, with hair that hung halfway down her back.  She wore some kind of skin around her waist as a loin-cloth, but nothing over her breasts.  They were largish with pale red nipples.  As she breathed, they moved slightly, and I felt myself unconsciously responding to her.  I looked at her face again.  She was looking at me strangely. She held a knife in her left hand, as if she were prepared to use it. I tried talking to her, but nothing I said seemed to have any meaning to her.  She looked at the surface of the pool, then at me, then back at the pool.  She pointed at me, then at the pool, and seemed to make a connection.  I pointed at my chest and said, Carl.  Then I pointed at her.  She pointed at herself and thought for a minute, as if she were struggling to remember who she was. Finally she said in a gravelly voice, Lara.
She walked over to me, and touched my cheek.  She looked at my body, unclothed and pale. She was golden brown all over, even her breasts. She had obviously been here a very long time. I sat up and caressed her cheek.  She drew back a few inches. I made reassuring noises and drew her closer.
I leaned over and put my lips to hers, kissing her. I pulled my face back, and she put her fingers to her mouth, rubbing her lips. Her dagger fell to the ground. She crept over to me, and kissed me back, opening her mouth and letting my tongue explore hers. I reached up and put my hand on her neck, pulling her closer still. I carressed her breast with my other hand and she moaned slightly, her nipples crinkling and becoming erect. I could feel my organ beginning to harden and lengthen. I moved the hand that was on her breast down along her flat abdomen, then untied the hide around her waist. I tossed it aside and put my hand between her legs. She squealed and stiffened, but I held her close, kissing her even harder. I left her mouth and moved my tongue down her slender neck. I put my lips to one of her breasts, sucking gently and running my tongue all over the soft globes.

Then I moved my mouth to the other, nibbling it slightly with my lips, causing her to make small whimpering noises.  I was completely erect now, and I moved my hips toward hers, insistantly rubbing against her thigh to open her legs.  I gently pushed her backward until she was laying on her back on the sun-warmed rock.  I put a hand on each breast and she closed her eyes, rocking her head back and forth.  I opened her legs and explored her with my fingers.
She had a thin crop of pale hair down there, curling at the edges.  Her clitoris was protruding from this thicket, throbbing at each of her heartbeats.  I put my mouth to it and began to work it with my tongue, making her moan even louder.  I drew back and kneeled over her arranging myself.  I touched her vagina with the tip of my organ and slowly, ever so slowly, pushed myself into her.

She let out a long soft cry as I entered her.  She had an exceedingly small opening, and I decided that she must be a virgin.  I moved into her until I felt an obstruction, then thrust hard.  This elicited a cry from the woman.  I slowly moved in and out of her, bringing her to orgasm.  She twisted under me, moaning at every thrust until she suddenly tensed, squeezing me inside her.  She drew me to her with her arms, pulling my head to her chest.  I nuzzled her perfect breasts, her swollen nipples brushing my lips.  I thrust into her again and again, until I lost myself and collapsed on top of her.

    I don't know what happened after that, because after the exertion I must have fallen asleep.  When I woke up, she was gone.  There was no trace of her; it was as if she had never existed.  I put on my now dry garments and walked back to the beach.  The fire was beginning to burn out, but on the horizon I could see a ship of some kind.  I stoked up the fire some more, producing thick smoke.  In the distance I heard the ship's steam whistle sound the SOS signal.  It turned and came close to the island. Now, standing on the deck, the ship heading toward Hawaii, I can't help but wonder whether it was only a dream....... or was it?

A Lesson For Hours


                                 by Zorc/Orgasm


Because a biology major, I harbour a particular interest in anatomy. I am especially interested in the male anatomy, and especially in certain parts of the male anatomy! I believe I have a little biology lesson to pass along to you. My "studies" began one weekend last fall when I had occasion to spend time with a young fellow I had met in one of my classes. Of course one thing led to another, and (he should have known I had something other than books on my mind) we decided to spend an evening "studying" for an anatomy quiz.
I offered him a large glass of red wine, and we smoked a joint shortly after we got to my apartment (I have since moved into the dorm, and my activities have been somewhat cut back). I guess we never got to the books, because before I knew it, he had set down the joint and asked me just how wide and vast my knowledge of male anatomy was.
I replied that I had "studied" my share and asked him what he had to offer that was any different. With that remark, he unzipped his pants and took out his nice cock. To my amazement, it was "uncut" -- uncircumsized. Now I had seen, handled, masterbated, and been fucked by about two dozen different cocks in my time, but I had never actually had one which still had a foreskin attached.
It was not particularily large, only about five inches in its half erect state, but it appealed immensely, since it was different from most I had seen. I asked him if I could play with it.
Needless to say, it was okay with him. I insisted we leave just one light on while the "lesson" progressed, a small high intensity lamp I normally use for reading. I directed the light so it illuminated his marvelous penis, and I set about learning just how to best handle this situation.
With my partner's guidance and instruction, I worked the foreskin up and down the shaft. He cautioned me to hold only the foreskin, and not let my fingers rub against the glans, which is extrasensitive in uncircumsized men.
I asked him what felt best to him as I worked, and he instructed me to pull the skin all the way back, then all the way forward, bunching it up above the glans on the upstroke. And he wanted me to do it with tantalizing slowness.
After just a couple minutes, his member had swolen to its full erect size, about seven inches. My thin and dextrous fingers (I work with clay as a hobby) performed expertly as he lay propped up on a pillow and moaned softly in total ecstacy. 
I decided to add a bit to the technique, so I brought the other hand into play. I pulled his foreskin down and stretched it as tight as I could. With the other hand, I moistened my finger with some of the semen that had just started to leak from his cock and rubbed just under the base of the glans.
Next, I licked off my finger and moistened it with saliva.  Still holding him stretched tightly, I rotated my moistened finger into his meatus, taking care not to allow my fingernail to touch. I continued moistening my finger as I worked and started moving the skin up and down a little again. Occasionally, I would suddenly stretch his skin back tight and run my tongue around the base of the glans.
He moaned that he was about to come and asked me to go a little faster. So, I cupped my lips over the very tip of his penis, while holding the skin down tightly, and squeezing his scrotum lightly all at the same time. With all this going on, it took only about a dozen circles and touches with my tongue to bring him off. He came in large spurts into my awaiting mouth.
I didn't swallow it, but pulled back a few inches and slowly dripped his semen all over the head of his dick while I pulled it back and forth as fast as it would go. Lubricated with his own come, his penis was no longer sensitive to my fingers. So I held the foreskin back and worked over the naked glans until he came again. (My "scientific" mind noted that his second coming had neither the intensity nor the quantity of the first.)

After that one, he asked me if he could rest for a few minutes. So, we decided to inspect  anatomy (for scientific purposes, of course). Trading places so I could lie back on the couch, I was very quickly propped up with a pillow and depantsed. He had me hold my cunt wide open so he could look over my clit. He found it very exciting for me to explain in anatomical terms what everything was and said he wished he had met a girl who was so straightforward before.
I showed him how my clitoris was like his penis in that it had its own little foreskin, which he could pull back and forth.
A little experimentation and he was soon masterbating my little clit, just as I had pulled his prepuce back and forth. When I masterbate myself, I generally applay a fairly direct pressure to my clit with one finger. It was unusual and stimulating to have him pinch the shaft beween thumb and forefinger while he stretched and pulled back the flesh. He was being careful to hold onto the skin and not let his fingers sub on the delicate clit itself. Between strokes, he would from time to time, lean down and tongue my clit to keep it moist, although there was hardly any need for that as I was juicing all over the place.
To keep things interesting, he used his other hand to stroke, poke, and otherwise play with my thouroughly wet pussy. He rubbed juice from my cunt all over my clit, and in about five minutes, I came and came and came. We lay in a 69 position for about the next thirty minutes while we played with eachother's sex organs and discussed what felt good to each of us.
Before that evening was over, we tried some things that were new to me, but I wondered why I had never thought of before. He had me hold my labia open wide while he guided his penis down to rub the tip against my clit. With all four of our hands getting into the act, we managed to "fuck" his meatus with my clit for a few short strokes. He said he wanted to come on my clit, so I assisted him with the jacking off and, just as he was getting ready to shoot, we worked my clit into his meatus. He spurted all over it and all over my purple-with-fucking cunt. Then he licked it completely clean for me.
I ended up making him come again (his fourth time), only this time we used one of my nipples to fuck the tip of his penis.  We practiced rolling his foreskin over a nipple too. It was great fun. Finally, we were pretty much worn out. He was still quite randy about talking about penises and clitorises and all, but his cock had shrunk down to about four inches, with the foreskin completely enshrouding the head. He told me that it always felt good to pull the foreskin all the way back and stretch it tight when his cock was soft and there was plenty of loose skin. So I did that a few times, and guess what?  He started to get another hard-on. This time, I guided his neat little pecker into my waiting cunt for the first straight fuck of the evening.

I have since sought out guys with uncircumsized cocks. I have even found a few (they're rare though), and I have demonstrated my knowledge of how to handle their particular needs.
It is my opinion that a man with an uncircumsized penis is generally a more sensitive lover, just as his penis is more sensitive. I have even encountered a guy with an extrememly tight foreskin, which (so he theorized) was responsible for the fact that his cock only measured about three inches when soft, and about six when hard. This turned out to be a superior evening of sex for me (being a biologist, I know that my vagina will expand or contract to handle any size of penis), and I Biology is certainly an interesting major!
I hope I have enlightened some of my fellow anatomy freaks.  Next time you're in a position to play with a foreskin, go for it.  It might turn out to be the most fun you've ever had! And now go to bed my children!
(b) as it is used in music buissness), it will become more and more useless.
Some freaks say that a demo must be understandable and "good" for none-scene persons. A none-computerfreak might like the so-called state of the art (but if this is the state of the art, then I don't know what happened to the scene) while he can't understand the meaning of a coding demo. Well, I think this none-scene guy will say "nice, but why are you using computer instead of Video", or he will say "I can see shit like this 24 hours on MTV".
The Eurocharts seem to support my opinion because design shit stays only very short in the charts while hardcore (=hardcode) 

Trucks On The Road


                             by Rattle Head/Orgasm

I was just out cruising around, and decided to follow this truck in front of me that appeared to be doing the same thing.  As soon as I pulled up next to the truck this blonde haired girl leaned out and said hi.
She was a knockout.  Full head of blonde hair,  blue eyes, and full lips.  The way she was leaning out the passenger side window made her breasts strain against her silky white top.  This was definitely going to be interesting!
I rolled down the window and said hello back.  We made some idle chatter while waiting for the light to change, and then she asked me if I wanted to go dancing.  I told her yes, and followed her and her friend to one of the local bars.

We pulled into the parking lot and found places to park, albeit not very close together.  While heading towards each other across the parking lot, various cars would be turning around, behind the girls, with their headlights pointed toward me.  I mention this because at the exact moment the headlights were behind the girls and directed towards me, I could see some interesting leg outlines through the material of the first blond girl's dress.
We finally got close enough together for me to see them well.  The first girl, who said her name was Lisa, was a knockout.  She was about 5'8", with legs that must've been 7'2", which were well outlined against her snug-fitting skirt.  She was wearing white stockings and a pair of white heels. Definitely an angel!
Her friend's name was Amanda.  Amanda was to die for.  Slim, with a black heels, black stockings, a what appeared to be very dark blue dress, with a neckline that plunged to mid-navel, allowing me to see the slight swell of her breasts, and long, very long jet-black very straight hair.  Whereas  Lisa was angelic, Amanda was the epitome of every man's vision of sex.

We went into the bar, and grabbed a table.  After a round of drinks, we were talking pretty freely about life, the universe and everything. Then Lisa grabbed my hand across the table and said "Let's dance!". She proceeded to pull me out onto the dance floor.  We started moving to the music, and it became almost painful to watch.  Lisa had the most sensuous movements, and all kinds of lewd thoughts were running through my mind.
All of the sudden, Amanda slipped between us, brushing her body lightly agains mine as she cut in.  Lisa went and sat down while Amanda and I danced.  Dancing with Amanda is an experience.  She never once touched me, but the whole time we moved, she stared into my eyes, and every once in a while licked her lips and ran her hands up and down the sides of her body, stretching the fabric of her dress along her curves in a tantalizing manner.  Hell, we weren't even into serious foreplay yet, and I'm already considering that I won't be able to handle any more of this.

We traded partners a few times, and I even got to watch Lisa and Amanda dance together, which was definitely pleasing to the eye.  Without exception, every male eye in the place was glued to Amanda and Lisa, and I have to say that it was an ego trip when they came and sat down across from me again.
We ordered another round of drinks to cool off, and traded more information about each other.  Amanda and Lisa both go to school at the University, and are roommates.  I told them a little bit about myself, and we just seemed to hit it off tremendously.
During this time of talking, I can feel somebody, I don't know who, run their foot up and down my calf, and up to about mid-thigh.  Things started to rise, and the temperature under my collar rose significantly.  Up and down, up and down the foot runs, lightly brushing my inner thigh, almost touching my rapidly rising penis, but not quite.  I still can't tell which one of them is doing this, as they're both looking straight at me while we're talking.  Well, I was trying to talk, but I was afraid of the sounds I'd make, so I just sat there and squirmed.  They enjoyed it, it was easy to tell.
After a while, the foot disappears to be replaced by another.  This foot is more agressive, and doesn't waste time, but moves right up to my crotch and starts massaging me through my pants.  It's starting to become very enjoyable, and I hesitate to look down and see who it is, for fear it will stop.  This goes on for a few more minutes, and then it stops.

They look at each other, Lisa nods, and then they both turn and look me right in the eyes, and said that they wanted me to stop by their place.  I said I would be happy to, but that it was going to be a few minutes before I could stand up.  They laughed and said that that was fine.
I paid for the drinks, and we left the bar and headed back to our vehicles.  I told them that I'd walk them to theirs, but Lisa said "No, we'll go to yours first and then you can follow us over to ours, and you can follow us home."  We were close to my truck, when Lisa, dropped her purse.  She bent over to pick it up, and Amanda and I kept on walking.  I got to the truck and was just reaching into my pocket to get my keys out, when I felt a hand reach around from behind me, and Lisa said, "Let me help you get those out." She definitely didn't mean my keys.  With deft movements, she undid my belt, undid my pants, and reached inside my pants and "gave me my freedom".  Then she said to Amanda, "Show him what's ahead tonight."  Amanda leaned up very close to me, kissed me deeply, and then slowly trailed her mouth down to my cock where she grabbed it, gave it 2 long, slooow licks from base to head, and then ever so slowly slipped it into her mouth.

It was incredible.  Her mouth was warm and tight, and Lisa was behind me, pressing her breasts up against my back.  I can feel her hardened nipples through her dress, but all I really care about is how my cock feels in Amanda's mouth.  Amanda sucked me in slowly, and all the way to the base, and then with tongue and lips working in concert, slowly pulls me out of her mouth and says "See you in a few."
God, the torture!  Lisa and Amanda both start walking to their vehicle, leaving me standing there numb.  Well, everything except my cock was numb.  After a few seconds, I realized that if I wanted more, I better get it in gear and follow them home.  While following them to their home, my mind was racing.  This could very well be a mind-bending experience.  We twisted and jogged through the streets, until we got to their home, which to my surprise was right across from the University. I was kind of struck by the incongruity that I had been working at and attending the school for 10 years, and in fact, parked in the parking lot across from their house, but had never noticed or even seen them.

I got out of my truck and practically ran up to them in my haste to make sure that they didn't forget me...  Lisa reached way up, stretching the fabric of her dress to the limit, up to the lintel, and got down a key.  "We realize it's not very smart, but it's a lot easier," she commented as she opened the door.
I stepped into their apartment and took a quick look around me.  It was nicely furnished, and amazingly enough, clean.  The few times I've been in students apartments, it's always amazed me about how much junk and crud they can accumulate.
"Have a seat on the couch, and we'll be out in a few minutes," Amanda said.  "Don't run away".  Lisa and Amanda proceeded into the back of the house, where I could hear them murmuring to each other.  I looked around the living room, and spotted the stereo, so I went and riffled through the CD selection, trying to find something appropriate.  After a few minutes, I found what I was looking for, and loaded up the CD changer with a few disks.  During this time, I noticed that the talking between Lisa and Amanda has stopped.

I went and sat down on the couch, and was listening to the music, but foremost in my mind was what was going to happen the rest of this evening.  Every 15 seconds or so, though, I'd hear this sigh.  It didn't fit in with the music at all, so it had to be one of the girls. I started walking quietly towards the back of the house.  When I passed one of the doors to what must've been a bedroom, I heard a moan that was a little louder.  I stopped, and tried the knob.  The door wasn't quite shut, so I pushed it open ever so slowly.  My heart stopped.
Lisa was lying back on the bed, wearing a white lacy half-bra, and her white stockings and shoes from earlier this evening.  Some other lingerie was strewn on the bed.  Lisa was massaging her breasts, and pulling and twisting her nipples.  Amanda was kneeling on the floor at the edge of the bed, wearing just her black stockings, a garter, and heels.  Her head was between Lisa's thighs, and she was running her tongue up and down Lisa's thighs, and passing ever so lightly over Lisa's quivering pussy.  Every time her tongue bumped Lisa's clit, Lisa would act like she'd received an electric shock, and her back would arch, and she'd give out a quiet, breathy moan.  Amanda was holding Lisa's legs by the ankles, in the air to give herself better access. It was probably one of the most erotic things I'd ever seen, and it took all of about 3 seconds for me to reach a maximum erection.

It was obvious that Lisa was well on her way to an orgasm, and she started moaning louder.  Amanda let go of one of Lisa's legs, and started using her thumb to massage all over Lisa's pussy.  That was the final straw for Lisa, and she exploded in a shuddering orgasm.
I quickly tiptoed back to the living room, and sat down on the couch, just as I heard the door to the bedroom open.  Amanda came out and said, "How would you like a little fashion show?"  "I'd love it", I said, so Amanda proceeded to explain their little twist to the show. She had me stand up, place my hands behind my back, and then she quickly tied them together.  She then had me sit down on the couch. She crossed the room, turned off the lights, lit a couple of candles next to the couch, and then turned back on one light near the far end of the living room.
She then proceeded to sit next to me, and explained to me the 2 rules. One was that I couldn't actually say anything, although the occasional incoherent babbling was OK.  The other was that I couldn't attempt to use my hands, even though they were tied behind me.  If I could agree to these things, then they were ready.  I quickly agreed, and leaned back on the couch in a more comfortable position.

Lisa came out from the hall wearing the same lingerie she had been wearing earlier with Amanda in the bedroom.  She walked down to the end of the living room, and started moving in a kind of sensous rhythm in time to the music.  I was enthralled.  Various twists and turns would emphasize the luscious curves of her breasts.  At the same time, I felt Amanda start slowly rubbing her hands over my crotch, removing my pants, and then slowly stroking my hardening cock.
After a minute or so, Lisa left the room.  Amanda kept stroking my cock slowly with one hand.  Up, down, up down.  Meanwhile her other hand was playing with my balls, slowly moving them around.
A few more minutes passed.  Lisa came out of the hall again, this time in a full black body suit, with holes for her nipples and crotch.  She started dancing again to the music, and at the same time started stroking her body, tweaking her nipples, and slowly running her hands on her crotch.  Amanda shifted a bit and then moved to the floor between my legs.  She put her mouth right near the head of my cock, and started blowing hot air through her mouth onto my cock.  It was electrifying.  My cock was already straining at the limits, and this inspired it to new heights, or shall I say lengths.

It was kind of hazy, but I noticed that Lisa was now lying on her back with her legs pulled back and spread wide.  Both hands were busy stroking her pussy.  One long finger flicked her clitoris, while the other hand was busy rubbing the lips of her pussy.  Amanda started licking at my cock, with slow, very wet licks, going from base to top in slow strokes.  Pre-come was starting to ooze out the tip, and tingles were starting to run up and down my body.
Lisa got up and left the room again, and Amanda slowed down her playing with my cock.  Back to the slow motions with her hand.  Amanda's other hand was moving between her thighs, and I could tell that she was starting to masturbate.
Lisa came back out of the hall, still wearing the bodysuit, and carrying what looked to be either a vibrator or a dildo.  She quickly laid back down and started running the dildo up and down her pussy lips.  Each stroke brought forth a little gasp from Lisa.  In time with Lisa's motion, Amanda began licking my cock again, matching Lisa's strokes of the dildo one for one.
Lisa started slowly sliding the dildo into her moist pussy.  At the same time, Amanda slowly took my cock into her mouth, and sank on it to the base.  The sensations were such that it felt like I was slowly sliding my cock into Lisa, yet I could see that I wasn't.

Faster and faster, Lisa was running the dildo in and out of her dripping pussy.  Amanda was running her mouth up and down my cock, her tongue darting everywhere, driving me to the peak.  Her hand was busy on her own pussy, and everybody was starting to moan a little louder.
Lisa was starting to thrash wildly, obviously about to orgasm.  Amanda was moving her hips back and forth, her hand running wild, and her moans and groans escaping around my cock as she sucked me.
Finally it was too much.  Lisa let out a loud moan and started shaking in the throes of a powerful orgasm.  This triggered Amanda's orgasm, and she started gasping and moaning around my cock, while her body shivered.  I couldn't last any longer, and shot a huge load deep into Amanda's throat.
The orgasms seemed to go for ever.  The spasms in my cock lasted at least 45 seconds.  Amanda licked up every drop of my come after she recovered from her orgasm.  We looked over at Lisa, who was just laying there recovering from her climax as well.  After a few more seconds, she propped herself up on her elbows and said, "That was a nice start to the night".

After a few more minutes of recuperation,  Amanda gave my cock playful tug, and said "follow me."  After I stood up, she removed the ties that she had tied around my hands.  "Maybe we can use these later," she said with a playful smile.
I followed Amanda into the back bedroom.  As we entered the room, Lisa was just stripping the covers off the bed. "We'll generate our own heat", she joked.
Amanda pushed me forward onto the bed, and told me to lie on my back. Lisa and Amanda climbed up onto the bed, one on either side of me.  Then each leaned across me towards the other, and started kissing and fondling each other, practically ignoring me.  I didn't think I had it in me, but I could feel my cock starting to stir, and become more aware of its surroundings.
A few minutes of this went by, and then the girls moved down to me, Lisa kissing me with playful nips, and Amanda was rubbing and stroking my legs.  I was playing with Lisa's breasts, and fondling her nipples. She must've had very sensitive nipples, because she started to moan rather quickly.
They switched places, and Lisa started licking and playing with my cock again.  Whereas Amanda was rather slow and deliberate in her cocksucking, Lisa was very demanding, rubbing my cock all over her face, using her hair to brush against it, then taking the head into her mouth, while jacking the shaft.

Amanda straddled my face, facing towards Lisa who was doing things to my cock that had me abuzz.  Amanda would slowly lower her cunt towards my waiting tongue, let me massage her lips and clit with my tongue, and then would pull away.  This went on for quite some time, until I felt some movement by my hips.  Lisa straddled my hips, and started rubbing my cock all over her pussy lips.  She'd then place my cock at the entrance to her dripping pussy, and slowly lower herself onto it, just enough for the head to pop inside.  She'd then move in a circular motion, dipping down just enough for me to feel the slickness of her cunt.
Amanda started mashing her cunt against my face, rubbing her clit all over my snaking tongue.  Lisa was taking me all the way inside her, and when she'd hit bottom, she'd rub her clit hard against the base of my cock.  Amanda and Lisa were kissing, and rubbing each other's tits.
It was too much for me, and I exploded inside Lisa, in an orgasm as powerful as the one earlier.  "Done so soon?" said Lisa.  "Then scoot off the bed, and let us get to work".

I moved to the edge of the bed, and turned to watch.  Lisa and Amanda moved into a 69 position, tongues stroking clits.  I felt my self starting to get hard again,  and moved in behind Amanda, who was on top, and started rubbing my semi-hard cock up and down her slit, while Lisa was busy tonguing her clit.
Finally, I got hard for the third time, and slipped my cock into her waiting cunt.  Fucking Amanda was an experience.  She squeezed and relaxed her cunt muscles around my cock, milking and squeezing it. After plunging my cock in and out of her cock 30-40 times, I pulled it out and went around the other side of the bed.  I pushed Amanda back a bit, and slipped my cock into Lisa's pussy.  Lisa let out a load groan, and started to buck her hips, and slide her cunt up and down my cock furiously.  Amanda was busy playing with my nipples, and had one hand rubbing Lisa's clit with each stroke of my cock.
Lisa let out a load moan, bordering on a scream, and started orgasming, her cunt milking my cock.  Amanda rolled off of Lisa, and turned around laying the same direction on the bed as Lisa.  I pulled my cock out of Lisa's still spasming cunt, and moved over to Amanda.  I pulled Amanda's legs up over my shoulders and started ramming my cock in and out of her cunt, with furious speed.  Amanda started making these whimpering noises deep in her throat, and her cunt went back to work on my cock.

Lisa leaned over and started sucking on Amanda's nipples.  This pushed Amanda over the edge, and she let out a load scream of pleasure. Amanda collapsed onto her side, and tried to slow down her breathing. Lisa pulled my cock out of Amanda and started sucking on it again, using both hands to rub the shaft and testicles.  It didn't take much of this to send me over the edge.  While the quantity of come was limited, the quality was still of the highest caliber.
We collapsed into a pile on the bed, and slept through the rest of the night.
It's only been a few days since this happened, and I got a call saying they were going to stop by my office one of these days, so I look forward to more of them, and I'll keep you posted.





(see the "Prices and More"-article for more information about size,etc)


      ^ S I L I C O N  L T D ^

             The Image
          Of The Low Lands.

    The Only Name In Business!

           Postbox 9238
         1800 GE Alkmaar

       All kinda swapping
     Lame,Cool,Fast'n' Slow
         I Know em All!
       Answer Guarenteed.

          _         _         __
   /|  / / \ \/  / / \  /  / /  \
  / | / /  / /\ / /  / /  /  \__
 /  |/  \_/ / //  \_/  \_/ \___/


Colorbird             Scizo
Johan Andersson       Olle Jonsson
Kaskog.18nb           Stationsg.4
16476 Kista           53274 Ardala
Sweden                Sweden

    FiNaL iMpAcT +46-54-113486


  /\    /
 /  \  /      Colorbird/Noxious
/    \/       Johan Andersson
 _____        Kaskog. 18nb
/     \       164 76 Kista
\_____/       Sweden
/     \       ps. Only legal ds.
\   ___
 \____/  is STILL not enough !!!


Therefore contact NOXIOUS, now !!!


Wanna have a cool contact in a cool
          ELITE crew ????

Well don't hesitate to write to....

         Johan Andersson
         16476 Kista

ps. If you are member of an unknown
    group then send your latest own
    production, else you wont get a
    answer...                   ds.

Howdy ho !!!
Just want to use the space to say hi
to some of my friends....

Howdys to...
Tony, Casket, Killraven, Trasher
Decca,Toxic, Brainwasher, Lizardking
Lightforce, Magnum, Absent, Schizo
Thunder, St.M, Dixan05, John Peel
Dark, Black Scorpion, Nikko, Duke
Velsa, Gamma, Raider, Crionic
Eurex, Dolphin, Dizzy, Core, Crayon
Trauma, Zorro, Kyle, Soldier, Capman
Paolo and all my contacts....

Btw write to me... Colorbird/Noxious
                   Johan Andersson
                   16476 Kista

 NOXIOUS - Nog is still not enough

Ever wonder what our slogan means ?

Well wonder no more.....
Nog is the Swedish word for Enough !

   "Enough is still not enough"

That means that a Noxious member can
never have enough contacts.

 NOXIOUS - Nog is still not enough

  o                             o
  o      cOlOrb Rd/nOx OuS      o
  o   =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   o
  o      Johan Andersson        o
  o      Kaskog.18nb            o
  o      S-16476 Kista          o
  o      sWeDeN                 o
  o                             o
  o                             o
  o  Nog is STILL not enough !  o
  o                             o
  o                             o
  o  If   dont have a Noxious   o
  o  contact then write !!!!!   o
  o                             o
  o  New OWN prods = answer !!  o

$                  /\              $
$                 /  \   ILLEGAL   $
$                  ||       \  /   $
$      -ACE-       ||        \/    $
$                  ||              $
$     /\  /\  /\/\ || /\  /\  /\   $
$    /  \/  \/    \||/  \/  \/ /   $
$   / /\ \__ \_  _ \| __ \/\  /    $
$   \____/  \/ \/ \/|/  \/  \/     $
$                  ||              $
$     /\           ||  P-MATTRAX-  $
$    /_ \         _||_ L---------  $
$      LEGAL      \  / K  W     G  $
$                  \/        W  E  $
$ SOEREN GREINECKER    3  -  I  R  $
$  HAMBURGERSTR.32     5     N  M  $
$ W-2090 WINSEN/LUHE   3  2  S  O  $
$      GERMANY         9  0  E  N  $
$                      2  9  N  E  $
$   -ELITE PLEEZ!-     6  0     Y  $
$ -ONLY FAST DUDES!-               $
$                      F           $
          _____________  _ __  __
     /\/\/_\_  _  _  __\/_\\ \/ /
    /    \_ \\ \\ \\    \_ \>  <
    \/\/\/ \//_//_//_/\_\ \/_/\_\



              <NO NAME>
             PLK 353926 F
          W-2090 WINSEN/LUHE
          _____________  _ __  __
     /\/\/_\_  _  _  __\/_\\ \/ /
    /    \_ \\ \\ \\    \_ \>  <
    \/\/\/ \//_//_//_/\_\ \/_/\_\



      ######             #####
      ########### ###########
            ##### ###### #####
      ########### ###### #####
      #1993###### ###### #####
      ########### ###### #####


         8600  SILKEBORG 13


*         VORTEX of BRONX          *
*                                  *
*     Write to me for FAST and     *
*       FRIENDLY swaping !!!       *
*                                  *
*                                  *
*         VORTEX of BRONX          *
*          Keskustie 55            *
*         16800 Koski HL           *
*            FINLAND               *
*                                  *
*           100% answer            *
*                                  *
*                                  *
*       BRONX RULEZ !!!!!!!!       *
*            _   _  ___  _         *
*      \  / | | |_|  |  |_ \/      *
*       \/  |_| | \  |  |_ /\      *
*                                  *
         /                \
        /                  \
       /                    \
      / * VORTEX  /  BRONX * \
     /                        \
    /                          \
   /    Write to me for FAST    \
  /B    and FRIENDLY swaping   B \
 / R                           R  \
/  O       VORTEX of BRONX     O   \
\  N        Keskustie 55       N   /
 \ X       16800 Koski HL      X  /
  \           FINLAND            /
   \                            /
     \                        /
      \                      /
       \    100%  answer    /
        \                  /

*                                  *
*                                  *
*               FOR                *
*             SWAPPING             *
*            PERFECTION            *
*            PRODUCING             *
*           CONTACT THE            *
*         ___ __ ___ ___ ___       *
*        /__// // _// _//__/       *
*       ___ / // /_/ _/ ___        *
*      /__//_/ \__/\__//__/        *
*                                  *
*         HEADQUARTER AT:          *
*                                  *
*        1988  POSTLAGERND         *
*         D-W-2880  BRAKE          *
*          G E R M A N Y           *
*                                  *
*                                  *



 Aleksanterinkatu 31
 64260 Kaskinen

 Disk wont do any harm...


      __    __  _    __    ______
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    /\__/ /      / /\__/ /   ____/
   /   / /   /\_/ /   /  \___    \
  /   / /   /    /   /   /       /
  \__/  \__/     \__/GTS \______/
  SWAPP WITH     _        OF
     THE        / \      IRIS
  GFX-TWINS    /   \   GERMANY !
              /  or \
 4600 DORTMUND 70   4600 DORMUND 70
       /    \ \     / /    \
 LETTER      \ \ + / /      \ DISK !
     /  FOR   \ \_/ /  100%  \
          _    __   __     __
        //_\ //_   /__ /_// /
       // \ /__/  /__// //_\
  tHe gErMaN dIvIsIoN oF iRiS iS
 sEaRcHiNg fOr cOoL cOdErS...bUt wE
 aRe aLsO lOoKiNg fOr tAlEnTeD aNd
 gOoD mUsIcIaNs aNd fAsT tRaDeRs!!!
 dOnT hEsItAtE tO cOnTaCt uS...tHe
 mUzAkErS sHoUlD sEnD a fInIsHeD
 wOrK...sO dUdEs , wE aRe wAiTiNg
 fOr yOu...wRiTe tO dIz aDdY......
        * IRIS GERMAN HQ *
          W-2084 RELLINGEN


\_____|     /
   __________ON AMIGA & SNES TO OUR
 _/   _    _/  ADDRESS IN GERMANY
|    |    |
|_   |    |_        WRITE TO:
 /___|     /       -----------
  /\_________  * M I N I S T R Y *
_/   _      /      POSTLAGERND
|    |_____/      8800 ANSBACH!
|_____    _      UNITED GERMANY
 / _______/

|       \/\ COMPACT INC. /\/       |
|                                  |
|                                  |
|For swapping the latest in a speed|
|you never have seen before, simply|
|            write to:             |
|                                  |
|                                  |
|        Zenit/Compact Inc.        |
|          Rustadvegen 36          |
|           2830 Raufoss           |
|             Norway               |
|                                  |
|                                  |
|                                  |
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|       \/\ COMPACT INC. /\/       |
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|If you want to get the very latest|
|from the hottest MBBS close to the|
|North-Pole, simply do nothing than|
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|      SysOp: OnLine/Compact       |
|  CoSyses: Jack'n Zenit/Compact   |
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|                                  |
| "0 day old varez is too old...." |

       ___  ___  ___  ___  _
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   !/   _/   _/  / /  / /-  _/!
   /  / /  / /  / /  / /  / /!!

   Send your articles, adverts,
        news and votes to
          CeMeTeRY NeWS

          CeMeTeRY NeWS

     We need article writers.

       ___  ___  ___  ___  _
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   !/   _/   _/  / /  / /-  _/!
   /  / /  / /  / /  / /  / /!!

   TuRbO of da BRONX! searchy 4
   da |<OOL friends. especially
   Graffiti artists, Rap freaks
   and TURKs. Here'z da addrezz


         No business swap!
        Only friendly swap!

   Also for VHS swap! All tapes
       are back guarantee..

       ___  ___  ___  ___  _
   !!!/   \/   \/   \/   \/ \/\
   !!/  / /  / /  / /  / /  / /
   !/   _/   _/  / /  / /-  _/!
   /  / /  / /  / /  / /  / /!!

  TuRbO of BRONX posse search' 4
  VHS swappers. Send your latest
  film or cartoon 2 diz address:

        TuRbO / ]B]R()]N><

   My latest are in january 93!
       I need thiz films:
 PE & 2liveCRew's concert rekords
 and video klips!...       -Thanx

         ThE UntoUchables
            PC & AMIGA
        Abos & sinGle ordErs
  Amiga DM 1,50/US$ 1,00 one Disk
  PC    DM 2,50/US$ 1,70 one Disk
 CompLete PC Abo (400 !! MB/monTh)
       DM 250,- / US$ 170,-
 (BackUp on DC2120 StreaMer TapEs)
  FoR morE InfoRmaTion, lisTs and
         ordeRs wriTe to:
           PLK 045680 C

   - SEMI'93 - SEMI'93 - SEMI'93 -

            S C O O P E X
             E N E R G Y
            M A N I T O U
         -Easter Party  '93-


    for party-invitations and/or
    legal elite swapping contact

            MANITOU WHQ
             PO.BOX 05
            6600 REUTTE
           A U S T R I A


------ SENSEI of THE FACE INC. -----
------                         -----
-- is looking 4 more Elite Contax --
--                                --
- Contact me 4 swapping the latest -
---- legal warez & Sourcecodes! ----
----                            ----
--------- Coders wanted !! ---------
------------ Write fast 2 ----------
--                                --
--            SENSEI/TFI          --
--          Jochen Schulz         --
--         Hildastrasse 25        --
--        W-6832 Hockenheim       --
--          United Germany        --
--                                --
--        No Lamers please!       --
--       No Disk = No answer!     --
    _____ ______ _____  __ _____
   /  ___ \ __  \ __  \/  /  ___\
  /_______//_/  // /  /  /  /
 /__/  /__/ /__// /__/__/__/___
/__/  /__/ /__// /__/__/\______/dux
           ... bottles ahead !!!

  DUX OF PANIC is looking for new
 contax , write a cool long letter
  send 2 disx with new stuff and
      you have a new friend ,.
 P                                P
 A >       Robert Salzmer       < A
 N >      Rathsfelderstr. 1     < N
 I >       Nordhausen 5500      < I
 C             Germany            C

         Friendship rulez !!!
  2 Disks + long Letter = my Answer

   fast greez to all my friends !!


  - SEMI'93 - SEMI'93 - SEMI'93 -

            S C O O P E X
            E N E R G Y
           M A N I T O U 
        -Easter Party  '93-


    for party-invitations contact

             MANITOU WHQ
             PO.BOX 05
            6600 REUTTE
           A U S T R I A


gathering 1993 computer conference bulletins

                    Ìt h e   g a t h e r i n g   1 9 9 3

         c o m p u t e r   c o n f e r e n c e   b u l l e t i n s

                    1  . . . General Info (Prerelease)

                    2  . . . Registering System Info (Prerelease)

                    3  . . . Party BBS Info (Prerelease)

                    4  . . . Main competitions information (Prerelease)

                    5  . . . Suggestions for other competitions

                    6  . . . Sound System Info (Prerelease)

                    7  . . . Invited persons (Prerelease)

 Bulletin number: 1 

                   t h e   g a t h e r i n g   1 9 9 3
                  c o m p u t e r   c o n f e r e n c e
            g e n e r a l   i n f o   ( p r e r e l e a s e )
  The Gathering 1993 is a follow-up to the very successful conference
  held easter 1992. This year, a organization called
  'Romerike Dataforening' consisting of members from Crusaders, Deadline
  and Exile will be the arrangers.

                   The date for this conference will be

                       7th - 10th of April 1993

   The location seems to be Skedsmohallen, as it was the last time.

  The general concept will be somewhat like the previous conference,
  but we expect more people, more computers, more software houses,
  and just about more of everything.

 Bulletin number: 2 

                   r e g i s t e r i n g   s y s t e m
                         i n f o r m a t i o n

 As you all know, the registering system we used last time was one of
the things that caused the most problems for us.

This time we will be doing things quite differently.

Remember that this is a prerelease, and matters have not been quite
settled yet.

                          Before you arrive

 On the invitation, there will be a small piece of paper which is the
registration form. This should be filled out BEFORE you arrive so that
you don't have to spend time doing that when you get there.

The form will have questions like name/handle, group, and so on..

                           When you arrive

 At the entrance, billions and billions of small slips of paper will
be available. Yes, the same registration form as on the invitation
since 99% of you will have forgotten the invitation and the rest of
you haven't received the invitation at all.

You will now have to fill this form out (by hand) before you can enter.

                            When you pay

 On each form there is a unique number. This number will be used later.
When you pay, the person receiveing the fee will check your handwriting
to see if it's humanly possible to read - or not. So, no computers
while you register :-)

You will also be given a badge not unlike the one used at The Party II
in Denmark. This badge will show that you have payed.

                       While you party (Part 1)

 While you run around having the best time of your life, dozens of slaves
will be punching all your names into a humongous database. Each person
having a unique number.

                       While you party (Part 2)

 There will be a big monitor constantly running a slide show with
information. This will at all times show the number of people who have
registered. Also, hard copies of the names of the registered persons
will be available.

                            Time to vote

 When it's time to vote, a special voting form will be available. This
form will have a field where you must enter the same name you registered
with and the same number you have on your sticker. If the number doesn't
match the name, the vote will be discarded. After a while, the forms
are handed in, and an even bigger bunch of slaves will be counting the
votes using the same well-written and well-tested software as used to
count the Eurochart votes.

 Bulletin number: 3

                    t h e   g a t h e r i n g   1 9 9 3
                            p a r t y   b b s

          There will NOT be a party BBS at The Gathering 1993!

   The resons have been explained many times, but here they are again.

  * We need ALL the people we can get to help things run well with the
    party itself. We do not have any people left over to be Sysop
    of such a system.

  * For us, The Gathering 1993 will be even more expencive than The
    Gathering 1992, so the extra expences of the hardware required
    (modems, computers, network, telephone lines etc) are simply
    more than we can afford.

  * Even though the party BBS system at The Gathering 1992 didn't
    work as well as it should have, the reasons for having a party BBS
    in the first place is only to make party releases available to
    people not at the party as soon as possible. Releases from
    The Gathering 1993 will be installed on THIS system instead.

  * We cannot prevent any other groups from setting up party BBSes
    but remember that if such should be set up, they will not be
    located at the party place and would therefor not have the
    desired effect. Also, Crusaders and Deadline wishes to have

 Bulletin number: 4

                      t h e   g a t h e r i n g   1 9 9 3

          m a i n   c o m p e t i t i o n s   i n f o r m a t i o n

                  -   g e n e r a l  i n f o r m a t i o n   -
                 -   b e s t   a m i g a   d e m o          -
                 -   b e s t   g r a p h i c s              -
                 -   b e s t   m u s i c                    -
                 -   b e s t   p c   d e m o                -

    General Information

   Contestants for ANY of the main competitions must contact the
   Information Desk BEFORE the deadline to receive a special envelope
   and a special information sheet that is to be filled out before
   entering the product. On this information sheet you fill out a
   couple of fields regarding the product.

   * Products that have been entered in other competitions can NOT
     be entered in any of the main competitions

   * Media (diskettes) that contain the product will NOT be returned

   * Once a product is entered, the product may not be modified further

   * Deadlines will be held as far as possible, but we will of course
     accept products a short while after since it seems to be impossible
     for some to finish something at the right time :-)

    'Best Amiga Demo' Competition Information
   * Demo *MUST* run without problems on Kickstart 1.3 and 2.0

   * Demo *MUST* run without problems on machines with 512K, 1 and 2Mb

   * ALL entered demos will be shown in full length

   * One person from the group that is presenting the demo *MUST*
     be available to control any interactive parts of the demo
     (Pressing mouse, controlling features with joystick and so on)

    'Best Graphics' Competition Information
   * All pitures will be judged in ONE category only

   * Pictures from ANY machine can be entered, but the picture *MUST*
     be displayable on a Amiga ECS chipset machine (PAL)

   * Pictures *MUST* be entered on a single 3.5" AmigaDOS or MS-DOS
     Double Density format diskette

   * If more than a certain number of pictures are entered for the
     competition, a jury consisting of non-competing graphics artists
     will pick out a portion of the pictures for a final

    'Best Music' Competition Information

    * All modules will be judged in ONE category only

   * Modules from ANY machine can be entered, but the module *MUST*
     be playable on an Amiga computer with NO extra sound enhancing

   * Contestants can choose if the module is to be played in mono
     or stereo

   * Each module will be played for 3.0 minutes

   * All entries for the music competition must be entered on a
     3.5" AmigaDOS or MS-DOS Double Density diskette. On the diskette
     there *MUST* be nothing but the module itself and an apropriate
     module player. NO EXECUTABLES!

   * If more than a certain number of modules are entered for the
     competition, a jury consisting of non-competing musicians will
     pick out a portion of the pictures for a final

    'Best PC Demo' Competition Information

    * Demo *MUST* run on a 486 33MHz IBM compatible computer with 16Mb
     RAM, ET4000 1Mb display adapter and a SoundBlaster/16 sound card

   * One person from the group that is presenting the demo *MUST*
     be available to control any interactive parts of the demo
     (Pressing mouse, controlling features with joystick and so on)

   * ALL entered demos will be shown in full length

 Bulletin number: 5

                    t h e   g a t h e r i n g   1 9 9 3

        s u g g e s t i o n s   f o r   c o m p e t i t i o n s
        Since there has been so many suggestions for competitions,
        the thing we've settled for is that YOU arrange the competition

        We'll help you as best we can with the equipment and space. Also,
        if there's a 'final' in your competition, you can run it over
        the big screen and possibly over the sound system.

        Get together with a couple of friends and arrange your VERY
        OWN competition!

 Bulletin number: 6

                      t h e   g a t h e r i n g   1 9 9 3

               s o u n d   s y s t e m   i n f o r m a t i o n

   Some of you who attended The Gathering 1992 party complained that
  the sound was sometimes more than a human could cope with.

  This time we will instead of having two extremly powerful speaker
  systems in one end of the hall, have up to eight extremly powerful
  speaker systems located in each corner and at the longer sides.

  No, just kidding :-) The speakers will of course be smaller and
  just enough to give a perfect sound to everyone in the hall during
  the main competitions and so on.

  The sound system will NOT play background music like it did last year!

  If you want music while you work, we suggest that you bring your own
  portable stereo that won't ruin the sleep for 2000 people.

  The sound system will be used for messages during the party. Such
  messages can be handed over to the Information Desk, should you
  have something to say to everyone.


 Bulletin number: 7

                    t h e   g a t h e r i n g   1 9 9 3

    Just wanted to let you know some of the people we expect to arrive
   at The Gathering 1993. You MUST understand that most of these have
   only been invited so far, so it is not certain that they will have
   the time to come and visit us.

   * Software Houses
     List coming up..

   * Computer Magazines
     List coming up..

   * Media, TV

    - NRK1:  "Norge Rundt" and "U"
    - NRK2
    - TV Norge
    - TV3, Norway
    - SuperChannel
    - ITN (Runs news for SuperChannel amongst other things)
    - Cable Network News (CNN)
    - Beyond 2000 Inc
    - Music Television (MTV)

   * Media, Radio
     List coming up..

   * Media, Newspapers
     List coming up..

                                                                   end of file.

Jester of Sanity Advert

Advertisement by Jester of Sanity for Minimal Art

                      Minimal Art`s "Simplicity"-Tape

 JESTER OF SANITY,  the man behind Soundtracks for famous Demos like  "Elysium",
"Optimum Fuckup", "WoC"  or  "Flower Power"  and the Number one Musicdisk 
 "Jesterday"  presents his first ever "real music" tape entitled Simplicity,
recorded with his Band "Minimal Art".

- All songs and texts written by Jester of Sanity
- NO Conversions of known Amiga-tunes but exclusively BRANDNEW unreleased
- The first ever Songs for VOCALS to be released on the Amiga-Scene
- All Vocals performed by a professional Singer
- 7 Tracks that add up to an overall running time of about 30 minutes
- Styles of the songs vary from ballads and mid-tempo to disco and rave
- Only latest high quality music equipment used for arrangements and recording
- Lyrics are included on a beautyfully designed Inlay Cover
- Delievered on a high quality Maxell tape
- A FREE disk with selected Jester-material including unreleased Modules will 
  be added to the first 50 Orders
- Each Owner gets an individual registration-number
- Songs recorded on both sides of the tape for your convenience

The tape will be available from March 1st on. Order your copy now and make sure 
to get hold of this unique release by writing to:
               Volker Tripp
           In der Ziegelheide 15
              W-4290 Bocholt
Price for the tape(including P&P): 

- Deutsch Marks........15
- US Dollars...........10

Please don`t send any other currencies or US Coins.

ToonTown Advert

 !!WeLcOmE To ThIs FuNkY CoMpACt BoArD!!
    _______  ____   ____   ____ _______  ____             ____
  /\__   _\/ __ \ / __ \ /    \\__   _\/ __ \ /\    /\  /    \
  \/_/\  \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\  /\ \_/\  \ \ \ \ \\ \  /\ \/\ /\  \
     \ \  \ \ \/  \\ \/  \\ \ \ \\ \  \ \ \/  \\ \/\/ /\ \ \ \ \
      \ \  \ \____/ \____/ \_\ \_\\ \  \ \____/ \____/  \ \_\ \_\
       \ \ _\/___/ \/___/ \/_/\/_/ \ \__\/___/ \/___/    \/_/\/_/WHQ
        \/__/                       \/__/

                             -> +47-61-90355 <-
                        SysOp: OnLine/Compact Inc.
                    CoSyses: Jack'n Zenit/Compact Inc.

                             -+  MBBS 9.9b  +
                    Both PC & Amiga  +  2400-14.400  +-
              -+ Get the latest varez here at good ratios +-
                      -+ Support-board for NorList +-

Camel Corporation Advert

                                   t h e                   
                             __       ___   __
                           /    /\  / | \ /_  /
                           \__ /__\ \ | / \__ \__

                            c o r p o r a t i o n            

What, who? The CAMEL Corporation is an awesome duo consisting of ICronite  and Milkshake (both ex-Anarchy DK). The reason for us to quit Anarchy and  make our own little elite team, is that all the other creative danish (A)  members left to found or join new groups - therefor we didn't see any  advantage in being (A) members anymore!

We have only got one problem in the Camel Corp. - it's called music!  Neither ICronite nor I are able to compose music, we are therefor always  interested in reciving modules from skilled musicians for inclusion in  one of our future productions (soon to come - a small intro - working  title "Dire Camels on MTV" - and we still haven't got any music for it!).

As spreading is also a (minor) problem, we would like to get in touch  with various SysOps. If you promise to spread our productions, you can  get your BBS number in our future intros & demos for free! This time  there is only one BBS advertised in the intro, and that is because it  was spread exclusively on that board (greetings to you Trix/Anarchy for  doing it!).

Before I end I'd like to send a few messages to some of my ex-team  members.

Slammer & Xience / Melon Dezign: Let's hope that Seen (the pilot) can  motivate you better than Anarchy did...

Hannibal, Slash, Dan & Nuke / Lemon: Good luck with Lemon. Hope you  can make something (wonderful) out of it...

And of course I wish all those of you who are still in Anarchy, good  luck in the future! Keep the flame alive!

Anyway, if you want to contact Camel Corp. for any reasons (NOT swapping  though), you should write to:   Kent Stephan Jensen (Milkshake)
                                Fuglebakkevej 112, 2th
                                8210 Aarhus V

Amiga Halloween Conference 1993


         As we are responsible for the releases of the fab European Top 20 and
also will deal the Scene Oscars Rewards, we decided to arrange a Huge
Conference in Sweden. This will for sure be the biggest Conference ever
arranged in Sweden! The Scene Oscars will be awarded and dealed out at the

 Where and When?
 The Conference will according to the name be held on Halloween 93. The
Conference will be held in the 4th biggest town in Sweden, Jonkoping. It'll
be situated in the Centre of Jonkoping in a huge conference centre.

 - 6 BIG conference locals for special invited (300 persons in each).
- A huge local with place for over 700 persons.
- A Real Restaurant 24Hours/day. You can buy real food any time you like.
  Also Candy, Chips and Junkfood will be available.
- Plenty of showers and toilets to avoid that awful smell.
- 24hours cleaning staff to keep it possible for you to walk around.
- 2 TV Channels with PERFECT quality will be broadcasted with hot movies on 1
  channel and 1 channel with party info.
- Big-Screen to show Movies and contributions with perfect quality.
- Perfect Hi-Fi sound equipment for demo and music competitions.
- Local computer stores will sell hard-ware and disks 24hours.
- Lazer Disc player to show the latest movies.
- Luggage room to store your equipment safely.
- A Synthesizer Concert with the best computer-musicians around.
- Loud-speaker system to provide you with the latest information.
- Conference BBS with the latest stuff and all party releases will be online.
- A Discoteque nearby, for those interested.

 Scene Oscar Awards:
 The Scene Oscars will be awarded the second day. Those who are nominated to a
Scene Oscar will be told, so they are present at the conference. If you are
nominated and not present you'll loose your chance to get a Scene Oscar of
1993. A Jury will pick out who will get nominated and also use the first day
to decide the winner in each category. The Jury will mainly consist of
Editors from famous Scenemags, which will be asked to join the Scene Oscars
Committee during the Spring 1993.

 Of Course we will have the usual competitions, Demo, Music, Graphics and
Intro Competition. We think we have prizes which you'll think makes it worth

  Demo Compo   Music Compo   Graphics Compo   Intro Compo

1.  10000SEK       2000SEK          2000SEK       2000SEK

2.   5000SEK       1000SEK          1000SEK       1000SEK

3.   2500SEK        500SEK           500SEK        500SEK

We will also get Hardware from our Sponsors which will be added to the

There will also be some minor entertainment competitions:
- IQ contest
- Real-Time Demo Competition from Scratch
- Bootblock Competition
- Game Competitions
- More competitions will be stated later

 - Boozing not allowed.
- Smooking not allowed inside the building.
- No fighting inside the building (Outside we don't mind).
- No breaking of the conference centres interior. You'll have to pay for
  everything you break with a high rate of interest.
- All non-computer crimes will be reported to the Police according to Swedish
- We don't take ANY responsibilty of the distribution of Copyrighted

We have hired a proffessional Security Force which will make sure those rules
are followed. If you don't follow, we won't take ANY responsibility what they
might do to you!

 We have invited a couple of Newspapers, TV and Radio Networks, some big
computer magazines and Software Companies.

Make sure to get the Invitation Trackmo coded by Photon/Scoopex which will
be out Spring/Summer 1993.

 Final Words:
 Well, this have hopefully made you interested to attend to the Coolest party
ever. Make sure to have this weekend free right away. Greets from the

About The News

             ABOUT THE NEWS 

 DAMIAN  or the newscollectors won`t take any responsibility for mistakes, secret
news or wrong informations in the news. We don`t want to get in trouble with
any group or person. If an information is wrong, you should send a little
letter or a new information to the addy below the text, but only if the info is
about you or your group. Many thanx for the news-collecting this time go to:

 Colorbird of Noxious                   Sentinel of Legend
 Turbo of Bronx                         Zenit of Compact Inc.
 Ministry                               Ace of Damian

 To become a news-collector just write to Friendly, and send him your latest
ones (address in the addy-section!).

Grab a pen and paper or your texteditor and start writin` down your latest news
because we`re in need of some more collectors!
Sorry for less news this time, but we don`t have too much time, soooo... WRITE!

The News

               THE NEWS

 New group called Styline is born in Finland.
Legend SF is born!!
Central Europe is searching for a group.
Phil Douglas, Munchie and Protocol left the scene.

 Another issue, another newsfile! Read the deepest secrets of groups from A - Z

 El Captivo/Submission joined. Acoy, Newcomer and Sin was kicked. El Captivo
has changed handle to S.M.U.D.O.

 New group is born in Finland called Ahead.
Brandy/ ex.Crime Devils joined Ahead.
Crime Devils is now Ahead.

 Sabine was busted by police some time ago, but they forgot to take her HD
containing her whole stuff along.
The Mighty Fred left.

 Most active members built up Lemon. Slammer and Xience joined Melon. ICronite
and Milkshake built up the Camel Corporation.

 They were rebuilt. Bizarre/Upfront joined as Jeremiah.

 Some coders joined Silents. Slash joined from Supplex.

 Zak joined from PLEASURE.
Cujo joined as raytraycer.

 Most of Awe joined Talent.

 Gart & Swat are said to have been visited by the cops.
Phobia renamed to Pentagram.
Vigo left and built a new group called CORONER.

 Cloudy left for Decnite.

 Serval joined Centura.

 Comedy is a new group on the scene consisting of members from G-Force &
Mad Sorcerers.

 Online joine with his board.
Toon Town is the new Compact WHQ.
NorList #7 is released.
Swichblade joined from Desire and changed handle to Phil.
Spadowski changed handle to Sunburst.
Compact are not dead as stated in some mags. That was based on a rumor spread
by a "member" of the finnish fake-"division".
Toon Download is a new pack.

 Minos joined Connection.

 are back.

 Navigator left.

 Darkman changed handle to Heatseeker and tryed to join X-Trade, but they
Heatseeker left.
Red Devil joined from Boreails.

 Duke joined. Achnaton joined from Savage as a coder. Cosmos was kicked. Darth
Vader joined as Sysop.

 John Peel/Digital joined Damones.

 Mr.Hell and his BBS Sudden Death joined.

 Cloudy (ex.Calibra) joined Decnite and changed handle to Mercus.

 Safir joined Eremation.

 Toxic and Perfection joined.

 Mikey (ex.Hurriganes) and Hijack (ex.MidNightSun) joined Grace.
Grace International is dead since Wild Rage and some others joined S!P.

 They got a new musican and plan to release a cool musicdisk.
Rage from C64 Headway joined the Amiga section of Headway.

 is a new group.
Crying fields is now an illusion GHQ.

 Renegade/Submission joined. Strobe joined as a modemtraderand formed Impulse UK.
Trident left the scene. Renegade starts to do packs.

 Rebel Mc/Noxious joined. Rebel MC is now Kaoz. Killraven/Paradise joined.
Blackhawk joined from Skid Row for $1000 a month.

 Storm (ex-Godfather/Spaceballs) joined.

 Tonic joined Krafted.

 Sentinel left Grace to join Legend.
Statik-D (ex.Diffusion) joined Legend.

 Mad Sorcerers is dead !

 Roach has quit the scene. Kayobe joined Manitou Canada along with his BBS and
is now the new CHQ.

 Adventurer joined.
GT One and His BBS Altered Reality joined.
FCC joined from Skid Row.
Selz and Phoenix were kicked.
Taxman was kicked.

 Hof and Xamn joined from Silents.

 Schizo/Supplex joined Noxious. Trasher/Panic tried to join Noxious but was not
allowed to join. Crionic/Lazerdance also tried to join but wasnt allowed either.
Colorbird will start a papermag called "Propaganda". Noxious is making a A1200
and a A4000 promotion demo for Swedish Commodore.
Mr.Taxfree quitted the scene. Rebel Mc left for Interpol.

 is a NEW Turkish crew, consisting of 6 members

 Eternal is now a pure Rebels production!

 The Pride and Kr'33 left for Lemon. Virgill and Zaphoid were kicked. Exumer
joined as swapper. Diddle didn't leave.

 Achnaton left for Damian.

 Complete Silents UK left Silents ! Silents Sweden got some new coders from
Aurora. Hof and Xamn left to join Movement.
Joker joined Silents and LSD.
Autopsy joined.
World Charts now a Silents production.

 FCC left and joined Ministry.
Blackhawk left and joined Interpol for $1000 a month.

 Godfather quit, renamed into Storm and joined Jetset.

 Acid joined Stellar and changed his handle to Anis.

 The Bull joined Styline.

 Renegade joined Impulse. Submission Hungary is dead. Jamby, B2 Man, and Pepe are
looking for a Cracker group. Dr. Victor left.
Desolate One BBS is now the Submission WHQ.

 Schizo left for Noxious. Producer quitted the scene. Cyberpunk joined Majic-12.
Slash joined Aurora. Supplex Sweden is now dead !
Mr.Mistral joined.

 Most of Awe joined Talent.
Mr. Frenzy and The Stranger left. Deathrow & Android (ex-VEGA) joined.
Mace and Necrologic joined from Awe.
They are working on a musicdisk called "Premiere" and a trackmo.
The Welcro Paste Packs will continue again with new design and maybe an
advert section as well. It will probably be a Talent production.

 Navigator joined from Crystal.

 Cubik & Diskman are doing a quite good pack now.

Little Kitchen Introduction

   Introduction to Our little Kitchen

                               by Friendly/Damian

 To all who haven't managed it to get the first issue or haven't read 'Our little Kitchen', some short explanations: We collect recipes of every kind to give you some in every issue. If we know how the result will taste like we will give you a little kitchen tip. If you are the proud owner of some nice recipes, then just send them to me and I will publish 'your favourite meal' in the next OLK (address in the addy-section).



                                 by Ace of Damian

 Welcome to another kitchen-article written by Ace. This time I wanna tell you 
some receipes which you can do if you don`t have enough time to make something 
big. Let`s start with ...

 Hawaii- spits
 What you need:   4 slices of Toast
                 4 thick slices of Cheese (Gouda)
                 4 slices of Ananas
                 1 Egg
                 and the spits of course!

What to do:      Take the Toast, Cheese and Ananas and cut it into pieces, but
                 don`t cut them too small, otherwise you`ll have some trouble!
                 now put the stuff on the spits. Toast, Cheese, Ananas, Toast,
                 Cheese, ... till the spit is full! Do that till you don`t have 
                 anymore of the stuff.  
                 Now take the Egg and devide it into white and yellow. Thake 
                 the white part and mix it a bit, till it`s getting real white.
                 now turn the spits in it, give some Butter in a pan and put 
                 the spits in it, until the Cheese starts running away.


 Sausages in sleeping-bag
 What you need:   4 Sausages
                 some slices of Cheese
                 some slices of Ham
What to do:      Open the Sausages with a cut. Then take some Cheese and put 
                 it into the Sausages. Now take the Ham and roll it around
                 the filled Sausages. Grab a pan, put some Butter in it and
                 roast the Sausages until the Cheese explodes!! (Whooops!)


 Strong Max
 What you need:   a slice of Bread
                 a big, thin slice of Cheese
                 some slices of Salami
                 1 Egg

What to do:      Put the Butter on the Bread, then give the Cheese and the
                 Salami on it. Now roast the Egg and put it on the Bread, and
                 that`z it!

Don`t fool me for the names! I just tried to convert the German names to 
English, and that`s what happened!

Something to Bite

            Something to bite

                                by Friendly/Damian

This time I have collected just a small number of recipes (one!). I'm sorry, but
I didn't have much time to finish this section before the deadline.

 - Sweet-sour pork
Time for preparation: 60 minutes
For 4 persons you need...

- 500 g pork
- 1 white of egg
- 2 big spoons sojasauce and sherry
- 30 g potato flour
- salt, black pepper

For the paste
- 1 egg
- 40 g flour
- 1/8 l beer
- salt
- 2 l oil
- 80 g potato flour

For the sauce
- 2 big spoons oil
- 2 red peppers in stripes
- 200 g bamboo
- 2 pineapple slices in cubes
- 2 big spoons vinegar
- 2 big spoons ketchup
- 3/8 l chicken broth
- 30 g sugar, salt
- 1 biiig spoon potato flour

Few! Let's start the journey:
1. Cut the pork into pieces. Add the rest. Put the pork and the rest 15 minutes
   on the fireplace.
2. Mix all the things for the paste and stir them. Heat the oil up to 180
   degrees. Dry the pork and cover the pieces with paste and put them for 4
   minutes into the hot oil.
3. Heat the oil in a pan. Broil the pieces of bamboo, pineapples and red pepper
   for 3 minutes. Add the rest, not the the potato flour. Put the potata flour
   into hot water and cook it. Add the potato flour water to the rest and
   pour the sauce onto the pork. Bon appetit!

Little kitchen tip: How about some rice and sojasauce?

Something to Drink

            Something to Drink

                                 by Friendly/Damian

 - Icechocolate with coffee

 Time for preparation: 10 minutes.  For 4 persons you need...

- 1 big pot vanilla-ice
- 1/8 l cold coffee
- 3/4 l cold cocoadrink
- 8 big spoons stirred cream

Here we go:
Put the ice into 4 glasses and 4 big spoons coffee into everyone. Put the cocoa
into the glasses. Finally, drop a bit cream on every drink, et voila!

Little kitchen tip: These kind of drinks are very good in the hot summer. But
if you are a bit fat, don't drink it!

 - Pharao

 Time for preparation: 15 minutes
For 4 persons you need:

- 1/2 l water
- 8 small spoons coffee
- 1/8 l cream
- 12 pieces of sugar
- 4 glasses (2 cl) rum

Take off:
1. Heat the water and put the coffee with a filter into it.
2. Stir the cream.
3. Put one piece of sugar in every glass. Pour the hot coffee and one glass rum
   onto the sugar. Cover the whole thing with cream.

Little kitchen tip: The pharao is a good desert.


 - Bloody Mary
Time for preparation: 10 minutes
For 1 person you need...

- 4 or 5 icecubes
- 1 small spoon lemonjuice
- 8 cl tomatoejuice
- 4 cl vodka
- a bit worcestersauce
- a bit tabascosauce
- salt, black pepper

Just do it:
Put the icecubes into the coctailshaker. Fill a glass with the lemonjuice,
tomatoejuice, vodka, the sauces and the shaked icecubes. Fin.

 - Mint Julep
Time for preparation: 10 minutes
For 1 person you need...

- stamped ice
- 2 little branches mint
- 1 small spoon
- 1 big spoon of this white, puffy sugar
- soda
- 4 cl bourbon whisky

Yum Yum:
Fill the ice into a tall glass and cool it for about 60 minutes. Then mix the
mint with the sugar. Add the soda and the whisky and pour the whole thing into
the cooled glass.

 - Tom and Jerry
Time for preparation: 10 minutes
For 1 person you need...

- 1 egg
- 1 small spoon puffy sugar
- 2 cl rum
- 2 cl cognac
- 1/8 l hot milk or hot water

Let's go:
Stir the white of egg and mix the yolk with sugar, then with the white of egg.
Fill a glass with the mixture, pour rum and cognac into it. Fill up the glass
with hot milk or water and serve the whole thing.



            by Ace of Damian

 Well, you wonder why this article is called WHOOOOOPS!?! and it`s published in the charts-section? Let me tell you the story: It all started so nice when I got many vote-files(spread on the Crossover- Packseries) everyday. I put them all on one disk. As I wanted to count the votes I didn`t find the disk. I searched through my room, but I din`t find anything. The last place I looked at was the box with the sendings which were ready to be sent away. What can I say, I found the disk in an envelope with the addy of 4T Thieves/Alcatraz on it. I took the disk and tried to load the files but WHOOOOOPS!?! there was only some other stuff on the disk. So I deleted almost all votes, beside the ones on paper. They weren`t enoughto make a good chart so I`m waiting for more votes and the paper-votes from the last time will also be counted in  the Jungle  3. Good Night!
w me."  After I stood up, she removed the ties that she had tied around my hands.  "Maybe we can use these later," she said with a playful smile.
I followed Amanda into the back bedroom.  As we entered the room, Lisa was just stripping the covers off the bed. "We'll generate our own heat", she joked.
Amanda pushed me forward onto the bed, and told me to lie on my back. Lisa and Amanda climbed up onto the bed, one on either side of me.  Then each leaned across me towards the other, and started kissing and fondling each other, practically ignoring me.  I didn't think I had it in me, but I could feel my cock starting to stir, and become more aware of its surroundings.
A few minutes of this went by, and then the girls moved down to me, Lisa kissing me with playful nips, and Amanda was rubbing and stroking my legs.  I was playing with Lisa's breasts, and fondling her nipples. She must've had very sensitive nipples, because she started to moan rather quickly.
They switched places, and Lisa started licking and playing with my cock again.  Whereas Amanda was rather slow and deliberate in her cocksucking, Lisa was very demanding, rubbing my cock all over her face, using her hair to brush against it, then taking the head into her mouth, while jacking the shaft.

Amanda straddled my face, facing towards Lisa who was doing things to my cock that had me abuzz.  Amanda would slowly lower her cunt towards my waiting tongue, let me massage her lips and clit with my tongue, and then would pull away.  This went on for quite some time, until I felt some movement by my hips.  Lisa straddled my hips, and started rubbing my cock all over her pussy lips.  She'd then place my cock at the entrance to her dripping pussy, and slowly lower herself onto it, just enough for the head to pop inside.  She'd then move in a circular motion, dipping down just enough for me to feel the slickness of her cunt.
Amanda started mashing her cunt against my face, rubbing her clit all over my snaking tongue.  Lisa was taking me all the way inside her, and when she'd hit bottom, she'd rub her clit hard against the base of my cock.  Amanda and Lisa were kissing, and rubbing each other's tits.
It was too much for me, and I exploded inside Lisa, in an orgasm as powerful as the one earlier.  "Done so soon?" said Lisa.  "Then scoot off the bed, and let us get to work".

I moved to the edge of the bed, and turned to watch.  Lisa and Amanda moved into a 69 position, tongues