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the    *** * * *  *  ** *  ***  
         * * * ** * *   *  *    
       * * * * * ** * * *  **   
        *   *  *  *  ** ** ***  
credits for thiz little magtro: 

coding: {dream warrior}         
muzak:  {odie}                  
gfx:    {blitter}               

 hope ya like it ! thiz little magintro was coded within a few days of funny work ...   all code was done by dream warrior of damian   now scroller starts again     9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   zero    

 'The Jungle', disk-magazine for amiga. (c)1992 J.Walker of DAMIAN. All code (except music-routine) by J.Walker. You must not rip out or change any parts of this mag!


* * * The Jungle - Issue #1 * * *
* Released: 2nd Week, February'93 *
**** GENERAL ****
How to Write an Article
Prices and More
Spreaders Wanted
Official Spreaders
**** NEWS ****
About the News
The News
**** INTERVIEWS ****
**** Advertisments ****
**** STORYS ****
When the Repair-Man Comes
The Dorg
Life is Sexy
Sensuality and Love
The Strange Fiction
Cool School
**** CHARTS ****
The Charts
**** SCENE ****
No More Demos?
Loser or Lamer
No Quality Cracks
Swappers Are Not Lame
Modem Bust in Swiss
Lamer, Lamer, Lamer,...
About Phonecards
BBS-HD Non-Autoboot
Get in Scene
What A Nice Day
**** REVIEWS ****
Legalize It 2
Indy IV
MultiMegaMix III
Wing Commander
CD-Review 1
Rap-Review 2
CD-Review 2
State Of The Art
3D Demo II
**** REPORTS ****
The Journey To Prime
Party 2 Report
Hijack Concert-Report
City Report London
Have Fun at a Lame Party
How To Cheat School
Signs Of The Times
Dual System
Nice Trip
A 2nd Gulf War
Church - The Biggest Lie In Life
About 0229-Numbers
FBI's Not Joking!
Something to Drink
Something to Eat


®²        W e l c o m e ! 
This is (as you may have noticed) the very first issue of³The Jungle.¹A new and cool magazine for your Amiga!
'Oh, no! Not another one again!' you may say, but I promise that THIS magazin will not be such a shit like magazines that came on the market in the last month. I am not talking about mags like²Grapevine, Cracker Journal¹or²ICE¹but mags that only came out one or two times and then die because the editor got bored or because nobody wanted to read the shit they wrote. I hope this is not what will happen to this magazine.

²If¹you want to place an advertisment in this magazine then it is no problem. Simply send us your ad and it will be published in the next available issue. The maximum size for an ad is 36 characters per line and 22 lines. The advertisment service is²free(!).¹

And now do not be shy, get in touch with us! We WANT to know YOUR opinion.

        The Jungle
        P.O.Box 740
        A-6852 Dornbirn 3



®³            C r e d i t s 

           Code  -  J.Walker

          Music  -  Mindblast

    Bootpicture  -  Omnitron

            Gfx  -  Friendly

    Main Editor  -  J.Walker

        Editors  -  Blitter
                 -  Ace
                 -  Friendly

³The Jungle¹is a²DAMIAN¹Production.

A big³THANK YOU¹must go to all persons who wrote articles or supported this magazine in any other way!

Always remember:
There is no problem too big that can't be solved with high explosives.

 P D - N O T E

®²          p d - n o t e 


This magazine is Public Domain. It can be copied freely but it must not be sold for more than 3 US-Dollars by anybody without a written permission from the main-editor of this magazine (J.Walker).

We will¹NOT³tolerate unauthorized sellings of this product!

Help! (Yeah, yeah, yeah!)

¤²            ÷ H E L P Å 


³The Jungle¹is quite easy to use.

¥TEXTSCREENÅ(this thing here)
On the top of the screen is some information displayed:
1. Name of the article
2. Time

«There are some nice icons you can click:
1) The 'Index'-icon to get back to the index/menu.
2) The '>'-icon to get to the next page.
3) The '<'-icon to get to the previous page.
4) The 'Up'-icon to get to the previous article
5) The 'Down'-icon to get to the next article
6) The 'Music on/off'-icon to turn the music on or off.
7) The 'PRINT'-icon to print the text.

³NOTE:¹There is a little bug in the print routine. If your printer does not print the text although you have clicked the 'PRINT'-icon and your printer is all right (ON-LINE, paper, etc.) just try to put it OFF-LINE and then ON-LINE again!
You can stop printing by pressing the right mouse button.
If you have any idea how the bug could be fixed get in touch with me!

How To Write For The Jungle

®³      H o w   T o   W r i t e 
    F o r   T h e   J u n g l e 
You¹may have noticed, that we are always looking for all kinds of interesting articles for our magazine. You can write about every topic you like, but please read the following text and do what it says.

²* Send us your articles as an ASCII-file on a normal 3,5" Amiga-DOS-Disk.
¹It would be too much work for us to type in all the articles ourselfs. You can use every ASCII-Editor (e.g. Cygnus Ed) or any Editor you like, but please make sure that your article is not in a special format (no control-sequences etc.).

²* Write your articles in English.
¹English is the only language that will be accepted.

²* Please insert a space after characters like '.,:;!?'.
¹This is for formating reasons. Your text will look much better. 

²* Don't use only uppercase letters.

³* Send your articles to:¹

        The Jungle
        P.O.Box 740
        A-6852 Dornbirn 3

Prices And More
®ß¹¥      P r i c e s   &   M o r e     Å 
²åß         ¥    The Jungle    Å

¹One issue of³The Jungle¹costs 35 oeS (5 DM, 5 SFr, 4 US$, 2 Pound sterling, 110 bfr, 20 FF, 6 hfl, 4700 Lit, 20 dkr, 20 nkr, 20 skr, 20 Fmk).

Address: ³The Jungle¹
          PO Box 740
        A-6850 Dornbirn 3

      ²  ¥   Advertisments   Å

¹Advertising in³The Jungle¹is free! Maximum size for an ad is 36 chracters per line, 22 lines.

Possible fonts:
åFont #1: ABCDEFabcdef012345
°Font #2: ABCDEFabcdef012345
©Font #3: ABCDEFabcdef012345

Font #4: ABCDEFabcdef012345

åPlease send us your advertisments as a (plain) ASCII-file on a 3,5" disk.  Thanx!


®²          C o n t a c t ! ³ 

        T h e   J u n g l e
      P . O . B o x   7 4 0
  A - 6 8 5 2   D o r n b i r n   3
          A U S T R I A

Get in touch with us if you want to place an advertisment in The Jungle (private ads only! This service is not open to commercial advertisers!), if you want to tell us what you think about this mag, if you want us to publish an article you wrote (we want your articles!! Write about: People, partys, computers, news, life, philosophy, books, music, movies, films, science-fiction, god, hell, heaven, devil, yourself, The Jungle, games, pens, everything, enviroment, action, youth, success, dirt, drugs, legs, love, hate, oblivion, mysticism, cars, chips, submarines, title-tatle, pride, crime, chickens, hamburgers, the commission, beer, teen spirit, nirvana, doors, magic, zeppelins, disks, the dark tower, ...).   Write  NOW.  Send it to US.

If you have some³NEWS¹you can also write to Friendly:

         Soenke Petersen
       W- 2090 Winsen/Luhe

And if you have some³VOTES¹for the charts or some³ADVERTISMENTS¹you can also write to Ace:

        Soeren Greinecker
        Hamburger Str. 32
       W- 2090 Winsen/Luhe

"Spreaders wanted!

¤²÷S p r e a d e r s   w a n t e d ! 

Hello you ... yes you over there! Are you a swapper with many contacts or a modemtrader in need of download-credits on many Boards? Why don`t you work as an official spreader of³THE JUNGLE?!¹We need some talented guys that spread our mag all over the world. You`ll get the mag a few days before the official release-date so that you can do the spreading work. Swappers should have at least about 50 contax and modemtraders should spread the mag to the most boards they can. Remember the download-credits!!

The names of the spreaders will be mentioned in the mag, and we don`t care from what Group you are. The things that are really needful are many contax! If you wanna become an official spreader than send a letter to ACE OF DAMIAN (Addy in advertisment sction) and it would be nice if you would send a list of your contax!!


EOfficial Spreaders

¤¹ÐO f f i c i a l   S p r e a d e r s Å 

«Even for the first issue we found some guys that wanted to become Official Spreaders. Many thanks must go to :
Mr.King of Analog
El Cativo of Submission
Speedy of Parasite
Psycho Demon of Synergy Design of Alpha Flight and
Red Knight of TEK

Here are the adresses where you can get the next issue really fast:

Ace of Damian
Soeren Greinecker
W-2090 Winsen/Luhe

Mr.King of Analog
Postfach 3143
W-4240 Emmerich

El Cativo of Submission
Bruno Baumann
Osloring 17
W-2300 Kiel

Speedy of Parasite
Albanigade 49
Dk- 5000 Odense C

Psycho Demon/SYD/AFL
Karsten Hilbich
Frobeniusweg 14
W-3000 Hannover 91

Red Knight of TEK
Oliver Schaper
Klewergarten 7
3000 Hannover 91

And of course:
The Jungle
P.O.Box 740
A-6852 Dornbirn 3

At these Adresses you can also get official Votesheets for the Charts!


1About the News

®¹ß  ¥ A b o u t   t h e   N e w s 

DAMIAN or the newscollectors won`t take any responsibility for mistakes, secret news or wrong informations in the news. We don`t want to get in trouble with any group or person. If an information is wrong, you should send a little letter or a new information to the addy below the text, but only if the info is about you or your group. Many thanx for the news-collecting this time go to:

* Red Knight of TEK
* El Cativo of Submission
* Mr.King of Analog
* Ace of Damian

To become a news-collector just write to Friendly, and send him your latest ones at:

        Soenke Petersen
      W- 2090 Winsen/Luhe

ß                               ¥end.Å

CThe News

¤¹        Ð T H E   N E W S Å 

All news you like from A-Z...

¹Infinity left them to join Crime Devils.

¹Addicts plan to release Scen-ery again. Salvatore left. They plan to release a Musicdisk.

¹Shade left for Scoopex.

²Alpha Flight
¹AFL plans to release a new Mag. They got a new member together with a new BBS: THC/ex.Desire and his board 'Mystical Places'.

¹Black Scorpion/ex.Hardline joined.

¹Mr.King/ex.Beyond joined. Sigma left to join Scoopex. Look out for the upcomming Music-Mag 'Sonic', which will be released in the beginning of february.

¹They formed a new group called Abyss. Agent left Arise and joined Atomic. The first Abyss-Production was released at the Party II. Sodom left. Mr.King left for Analog. Al Bundy left the scene.

²Byte Busters
¹Uncle Acid left them for Defiance. Dog shit left to join Crime Devils.

¹Zed/Centura renamed to Gemini and joined Pleasure. Kickman took over the contacts of Bloody/Bronx cause he is in the military.

²Crime Devils
¹Infinity/ex.2000AD joined. Dog shit joined from Byte Busters. Karma left Renegade to join them as a swapper and graphician. They got a new board in Sweden, named 'Trench' with the number +46-8-273046. Infinity is the sysop. Synthax joined.

¹RCF left D-Tect with his BBS Traders Heaven. He joined Elevation and his BBS is now Elevation`s German HQ !

¹Damage decided to rename to Chaos.

¹Lefty and Cruncher left. Doom joined.

¹Bad Karma/ex.Interactive joined.

¹They have started a new pack-serie called 'Candy Bac'. Virus left. Uncle Acid changed his handle to Aron.

¹Rebel MC and Dark left Desire Germany to join Noxious. The German Division of Desire is dead. THC left with his board 'Mystical Places'.

¹They are dead!

¹They released the UK-Charts. Plasma joined them.

²Dual Crew
¹Desto/Dual Crew starts modem-trading. Link left Dual Crew to join Scoopex. Dual Crew plans to release the Cracker Journal. Mattrax left the scene. The Message Box will perhaps be cancelled after the next issue. Agony was kicked out. Agony left and joined Laserdance.

²End Of Century 1999
¹Toxic left the scene, but rejoined after some time.

¹They are born. Powerswap joined.

¹They will release a Message Box soon.

¹Sentinel joined.

¹They will release 'Rave Mix II'.

¹Bad Karma left them to join Deadline.

¹Nick/ex.Risk Inc. joined. Crionic joined. Agony/ex.Dual Crew joined them. Crionic has never been an Amnesia member. Crionic asked to join Supplex, but they refused. Laserdance got their first BBS called 'Syntax Terror', Sysop is Bodylove. They will release a Mag called 'Illumination' in the end of january. Braintrace Design (Coders of the 'Sonic Arranger') joined. Their next prod. will be released under Laser Dance. Blade Runner was kicked coz of inactivity. Scene Slide Show will be released soon.

¹Legend will hold a party on the 23/24th january in the netherlands. Easy-E and Cap were kicked. The swedish division left to join Elevation.

¹TGR and Woody joined. They got a new BBS in Australia called 'Heaven'. Sysops are St.Peter and Genoicide/Majic 12. They will release a game soon and plan to release a BBS-Chart. The UK division is dead.

¹Destiny was kicked.

¹Devil left TDD to join Mexx. Proton joined.

¹Stearo joined. Killraven left for The Special Brothers.

¹They stopped to produce their mag 'Free'n'Easy'.

²Pirate Circle
¹The Co-Sysop of the Black Monks' WHQ left the scene. Rumours say they are dead.

¹Mery left.

¹Fashion Design is now the Main Editor of the Mag 'Big Business'. Zed/ex.Century joined and changed to Gemini.

¹Best Rebels-Members left and founded 'Movement'.

¹16-Beat did not join Sanity! Tron/Ex-Anarchy joined! Bit Arts left for Complex!

¹Cruncher left to join The Dark Demon.

¹Daryl/Shining was kicked and is now independent.

¹Jaby left Scoopex to join Absolute. Salvatore (Ex-Alpha Flight) joined. Link joined from Dual Crew. The UK division is dead. Shade/ex.Alcatraz joined. Sigma left Analog to join Scoopex.

¹The SF division is dead.

²Skid Row
¹The 'World Trade Center' will be online again, but not by Shut Berlin. Kimble was kicked out of Interpol and joined Skid Row. His 3 node BBS called Dope is now Skid Row Ehq. Kimble was only allowed to join Skid Row after promising to support Skid Row with PBXs.

¹Ziptronix left Submission to join the new formed Cracker-Group called Elevation. The Irish section of SUBMiSSiON is planing to hold a party in Irland on the last week-end of February. Dark Domain is a new SUBMiSSiON-USHQ running 2 nodes and Ami Express 3.0 beta. Striker left Anarchy to join SUBMiSSiON, but after a while he left to join Legend. Techno One of SUBMiSSiON left the Scene. Camelot left The Silents to join SUBMiSSiON with his BBS called Chaos. Chaos is now a SUBMiSSiON Dutch HQ. The 3rd issue Scene Talk will be released soon. EL CATIVO of SUBMiSSiON will soon start a new pack serie which will be called: SCUM BAG. The SUBMiSSiON Irish HQ called Forbidden Planet has opened a second node.

²The Dark Demon
¹Cruncher joined from Savage. Devil left for Mexx.

¹Red Knight starts mailtrading on PC. The rumours about a Trackmo from TEK are a fake! Mac is the best european drinker (Bad-Magazine)!

¹Killraven/ex.Paradise joined.

¹Vicious plans to release a Diskmag called 'Megazin'. It will be released at the Legend Parety in Holland. Insame of Origin joined and renamed to Fila. Vulcan changed his handle into Cloud 9. Duke, Macron, Virus, Phrynne and Junebug were kicked for inactivity. Elessar was forced to leave and joined Centura.

¹Wildfire are not dead! Racker didn't leave the scene but he won't release more Wildfire-Packs. Crusader-X was kicked out. They will release a co-op demo with Absolute and a musicdisk soon.

¹Slam joined from Acrid. Duffy joined from Quartz.

Interview with Jester/Sanity

®²  Ð I n t e r v i e w   w i t h Å 
  Ð J e s t e r / S a n i t y 

   ¢      by Ace of Damian      Å

å²Ace: First of all, please tell the readers something about yourself!
¹Jester: Hi there, my real name's Volker and I work as a musician (so they say) in Sanity. I am averagely proportioned, wear a fashionable pair of specs and have my dark brown hair parted on the left. Some months ago I entered "twendom" and in less than a year I'll study English law.

²Ace: What do you like to do in your free time, beside creating songs on Amiga?
¹Jester: Music is my one big hobby, really. Sometimes I put pen to paper to write a song (score and words) for vocals which is then arranged on my collection of synths. Afterwards I get a friend of mine to sing over the top of it. We use a large range of technical gadgets to get out a professional sound, so an incredibly high amount of work goes into these pieces. We'll probably release a demo-tape soon, so make sure you'll get a copy of this strictly limited edition.
Moreover I enjoy meeting my girlfriend or other pals of mine for chats etc - it's good fun to go out to a posh restaurant or to a theatre/cinema together with friends. I don't really like discos and parties where everyone gets terribly boozed - to me that's just vulgar. Little cafes have far more style and usually the people are a bit brighter than in ordinary pubs or discos.
Unfortunately, I'm in the social service right now (it's an option in Germany if you don't want to join the army) which means that there's also unpleasant work to do. Luckily, it's less time-demanding than school AND I even get paid for it quite well so I can actually live with that. Other things I like doing include journeys to foreign countries, writing letters with pen-pals as well as meeting and looking at people.

²Ace: You are well-known as a very good musician. When did you make your first tune?
¹Jester: Uh, that must have been back in 1988. For some strange reason I got the idea that I wanted to create music even though I didn't have the slightest clue about it. As a result of that I made my first song with Sonix. It had NO harmonies, NO structure, NO key BUT a large amount of wrong notes. Lucky me - it has never been released.
I messed around for a while and finally got out the first satisfying result of my efforts entitled "R.O.M.", which was an abbreviation of "Realm Of Morpheus". I think it can be found in Treacl's infamous "Tera Demo". Then, one and a half year later (spring'91) I had my breakthrough with my eponymous module "Elysium" for the demo with the same name.

²Ace: What kind of music do you privately like to listen to?
¹Jester: Oh, I enjoy a large variety of music, as for example, The Pet Shop Boys, The Smiths/Morrissey, New Order, Erasure, Banderas, Communards, Frankie goes to Hollywood/Holly Johnson, Alphaville, Abba, Dead Or Alive, Electronic, Claude Debussy, Edvard Grieg, Peter I. Tchaikowsky and most of the early 80's pop and late 70's disco stuff.

²Ace: Have you ever made TEKKNO on the Amiga?
¹Jester: Heavens, NO! I have experimented with sounds once in a while but I have never done actual techno. Only recently I put together a weird dance-track but there's far more variation in my piece than in all those bleeding techno-tracks. You should be able to judge yourself about my interpretation of modern dance music on the "Party II" in Aars because it'll probably be released there in a demo by Anarchy Denmark.

²Ace: What do you think about TEKKNO and the number of TEKKNO-demos, -intros and -musicdisks that have been released the last few months?
¹Jester: Let me answer with another question. Why do you think people make demos like that? Correct! Because they can't do any better and because it's so damn easy to put together such steaming piles of shit. Sample of few sequences from famous Techno CDs (preferably "James Brown Is Dead"), give every sample about 10 boosts with Protracker, increase the volume of the samples so the waveforms reach out of the display window and then glue it all together on two patterns that you repeat until anyone will drop DEAF!
Get yourself a guy who has just learned how to use Seka and make him cause flashes and circles to pop up on your screen in time with the beat and VOILA! - there's your techno demo. If all these demos were properly done with a decent design and INNOVATIVE but extremely agressive music I'd definately like them but if a few dilletants try to copy someone else's ideas in a more than sad way than that's not very entertaining. Silentsexample of a well done techno-demo (on video, ok, but the ideas are what counts in the end). Finally, you have to agree that a techno-musicdisk is a contradiction in itself. Who would sit down in his room to actually LISTEN to techno?!

²Ace: Have you ever made chiptunes?
¹Jester: Yes, but only for a laugh. The tune's called "Chipmunks" and it contained 4 wonderfully noisy, peeping patterns, filled in only 15 minutes. Actually, I hate this sort of computer music and for the fact that there are a lot of people who can do better chip-pieces than I can I'll stick to the real thing. The only tracks I favour in that genre have been composed on the good old C64 by living legends like Rob Hubbard or Martin Galway. They're just too good.

²Ace: What do you think is your best tune, when did you make it and how long did it take?
¹Jester: To be honest, I can't tell you. I used to think it was "Wizardry" which was composed over a period of three months because every time I listened to it I found something to add or to change until finally it seemed alright to me. But when I listen to it nowadays I'm not so fond of it anymore because I have progressed a lot in the year since I wrote it.
Another thing that has to do with the estimation of my own songs is the mood I'm in when listening to them. Due to this fact there's a variety of my musics that I like best. Among them are "Taste of your tears" (unreleased), "Optimum Fuckup" (for the demo with the same name - it astounded me that the critiques were so negative), "The Molecule's Revenge" (unreleased) and perhaps "My Glamorous Life" (released on the "Jesterday" musicdisk). After all, you can't name this list "official" because my likings might change from one day to another.

²Ace: What kind of style do you like best, and whose (musicians') work do you like or respect the most?
¹Jester: I love musics with a nice groove and a proper melody. These features can be found in a number of styles like disco, rock, pop, jazz or whatever, so there's no particular genre that I'd proclaim to be the best. Still I'm very much into disco-stuff because of the brasses and the kicking drums. So, in order to please me a piece of music has got to have some funny and original ideas in it and a worthy overall presentation to it.
Amiga musicians who manage to give me a good time are Mantronix/Tip/Firefox ("Overload" and "Enigma" are DEAD good), Moby ("Knulla Kuk" is a classic), Romeo Knight ("Cream Of The Earth" is still one of the best!), Bruno ("Stor Och Liten" is originality in itself), 4-Mat (great melodies in "Phantasmagoria" and still going strong), Nightlight ("Chant" will stay on my mind forever). The most promising newcomer is to my mind Lizardking. I'm sure he has a bright future. I scorn music that is either ridiculously happy or incredibly boring (without a melody for ages, typical diskmag crap!).

²Ace: Have you ever made musics for a game or thought about working for a software-company?
¹Jester: Yet, I've not been involved in the game industry but I've worked with a programmer on a game. Sadly, he sold his computer when he joined the army and so the project was cancelled. There have been offers from several firms but I did not agree to work with them because their conditions were too bad or because I did not like the project itself.
Now I'm in contact with a few coders who have asked me about a soundtrack for their games so we'll see how it all works out. Furthermore have just become a member of a label for commercial Amiga musics. So, if you need a good music for a production then feel free to contact me:

DENS Design Germany

Volker Tripp
In Der Ziegelheide 15
4290 Bocholt

Int. Code: +49-2871-14692

²Ace: How long does it normally take for you to create a tune?
¹Jester: That depends very much on the tune itself and on my grade of motivation. Averagely, it takes me about an afternoon or an evening for the rough structure and then about two more afternoons for correcting the details and eventually changing bits in the score.

²Ace: How often do you make music?
¹Jester: Not often enough! My time is very limited, you know, so if there is a free afternoon/evening I'll mostly spend it in front of my machine. Sometimes this happens twice a week but sometimes it only happens twice a month. I wish I could do it regularly for it's such a good feeling to have a creative outlet.

²Ace: What hardware do you use (computer,keyboards,...)?
¹Jester: An ordinary A500 with 1 meg plus an external drive and a DeLuxe Sound sampler. I've also got a MIDI interface to create music with a Roland D10 and a Yamaha TG33. Sometimes I borrow synths from friends so I've got a larger variety of sounds (Korg, Ensoniq, Akai machines). For the making of my music for vocals I also use a Fostex 4 track recorder, a Boss compressor/limiter, a Yamaha effects processor, a microphone (of course!) and a Technics DAT.

²Ace: How long do you know Diddle who lives in your town?
¹Jester: I think I've known him since 1987 because at the time he got all his games from me (hehe!). Then we both lost interest in playing games and we focused on the demo scene. It was much more exciting because suddenly there was a way of creating something yourself and also showing it to other people. We went through a number of groups together until we ended up being members of Sanity. Nowadays we organize things in our team and are what is usually known as the HQ of a group.

²Ace: How did it start with Sanity, have you been one of the first members or did you join a few days later?
¹Jester: When I joined in at the beginning 1991 Sanity was a rather big group and they had only released one proper demo called "Dee Groove" by Panther. He and Chaos asked me to do the music for their next project which was the "Elysium" demo that made Sanity famous. I have no idea when Sanity was originally founded but who cares, anyway. As most of you will remember Sanity died and some members (including me) went to Rebels. Soon after that some of the old staff decided to resurrect our old group and so Sanity was refounded. The only "old" members were Chaos, Diddle, Cruiser, Mr.Pet and me. So, there are not many "oldtimers" left now.

²Ace: If the Amiga dies, are you going to buy a new or another system?
¹Jester: I cannot say, actually. Perhaps I'd quit computer music completely and do "real" music only then. If there are extremely good hardware features about a new machine I might buy it but I've never really thought about that.

²Ace: What do you think about the new Amiga-series?
¹Jester: I've got no idea about it!

²Ace: Ok,thank you for the interview. Do you have some last greetings or messages?
¹Jester: First of all, thanks for such a nice interview - it was fun to answer your questions! Just a few quick notes to some friends:

Steve: Hoip, mate! Had another stunning time in England. Great food, really. Thanks again for the gorgeous pressy and for hours of fun (?!). My best wishes to Paul, Bob, Andy, Ron, Erroll and of course to the family. Keep those graphical bits coming since they manage to brighten up my day.

Alex: Salut, mon copain. Thanks for your last sending including the incredible "Matis". And please don't forget my request about drawing by hand.

Bastian: Nun bist Du ja auch endlich dabei! Schick doch mal ein paar neue Routinen.

Jochen und Joerg: Was trinken Behinderte am liebsten? PULLE AAAAAAAASEE!

Filippo: Ciao, ragazzo. Claudia Schiffer is just plain stupid, man!

Peter and Sergio: Eeek! The kings of coitus interruptus ... and now perhaps even the kings of cunnilingus?!?! Lucky you!

?Steve/D&R/FLT - Interview

®¹¤ß  ¿ I n t e r v i e w   w i t h Å 
¿S t e v e   /   D & R   /   F L T Å 

³TJ: First, introduce yourself a little bit! (Age, Handle and Group, yar carrier, ........

³TJ: What type of modem do you own and which BBS?
¹Steve:  HST 14.4 (2*) DUAL 16.8 , BBS : THE PLEASURE DOME

³TJ: On witch boards you are on and what are your favourites?

³TJ: What type(s) of Computer do ya own and what equipment?
¹Steve:  NA AMIGA 500(2 MB 105MB HD), AMIGA 2500 (+gvp 68030,670 MB HD) AMIGA 2500 (+80 MB FILECARD,ASDG CARD AND SHARP JX-300 SCANNER)

³TJ: What`s your motto?

³TJ: Do ya like watching stunnin` demos/md/dentros, ...? Why?

³TJ: So, let`s come to another point of view. What do ya do when ya aren`t sitting in front of yar machine?

³TJ: What are yar favourite alcoholic (?) drinks?

³TJ: What about yar best-ever-seen movies?

³TJ: Could ya tell the readers what type of music ya prefer?

³TJ: With whom would ya like to dinner today, if ya can choose any people? (...and why? ......hmmmmm!)
¹Steve: dunno i don`t eat ehehe well with no femals coz i got a girlfriend. males: maybe albert einstein or well i want to meet sean connery

³TJ: What do ya think about the scene today and it`s changes in the future?

³TJ: What do ya think about the low-cost PC`s?
¹Steve: FUCK IBM

³TJ: Would ya like to send ELITE-GREEZ to sum guys?

ß                              ¥end.Å

DR.W.O./Kefrens - Interview

®¹¤ß  Ç I n t e r v i e w   w i t h Å 
Ç  R . W . O .   /   K e f r e n s   Å 

å³ACE: Hello R.W.O.!! First of all please tell us something about you!
¹R.W.O.: Well, my real name is Rene' Wester Olsen. I'm 18 years old, and live in Denmark in a town called Haslev. Besides myself, S.L.L, Laxity, Mellica, Razmo and Vention also live here.

³ACE: Now please tell us your career on Amiga, when and how did it start, in what Groups have you been,...
¹R.W.O.: My 'career' began back in 1989, when I changed my C-64 with my Amiga 500. I sold my C-64, coz I was no longer interested in playing silly games. As S.L.L and I are nearly brothers (REALLY!!), and he was in the scene, it was no bigger problem for me to enter the scene.
I have always loved to draw on paper, and when I saw the pictures in 'Defender of the Crown' by Sachs, I felt in love with the Amiga. I got Dpaint II and tried my 'talent'(?) on a computer. Hmmm....  I discovered very fast, that drawing on a computer was really not the same, as drawing on paper. I drew some gfx for Bamiga Sector One, and after improving for some time, I joined Kefrens together with S.L.L.

³ACE: What does the name "R.W.O." stand for, is it just 3 letters or has it any meaning?
¹R.W.O.: The letters R.W.O. simply stands for me. My real name is (R)ene' (W)ester (O)lsen.

³ACE: What do you like to do in your free-time beside pixeling?
¹R.W.O.: First of all, I work about 9-10 hours a day. When I'm not working, drawing or visiting my friends, I do a lots of sports, like badminton, body-building, aerobics, swimming and football.

³ACE: How much time do you normally spend in front of your screen a day?
¹R.W.O.: Huh... hard to say...  Sometimes (mostly weekends) I spend 3-4 hours, and some days I don't even turn my computer on!

³ACE: How long does it take for you to create a picture ?
¹R.W.O.: It depends on the size, no. of colors and the motive. A normal fullscreen picture in lo-res (64 cols.), takes me 3-5 days to create. A detailed one takes more time and patience, than a picture with a background in 1-2 colors, ofcoz.

³ACE: Where do you get the pictures from?
¹R.W.O.: I get the motives from different books and posters. It's very seldom one of my pictures looks exactly the same as in the book/poster. Mostly I just copy some parts of a picture, and then I create some parts myself. Anyway, ofcourse I also create my very own pictures, with no copied parts at all. Everytime I have to draw a picture, I draw a little 'quick-drawn' sketch on a piece of paper, and then I just go for it!

³ACE: What images do you prefer? (Logos,Pictures,..) What images do you hate to draw?
¹R.W.O.: I prefer drawing pictures. I think it's a far bigger challenge drawing a picture, than drawing something like charsets and 'bobballs'. Logos can be a challenge too, when they are either big, or some kind of combined with a little drawing, which makes it a picture.
My worst NIGHTMARE (hi Razmo) is really drawing charsets. Every time I am forced to draw one, I almost sleep with my head on the keyboard! (ehh.. almost!!!)

³ACE: When did you make your first Picture/Logo and has it ever been released?
¹R.W.O.: He, he...  The first 'thing' I drew on a computer, was a huge logo drawn for Bamiga Sector One long time ago. I don't know if I still got it on one of my gfx-disks, but I certainly hope it has NEVER been released. I know for sure, that I still have a copy of my very first picture ever on a computer. Yakk!!!

³ACE: How long are you still going to do Grafix for the scene?
¹R.W.O.: I dunno, really!!!  I have no plans to stop drawing for the scene. Not even that I'm working on the gfx for 2 games!  It's very funny being in the scene, so you wouldn't get a rid of me for a while.

³ACE: Did you ever make Grafix for a game or do you have plans to do it?
¹R.W.O.: I've never made graphics for any released games, but as I wrote before, I'm working on it.

³ACE: Did you get any offers from software companies to work for them yet?
¹R.W.O.: I've got a few ones, but the contracts were really lousy!  Anyway, at the moment I'm working on a deal with a well-known American software company, but I wouldn't reveal anything here, coz nothing is 100% for sure yet!

³ACE: What do you think about the new Amiga-Models?
¹R.W.O.: New stars are still popping up from the unknown, and that's good.

³ACE: Last Question today : What plans do you have for 1993 ?
¹R.W.O.: Well, beside the game-graphics, I'm also working on the graphics for a new power-trackmo. Anyway, I've also considered drawing some diskmag-covers etc. if some nice offers shows up. I attend to take one day at a time, and see whats coming up....

³ACE: Ok,thank you for the interview! Do you have some last words, greetings or messages?
¹R.W.O.: Yep, sure I have. Golden handshakes to all my friends around the globe.  Watch out for 'D.A.N.E.'!!!
Hey Turbo/Bronx, din store GUBBA-LUBS!!! Didn't your mom told you to behave???  A shame, really!!  Either Mtx/Tip or me, are interested in fucking with you, but maybe your mom could help you???  Hansemand Luchter bruger ikke gummist0vler!!

ß                              ¥end.Å

6Destroyer/TDD - Interview

®¹¤    ÷ I n t e r v i e w   w i t h Å 
  ÷ D e s t r o y e r   /   T D D Å 

å²TJ: First, introduce yourself a little bit! (Age, Handle and Group, yar carrier, ........
¹Destroyer: Yobba! My real name is Nicolai Barbat and I`m 17 now. I live near Wuppertal, United Germany, at the moment but I was born in Schalke. My handle is Destroyer and I`m editor and swapper of The Dark Demon Germany. Look out for our diskmag  Midnite Mess 2 coming soon! First I were in a small crew which was called Heavysoft. But we never released anything so the group was wiped out. As everybody else in the first time of having a new computer I played and played and played. In June `92 the cops came, but I only had legal stuff then - let`s see!

²TJ: Aha, let`s see. Do ya own a modem?
¹Destroyer: No, do I have to? I do not like the modem scene ... there`s less friendship and it`s too expansive!

²TJ: Do ya like watching stunnin` demos/md/dentros, ...?
¹Destroyer: Yeah, of course! That`s the best stuff on the Amiga.

²TJ: So, let`s come to another point of view. What do ya do when ya aren`t sitting in front of yar machine?
¹Destroyer: Well, I play volleyball in a team and then, on the other side I like to make music with sum guys. Going to pubs with friends is fun, too! And I`m working for our stunning school-magazine.

²TJ: What are yar favourite alcoholic (?) drinks?
¹Destroyer: Ha! Alc is cool! Try Dom-Koelsch (hey you sucking men from Duesseldorf!). Does anybody knows cow-milk? Hmm, that tastes great (harhar!) ...

²TJ: What about yar best-ever-seen movies?
¹Destroyer: Coz I`m interested in the USA I like the Movie "North and South" from John Jakes and "Dancing with the wolf". I hate movies and books from Stephen King, coz they are totally unrealistically. And just don`t forget: kick Batman!

²TJ: With whom would ya like to dinner today, if ya can choose any people? (...and why?)
¹Destroyer: Saddam Hussein ... just to shoot him down! No, just a little joke. I would really like to meet the bandleader of the Dire Straits, Mark Knopfler, coz their music is the best ever! And I would like to talk to Manni Kleimann (who knows him?), coz I like him as a character.

²TJ: What do ya think about the scene today and it`s changes in the future?
¹Destroyer: The scene is a little bit confusing at the moment, coz every new group wants to get to the top by making a pack or a disk-mag. The innovative persons and groups (Silents, Alcatraz, Majic 12 ...) are missing or releasing not much stuff. The way to solve this problem would be if the coders would sit down and work hard on a new intro / dentro / trackmo or something else instead of programming a packmenu. Besides the quality of real disk-mags is low. Just take a look at these many ones which are totally shit coz in everyone the same text-types, the same news are printed (TDD tries to go another way by writing articles about other subjects). The future seems to be black if nothing changes. Fortunately the elite guys are keeping up with the Amiga - it is the future - only losers are buying a lame PC. That`s my subjective opinion ...

²TJ: What do ya think about the low-cost PC`s?
¹Destroyer: As I`ve told above I hate PCs. The scene on these machines is dead or still not born (?).

²TJ: If IBM sucks, how will be the name (in yar opinion) of PC`s? "XXX (indi.) and Compatible" or what?
¹Destroyer: IBM won`t suck, coz it is the only great PC-maker and by the way ... it isn`t allowed to die ... IBM is Western standard and all Japanese computers are to fuck the hell!!!

²TJ: Would ya like to send ELITE-GREEZ to sum guys?
¹Destroyer: Yea, o` course. Some personal hellos are flying out to (no order): all members of The Dark Demon, Deadline (Tatu), Cocoon Dezign (Death Lord), Drifters (Exterminator), Principes (Mic), Curacy (Antex), SILICON (STRANGER - please write me, I`ve lost your addy!), Acrid (Mendrik, Sir), Scorpio (Array), Crime Devils (Karma), Quadriga (Khul), Tech (Tronix, Fizban), Iris (Epic), Grace (Virus), Backdraft (Tiger), Supernova (Sledge), Bronx (Bloody), Motion, Lunatics, Zenith, Interactive, Armaggeddon, Arise, Arsen Lupen ... and all my pals around the GLOBE!

²TJ: What about giving yar contact addy here in?
¹Destroyer: Write to me and you will see that friendship rules ... fuck the hools! Write to me for swapping all kind of LEGAL stuff you can think of: Nicolai Barbat, Destroyer / The Dark Demon, Weberstrasse 5, W-5608 Radevormwald, United Germany.
Or call me: +49 / (0) 2191 / 668373 ...
P.S.: Everybody will get an answer! AUSSER RECHTE SCHEINE!

                      _  _   _
   Bye, Destroyer of  |  |>  |>

ß                              ¥end.Å

Interview with Zinkfloid

®³                Z I N K F L O I D 
  I n t e r v i e w 
²  TJ: First, introduce yourself a little bit! (Age, Handle and Group, yar carrier, ........¹
Yoohoo, my handle is Zinkfloid, member of GRACE INTERNATIONAL, I am 19 years of age, I am the Main Editor of the glorious SUICID Mag, as well as a highly inspired musician. And I am momentary the Co- WHQ of Grace! 
²  TJ: What type(s) of Computer do ya own and what equipment?¹
Nice and naughty A 500, TV and Stereo Equipement to gain a cool sound, expansion, sexy mouse with sexy mouse pad, some disx.... 
²  TJ: What`s your motto?¹
Enjoy your life every day!
²  TJ: Do ya like watching stunnin` demos/md/dentros, ...? Why?¹
Because some of them have a nice music and some new effects 
²  TJ: So, let`s come to another point of view. What do ya do when ya aren`t sitting in front of yar machine?¹
Playing guitar and drums, skiing, snowboarding, boozing, girl(s), go out with my friends, pardeys(all kinds), books, music, football, watch Negative/ENERGY when he is coding something(always funny!)
²  TJ: What are yar favourite alcoholic (?) drinks?¹
Beer, red Vodka, Whiskey orange-juice, mineral water in the morning (against hangovers) cocoa, sometimes cola and milk.
²  TJ: What about yar best-ever-seen movies?¹
Long time ago in America, The Wall (Pink Floyd), Stop making sense (Talking (Heads), Deep Throat 
²  TJ: Could ya tell the readers what type of music ya prefer?¹
All kind of Blues!!!!!! Then Funk, Soul, Reaggae, and Rock, a bit Metal sometimes! Dire Straits, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin are cool too!  I hate Techno, Hip Hop, Rave, Poggo, Hardcore(I like only Pornos!!).
²  TJ: With whom would ya like to dinner today, if ya can choose any people? (...and why? ...hmmmmm!)¹
Nightshade/CRUSADERS because he is the best musician me, because I am so sexy and attractive,hahahaha Dr. Grell/GRACE because he is very funny.
²  TJ: What do ya think about the scene today and it`s changes in the future?¹
Especially the scene in Austria is getting better(exept lamers who destroy this developement like Reebok/S!P) international there aren`t any good releases some cool disk mags. I think most guys leave to modem scene!
²  TJ: What do ya think about the low-cost PC`s?¹
No money and ambiation for PC, sorry! But ask Greili/ENERGY, hehehe.
²  TJ: If IBM sucks, how will be the name (in yar opinion) of PC`s? "XXX (indi.) and Compatible" or what?¹
electrical litter box
²  TJ: Would ya like to send ELITE-GREEZ to sum guys?¹
To all Grace and Energy members worldwide,and to following groups: Scoopex, TRSI, Lunatics, Damian, Cult, Anarchy, Analog, Absolute, Rebels, Alcatraz, Subway, Supplex, Polaris, Eclipse, Byte Busters, and to all my friends worldwide! Especially to all musicians and Main.- Ed.,
²  TJ: What about giving yar contact addy here in?¹
Musicians and Main.Ed. should contact me under :
Stefan-Jaeger Str. 12
A-8605 Kapfenberg

²Thanx for this interview!!

(If you wanna be interviewed too then get in touch with³The Jungle.²Address everywhere in this mag! Ed.)

Interview with Ice MC

®²          I C E   M C 
        I n t e r v i e w 
  ³TJ: First, introduce yourself a little bit! (Age, Handle and Group, yar carrier, ........¹
  ³TJ: Aha, let`s see. Do ya own a modem? And when yes, what type? Do ya own a bbs?¹
  ³TJ: On witch boards you are on and what are your favourites?¹
  ³TJ: Do ya like watching stunnin` demos/md/dentros, ...?¹
  ³TJ: So, let`s come to another point of view. What do ya do when ya aren`t sitting in front of yar machine?¹
  ³TJ: What are yar favourite alcoholic (?) drinks?¹
  ³TJ: What about yar best-ever-seen movies?¹
  ³TJ: With whom would ya like to dinner today, if ya can choose any people? (...and why?....hmmmm!)¹
  ³TJ: What do ya think about the scene today and it`s changes in the future?¹
  ³TJ: What do ya think about the low-cost PC`s?¹
  ³TJ: If IBM sucks, how will be the name (in yar opinion) of PC`s? "XXX (indi.) and Compatible" or what?¹
  ³TJ: Would ya like to send ELITE-GREEZ to sum guys?¹
  ³TJ: What about giving yar contact addy here in?¹
FOR MODEM TRADING +43-7672-27743

³Thanx for the interview.


®³    A d v e r t i s m e n t s 

Another Mag-another Advertisment -page. The Advertisments in THE JUNGLE are totally free. Send them in one color and with the size 36x22. Your Advert will be published in the next issue of the Mag. Your Advert stays in the page for three issues, after that you must send it again or another one. You can put up to five Adverts in one issue, but try to create different ones, otherwise it will be very boring. You can send your Advert to Ace or to J.Walker. Both Addys can be found in the Mag!¹

    - FESTER -   /                / 
    P.O.Box 143. \  SLEDGE HAMMER \ 
   1410 Budapest  \________________\
 (articles, adverts)                
                     There's no Top
                    Secret any more!
      - BEN -
      "vario"     S.L.E.D.G.E HAMMER
    P.O.Box 506.     let you know
    9002 Gyor 2      EVERYTHING!!
  (news, adverts)   fax: 369632725
     - ADT -     /                /
    P.O.Box 5.   \  SLEDGE HAMMER \
  010 Gyor Hungary\________________\
 (pictures, adverts)

W        __     __        ___      K
E       / /\   / /\     __\\ \     C
'      / / /  / / /_   / /\/ /__   U
R     / /  \ /_/ /\/\ /_/  ____/   S
E    /_/    \\ \  / / \ \   \
     \_\/\  / \ \  /   \ \  /      U
T       \_\/   \_\/     \_\/       O
E                                  Y
           RED KNIGHT/TEK          K
Y           PLK.125048 E           E
O        D-3000 HANNOVER 91        T
U     ( LEGAL )  AMIGA OR PC !
C                                  '

         _____  ____   __   _____
   /\   /  _ .\/'   \ /  \ /'    \
  /  \ // / \_/\  \ \\\/\/\\  \  \\
 //  \\\\ \  _  \\   /_\  \\\  \  \\
// /\ \\\ .\/'\  \\ \  \\  \\\  \ //
\_/  \_/ \____/   \_/\ \\\__/ \___/
        [SL]          \_/

          Contacts needed??

       Why don't you write to:

            SLAM / ACRID
          Andreas Melchert
            2800 Bremen 1

         100% answer to all!

*                                  *
*             Contact              *
*                                  *
*          ACE OF DAMIAN           *
*         ---------------          *
*  for hottest Elite-and Friend-   *
*  shipswapping...send Raptapes,   *
*  legal stuff,your latest Demos   *
*  and intros to get them spread   *
* around the whole world,articles, *
*   free-ads ( 36x22 ) and news    *
*  for THE JUNGLE,hardcore-films,  *
*  bananas,torpedos,presents,...   *
*               to:                *
*                                  *
*      Mr.Soeren Greinecker        *
*        Hamburgerstr.32           *
*       W-2090 Winsen/Luhe         *
*            Germany               *
*                                  *

  the new hungarian power generation

      - FESTER -         - CRM -
       --------           -----
      P.O.Box 143.     Csalad u.7.
     1410 Budapest     8500  Baja
     (mag editing)     (graphics)

              WRITE TODAY!

     - BEN -        - ARCHIBALD -
      -----          -----------
     "vario"        Bela Nadas jn
    P.O.Box 506.    Kuruclesi 17b
    9002 Gyor 2     1021 Budapest
     (manager)       (swapping)

*                                  *
*        _   _____     _   ______  *
*       //  /____ \   //  /_____ \ *
*      //  //    \/  //  //     \/ *
*     //  //___/\   //  //_____    *
*    //  / _____/  //  /____  /    *
*   //  //\\      //       / /     *
*  //  //  \\    //  /\___/ /      *
* //  //    \\  //   \_____/       *
*                                  *
* IRIS is in deep need of talented *
*  artist,fast traders,cool coders *
*   to form the german division.   *
*        Contact the GHQ:          *
*                                  *
*     EPIC          |   also for   *
*  postlagernd      |   friendly   *
* W-2084 Rellingen  |   trading    *
*                                  *
*                                  *
*            ____   ______         *
*        /\ /    \ /  ___ \        *
*       /  \\   _ \\  \__\/__      *
*      / __ \\  \\/ \   _\\  \     *
*     /      \\  \_/\\  \_/  /     *
*     \  /\  / \     \\     /      *
*      \/  \/   \____/ \___/       *
*                                  *
*                of                *
*            D A M I A N           *
*                                  *
*  Contact me for legal swapping,  *
*  magstuff and joining DAMIAN or  *
*  the JUNGLE-Team at:             *
*                                  *
*         SOEREN GREINECKER        *
*          HAMBURGERSTR.32         *
*        W-2090 WINSEN/LUHE        *
*             GERMANY              *
*                                  *
 *                                 *
 *    A G O N Y   A N D   I A N    *
 *    -------------------------    *
 *                                 *
 *                                 *
 *                                 *
 *   WRITE TO:                     *
 *                                 *
 *              AGONY!             *
 *         INGMAR EICHNER          *
 *          DAHLIENWEG 3           *
 *         4407 EMSDETTEN          *
 *         GERMANY (SUXX)          *
 *                                 *
 *       DISK = 100% ANSWER        *
 *            (NO LISTS)           *
 *                                 *
 *                                 *
            ///         \\\
            >>> SCORPIO <<<
            \\\         ///
     - We DON'T Rest on Results! -

      For no-nonsense mailtrade:
            Array / Scorpio
         Graafwillemstraat 235
          1613 HG Grootebroek
            The Netherlands

  You can also support our upcomming
     pack-series at this address!
   Yes, you WILL get your disks back
           (send two disks!)

      Ofcourse 100% reply to all!




             28300 PORI

            - DEADLINE -



          /  D/\RK STAR  \

   Yo-Ho diz is B/\dG. writing sum

 Contact me 4 sum kewl FrIeNdShIp...

       BADG(UY) / DARK ST/\R
          Koenigstr. 20 E
     W-4050 Moenchengladbach 2
          Fuckin` Germany


   .oO OnLy eLiTe wiLL SuRvIvE Oo.
 seNd aLsO YoUr PUssYBeaTin` SiSteRs

      __ _____ __ ___ ____ ____
      | \| _|_\| \| | | | \| _|
      || \ _|  \| \ |_| |  \ _|
      :  ~  ~ : ~ ~   : ~ ~ ~ ~
      In need of nice contacts?
   trade your own productions with

          CASKET / DEADLINE!
              TATU TIALA
            TUOMAANKUJA  4
           69950 PERHO CITY
         No name - No answer!

           -wet pussy to-
 Reflect - Scoopex - Rebels - Sonic
  - Alcatraz - Stellar - Equinox -
Paradise - Wizzcat - Zenith - Gothic
   - Abyss - Andromeda - Legend -
Desire - and the rest of my friends!
__            ____
\ \    ___   / ___\___ ____
 \ \  / _ \ / /  / __// __ \
  \ \/ /_\ \\ \ / /_ / __  /
   \/ /   \ / // /_  \ \ \ \
   /_/\____/ / \___\ /_/  \_\
     \______/  ___  ___   _____ ____
        / /\ \/ _ \/ _ \ / ___// __/
       / / / / /_\ \/ \ \ /   / /_
      / /_/ / /  /\ \  \ \\__/ /_
     /_____/_/  /_/\_\  \_\_/\___\

   Try diz addy 4 hot'n cool ELITE
        ___          CRIONIC
       /. .\         postlagernd
      /  |  \        4060 Viersen 1
      \ \_/ /        Germany
       \___/    No disk = No answer
Greetings 2 my friends in Dual Crew,

  /   __ /  For quality swapping
 /   /__V   with hot warez and own
 \   \___   stuff why wouldn't try
  \___\ /   to :
  /   /:\   DARKY OF EQUINOX
 /   /\  \  Metsontie 19
 \   \/\ /  37680 VLK
  \___\ V   Finland
 ___  _V__
 \  \/ : /  Well-known and own stuff
  \  \__/   senders get an answer
  /\__  \
 /___/\__\  Fast hellos to all my
 Vfzr/eqxV  contacts worldwide !



         C  A  D  A  V  E  R


 For ELiTE mailtrading, contact:

        5035 Bg-Sandvk.
 We desperately need coders, so if
 there`s anyone out there who can
 code, why not get in contact with
 me ?!?!?!?

   - You're gonna do something you
 won't regret !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  .\\                            \\.
  .//   Dynamite of Cyanide  is  //.
  .\\  searching more Contax !   \\.
  .//  Write to me for any form  //.
  .\\  of legal swap. Grab your  \\.
  .//   pen and write a funny    //.
  .\\    letter to this addy:    \\.
  .//      Sirko Zidlewitz       //.
  .\\     Karl-Sachs-Str.52      \\.
  .//    O-1800  Brandenburg     //.
  .\\          Germany           \\.
  .// Tel.  FRG - 03381 - 303544 //.
  .\\   If you include a disk    \\.
  .//  (or two) be sure to get   //.
  .\\    a fast answer. Ciao!    \\.
  .//                            //.

       oOoOo E F F E C T oOoOo

    Hey, what are you doing ?
      Why are you reading this ?
   You should be writing for our mag
      Feel free to write as many
    articles, advertisements, news,
           warzone articles
     (to humiliate, curse people)
   for our forthcoming DISKMAGAZINE

  Write with our Magazine Editor or
    with any other editor (38*25)
           and send it to:

             P.O.BOX 7143
         3430 JC   NIEUWEGEIN

 _   _   _    __  _   _   __  ____
( \ ( ) ( )  /  )( \ ( ) /  \(  __\
(  \( ) ( ) //) )(  \( )/ /\_\ )_
( ) \ ) ( )/ _  )( ) \ < <  _( __\
( )\  (_/ / / ( )( )\  )\ \/ ( \___
(_) \____/_/  (_)(_) \_) \__/(_____)
 \                                /
  \ -=>EXUMER<=- OF -=>NUANCE<=- /
   \            /  \            /
    \          / AT:\          /
LEGAL! \    8960 KEMPTEN    / AND(!)
-ELITE- \  /  GERMANY   \  / FRIEND-
SWAPPING \/              \/ SHIP!!!!


             MARDERWEG 5
           4270 DORSTEN 1
            WEST GERMANY

      FORMAT IS 38*22 AND 80*22


          - THE DARK DEMON -


             DANIEL GLASER
             2800 BREMEN 1

        100% ANSWER 2 EVERYBODY



       G  E  N  O  C  I  D  E

    ' when everything else fails '


             ' MESSY '
      Etelaerantakatu 32 b 15
            94100  Kemi

     Some personal greetz to:

    * Alcatraz * Anarchy * Nova
    * Wizzcat * Legend * Digital
    * Cryptoburners * Paradise
    * Kefrens * Balance * Equinox
    * X-trade * Complex * Rebels
    * Scoopex * Symbiosis * Trsi
    * Parallax * Chrome * Nc

      /   --*> J O K E R <*--    \
     \                            /
     /  If you want to BUY/SWAP   \
     \  the latest VHS-MOVIES or  /
     /  the latest AMIGA WAREZ    \
     \  (0-2 days old) then       /
     /  contact me:               \
     \                            /
     /          JOKER             \
     \       FJALLBRUDEN 94       /
     /       424 50 ANGERED       \
     \          SWEDEN            /
     /                            \
      \   TECHO-RAVE RULEZ !!!   /

*                                  *
*  CONTACT ------->                *
*                    MAJOR BANDIT  *
*                                  *
* for swapping everything you want *
* (hot Stuff, Tapes, Beer.....)    *
* I'm also searching for guyz who  *
* can swap Samples or (and) can    *
* give me Tips for Coding.         *
* So don't hesitate and contact me *
* now for a long friendship !!!!   *
* One Disk + Letter  =  101% Answer*
*                                  *
*                                  *
*           PLK 039834 A           *
*           8672 SELB 4            *
*             Germany              *
*                                  *
*    Don't forget only Friendship  *
*              rulez !!            *

      _    ___  _    __   ___  ___
     /_\  / _ \/_\  / /  / _ \/ _ \
    / _ \/ // / _ \/ /__/ // / // /
   / / \/\/ \/\/ \/\___/\___/\_  /
  / /_______________       ___/ /

  Please support this message-pack
 with Messages,News,Adverts and the
         latest Production.
 (Sizes are 39 * 23 and/or 78 * 23)

 Send all this to: MR.KING OF ANALOG
                       Joerg Goedden
                       Postfach 3143
                 4240 Emmerich/Elten

  |           |   |       |
  |\__        |\_/|       |\_
  | _ |       | _ |       | _\
  || || |   | || || |     ||   |
  || || |\ /| ||_|| |\__  ||   |\__
  || || || || | _ | | _ | ||   | __\
  || || || || || || || || ||__ ||__
  || || || || || || || || | _/ | __\
  |/ \| || || |/ \| || || |/   ||___
  |   | ||_|| |   | || || |    | __/
        |   |       |/ \|      |/
        |___|       |   |      |

          CoNtAcT fOr eLiTe
       SwApPiNg AnD fRiEnDsHiP
      \   Obelix of Nuance   /
       \    Manfred Otte    /
        >  Am Augarten 17  <
       /  W - 8960 Kempten  \
      /       Germany        \
*                                  *
+     I'm Looking out 4 More       +
*     Cool 'N' Friendly Contax     *
+                                  +
* If You Search A New N Cool Contax*
+       too then write to :        +
*                                  *
+                                  +
* +-------------------------------+*
+ |          O U T L A W          |+
* |  M I C H A E L B A R T S C H  |*
+ |       W I N K S T R . 2       |+
* |  8 0 7 0 I N G O L S T A D T  |*
+ +-------------------------------++
*                 /\               *
+ DON`T DELAY    <-->    SEND TODAY+
*                 \/               *
+          PRESTIGE-DRIFTERS-. . . +

    For Swapping all kinds of stuff
   like: demo's, game's, utils, enz.

     Write to : S.A.M. of XENTRIX
                  P.O. BOX 4044
                1780HA DEN HELDER
   Zaterdag Spanish Melon dag en ...
   Is Divine echt dood !?!?
   ... = Smoking some HeAvY stuff!
   Schrijf je nou nog of is je Amiga
   nu echt goed (slecht) kapot?

     Greetinx to all our Contact's

       ________ _____ _______ /\__
   /\ /       / | __ \\     //    \
  /  \\   |---\ |    //\    \\     \
 / \\ \\  |    || \  \\     //\__D /
/__/\__\\______||_|\__\\  _/ \  __/
      [slam/acrid]      \/    \/

       Friendly Demo swapping at:

  b G     Andreas Melchert   o
  o e    Fr.Wagenfeld-Str.2  n
  t r       2800 Bremen 1    l
  h m                        y
    a           -or-           l
  i n                          e
  n y      MENDRIK/ACRID       g
            Mario Schulz       a
          Rehhorsterstr.8      l
            2401 Zarpen

       __________      ____      __
  /\  /\      \  \    /    \    /  /
 /  \/  \  ____\  \__/  /\  \/\/  /
/        \   /  \      /  \      /
\  \  /  / _/__ /      \  /  __  \
 \  \/  /      /  /\/\  \/  /  \  \
  \_/\_/______/__/    \____/    \__\

 Contact Speed/Mexx for Mail Trading
 ! But only Elite guys pleaz !

          Holger Boettcher
          Hauptstrasse 167
          5210 - Troisdorf
            West Germany

  Include 2 Disx with ! NEW STUFF !


         578 00  ANEBY



         __ _   _____  ___ __
        / // \/\\_  _\/ _//  )
       / //    / / / / _// _ \
       \//_/\_/ /_/  \__\\/ \/
     _   ___ ______ __       ___
    / \ / _/ \_  _// //\ /\ / __\
   / _ \\ \__ / / / / \ / // __/
   \/ \/ \__//_/  \/   \_/ \___/

 Trade with STINGRAY! - Trade NOW !

 Torsten Guenther     Also for ansis
 Hamburger Str.66a    and supporting
 3170 Gifhorn         my Diaperpack!

 I am looking for nice Tools running
 under Kickstart 2.0 only !!! If you
 send some Disx (maximal 4) you will
 get them  back as soon as  possible
 with some cool demos on it!

 Greetings to all my contacts!!!!!!!

    ___  ____  ____  ___  ___  ____
   / __)/ ___)/ ___)/ __)/ __)(  __)
  / (  / (   / (   / (  / /   / /
 / __)/ __) / __) / __)/ /   / /
/ (_ / /   / /   / (_ / /_  / /
\___)\/    \/    \___)\___) \/


              P.O. BOX 48
             8090 AA WEZEP


*                                  *
*            SUGAR RAY             *
*                of                *
*             INTENSE              *
*                                  *
*    is looking for new contacts   *
*                                  *
*            WRITE TO :            *
*                                  *
*                                  *
*      Sugar Ray/ Intense DHQ      *
*      Schuitendiep 57             *
*      NL-9711 RB Groningen        *
*      The Netherlands             *
*                                  *
*                                  *
*      - Friendship Rulez -        *
*                                  *
*    Greetz to all my contacts !!  *
*                                  *
*    :::::::::: ::::::: ::  ::     *
*    ::  ::  :: ::   ::  ::::      *
*        ::     ::   ::   ::       *
*        ::     ::   ::  ::::      *
*        ::     ::::::: ::  ::     *
*                                  *
*  eHq Of TRONEX: PlK 084779e      *
*                 8200 RoSeNhEiM   *
*                 W-GeRmAnY        *
*                                  *
*               WORLD!             *
*                                  *
* GRETZ TO:                        *
* -RAPPISRS - I.C.E. - DOOM U.S.A.-*

           AFTER THIS AT:

              NYBROGAT 53
          S-852 35 SUNDSVALL


            FOR DA LATEST :

             PETER JORHULT
          S-842 64 SUNDSVALL


        *  Yo MaN, I'm LoOkInG *
        * FoR SoMe CoOl CoNtAx *
        *  If YoU ThInK YoU'rE *
        *     ToUgH EnOugh,    *
        * WrItE To ThIs AdDiE. *
        *   WIZARD / CENTURA   *
        *       RAK 99         *
        *       8446 NM        *
        *      HEERENVEEN      *
        *       HOLLAND        *
        *OnLy FoReIgN's PlEaSe!*
        *  No DiSk = BiG RiSk! *
        * No LaMeRs PlEaSe ?!? *
        *SoUrCe SwApPiNg ToO!!!*

        __          _            __
   ___ / / ________|_| _____/\  / /
  / _ \ //\\___ \___ \ \  ___/\/ /
  \ \\// \ \__/ /__/ / / __/ \  /DW
 /\\ \ \_/ / __/  __/|/\/___ /  \__
 \___/\___/_|  |_| |____\__// /\__/

THE DEVIL'S DEN (WHQ) 1-714-273-0630
THE DARK TOWER (USHQ) 1-801-476-9068
BROOKLYN EMPIRE (GHQ) 49-911-7592183
METAL DECADE    (GHQ) 49-711-7775990
VIRTUAL REALITY (DKHQ) 45-0751-62855
THE TOWER N.1  (UKHQ) 44-253-857-553
THE TOWER N.2  (UKHQ) 44-253-859-371

     __     ____      ____
    /  \   / ___\    / ___\
    \   \  \ \_/ \__ \ \_/ \__
     \   \  \   __  \ \   __  \
      \   \_ \  \ \  \ \  \ \  \
       \   /  \  \/  /  \  \/  /
        \_/o   \____/o   \____/o



         JURVALANKATU 7-A.8
         SF-33300 TAMPERE

*                                  *
/                                  \
\                                  /
*                                  *
\                                  /
/                                  \
*                                  *
/                                  \
\           ³The Jungle¹           /
*            P.O.Box 740           *
\          A-6852 Dornbirn 3       \
/            Austria               /
*                                  *
\                                  /
/                                  \
*                                  *
/                                  \
\                                  /
*                                  *

       oOoOo E F F E C T oOoOo

    Hey, what are you doing ?
      Why are you reading this ?
   You should be writing for our mag
      Feel free to write as many
    articles, advertisements, news,
           warzone articles
     (to humiliate, curse people)
   for our forthcoming DISKMAGAZINE

  Write with our Magazine Editor or
    with any other editor (38*25)
           and send it to:

             P.O.BOX 7143
         3430 JC   NIEUWEGEIN

 _   _   _    __  _   _   __  ____
( \ ( ) ( )  /  )( \ ( ) /  \(  __\
(  \( ) ( ) //) )(  \( )/ /\_\ )_
( ) \ ) ( )/ _  )( ) \ < <  _( __\
( )\  (_/ / / ( )( )\  )\ \/ ( \___
(_) \____/_/  (_)(_) \_) \__/(_____)
 \                                /
  \ -=>EXUMER<=- OF -=>NUANCE<=- /
   \            /  \            /
    \          / AT:\          /
LEGAL! \    8960 KEMPTEN    / AND(!)
-ELITE- \  /  GERMANY   \  / FRIEND-
SWAPPING \/              \/ SHIP!!!!


             MARDERWEG 5
           4270 DORSTEN 1
            WEST GERMANY

      FORMAT IS 38*22 AND 80*22


          - THE DARK DEMON -


             DANIEL GLASER
             2800 BREMEN 1

        100% ANSWER 2 EVERYBODY



       G  E  N  O  C  I  D  E

    ' when everything else fails '


             ' MESSY '
      Etelaerantakatu 32 b 15
            94100  Kemi

     Some personal greetz to:

    * Alcatraz * Anarchy * Nova
    * Wizzcat * Legend * Digital
    * Cryptoburners * Paradise
    * Kefrens * Balance * Equinox
    * X-trade * Complex * Rebels
    * Scoopex * Symbiosis * Trsi
    * Parallax * Chrome * Nc

      /   --*> J O K E R <*--    \
     \                            /
     /  If you want to BUY/SWAP   \
     \  the latest VHS-MOVIES or  /
     /  the latest AMIGA WAREZ    \
     \  (0-2 days old) then       /
     /  contact me:               \
     \                            /
     /          JOKER             \
     \       FJALLBRUDEN 94       /
     /       424 50 ANGERED       \
     \          SWEDEN            /
     /                            \
      \   TECHO-RAVE RULEZ !!!   /

*                                  *
*  CONTACT ------->                *
*                    MAJOR BANDIT  *
*                                  *
* for swapping everything you want *
* (hot Stuff, Tapes, Beer.....)    *
* I'm also searching for guyz who  *
* can swap Samples or (and) can    *
* give me Tips for Coding.         *
* So don't hesitate and contact me *
* now for a long friendship !!!!   *
* One Disk + Letter  =  101% Answer*
*                                  *
*                                  *
*           PLK 039834 A           *
*           8672 SELB 4            *
*             Germany              *
*                                  *
*    Don't forget only Friendship  *
*              rulez !!            *

      _    ___  _    __   ___  ___
     /_\  / _ \/_\  / /  / _ \/ _ \
    / _ \/ // / _ \/ /__/ // / // /
   / / \/\/ \/\/ \/\___/\___/\_  /
  / /_______________       ___/ /

  Please support this message-pack
 with Messages,News,Adverts and the
         latest Production.
 (Sizes are 39 * 23 and/or 78 * 23)

 Send all this to: MR.KING OF ANALOG
                       Joerg Goedden
                       Postfach 3143
                 4240 Emmerich/Elten

  |           |   |       |
  |\__        |\_/|       |\_
  | _

When the Repair-Man Comes

®¹          ¿ W h e n   t h e Å 
  ¿ R e p a i r - M a n   C o m e s 

ß        Ð  by Zorc/Orgasm  Å

åSleepily, she walked to answer the door.
"Dishwasher Repair Man" said the voice on the other side of the door. She looked through the peep hole and saw a good-looking man in his mid-30's. He smiled through the peep hole.
God it's early, she thought as she unlocked the door to let him in. She had thrown a robe over her nude body. She hadn't even had coffee.
"Come in," she said. "Do you know what time it is?"
"Nine a.m." he said as his eyes moved to her long legs. Although she was barefoot, she was a good three or four inches taller than the repair man.
"Would you like a cup of coffee" she asked.
"Not right now -- maybe later."
She directed him to the dishwasher, poured herself a cup of coffee and sat at the kitchen table across from him.

As the man worked she noticed his small ass and broad shoulders. While he wasn't extremely tall, he was well proportioned.
She thought about how she had awakened her lover Bob the night before and how he had eaten her for hours. How she loved to have her pussy sucked. Just thinking about it made her begin to get wet between her thighs. She wondered if the repair man could tell what was happening to her... wondered if he could smell her animal odor as she became aroused.
The dishwasher repair man was sitting on the floor working on the broken appliance but couldn't help notice her long tanned legs. She had crossed her legs and her robe had parted up to her thigh.
She knew what he was thinking. Their eyes didn't meet but she knew what was going to happen.
She decided to sit Indian-style. Pushing the robe between her legs, she watched as the repair man tried to continue repairing the dishwasher.
The thought of an early morning fuck was always a turn-on for her. The thought of fucking a complete stranger excited her even more.
So she let the robe ride up on her legs.

"Can I take you up on that cup of coffee now?" the repair man asked.
"Certainly," she said, rising out of the seat she letting her robe climb even higher towards her waist.
As she walked close to him he could smell her musky female odor. She saw the bulge in his pants. He's getting hard, she thought.
She poured the coffee and bent down to give it to him knowing her robe would part and he'd have a lovely view of her breasts.
"Thank you," he said smiling and looking at her breasts.

She smiled back and said, "Oh I'm sure it'll be worth it."
He put the coffee down on the floor and pulled her towards him -- his hands grasping her ass cheeks under the robe. He kissed her lips..kissed her neck..kissed her ears. He lifted the robe and slowly touched her wetness. He moved down to kiss her breasts. Opened her robe and let it fall off her shoulders. Moved his face further down passed her stomach to her cunt.
"Oh," she whispered, spreading her legs so he could taste more.
They moved to the kitchen table. She still had her robe on but it was hiked above her waist and her tits were hanging out. The repair man was massaging them as he continued to eat her.
"Oh, that feels so good!" she said as she reached for the front of his pants. She unbuttoned them, pulled them down and started slowly pulling his cock up and down.

"Stick it in me. Fuck me now," she said. The repair man obliged. He had a thick cock -- thicker than her lover's and about the same size. But since the repair man was shorter than Bob, his cock looked bigger in proportion to the rest of his body.
"Oh you're big, aren't you," she said as he inserted his cock into her juicy cunt.
She had spread her legs wide on the kitchen table to accomodate his cock and now he was slowly moving in and out of her hot twat in a circular motion.
"Oh god, that feels so good," she said.
"And so do you," he whispered.
She reached down to her clit and rubbed it as the repair man started moving faster.
"I'm close," she said. And then, "Now, I'm coming! Oh, I'm still coming! More!"
The repair man was starting to breathe harder and she knew he was getting close.
"Make me come again!" she yelled as her body moved with the same circular motion the repair man had been using.
"Now!" he yelled.

The repair man started licking her tits.  She was still ready for more fucking. She grabbed the repair man's limp cock and started sucking it. It didn't take long and he was hard again.
She continued sucking and soon the repair man said, "I'm gonna come. Take it all now."
She started making circular motions with the guy's cock in her mouth and he yelled, "Here we go!"
She took it all, smiled at him. He moved over to the kitchen sink and found a paper towel. He cleaned himself off and zippered his pants.
She felt wonderful. "About the dishwasher..."
He smiled back and said, "You just had a spoon caught in the rotor. Its fine now."
She insisted on paying him the service charge -- $25 -- and as she wrote out the check he put his hand under her robe.
"You've got to stop now," she said. He smiled and just keep rubbing her clit. Pretty soon, she started moaning and he brought her off again-- this time just with his hand.
"I've got to go, but if you ever need me again, here's my number," he said ashe handed her a receipt for the check...

Jon Leatherwood
University of Florida
Bitnet: oak::dor@ufpine
25-203 North Hall
Gainesville, FL 32612-2501

- "If you can't be a Vegetarian... Eat a Vegetarian"

ß                              ¥end.Å


¤¹ß        ¿ T h e   D O R G 

I think this is a new feature which no diskmag has. For the Sci-Fi and Fantasy fans out there, who are reading this Mag, I want to write a Story about a Dorg. In every Issue it will continue...

             Chapter 1


åFirst you surely want to know something about a Dorg. 'Who is it?', 'What is it?' and 'WHERE is it??'. A Dorg is not a boring human. Nor is it a wobbly monster. There are only a few Dorgs around here and it was not easy for me to find one! Dorgs live in giant oaks, so try to find a giant oak and you will possibly find some Dorgs.
This Dorg was one of the Smuddlers, a very old Dorg-tribe, which had lived on their oak for time out of mind, and their dorgy neighbours considered them very respectable, not only because they were so old, but also because they were the dorgiest Dorgs in this deep forest. Read a story of how a Smuddler rebelled against family traditions and left to have an unforgettable adventure.

^You have to trie again, Smucky!^ Grimsby blamed him.
How boring! You cannot imagine how boring Grimsby's 'learn how to behave' lessons are. At the moment Smucky tried to behave at a dinner.
Grimsby explained once more how to use all the knifes, forks and spoons. The big knife and the big fork for broiled fruits. The middle knife and the middle fork for boiled fruits. The big spoon for small vegetable and the small spoon for dessert. HOW BORING!
^Once again, Smucky!^. He tried and failed. Just at the moment Grimsby began to repeat the story, Smucky's friend Sam entered the dining room.
^Hi Smucky, hello Grimsby.^, he said, smiling at them, ^Jag's father gave him a squirrel for birthday and we want to take a ride.^
You have to know, if squirrels are trained well, you are able to ride on their back. Like humans ride on horses.
Smucky shot a glance up to Grimsby. ^Please?^
^You know that your father will kill me?^ ^Oh Grim, please. We will be back in one hour ... promised!^ ^Well then ... Get lost!^
Smucky stood up and got his clothes on. Then he followed Sam to the squirrel-hole. Jag was already there and began to climb on the squirrel's back. ^How did you manage to escape Grimsby?^ he asked. ^Have you mixed a narcotic  in his drink, or what?^
^I hypnotized him and let him jump off the tree.^ ^Cool. Come on let's take a ride, fellows.^ And they did - Fun rulez!
After some time they rest and took a bath in a creek. They ate some pears (Without any knife or fork) and Smucky decided to sleep a bit. Jag and Sam saddled the squirrel to enjoy another ride.

^It is very careless for a Dorg to sleep alone at the ground.^ A voice woke him up. Suddenly Smucky remembered the stories his grandma told him about Gorms, ugly creatures, crawling around in the forest in the hope of finding some unwise Dorgs. He opened his eyes and saw a giant shadow over him.
>Good night!< he said to the world and waited for the end. ^Don't be frightened, Smucky!^ What was that. Why should an ugly Gorm know his name?
^It is me, Taliesin. Come into the light^ Taliesin! And really, when the shadow stepped back Smucky saw Taliesin's old furrowed face in the sun. ^Taliesin what are you doing here?^ ^I have to speak to you.^
To him? Nobody knew from where Taliesin comes and where he goes. He isn't a Dorg, he is from the race of the magicians and wandered through the world. From time to time he visited their oak to tell some news or to help. But he didn't spoke with him since he can remember.
^You hate the life in this forest, right?^ ^Well ... uh ... yeah!^ ^Then you are interested in having an adventure, right?^ Was he dreaming? That couldn't be true!
^I just have visited the land of the dwarfs. Once the dwarfs were a powerful race and they settled everywhere in their land. But there are only a few left. Their magic jewel was stolen and so they are destined to die.^
Every race has a magic jewel from where it gets his power. Without it, a mysterious disease befalls the people and in a few years they die out. That happened to the race of the fairies.
^You are the one to save them.^ ^But I am just a Dorg. I am not a hero, I can't fight against dragons or monsters! Taliesin, I am pleased you chosen me, but I cannot do that!^
^Believe me, you are the right one. Take this amulet - it allows you to command every animal you want for one hour. But you have to be 20 metres next to it. The amulet will help you to get to the dwarfs.^
^I don't know... ^
^Don't go back to your oak. Leave now and go to Ozric, king of the dwarfs. Wish you luck on your mission, Smucky. I am not always allowed to help you.^ He turned and walked into the forest.
^Taliesin!^ But he was out of sight. Smucky took the amulet and looked at it. It was a golden creature half lion, half eagle, half fish. It gleamed blue and was a bit warm. He saw a white rabbit at the valley and walked towards it.
^Let me ride on your back!^ Smucky commanded. It looked up and hopped to him. He climbed up to his back. ^Go West!^
The rabbit began to hop into the deeper forest. ^Adventure, here I come!^ he yelled into the day leaving the valley and his friends behind ...

      be continued


ß                            ¥end.Å

3A Little Beach-Story

®¹          ¿ A   L i t t l e Å 
      ¿ B e a c h - S t o r y 

ß        Ð  by Zorc/Orgasm  Å

It was a beautiful sunny day in Gloryville. I remember the hot summer sun shining on the vast ocean which lay before me. I remember thinking that nothing could be more beautiful than the Gloryville town beach that day, but I was wrong.

   About midday, I saw her. I saw her walking along the beach with a light summer shawl around her waist. She was far away, but I could see the sun shining on her golden blonde hair as if she had a halo. As she walked down the beach towards me, she stopped for a moment to talk briefly with each person she passed. After what seemed like an eternity she reached the spot where I was tanning. I tried to pretend not to notice her arrival, but it didn't work.   "Beautiful day," she said. "I sometimes wish every day was like this."
   The sound of her voice reminded me of a small bird I heard singing earlier in the day. The sun was still shining brilliantly behind her. I could barely make out her face through the glare.
   "Well, man does not live on bread alone," I said foolishly.

   Suddenly, she seemed very interested in what I had to say. I propped myself up onto my elbow and for the first time I saw her face. She was strikingly beautiful. She was the kind of girl that you had to look at twice to make sure you weren't seeing things.
When she turned away for a moment, I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. My eyes wondered down from her face to her small, but perfect breasts. It was as if they were speaking to me. "Hello. We are her breasts." I thought. Before I could finish my lustful gaze of her assets, she spoke to me again.

   "I,',ve run out of lotion Do you have any that I could borrow?" She asked politely.
   I fumbled through my things and came up with a half used bottle of sunblock. I held it out to her, but she simply turned around.
   "Would you mind rubbing some on my back? I feel a burn coming on," she said calmly.
   Actually, I did mind. I was suddenly very defensive. I was hoping to spend a nice quiet day alone. I said nothing. I began to massage the sunblock on her smooth white back. The smell of the sand and the surf had combined with her perfume and her hairspray. I was becoming more and more aroused by her.
   I began to think about the argument I had with my wife hours before. I just needed to get out of the house for a while. I came to the beach hoping to straighten things out in my head. I wasn't really sure what I felt about her. I began to wonder whether or not I had ever loved my wife. She changed somehow after our marriage, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was that was different. All I knew was that I had to get away for a while.

   I gently rubbed the sunblock on her side.
As my hand rose up and down, I brushed against the side of her breasts. She shivered ever so slightly as I rubbed the cold sunblock on her bare skin. For a long time, we both laid in the blistering sun. Finally, she got up and said, "lets go swimming!"
   I looked at her lustfully and said, "no, I'd rather stay here."
   She mistook my lustful gaze as sadness and wrapped her arm around me. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked compassionately.
   "No!" I screamed. "Lets go swimming."

   We spent the next few minutes in the cold shallow water of the ocean. We had a fantastic time together. We splashed, laughed, and playfully teased each other. After we had worn each other out, we headed for the sand. As we walked back to our spot, I noticed her beautiful limbs. She had quite long legs. They were muscular, but just enough to make them firm and sexy. She was absolutely wonderful. A work of art.
   Suddenly, the weather began to change. The sun hid its face behind a cloud that resembled a python. I began to think about my wife again. We had some really good times together. As the sun lowered itself behind the water it began to get a bit cold.
   "Do you like to dance?" she asked excitedly.
   I hadn't danced a step in fifteen years. "Love it," I said.
   "Great. I know this excellent little club in town. Would you like to go?" She asked. She waited for a response, but it seemed she already knew my answer.

   I met her at the entrance to the club. She had changed into a sexy red dress. It flattered her petite figure. Tight around the waist, and stretched to accentuate her chest. I was really feeling guilty. I had hoped she hadn't seen me so I could just leave and forget about the whole day. "John! John!" She shouted. She saw me.
   The club was very extravagant. Drinks were $7.00 a whack! She insisted that she pay for everything. We danced to every song. She was tireless. Every once in a while I began to enjoy myself in spite of my guilt. The last song was for couples only. She pulled me to the middle of the dance floor and we danced cheek to cheek as though we were lovers. I think she wanted me to kiss her, but she could wait for me no longer.
She kissed me passionately on the lips as though we were the only two people in the room. It was a long slow sensuous kiss. The kind of kiss that I had only dreamed about in the past. My thoughts turned to my wife once again. What would she think of me if she had ever known about this? How could I face her in the morning? We kissed again and again until the very last note of the song echoed into the darkness.
   "Let's go to my place," she whispered.
   I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I followed her to the parking lot where a limousine awaited us. We got into the limo and the driver peeled away from the club into the darkness of the night. Her hands were all over me as we kissed passionately time and time again. It was so wonderful. She placed my hand on her right breast and as if instinctually I began to caress it gently. I thought of the first time I kissed my wife. She was so young and we were so innocent.

   The long black limousine pulled up to a large mansion. The place was dark save a small light above the main entrance. As she walked in front of the house and into the dim light, she looked very plain, her hair was no longer shining. Her dress was so tight that she had trouble just walking to the door.
   "Well. Are you coming?" She demanded.
   By now I was completely overtaken by my guilt. I felt a sharp pain arise in my gut. I could not think straight. All I knew was that I wanted her. I followed her into the house where she disappeared into the maze of rooms.
   "Would you like a drink?" She called.
   "No. Listen I'd better go. I don't feel right about this," I shouted after her.
   She returned to my view wearing a skimpy black lace teddy inlayed with dragon patterns which barely covered her privates. "Dragons!" I thought. The ache in my gut grew stronger. I had to stop this madness at once.
   "No. No. I can't. I'm... I'm...married!!!!" I screamed hopelessly.
   "Married!" She laughed. "Come on now do I look that naive?"

   We walked hand in hand to the bedroom. Along the way I noticed old weapons hanging at various locations along the long candlelit hallway. Frightening thoughts of torture came to mind. I was afraid. My life would never be right again after this day.
   We laid on the bed and kissed each other passionately once again. This time our tongues lashed out at each other like wild animals just let out of their cage. My mouth found it's way down to her small breasts, I heard her sigh with pleasure as my teeth tugged at her nipples. A moment before our two bodies became one, I let out a scream at the top of my lungs "MARIE!!!!" That is my wife's name.
   I opened my eyes and the bright red sun blinded me.  It took a few moments before I could see again. Eventually, I realized that I was still on the beach. I had fallen asleep on the beach! It was all just a dream. I felt the guilt in my gut once more. I felt I should be punished in some way for even having such thoughts.
   Before I could catch my breath again, I saw the most beautiful blonde coming in my direction.

   "Beautiful day," she said. "I sometimes wish everyday was like this."

ß                              ¥end.Å

4Life is Sexy

®¹ß    ¿ L i f e   i s   S e x y 

ß        Ð  by Zorc/Orgasm  Å

Jim stood waist deep in the water and looked at Eva as she took off the light coverup she'd worn over her swimsuit. She rolled it up and set it on the sand, then stood and looked out over water. A wave broke around Jim, almost knocking him over, and when he looked back at her, she was standing at the edge of the water grinning at him.
As he watched his wife, Jim wondered why he'd never taken her to the beach before. They'd dated for two years before they got married, and they'd been married a year and a half now, but this was the first time.

She was beautiful, standing there wearing only three small triangles of cloth. It was late August, and the water was as warm as it ever gets in the Great Lakes. Jim relaxed in the cool water, enjoying the pleasant relief it offered from the 90 degree air inland.
The surf broke around him, occasionally lifting him off his feet as he watched his wife slowly wade out to him.

Eva yelled briefly as she lost her balance in the surge, then came up grinning. "I've never been where there's surf before," she said. "This is fun."
"That's why I brought you here," Jim said, grinning as she shook her wet hair out of her face. "Want to try body surfing?"
"I don't know, is it safe?"
"Watch. Get used to the feel of the water while I show you."

The surf on the Great Lakes isn't usually high enough for serious body surfing, but you can ride an occasional wave. There was a brisk breeze blowing towards the shore, so the surf was high enough that Jim had fun showing Eva how to do it. Fifteen minutes later, Eva had found her wave and let it wash her onto the fine sand of the beach. She laughed as she sat up and let the next wave wash the sand off her front.
"You OK?" Jim called, not sure she could hear him over the sound of the surf.
"Sure," she called as she got up and waded out towards him. "That was fun," she said when she was close enough to talk without yelling. "I've got sand in my bikini, though, ugh."

"Take off your suit and clean it out," Jim suggested.
"What?" she said.
"Who's to see,"We're a quarter mile from the nearest people, and you're under water; there's nothing to be modest about...balance to a wave, and when he came up Eva was laughing at him.
He grinned as he saw her bend down to take off her swimsuit's bottom and then wade out into deeper water before taking off the top. As she undid the bow that held it on, she lost her balance to another wave. She came up sputtering and yelling something.

Jim couldn't make out what she was yelling until he got closer. "I let go of my swimsuit when that damn wave hit," she said, looking angry.
Jim ducked under the water and looked. He couldn't see very well under the water, but he knew that the white suit ought to be easy to see. He saw his wife standing and occasionally being lifted by a wave, he saw a small fish swimming nearby, staying in one place with its head pointed towards the beach, but he didn't see a swimsuit.
As he came up, he realized what the fish told him. "There's a bit of an undertow here," he said, "nothing dangerous, but enough to take away a swimsuit."

"So what do I do?"
"Relax and enjoy it?" Jim suggested, grinning. She didn't return his grin, so he thought about what they had. "You wore a coverup over your bikini on the way here, you can wear it when we walk back to the car."
"But it's almost transparent!"
Jim grinned again. "We'll walk back through the dunes to the parking lot; that way, we won't run into any crowds."
She looked seriously at him and then at the long line of dunes. The lot was behind the lighthouse that rose over the dunes half a mile away, and most of the people who used the beach were there as well. "OK, I guess that's as good a plan as any. Want to go get my shirt and shake out the sand before I get out of the water?"

"Why hurry," he said. "We've hardly been here for 20 minutes, and I like seeing you swimming nude."
She looked at him with a pained look, but before she could respond, they both lost their balance to a wave. When Jim came up, Eva was laughing. "OK, we'll stay," she said. "These waves are sort of fun."
Jim caught the next wave and rode it to the sand, then rolled over and looked back at Eva. She floated neck-deep in the water, and as the next wave approached her, she looked over her shoulder and then dove forward to ride it shoreward. As she dove, her breasts were briefly out of the water, and as she rode the wave, Jim watched her pretty bottom.
As the wave washed back off the sand, Jim looked at Eva's naked body as it was briefly exposed on the sand. She grinned at Jim when she noticed his eyes on her, but as the next wave broke over her, she slid back into the water with it. Jim felt his penis slowly relax as she dissapeared under the water.

Jim got up and waded back into the surf, following his wife. She was swimming low in the water while he waded, and he almost caught up with her when he was tumbled by a wave. When he came up, she giggled at him. "You liked looking at me, didn't you?"
"Yes," he said. "You've got a nice body."
She stood up as the next wave passed and smiled at him as the water fell to expose first her breasts, and then very briefly her pubic hair. Jim noticed that her nipples were erect, but he wasn't sure if it was the water temperature or sexual excitement. Before he had a chance to find out, they were both tumbled by the next wave.

Eva laughed as they came up. "Let's ride a wave together and then head for the car, OK?"
"OK," Jim said. They stood hand in hand waiting for the right wave, and then dove forward as it approached. The wave lifted them, and they slid down it's face as it drove them onto the beach.
"Do you mind checking to see if anyone's near?" Eva said, propping herself up on her elbows as the next wave washed around her.
Jim got up and looked around, seeing nobody. "OK," he said, and then watched while his wife rolled over on her back to let the next wave wash over her naked breasts. He felt his penis harden as he watched her get up.

"That suit's not really made for a hard-on," she said, smiling at him as she walked up onto the beach.
"No, ... you are pretty, though."
She gave him a gentle kiss, and he felt his penis expanding more as she briefly pressed her cool wet breasts against his chest. Her lips were cool at first, but as she kissed him, they grew warm. He was a bit dissapointed when she broke the kiss to bend down and pick up her shirt.

"Come on," she said, walking towards the line of dunes.
"Aren't you going to put the shirt on?"
"I was, but then I realized it would just stick to me and make me look like one of those wet T-shirt contest winners. Anyway, now that I'm out here with nothing on, I kind of like it. I've never been skinny-dipping before, but I'd be tempted to do it again."
"You acted like it really bothered you at first."
"I guess it did, but I guess that's just habit. I remember when I was a kid, the minister at our church once told a story about skinny-dipping."
"Your minister?"
She laughed. "Yup, he was talking about how we sometimes confuse habits with morality."
He fell behind to look at her pretty bottom as she walked across the hot sand, and as he watched her, he thought about making love. By the time they reached the dunes, his swimsuit was still wet, but the hot dry air of late August had dried his skin.
The face of the dune was steep and Eva paused to put on her coverup before trying to climb it. Jim had thought that he would be disappointed when she covered herself, but he'd forgotten the nature of her coverup.

She turned to him after she put it on and asked "how's this look?worn under it as to hide anything. It covered her loosely from shoulders to mid-thigh, but when she faced him, her breasts showed clearly against the sheer fabric.
"I like it," he said, kissing her and feeling the texture of the fabric sliding over her fanny under his hands. She returned his kiss and gave him a quick hug before starting to climb the shifting sands of the dune. He liked watching her fanny through her thin cloth as she climbed, but she waited for him when she realized he was behind her.
"You know," she said as they reached the top of the dune. "If the water were a bit warmer, it might have been fun to make love in the surf."

Jim felt his penis tighten again. "I'd like to make love to you now."
She squeezed his hand as they wound their way along the dune top towards the distant lighthouse. "Out here, in public?"
"What public?" he asked.
She hugged him as they walked on. "If we had a blanket or even a beach towel, I'd go along with you, but I don't like the idea of digging sand out of myself."
"Sorry, I hadn't thought of that," Jim said. They came to a break in the line of dunes and had to scramble down and back up to the ridge, and as they reached the top, Jim had an idea. "Want to try it with you on top?"

She stopped walking and looked at him. "Are you serious?"
She walked away from him along the dune top; the way she walked made it obvious that she wanted to think by herself, so Jim let her walk ahead. While she walked ahead, he admired her, enjoying the play of the sun on and through her coverup as it rippled in the wind. She walked on the sand between low hummocks of grass and scrub cherry that grew on the top of the dune, then climbed one of the taller hummocks.
After a pause to look around, she walked down towards him, smiling as her breasts bouncied pleasantly under her coverup. "Let's do it!" she said as they came together. "Come on!"

His penis hardened as he followed her to a nearby hollow in the top of the dune. As they entered the hollow, she slipped off the coverup and hung it on one of the scrub cherry trees growing to one side of the hollow. He looked at her as she stood surveying the hollow, and then slid out of his swimsuit and set it on the scrub next to her coverup.
Eva held out her hands to him as she looked at his erect penis, and then came into his arms and kissed him. Her erect nipples gently brushed his chest as they kissed, and then she pressed herself tightly against him as they hugged.
"This is fun," she whispered, pausing briefly. "Come on!" She led him to a grassy tussock, and continued to stand as he sat on it. The grass was hot and it tickled his bottom as he sat on it, but he hardly noticed it. She stood in front of him at arm's length looking down at his erect penis, then knelt in front of him with her hands behind his head.
He ran his hands slowly up and down the soft skin of her waist, and then pulled her towards him to kiss her breast. He kissed the soft skin around her erect nipples, and then began gently sucking. She pulled his head to her breast and stroked his hair as he sucked harder, and as he ran his hands over her fanny, she pressed her hips against his stomach.

He could feel the moisture between her legs, and as she rocked her hips, her thigh brushed his erect penis. He held her hips and pushed gently down while he let go of her nipple and began kissing his way up towards her neck. His lips tingled with every kiss, and his penis stiffened in anticipation as she straddled him.
She gently brushed the mouth of her vagina against the tip of his penis, then slowly engulfed him. He hugged her to him as he felt her sliding down over him, then kissed her under the chin as they began to rock. She pressed herself tightly against him, and with each gentle rock of her hips, he felt a rising tension in himself.
She kissed him gently on the lips, and as she gently rocked in his lap, her tongue met his. Her hands pulled at him as he touched her back, and then she broke the kiss with a moan and began grinding her hips. The distant sound of the surf blended with the pounding of his heart as she shuddered and sighed in his lap, and as she climaxed, she pulled him to her and kissed him fiercely on the mouth.
Then she leaned back with her arms around him and smiled a gentle smile, but he was too excited to notice. As she began pumping herself up and down on his penis, he reached for her breasts, fondling them briefly until the sensation of her engulfing vagina overwhelmed him. His climax was convulsive; he thrusted his penis into her as she sat down hard in his lap, and then he held her tightly for a long time as he relaxed in the afterglow of his orgasm.

"That was fun," she said quietly, still holding onto his limp penis with her vagina.

He smiled back at her, feeling a bit dissapointed as she got up off him and smiled down at his penis as it glistened in the sun. He didn't want to talk yet, but when she handed him his swimsuit, he brushed the sand off his fanny and put it on before he followed her up out of the hollow in the dunes towards the parking lot.
They had to scramble down two more breaks in the line of dunes and climb to the next dune top before they finally walked down the irregular back of the dune to the parking lot. They could hear the voices of children playing near the lighthouse as they walked into the half-full lot, but nobody was in sight as Jim and Eva walked over the hot sand to the car.
He finally spoke as he sat in the driver's seat. "I hope you don't mind what we did."
She smiled at him, then reached over and kissed him. "Nope. That was an expensive bikini, but it was worth it."

ß                              ¥end.Å

5Sensuality and Love

®¹ß      Ð S e n s u a l i t y Å 
        Ð a n d   L o v e Å 

ß        ÷  by Zorc/Orgasm  Å

åSome years ago, when I was 15 and just awakening to thoughts of girls, feminine beauty and possibilities, I attended a famed U.S. music camp, Interlochen, in Michigan. The camp has always been terrific for highly- motivated young clasical musicians..
I was fully engaged in working my head off to excel and to succeed in the many challenges offered us there. Each summer's camp was for 8 weeks, though, and other interests soon presented themselves, deliciously. We ate in a large common hall, with hundreds of other young musicians our meal companions.. with this contact and also from intermissions of rehearsals where many sweet and lovely young women played in the National High School Orchestra or sang in my choir or madrigal singers' group with me - I soon met a friend who was to become the first strong love of my life.. we'll call her May, though her name was slightly different..

  May was a fine violinist, my age (15) and also had the sweetest solo soprano voice I had ever heard to that time. I talked with her often and finally got up enough courage to ask her to attend a party and dance on the week-end. We dated several times, and I would always walk May back to her cabin area and shake her hand as we said goodnight... very warmly.
After about three such dates, one of our mutual friends came up to me at lunch and said, "Jerry, May wanted me to let you know that she would really love it if you would kiss her goodnight on your next date.surprised... completely inexperienced as I was in any intimacies with girls.

  So, acting on this tip, I had a much better time talking with May on our next night out, we walked hand in hand for the first time, and when we reached "the Girl's Gate" I waited and talked with her a bit longer than I had done before.. May turned her face up to mine and I put my arm around her and kissed her once, gently, tentatively. She responded so sweetly, sighing and pressing her soft lips against mine very fervently.
After a few seconds, May opened her mouth a little and slid her tongue between my lips. I had never felt anything like this before and my penis suddenly took on a life of its own! I had learned about the joys of masturbation some months before and certainly had an understanding of how my erections felt and how wonderful was the release when spurt after spurt of fresh semen would explode out of the head of my penis when my amateurish and strong up and down rubbing created enough friction to give me the climaxes that would make my entire body shudder.
Now, with just the hot and loving tongue of a girl exploring the inside of my mouth I realized that I was dripping pre-come "honey" all over my underwear pants, and I felt more wonderful than ever before in my life. I didn't want to leave her, but May said to me, "Darling, I thought you'd never get to kissing me! You kiss so divinely.... don't worry, we'll have many chances to love each other.. sleep sweetly and I'll dream of you undressing me and touching me all over. G'night."

  My mind was feverish as I walked the long way between the girl's sleeping area and where my cabin with the other boys was situated - what did May have in mind next??? Was I happy!
  The next evening, at dinner, May ate with me and asked if I would be practicing in my usual stone practice hut near her cabin after dinner. I told her that I would be working there for about an hour. She looked at me very lovingly and said, "If you hear running water, maybe you should take a break and investigate!".. we continued our discussion of everything/nothing and then went our separate ways to practice hut and girl's cabin.

  About fifteen minutes after I started playing over my routine work, I rested for a few moments and then clearly heard the sound of rapidly running water. Fortunately it was quite dark out.
I put down my instrument and quietly closed the door of my practice room. Walking to the end of the row of huts I could see May's cabin only 20 yards away. Lights were on in the cabin itself, and I could hear that the sound of water was a shower turned on in their bath room. I couldn't see anything from my level on the ground, but I was erotically turned on by May's comment to me earlier at dinner, so I used a window ledge to assist me in climbing up to the roof of the outdoor practice huts.

NOW, I had a perfect view of the bathroom window and from a much higher vantage. And, there was the object of all my love and affection, my girl friend, May, totally nude and enjoying herself in the shower. She wasn't facing the window at that moment but just slightly away from that angle..
for the first time I could see her budding young breasts and their pink nipples and slightly brown aureoles, the perfection of her body's youthful form with just beginning widening of her hips to the eventual womanly attraction they would merit - and there, at the apex of her long and perfectly shaped legs was her genital region...
something I had only once before viewed in nature (when my mother stepped out of the shower one time just as I came home from sixth grade class, and, when she observed that I was looking at her, she made no attempt to cover herself, only smiling and saying, "Hi, Jerry").

But this was different! This was not an adult woman, this was the girl I loved, and what a beautiful girl she was! As I continued to enjoy the view of all of her, May must have known I could view her, because she now looked directly out the window, smiled, and moved her legs way apart. Then she took her bar of soap, held it under the water and then lowered her soapy hands to her crotch.
I next watched in wonderment as my love began to move her fingers lightly in small circles at the top of her vulva... I had seen pictures of female genitalia in books, and I knew what a clitoris was, but I had never been aware of its importance in the pleasuring of women sexually aroused.
May rubbed more and more and her face changed its appearance... she smiled and then let her head drop back a little, opening her mouth and looking a little out of control. Now she inserted her middle finger right into her vagina, looked directly out the window and used her other hand and arm to beckon to anyone looking, "Come and make love to me!" I was so excited that I unzipped my trousers, reached inside and pulled aside my underpants and released my fully rampant love weapon to the cool exterior air.
I began jerking off at the same speed that May was using in finger fucking herself.. this was much slower than I had ever masturbated before and it felt infinitely better, more sensual, more langorous. And, seeing her naked and engaged in self-pleasuring intensified my owm pleasure brilliantly.

  After I don't know how many minutes, I came with an explosion bigger than I knew possible, and I saw May shudder in ecstasy at about the same time. I hurriedly readjusted my clothing and as quietly as possible climbed down from the roof, because I heard some other students walking around on the grounds near me, and I feared an embarrassing detection. In a minute or two I was safely back in my hut, practicing.

Nothing mor happened for about ten minutes, though I was still highly excited and keyed up by what I had witnessed and experienced. Then, I heard a light tapping on my door. Looking up, there was May... now fully modest and dressed in the official camp uniform of blue shirt, blue corduroy nickers, long stockings and shoes. I let May in, and she immediately kissed me with ardor and breathlessly.. "You watched me didn't you, Jerry??!??"... "Yes, May, you were wonderful," I replied. She pulled on my arm.. "Put away your instrument, Jerry and walk with me, okay?"

I would have walked anywhere in the world with her at that moment. But, she led me down the path leading towards the lake. In a few minutes we reached a practice hut used for ear-training classes during the daytime. All was peaceful and quiet. May opened the door and invited me inside. Soon we were sitting in a handy chair, May upon my lap and her arms around me, kissing with more passion and desire than I had ever felt.
She reached back behind herself and gently but firmly pulled my arm forward and placed it on her left breast. We french kissed and sighed our feelings for each other, getting hotter and hotter. I had never touched a girl's mammaries before, so the experience was stunningly great. I kneaded and pressed, with no experience of what she wanted. May extricated herself from our kiss and reached up to unbutton the first button on her shirt.

I followed her lead and unbottoned all of the others and we helped each other remove her shirt. There were her bare boobs.. she had dressed after her shower, but wasn't wearing any bra. "Pinch me gently, here," she said, pulling my fingers to her nipple.
I could feel it harden to the sensitivity of my touch and it was so exciting to hear her sigh and purr ecstatically as she felt the effect in her breasts and all the way to her vulva. I instinctively reached down and took the other nipple in my mouth. How beautiful it felt, tasted! I was really in seventh heaven.

Now, I felt her fingers on the zipper of my trousers. She was going to undress me! I held up the top of my pants so she only needed to pull down and the zipper opened easily.. followed by the entry of May's hand inside... I felt her lightly touch my rigid cock through the material of my underpants. Then she reached under the leg band and held me directly. What a sensation! She pulled down my trousers and let me lie down on the floor of the cabin.. the wood floor felt hard but it wasn't cold or really uncomfortable.
May lay down next to me and slid down my underpants, I eagerly helped them off my feet and tossed them aside. I was dripping pre-come like crazy and May eagerly placed her tongue on the very tip of my cock and licked it all up. I was entranced by the beauty of how she looked, loving me and how it felt! Now, I was busy unbuttoning the awkward side buttons (Both sides) of her camp knickers.. with all ten buttons undone, we were able to lower May's knickers to the floor. She was wearing the cutest pink panties and I could see right away that they were wet from her own passionate secretions.
She continued to give me head and I was looking at a girl dressed only in panties.... for the very first time! I lightly caressed her stomach and her genital region outside the panties at first, getting more and more excited by the moment. Then I reached my hand under her waist elastic and moved slowly/gently towards her mound of venus and pubic hair region.
When I touched it, it was like being in a perfect dream of beauty, love and happiness. I continued my downward path, being seriously distracted by May's sucking of my rammer and licking of its head! It felt so thrilling to reach the top of her pussy, to feel the little hard ball of the head of her clit, to pass it by, unawares and to feel the opening lips of her labia majora slick with her precoital fluid as I descended farther and farther along.
Now I had the first sensation of a woman's urethral opening and then the magic place itself, the entry to her grotto,, the vaginal opening. Inserting my finger carefully inside I could feel May squeezing to hold my finger more tightly. I went in a little further and could actually feel her hymne blocking a further intrusion of my false phallus... she was a virgin and she wanted me to be doing this with her... wonderful!!!!!!

Now, I took out my hand and started slowly sliding her pink panties down her hips. May stopped giving me head and used her own hands to ease the passage off her legs and feet, tossing her step-ins lightly aside. She widely spread her legs and said to me, "Come here, lover, and introduce me to sexual love!!!!"
I reverently gazed at her, loving everything about her and then so softly allowed the head of my cock to move just to the opening of her cunt. May, who knew the secrets of her clit, reached down now and pulled up my prick to lavish its slick fluids all over her pointed clitoris, then she slowly started circling it around and around, meanwhile sighing and crying out softly, "Jerry you make me feel so wonderful!". After a few minutes May shuddered all over and said, "I'm commmmmmming, darling!"

  She next sat up a little and reinserted my prick in her mouth, but this time she was expertly thrusting it up and down with her hand and licking, sucking with all her heart and intensity. Within moments I gushed forward with a mountain of ejaculation,, into her mouth, down her throat and she took it all in with a look of total satisfacion.
Now, we heard some voices talking just a few yards away from our cabin, so we quickly parted and got back into our clothes, being as quiet as we could. The voices disappeared past our building, and we sighed in relief. Now we looked at each other, hugged and kissed the most happy and sweet kiss ever.
May said, "I'm yours, Jerry, whenever you want me!" I thanked her and told her of my undying love and concern for her happiness. Then we left the cabin, I walked her back to her cabin and we continued on with the rest of our lives. We had many more sensual times together but that shower, self-pleasuring and near intercourse was the greatest thing I could dream of at that time in my life.

ß                              ¥end.Å

8The Strange Fiction

®²              ÷ T h e Å 
  ÷ S t r a n g e   F i c t i o n 

ß        Ç  by Zorc/Orgasm  Å

åThree naked bodies hit the water simultaneously and disappeared. A moment later, three heads broke the surface screaming in unison "Yow, it,',s cold!" Their traditional yell was truer than usual: notwithstanding the unseasonable heat of Indian Summer, October was pushing the limits of the season for their favorite swimming hole.
  "Why did I let you two talk me into this?" yelled Jill, her teeth chattering, mostly for effect.
  Holly's jaw dropped, also for effect. "Who talked who into what?"
  "Funny," said her brother Terry, "I seem to remember saying 'No way in hell am I going in that water, Indian Summer or no.'"
  With a glance at each other, brother and sister began splashing their friend for all they were worth. Jill gave back as good as she received, but she was outnumbered four hands to two, and finally surrendered by diving under the water. She surfaced near the bank and climbed out, saying "Okay, I'm done."
  "The hell you are!" Holly and Terry clambered out as fast as the water would let them, and proceeded to chase the laughing Jill up and down the bank until they outflanked her. Still giggling, Jill found herself taken by hands and feet and swung ceremoniously back into the swimming hole. When she surfaced, the two siblings were grappling, trying to throw each other in.
Holly was victorious, and no sooner had Terry hit the water then he was scrambling out again, friendly vengeance on his face. But Holly was already jumping in, accepting the inevitable. "Spoilsport," said Terry, making a face.
  "Oh, kiss and make up, you two," said Jill, and when they had, she added "Am I forgiven too?"
  "Well, just this once," replied Holly, kissing her.
  "Only if you promise never, ever to do it again," said Terry, completing the circle by kissing Jill. But this last kiss lasted rather longer than the first two, and neither saw Holly's face as she turned away and climbed out.
  "It *is* cold," said Terry. "Enough?"
  "Enough," agreed Jill, and they joined Holly on the bank. The three stood shivering, hugging themselves, though the setting sun was still hot.
  "I don't suppose..." began one, "That anyone thought to bring..." continued another, "Towels?" finished the third.
  None of them had figured on swimming when planning an overnight camping trip in October. Bathing suits were no problem; they probably wouldn't have brought them even in July, as the trio had been skinny-dipping together since grammar school.
But the question of how to dry themselves hung in the air until Terry suggested running around and let the wind do it. The motion passed for lack of a better one, and they raced all through the trees around the swimming hole until they dropped with exhaustion.
  As they lay panting on the ground, Terry gazed at the two girls (<oops -- young women> he reminded himself) who had been his best friends since forever: Jill with her blonde hair, her slender body whose secrets he had just recently begun to know, and a face worth dying for;
Holly with hair and eyes the same brown as his own, her face so much plainer than Jill's, but to Terry no less beautiful, her body comfortably plump, especially her breasts, those wonderful breasts that a part of him longed to touch, even as the rest of him shied away from the forbidden temptation. Terry was suddenly aware that he had an erection, and no graceful way to hide it. Too late, the girls had already seen it. "Oops," he said sheepishly, blushing furiously.
  Holly got up. "I'll get the fire going," she said, "and leave you two alone."


  Terry and Jill watched Holly hurry away, and looked at each other uncomfortably. That fall they had started college, choosing the same one more by coincidence than by design. Knowing nobody else in their new environment, they had clung to each other for support, and it was both a profound shock and the most natural thing in the world when their intimate friendship of so many years blossomed into romance. By the time they had been in school a month, they had given each other their virginity.
  But Holly, a year older, had entered a different college, and they couldn't all be together as often as in high school. And when Jill and Terry became lovers, though nobody said a word, Holly knew it. And that was when the trouble began.
  "We can't go on like this," said Jill as she sat beside Terry, their backs against a tree.
  "I know. It's tearing her apart." He sighed. "I wish we could make her understand. It doesn't change anything between her and I, or her and you."
  "Well, I'm afraid it does."
  "Well, it shouldn't." They sat in silence for a while.
  "I love you both so much," said Terry, "And I'd never do anything to hurt either of you. Not if I knew it was going to."
  "I feel the same way. But now we know, don't we? I feel like I've -- betrayed her, by taking you as..."
  "Your lover?"
  "Yeah. Terry?" Tears were filling Jill's eyes. "Do you think we could... go back to..."
  "Just being friends?" Terry nodded slowly. "But I love making love with you. I don't want to give that up."
  "Oh god, neither do I, but is it worth losing Holly?" The tears were running down her face now. "She'll always be your sister, but I don't think I can stand to lose her -- and I am!"
  Terry took her in his arms and held her while her tears fell, and some of his own as well. At last, when their sobs had ceased, he said "Okay, Jill. What we did was a wonderful thing, and I'll never regret it. But it was a mistake. Are we still friends?"
  "Oh, yes!" Jill cried, and more tears fell.
  As they watched the sun disappear behind the distant mountains, Terry remarked, with a catch in his throat, "You know, I feel like the sun is going down on our friendship."
  "It's not."
  "I know. But that's how I feel." They started back toward camp, close together but not touching. "I guess we better stick to the 'official' sleeping arrangements, huh?"


  <It's ironic,> Holly said to herself as she set about starting the fire. <Jill could have had any boy in high school -- goodness knows they were all chasing after her. All except Terry. I guess that's why they've been such good friends, because he never tried to put the make on her. Of course,> she grinned at the thought, <He always figured he never had a chance with her anyway, with her being so beautiful, and him with his face as plain as mine. Not ugly, mind you, but nothing that would turn a girl's head.> She sighed sadly.
<How nice it must be to be beautiful, to never have to go on diets, to always have everyone looking at you, admiring you.> She stopped in her tracks, the skillet she was carrying forgotten. <I'm jealous! Jealous of Jill's looks, and I've *never* been jealous of her before. And I'm jealous of her romance with Terry.> Thinking about the way they looked at each other, Holly knew she had never felt that way about anybody.
<At least, not about any of the boys I went out with. Certainly nobody's ever felt that way about me. And when they look at each other like that, I feel so -- so left out, so alone, so *superfluous*.> Brushing away a tear, she set the skillet to heat on the fire and sat staring into the flames until Terry and Jill returned.


  Dinner was a somber affair, with nobody speaking much. When all the food had been eaten or put away or tossed into the woods for the scavengers, Jill spoke. "Holly, Terry and I have something to tell you."
  Holly forced a smile. "You're getting married?"
  There was an uncomfortable silence.
  "Not quite," said Terry. "No, Jill and I have been talking, and we've decided -- Jill and I thought that you -- I mean that we -- " he looked helplessly at Jill.
  "What Terry's trying to say is that we've realized that we made a mistake."
  "A mistake?"
  "All of us were happy together when we were just friends, and that's how we want it to be again."
  Holly said nothing, but looked from Jill to Terry and back again.
  "What she's trying to say," said Terry, "Is that we realize how left out we've made you feel, and we..."
  "No!" Holly interrupted, "Don't do this because of me! You love each other, and I can't -- I won't -- " her words failed, and she burst into tears.
  "Of course we love each other," Jill said, putting her arm around her, "We'll always love each other. But we love you too, and to break up our friendship..."
  "It's too high a price to pay -- just for sex." Terry's words left a bitter taste in his mouth. <It not just the sex,> he thought.
  But after the tears there were hugs and kisses (short ones between everyone now), and when Terry and Holly brought out their dulcimers, it was just like old times as they talked and laughed and sang the evening away. And when they sang "Julian of Norwich", the words seemed to have been written just for them:

«   "Love, like the yellow daffodil is coming through the snow,
   Love, like the yellow daffodil is lord of all I know.
Ring out, bells of Norwich and let the winter come and go,
  All shall be well again, I know.
   All shall be well, I'm telling you, let the winter come and go,
   All shall be well again, I know."


¾  "I wish I had a face and a figure like yours," said Holly to Jill as they made ready to sleep in the larger of the two tents, Terry having retired to the smaller.
  "Whatever for?"
  "Oh, don't give me that crap. Look at this face. Plain as cheap vanilla pudding. Look at this body. Flab everywhere. My ass is too big. My boobs are too big."
  "Well, I think you have lovely boobs."
  "They're awful, they get in the way, I can't run without having them bounce like basketballs. How would you like to carry around weights like these? Feel this." Reaching into her nightgown, Holly bared a breast and held it up with her hand. They did tend to sag when not supported by a bra, Jill observed, but not all that much. "Go ahead, feel this weight."
  Jill reached out and let Holly's breast fill her hand, feeling its weight. She shivered, and took her hand away. "I still think they're lovely. Look at me, I'm flat as a board." Which was not quite accurate, but the only use Jill had ever found for a bra was for accentuating what little she had.
  "Wanna trade?" said Holly, blushing.
  "Sure!" said Jill, and she blushed too.


  <Well,> thought Terry, <Old Morpheus is definitely nowhere to be found in this tent, and it doesn't look like he's going to come visiting any time soon.> He sat up and stared out of the tent. <Guess I'll take a walk and see if the god of sleep is lurking about in the woods.>
  As he wandered he thought about how strange life was, and how unfair. How odd that of the few people he considered his best friends, one should be his sister, when just about everyone else he knew considered their siblings, younger or older, to be nuisances. Not that they never had fights, but whenever one of them needed someone to celebrate with, or a shoulder to cry on, or a leg to pull, the other had always been there.
How odd that another best friend should be the most sought-after girl in high school, when he wouldn't have dared even try to get her to go out with him. But he had shared secrets with Jill that none of his girlfriends had been privy to, and Jill in turn had trusted him with confidences that only he and Holly had shared. And how unfair that when fate had joined him and Jill closer than ever before, it had threatened to destroy the trio.
<It's really ironic,> he thought, <That of all the women in the world that could be my lover, the two I love most should be the least appropriate.>


  Terry was not the only one to be abandoned by Morpheus. Jill had been lying in her sleeping bag, her thoughts not far removed from Terry's, seeking the gift of unconsciousness that Holly had already received. Turning on her side, Jill gazed at her friend as she lay half in and half out of her sleeping bag. Holly's breasts rose and fell under the thin fabric of her nightgown like swells on the Sea of Dreams, and Jill remembered the icy thrill she had felt when she had, just for a moment, held one of them.
She pushed the thought from her mind and looked away, out into the night, but her eyes and thoughts returned to Holly, to Holly's breasts. The longer Jill looked at Holly, the more she wanted to reach out and touch her. And then Jill's hand began to move, and she scarcely breathed as she let it reach slowly across the short distance between them. As it rose with her breath, one soft mound filled Jill's trembling hand and a shiver of excitement made Jill's entire body tingle.
Carefully she caressed her friend, fascinated by the liquid texture of the other's flesh. When her fingers encountered a little bump and felt it grow under their touch, and Jill shivered again. Holly sighed, and Jill glanced up at her face.
  Holly's eyes had opened.
  As they stared at each other through that long frozen moment of time, Holly's eyes showed only an intense awareness of Jill's presence, and Jill unable to even think, let alone move, until at length Holly whispered, "You really think they're pretty?"
  "I -- " Jill swallowed " -- I think they're beautiful. I think *you're* beautiful." Jill felt that she couldn't have broken Holly's gaze if her life depended on it. <No,> she thought, <I feel like my life depends on holding this gaze forever.> Holly's face seemed to grow until Jill couldn't see anything else, until all she could see were Holly's brown eyes, full of uncertainty and trust, until at last she felt their lips touch, and Jill's eyes finally closed as their kiss branded their souls with an affirmation of their friendship and their love.
  "Nothing," Jill whispered, "No one can change how I feel about you." Holly's only reply was another kiss, but her eyes were full of tears. She looked down to where Jill's hand still held her breast. Jill felt the blood rush to her face and looked away, withdrawing her hand. But Holly took Jill's hand in hers and held it, saying "No, wait."
  Jill waited.
  "Please -- " Holly's whisper was almost inaudible. "Please keep touching me?"
  Jill cupped Holly's trembling breast with her hand, squeezing it gently, and kissed Holly once more. This time their lips parted, and the kiss took them beyond mere friendship to an intimacy Holly had only dreamed of.
<This,> thought Holly, <This is what they must feel.> When their eyes met again, Jill saw reflected in Holly's eyes her own uncertainty about what was happening, and her aching need that it keep on happening. Then together, moving so slowly that neither could be sure whether she was leading or following, they drew off their nightgowns.
  Now four hands touched four naked breasts, large and small, amid kisses and hugs. And the kisses moved from lips to cheeks, from necks to shoulders, from arms to hands to fingers, and then to the breasts beneath the fingers. Gasps and sighs were exchanged as lips discovered the taste of nipples, and fingers tangled in brown hair and blonde. Jill's hand was the first to dare straying between pair of thighs not her own, to find the hidden moistness there;
a moment later she felt Holly's palm press against her own mound. Sighs gave way to moans as two friends shared new secrets. Legs moved to make room for questing fingers, which moved gently, tentatively at first, then more quickly as they grew wet with their spiralling passion.
  After Jill and Holly had brought each other to long, shuddering orgasms, Jill put her fingers, still sticky from Holly's quim, to her lips. One smell, one taste, and Jill knew what she was going to do next. Staring into her friend's eyes, Jill put her fingers in her mouth, one after another, and slowly shifted her position. When Jill was sure that Holly knew what she intended, she lowered her head and planted a kiss full on her pussy.
Holly whimpered softly. Her thighs parted, opening her sex like a flower. Jill had never entertained lesbian fantasies; she was amazed at how the sight of another woman's sex -- no, *Holly's* sex -- could excite her so. And the taste of her was outside anything she had ever imagined. Taking a deep breath, Jill proceeded to kiss and taste every secret part of Holly that she could reach.
"Jill?" whispered Holly, and Jill looked up with a start. "Oh, please don't stop, that feels so wonderful, but..."
  "What, Holly?"
  "Would you -- I mean -- I'd like to do that. To you. Can we do it together?"
  After a few false starts with uncomfortable positions, they settled down on their sides, each with her upper leg cast over the other's body. Holly stared in fascination at glistening crevice before her, all shades of pink and coral.
She had seen Jill naked many times, but never like this. Jill felt a hot breath tickle her nest, followed by a timid kiss, then another, then a less timid kiss that lingered. A soft tongue spread her lips and searched until it found her clitoris, forcing an "ahhhhh" in response. From the tiny button, Holly kissed all down the smooth wet furrow to the secret entrance below, and then, stretching to reach, slipped her tongue inside.
  "Yes?" she answered without looking up.
  "You taste wonderful."
  "Thanks. So do you." And the two friends began to make love in earnest.


  Passing by the girlsTerry heard a moan. <That sounds like Jill,> he thought, <But she only moans like that when we...> There was another moan, and this one wasn't from Jill. Unable to accept what his ears were telling him, Terry knelt behind the tent and put his eye to an ill-mended tear in the fabric. <This is not happening!> He rubbed his eyes and pinched himself before looking again. Jill, his lover -- <former lover> he reminded himself -- and Holly, his sister, were entwined in an embrace of unmistakable intimacy. There was just enough moonlight shining into the opening of the tent to see a blonde head nodding rhythmically between a pair of plump thighs.

Any possible remaining doubt was eliminated by an occasional wet smack or slurp. Those thighs <My sister's thighs!> began to jerk spasmodically, and it was clearly Holly's voice that breathed "Jill... oh, Jill... Ohhhhh!" as Jill brought her to orgasm. A moment later it was Jill who cried out softly as she came, her hips bucking to press herself hard against Holly's hidden face.
  After a while Holly spoke softly. "I'd never have guessed that you were gay. But it doesn't matter," she hurried on, "because..."
  "I'm not," Jill interrupted.
  "Oh. Of course not. Well, bi then. But..."
  "Holly. You're the second person I've ever made love with. You know who the first was."
  "Oh. Well, this is my first time with anybody."
  "Holly! A sophomore in college and you're still a virgin?"
  "Come on, Jill, you'd've been the first to know if I'd lost it."
  "Yeah, okay. But hasn't there been anyone -- I mean, I know you've had boyfriends, maybe not a lot, but..."
  "There wasn't ever anybody I wanted, not like that, except -- there just wasn't anybody."
  Jill thought of Terry, staring at his sister and getting an erection. "Except who?"
  "Nobody, there wasn't anybody."
  "Holly. Look at me. Nobody except for who?"
  Holly whispered something too soft to hear.
  "Your brother? Oh god, Holly." Terry heard a sob. "No, Holly, listen to me! This afternoon, when Terry got a hard-on, and you left? I was watching him, and he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at you!"
  "No, that's impossible."
  "It's true."
  "I don't believe you."
  "Why is him wanting you more impossible than you wanting him? And why would I lie to you?"
  "Is that why you and Terry broke up?"
  "No! Terry doesn't even know that I know. And we haven't broken up, we've come back together -- all three of us, just like we've always been."
  "But Jill -- what have we done? Terry will know what happened here tonight, as surely as I knew when you two did it. What will he think?"
  Terry decided that the time had come to tell them exactly what he thought. Moving quickly to the front of the tent, he crouched down and crawled in. Both girls stared at him in shock, fear and embarrassment, but he moved directly to Holly, took her face gently in his hands, and kissed her. "You really want me," he whispered, "Like -- like I want you?" Holly made no sound, but her eyes spoke what her tongue could not. Their lips met again, parted this time, and their arms made circles around each other like some old, old vine.
  "Make love to me," pleaded Holly when they broke for air.
  Jill had turned away so her friends wouldn't see her tears, and hearing these words she crawled out of the tent. But she heard her name from two voices speaking as one, and reluctantly she returned.
  "Stay with us," urged Holly.
  "You've made love with both of us now, what's left to hide?" Terry added.
  "We want you here for this."
  Jill looked at her two friends, her two lovers, who were about to become lovers themselves, and she knew that all would indeed be well again.
  Holly lay back on her sleeping bag and watched Terry as he removed his shorts. She reached out to touch his erection, and he responded by stroking her breasts, and then her quim. "I've dreamed about this for a long time," he said, bending over her to kiss first one nipple, then the other. He began moving into position, but Jill said "Terry, wait. She's not protected like I am."
  "What?" said Holly.
  "I'm on the pill. You're not." She looked at Terry. "Do you have a condom?"
  "I don't want rubber inside me, I want Terry."
  "No, I don't have one."
  Jill looked stricken. "I don't want to say this, but I think you should wait until you're safe. There's other ways to make love..."
  "I'm as safe now as I ever am! Haven't you noticed the moon?" Ever since her first period, Holly had been in rhythm with the moon. This had caused Jill and Terry to declare her their own personal goddess incarnate, to Holly's acute embarrassment. But far from being a simple joke, this synchronicity symbolized for them their love and reverence for the outdoors.
  "She's right, Holly," said Terry, "It's still a risk. What would you do if you got pregnant? And by me, for god's sake?"
  "I don't want to wait," she pleaded, "I want you to take me right here, right now, with Jill here beside us."
   "Oh, Holly." Jill looked at her sadly. "Look, what if he pulls out before he comes. Would that be enough?"
  "I wanted this to be perfect." Holly sighed. "But you're right. I won't put this off for another day, not for an hour. So I guess we'll do it like you said."
  Jill looked on as Terry settled down between Holly's ample thighs, pausing to take each breast-berry into his mouth, which caused Holly to moan until he silenced her with another kiss. Holly reached between them and stroked his rigid limb before guiding it to her sacred spring, still wet from her lovemaking with Jill.
Jill knew that whatever was left of Holly's maidenhead would be little or no hindrance, and she was happy that Holly wouldn't have to lose her virginity in pain, as she had. Terry slid smoothly into his sister, neither quickly nor slowly, and Holly sucked in her breath in a long gasp, her eyes widening as they stared into his. Terry's eyes closed and he fell gently onto Holly, murmuring her name over and over.
As his hips began rocking, Holly reached out to find Jill's hand, and for the first time that day Jill felt her eyes fill with tears of joy rather than sorrow.
  Holly closed her eyes. She was full of him now, their joining complete, and he paused for one long, wonderful moment to savor the feeling of their bodies merged, his within hers for the very first time, their souls like two trees, grown together from close-planted seeds, only now discovering that their roots were as intertwined as their branches.
  It was, understandably, not long at all before Terry's breathing and movements betrayed his impending climax, and Jill had to remind him to not increase Holly's risk further. As soon as he emerged from his sister's depths, a long jet arced out to land on her thigh. Jill grabbed the bucking shaft and captured it with her mouth, holding it there as Terry gasped out his orgasm.
  "I wish I'd done that," said Holly, as Jill licked the last creamy drops from her leg. "What's it taste like?"
 Jill answered by kissing Holly, letting her taste the seed that she had wanted to feel inside her. "Terry, you left something unfinished here."
  "You haven't made Holly come yet. Wouldn't you like to find out what she tastes like?"
  "Does she taste anything like you?"
  "Better," said Jill, which caused Holly to blush.
"Let's see." Terry leaned over Holly, who obligingly parted her legs. As she felt his lips and tongue lead her down the road to ecstasy, she reached out to stroke Jill's breasts. Jill responded by kneeling next to Terry to suck on Holly's nipples. Holly's hand found its way to Jill's pussy, and Jill's hand reached beneath Terry to fondle what she found there.
This proved awkward, and Jill had a better idea. Lying on her back next to Holly, she wriggled around until she was staring up at Terry's limp member, then drew her knees up to her chest, presenting her blooming womanflower to Holly. After some shifting about to find comfortable positions, Jill set forth to coax Terry's cock back to life as he explored his sister's vagina with his fingers and tongue, while Holly made a similar exploration of Jill.
  By the time Holly came, Jill had a very stiff penis in her mouth, which she removed to say "He's hard again, would you like a turn?" Holly said she would, so they switched places and Holly found herself staring up at her first close-up view of a man's cock. It bobbed about as Terry set to work eating Jill, and Holly licked at it tentatively, chasing it around with her tongue. She finally took it in her hand to hold it still, and her touch coaxed pearly drops from the tip.
These she used as lubrication, and soon her hand moved slickly back and forth around the fleshy pole. After a few more licks, she aimed the bulbous head between her lips and dared a real taste. Terry's cock pulsed as he felt his sister's lips close around it. Holly was afraid he was going to come right then, but he didn't, and she gradually took more and more into her mouth until her gag reflex showed her her limits.
  After several happy minutes of lovemaking in this fashion, Terry straightened up and collapsed onto his back. "Sorry, girls," he said, "I mean, ladies. My knees have had it."
  "Jill," said Holly, a bit timidly, "Could I see you two make love?"
  Jill hugged her. "I was hoping you'd ask." She eyed the prone Terry, and added "I guess I better do the work." She climbed atop him, straddling his hips, and said to Holly "Would you like to help?"
  "Help how?"
  Jill grinned lewdly. "Put us together." So Holly took hold of Terry's staff and held it upright, then watched in fascination as its rounded tip spread open the lips of Jill's cunny and the whole long length slowly disappeared inside her. "Oh, wow," whispered Holly.
  "Yeah," breathed Jill.
  Holly watched them, first from the front, then from the rear, as Jill rode up and down, spearing herself on Terry's long pole. Twice she helped rejoin them, delighting in feeling their slippery skin slide together under her fingers.
  Then Jill suggested "Why don't you sit on his face?"
   Holly giggled at the phrase, which she had always before heard as an epithet. She knelt over Terry's head, facing Jill, and lowered her ample derriere until she felt the touch of a tongue in the crack of her bottom. Shifting backward, she pressed her pussy against his lips. The girls embraced as Terry made love to both of them at once, kissing passionately, their fingers on each other's clits, and together they brought the girls to orgasm.
  Moments later Terry spoke, his voice muffled by Holly's crotch. "Are you ready for it, Jill?"
  "Holly, now's your chance to take him in your mouth like you wanted to."
  "Oh no, that's all right..." she began, but Jill had already dismounted, so she leaned forward and took her brother's penis between her lips. Not surprisingly, it tasted like Jill. Jill showed her how to hold the base of the shaft with a wet hand, while Jill cradled his balls in her palm and gently fondled them. Holly felt Terry's fingers in her hair as she bobbed her head up and down.
 "Holly..." he gasped, "I'm -- I'm coming!" Holly felt his cock pulse in her hand, and the hot taste of semen filled her mouth and nostrils. The thick liquid squirted in pulses, once, twice, three times, and more, then subsided. Releasing the hot flesh from her mouth, she swallowed, coughed, and swallowed again, then continued to suck on it until it had softened and stopped oozing cream.
  "How was it?" said Jill.
  "Well," Holly answered, "I guess it's an acquired taste." Then, seeing the look on Terry face, she added "But I'm sure I'll acquire it soon. And I guess this is the only way I get to have it inside me!"
  "Just for a while, Holly. We'll get you fixed up nice and safe like me."
  "I can't wait!" Holly exclaimed.
  "Neither can I," her brother added.
  Two sleeping bags proved quite large enough for three people that wanted to stay as close to each other as possible. Holly was the first to awaken, and her gentle touch roused the others. The air was full of the sound of birds greeting the dawn, which had not quite arrived.
  "Remember what I said yesterday about the sun going down?" Terry said to Jill. She nodded. "Let's go watch the sun rise."

               ²* * *¹

ß                              ¥end.Å

Cool School

®¹¤      Ç C o o l   S c h o o l Å 

ß        ÷  by Zorc/Orgasm  Å

  I am a graduate student at a large southwestern university. As required by my department, I teach two sections of introductory psychology every semester. These classes attract, as you may suspect, some of the most beautiful wenches on campus. Last semester in particular featured a number of lust inducers that would rival any of those depicted in your fine magazine. Long an avid reader of the "Forum" column, I must admit I never really believed any of those letters until a recent experience with these education-hungry (among other things) babes changed my mind.

  It all started during registration week. I was manning one of the walkthrough registration posts in the gymnasium when three of God's most beautiful creations appeared at the head of the line. They introduced themselves as I sat in my chair, fighting back an erection that could have bench-pressed a ton. The first and most talkative one was Lisa, a five-foot-eight blonde bombshell with tits reminiscent of the old Titan 2 missile launchers and a tiny ass that appeared hard enough to crack an egg on. Standing on either side of Lisa were Janey and Jeri, a pair of identical twins that could convince the pope to relinquish his vow of celibacy.
Both were about five-two, slender, and sporting smallish but very firm, well-shaped boobs. Each had the face of an angel, framed with shoulder-length reddish-auburn hair. The twinkle in their eyes, as I would find out later, was a much better indicator of what was going on in their heads than their cherubic countenances.

  Lisa explained that she and her girlfriends were in quite a bind. They were one semester away from graduating, but they needed a distribution credit in the humanities, and most classes were already full.
Thinking quickly, I suggested that they take my course. It had actually been filled hours earlier; however, I could list them on the roll and later feign ignorance to my department chairman. That being decided upon and done, the girls retreated with a wink and a promise that my help would be later rewarded.

  The next time I saw them was the first day of classes. The sensuous seniors sat side by side in the from row, wearing their sorority sweatshirts and the shortest of short shorts, revealing a mile of the greatest gam this side of Uranus. It took all the willpower I could muster to avert my eyes from their tremendous deltas and get on with the class.

  I began class by introducing myself and discussing some of the basics of what was to be covered during the semester. Then, as I passed out the syllabus, I glanced over at the three, and caught Lisa's tongue running over her raspberry-red lips like an ABC Super Slo-Mo, adding a glisten to her mouth and a bulge to my crotch. I almost walked straight into my lectern.
Then, still reeling, trying to regain my composure, I spied Janey's hand slipping up over Lisa's smooth thigh toward her waiting bush barely covered by her shorts. Lisa moved her head back slowly, suppressing a sigh of delight, while Janey's hand gyrated intricately above Lisa's snatch.
There was no way I could continue my lecture, so I dismissed the class early, using the excuse that the first day should just be for going over course mechanics, not starting anything in depth. Of course, mechanics were on my mind, and depth as well.

  The students filed out of the lecture hall, but the three dolls stayed in the room. I couldn't help thinking how fine they would be in bed, and this gave me a raging hard-on that was as obvious as golf clubs in a leather satchel. Lisa was the first to notice my cloth-covered fleshy obelisk.
She glided over to me, placing her delicate hands on the crotch of my jeans, rubbing ever-so gently. She turned her head to the twins who also came over. Janey's nipples were rigid, appearing like pencil erasers under her shirt.

  I felt my zipper being undone and looked down to see Lisa take all ten inches of my manhood into her saliva-filled mouth. Janey and Jeri began to undress. I almost came when I saw that the twins were wearing under their clothes.
Janey had on a black leather bra and a matching crotchless black panties, with a small Harley-Davidson tattoo on her belly above her happy trail, while Jeri was dressed in a lacy white teddy that was reminiscent of doilies.

  Lisa continued to inhale my impaler, alternating with a bit of nibbling on the underside of my worm's head and pinching my fuzzy balls. The twins lay down in from of me, revealing two of the most beautiful pussies I have ever seen, each covered with downy red pubic hair. Holding back an orgasm, I suggested, out of breath, to Lisa that she should stand up and face the chalkboard and let me take her from behind.
She was only too happy to oblige. She strode over to the chalkboard and tore off her clothes with reckless abandon, exposing the most incredible body in the Americas. Just the sight of her rosebud-tipped scoops of vanilla ecstasy was enough to cause some precome juice to dribble from my cockhead. Add the sight of her undulating buttocks to those golden globes, and you can imagine the frenzy to be found in these loins. I raced over to Lisa and was ready to enter her.

  The warmth and smoothness of Lisa's velvet vise made me lose my mind. I pumped away at her while Jeri licked and nibbled my balls. I was straining to hold back the geyser as I continued ramming away at Lisa's love hole. She squealed in ecstasy, pressing herself against the chalkboard harder and harder. Tension filled the air and the scent of sweat and love juices made us all gasp and groan in unfettered delight.

  As she moved away from the board to engulf my stone-hard member to the hilt, I saw the imprint of her face and sweaty tits in the chalk residue. Twitching and throbbing in delight, my wang was having the time of its life in Lisa, probing ever deeper like a wildcat driller in search of oil. I was about to unleash my pent-up jism into her when she pulled away and knelt in front of me, motioning for the twins to join her as well.
All three of them then began taking turns sucking on my dork, starting with Janey, who cleaned it up with her teasing tongue. Each girl played with herself while doing this, and the vision of a trio of dripping fur pies was more than I could bear. I had to have them all. I gasped that they should lie on the floor with their legs spread wide to receive my engorged staff.
I dropped to my knees and began alternating thrusts, first into Lisa, then Janey, followed by Jeri. Shrieks of delight left their mouths breathlessly, and my own inhalations were increasing in tempo to a true delirium.

  I could not hold back more that a few seconds now. I pulled my purple penis out of Jeri's pussy, and all three coeds sat up with their mouths open, waiting for my steaming cream soda. I closed my eyes and let out a primal scream so loud that I'm sure everybody in the psychology building heard it. Then we all collapsed, totally exhausted.
Suddenly worry knotted my guts. I looked up at the clock and saw that there were only two minutes before the start of the next class. I quickly dressed. They left the room and I straightened out my lecture notes for the next class, anticipating midterms with fiendish delight.

ß                              ¥end.Å

Charts - Introduction

®¹ß          § C H A R T S Å 
      ¿   by Ace of Damian   Å

Hello and Welcome to the Chart-Introduction. We thought about a little chart in every issue of THE JUNGLE and you are asked to vote for it! Please take a sheet of paper and write down your favourite things. No, not your favorite cars or girls, we wanna know your top five of:
The best Group, the best Demo, the best Trackmo, the best Game, the best Coder, the best GFX-Guy and the best Musician!
Your name will be published as a voter in the mag. To vote,you can take the official vote-sheets or a normal piece of paper. On the backside of your vote, please write some news of your or another group. If you want, you can also send swapping-offers to the guy, responsible for the Charts at:

              ACE OF DAMIAN
           W-2090 WINSEN/LUHE

And now something completely different : THE RULES !!!
1) Don`t vote for your group or any release or member of it!
2) You can write a list of thousands of people on your vote-sheets, but only the first five will get Points!
3) Don`t vote for any release or member of DAMIAN!

I think I don`t have to say that you shouldn`t try to cheat the Charts, coz we want the really best to be in the Charts and it doesn`t risk your life, when yer not in it, got it ?? Ok, I`m waiting for your votings !!!


The Charts

¤¹      Ð T H E   C H A R T S 

In this Issue of THE JUNGLE the chart can`t be taken serious, what you might recognize when you look at it or the voterlist. We didn`t spread the Voting-Sheets before the first Issue and the result is that only three brave DAMIAN-Members are responsible for the Charts. These guys are: ACE, FRIENDLY and MINDBLAST. Why did only three DAMIANs vote? Hmm, a good question! Well, the other guys living in Winsen (Mattrax, Omnitron, Essub, Parrish) are not so much interested in scene and, for example, they think that FACET is a new washing-powder. The guys in Austria didn`t have time, motivation or any knowledge to vote. In the next Issue you`ll see a real Chart. To make it possible send your Vote straight to Ace of Damian at:

      Soeren Greinecker
     W-2090 Winsen/Luhe


Best Coders ...

Here are the best Coders, voted by 3 guys!

³1  - The Spy/Crionics¹
2  - Chaos/Sanity
3  - Lone Starr/Spaceballs
4  - Laxity/Kefrens
   - Azatoth/Phenomena
6  - Performer/Melon Dezign
   - Dan/Anarchy
   - Hornet/Alcatraz
9  - ?
10 - ?
11 - ?
12 - ?
13 - ?
14 - ?
15 - ?

Best Demos ...

Here are the best Demos, voted by 3 guys!

³1  - Anarchy"3D-Demo 2"¹
2  - Quartex"Substance"
3  - Anarchy"Hardcore"
4  - Sanity"Elysium"
5  - Phenomena"Joyride"
6  - Sanity"Optimum Fuckup"
7  - ?
8  - ?
9  - ?
10 - ?
11 - ?
12 - ?
13 - ?
14 - ?
15 - ?

Best Games ...

Here are the best Games, voted by 3 guys!

³1  - Pinball Fantasies¹
2  - Monkey Island 2
3  - Another World
   - Turrican 2
5  - Indiana Jones 4
6  - Dynablaster
7  - Flashback
   - Unreal
9  - ?
10 - ?
11 - ?
12 - ?
13 - ?
14 - ?
15 - ?

Best Graficans ...

Here are the best Graficians, voted by 3 guys!

³1  - Facet/Anarchy¹
2  - Cougar/Sanity
3  - R.W.O./Kefrens
4  - Havok/Sanity
5  - Uno/Scoopex
   - PGCS/Alcatraz
7  - Angel Dawn/Scoopex
   - Cruiser/Sanity
9  - ?
10 - ?
11 - ?
12 - ?
13 - ?
14 - ?
15 - ?

Best Groups ...

Here are the best Groups, voted by 3 guys!

³1  - Anarchy¹
2  - Melon Dezign
3  - The Silents
4  - Kefrens
5  - Spaceballs
6  - Sanity
7  - Phenomena
8  - Andromeda
9  - ?
10 - ?
11 - ?
12 - ?
13 - ?
14 - ?
15 - ?

Best Musicians ...

Here are the best Musicians, voted by 3 guys!

³1  - Tip&Mantronix/Phenomena¹
2  - Jester/Sanity
3  - 16-Beat
   - 4-Mat/Anarchy
   - H.C.O./Skid Row
   - Nuke/Anarchy
7  - Moby/Dreamdealers
8  - ?
9  - ?
10 - ?
11 - ?
12 - ?
13 - ?
14 - ?
15 - ?

Best Trackmos ...

Here are the best Trackmos, voted by 3 guys!

³1  - Silents/Crionics"Hardwired"¹
2  - Melon Dezign"Human Target"
3  - Alcatraz"Odyssey"
4  - Razor 1911"Voyage"
   - Spaceballs"State of the Art"
   - Kefrens"Guardian Dragon 2"
7  - Anarchy"In the Kitchen"
   - Budbrain 1
9  - Sanity"W.O.C."
   - Budbrain 2
11 - Spaceballs"Wayfarer"
12 - ?
13 - ?
14 - ?
15 - ?

0No More Demos?

®¹  § N o   M o r e   D e m o s ? 

ß       ¥ by Friendly/Damian Å

As I tried to vote for the 'Charts' in this Issue, I came to the 'Best Demos' section. 'Well', I thought,'what cool new Demos do I know?'. And, what a strange thing, I didn't know any. Am I lame? Do I know a shit of the scene? Haven't I received the latest Demos?
A look into the Eurocharts: Some good oldies in the top five, like the great Substance or Sanity's Elysium. And so I asked the question: NO MORE DEMOS?

  In the last few months we saw great new Trackmos and Musicdisks, but I saw no Demos (YOU?). Is it so cool to insert a disk and to see immediatly that your extra memory is detected? Or maybe a cool loaderpic appears. That's o.k., but I think many Trackmos can be smashed into one file and released as a Demo.

I am not a coder, but short Trackmos like 'In The Kitchen' must run as one file, mustn't it? For example, Demos would raise the quality of packs a lot. I remember the times when I was able to load a pack more than one time, because a good Demo was packed on it. Everybody says 'Make quality packs, not quantity' but how can a swapper make quality packs without quality Demos? Got the point?

  A good example is the 3D Demo II by Anarchy, which runs as one file, though it contains some great effects. To all you megacool groups out there: If you plan to release a new coding Masterpiece, why not trying to release it as a Demo?

ß                               ¥end.Å

,Loser or Lamer

®¹ß    ÷ L o s e r   O r   L a m e r 

ß        Ç   by Ace/Damian   Å

åLoser and Lamer ... nice nicknames for not liked people in scene. But let`s think about the meaning of these words. Loser-hmmm! What do they mean with a Loser? When we look into a dictionary we`ll see that it must be a poor guy with no friends and nobody likes him. So in scene it should be a "POOR LOSER", not a "DAMN LOSER" like it`s said.
But who or what is a Loser? I often heard that people who just bought their computer and don`t know anything are told to be Losers. Do you think them to be Losers because they bought their set? Well, it definitly sounds like this. But you also bought your computer someday and then you have been a Loser, too! Sad but true.

Do you hate a guy who bought his computer and wants to get in scene? Maybe he makes his way straight to the top and then he remembers your words about himself as a Loser and when you come crept to get a few disx he`ll laugh at you and just ignores you the way you did it with him.
Everything could be possible-nobody is a superman the day he buys his computer-set! What about Lamers. Another look into the dictionary tells us that this must be a guy who`s not very fast! But what`s it about in scene? Who is the normal Lamer? A swapper who needs two or three weeks time to answer your sending? A Grafician who needs one or two months for a picture to get it finished?

But why are the people lame who enjoy their free-time and don`t want to sit in front of the screen the whole day? That sort of people is everything but lame. Maybe the people talkin` bad about this sort are too ugly to get a girlfriend and too fucked-up to have friends outside the scene, maybe because they only talk about computer-work, even to the guys who don`t even have one. When you listen around you sometimes can hear that Lamers should be people who aren`t good in computer-things and say or think to be very good. This statement can also be seen in many sights. A group or guy below your standard is lame.

How this would look like, or end-watch this example. A guy from DESIRE talks about TEK to be lame. A guy from SPACEBALLS talks about DESIRE to be lame. So the good DESIRE are lame, like they told about TEK. Now a guy from SANITY talks about SPACEBALLS to be totally lame, and so good old SPACEBALLS are in the crowd of Lamers too. A guy from SILENTS tells about SANITY that they are so lame and so-bye bye SANITY! Now a guy from ANARCHY chills the example and whuup-the SILENTS are lame in his opinion. That`s the way it goes and so almost every group is told to be Lame by someone!
To all groups I mentioned: DON`T BE ANGRY- THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE !! When you tell someone to be a lamer you gotta remember that there`s always a guy who`s better than you and calls you a Lamer.

So finally-why do we fight against people who use their free-time not only for computing and people who are not as good as we? They can become much better and then they talk about you to be lame-just look at the example. For this I only took groupnames, coz if I had taken whole names it would have got trouble with the mentioned people. So why don`t you stop talking bad things about people who are in the same scene like you or want to be. You can name them beginners if you want. What we need in scene is much more friendship and nothing of that Loser- and Lamer-nonsens!

ß                               ¥end.Å

-No Quality-Cracks!

®²÷N o   Q u a l i t y - C r a c k s ! 

ß        Ç   by Ace/Damian   Å

åDo you remember the time, not very long ago ... you got some games with more than 2 disx, maybe an adventure, and you put in in the diskdrive and play for hours and hours without any crash of the program. How nice it was! But what`s it all nowadays? You can bet that almost every cracked game is broken somewhere, maybe at the intro, maybe at the beginning of the game or maybe when you played for an hour. You need only one broken file to get the program crashed! Why must that be? - Because of the big number of cracking groups, or the groups that think to be one.

The competition who releases the game first is much to big and the crackers don`t have much time to make quality. What counts is the number of the games you release a month - and that`s bad! Why doesn`t at least one cracking-group work for quality? There are many talented ones who could do it! What about SKID ROW or CRYSTAL? Why don`t they try to work for more quality?

Because of their names. They are wellknown and have many people who sell or buy their releases, and if another group releases it before them, their traders leave and join another group. So they don`t get enough money to supply originals and can`t crack so many games.

Now more and more traders leave and so the group dies (I normally don`t know much about the illegal sector but a friend of a cracking-group told me). So, why doesn`t a small group take their chance and try to crack for quality and only release fixed versions? You can also put it on the boards as a fixed version. So your group will become wellknown for quality and that`s always good!

ß                               ¥end.Å

.Swappers Are Not Lame!

®¹ß    Ç S w a p p e r s   A r e Å 
        Ç N O T   L a m e ! 

ß        Ç   by Ace/Damian   Å

Swappers are everything but not lame. Hello Mr.Super -Coder, -Grafician or -Musician with the opinion that swappers are lame ... this article is written for you, that you think about your words and make up your mind! Why do you think that these guys are lame? Only because you can`t see their work on the screen?
Well, it might be right that they are not productive the way you are, but what would a group do without a swapper or a modemtrader (they are also told to be lame) - NOTHING.

You can be good as hell but who knows it when there are no guys to spread the new releases. And: Every swapper is in scene, what you can`t say about every other guy. Swappers have friends and contacts all over the world and they get new stuff regulary.
What about the other Artists, do they get stuff regulary? No, they get it from Swappers ore Modemtraders. Swappers are also the best guys to be a leader. They have contact to the scene and so they know people that might like to join. Swappers can work for Diskmags very good, as a news- supplier for example. Swappers work much more for the group, coz they work every day. I hope these are enough reasons to make you see that swappers are not as lame as you may think.

ß                               ¥end.Å


®¹ß        ÷ M O D E M - B U S T Å 
    ÷ I N   S W I T Z E R L A N D Å 

Austria is going to release a new phone-law on 01-01-1993 and the Post (here simply called PEST) is in a very big mood to tighten the Laws (like Switzerland). We all know that a modem without permission of the pest is illegal and shouldn`t be adapted to the phone-system. But now they go new ways. Even the POSESSION of a modem like a usr is ILLEGAL! Merchandises aren`t allowed to sell these modems anymore. Imports with the declaration as modems or telephones will everytime be opened and you will be punished very hard.

Normally they need such a nasty paper to enter your home-sweet-home, but now the swiss Telekom is going new unfair (?) methods. A group of 3-4 pests show up and ask if they could see your phone, because something seems to be wrong with your line. They have the obligation to check this out........ Hoooooooops, they see a illegal modem and phone, plenty of disx and nice BBS-equipment...... They take the stuff along with them without asking you! They tell you that they are allowed to do so. After a period of 2 or 3 month you can look forward to facing the law with some really nice cops `coz of the software.....
It`s really nice to show up when you aren`t at home and ask the housekeeper or your wife etc. to let them in! It`s illegal to "steal" hardware, but they don`t hasitate to do so.

So be carefull and always remember: Pest - 10 years after the art of state!

ß                              ¥end.Å

:Lamer, Lamer, Lamer,...

®¹÷L a m e r ,   L a m e r ,   . . . 

ß      ¿   by Blitter/Damian   Å

°But what`s on with the LOSERS????? Let`s see what`s goin` on in the life of Freddy Luser:

* Losers know EVERYTHING! Go and ask them! (But you need dynamit to squeeze it out them.

* Losers are Modem-Robin Hoods! They take it from the rich (Sysops) and give it to the poor (themselves). Their motto: If it isn`t for free, it`s not worth leeching.

* Losers are BBS Profies! They know everything about your dream-config... They don`t hasitate letting you know that this box is shit, because it`s running under /E.

* Losers love special chats with sysops! Only to say hello at 5 o`clock in the morning or to discuss why the co-sysop got so much credits.

* Losers love LEECHING! For them uploading is a thing for duds. If they could build a Modem, they would leech with 18.2 Kbit and uploading with 300 bps.

* Losers fuck on protocolls! They wanna fuck your BBS with Y-Modem Leeches and wonder why their shitty computer isn`t supported. If they could built protocolls, they shortest block would be 50 Mb.

* Losers have no brain! They can`t imagine why the IBM-program doesn`t work on their Atari 800. Why? Every dud knows that a 300k program fits in a 32k memory!

* Losers don`t know how to count! You can check thiz out, if you have a look at ther upload/download relation. But somehow they know how to switch on their computer.....

* Losers always need the newest version of /E-Tools. But somehow they aren`t able to run them....... But as a gift they upload their latest Soft on the Atari 800. "Mega-hyper-blast" is one of the favourites (only versions below 10k!)

* Losers are everywhere! They`re like the relation between a shit and a fly. Only difference: After a short time the fly flies away!!!!!

You see, the being of losers is unlimited! But if ya see one, fuck`em into the deepest dungeons of Fidos.......
To gain a REAL COOL CONNECTION dope your modem with these DAMIAN-Numbers:

DAMIAN AHQ      ++43-767-227-743

DAMIAN GHQ      ++49-972-972-54

ß                              ¥end.Å

9About Phonecards...

®¹ßÇ  A b o u t   P h o n e c a r d s   

ß      ÷   by Jabb/Ministry   Å

°I noticed a while back some discussion about getting free time on telephone cards by using nail varnish. This was dismissed by most people but it got me thinking.

As I understand it, the phone card track is read by a laser. As the credits are used up, a section of the track is "punched" to render it void. If you look very closely, and wigggle the card backwards and forwards you can see the marks left by this process.

Now, if the nail varnish were a clear type, rather than coloured, or some alternative similar substance was painted onto the track (Modellers Varnish, perhaps?) , then, although the laser could still read through the it, maybe the varnish would prevent the "puncher" from making contact with the track and "erasing" it. What do you reckon?

Tests using nail varnish and nail varnish hardener haven't worked, as although the varnish did lessen the punchin effect, they did not offer enough resistance to stop it completely. I am not sure if the erasure effect is caused by physical damage, so to speak, or by an electrical pulse from the punch head.

In either case, if a way can be found to keep the punch from contacting the card track whilst still allowing the track to be read, the problem is solved.
the card is a very tight fit in the slot, so a piece of plastic thick enough to resist the punch is will stop the card from being inserted. Maybe a card could be sliced or sanded down. Maybe the track section could be surgically removed and attached to a thin but rigid transparent plastic piece. Maybe...!!!

I'll get back to you with this developments as and when. If you know anything about this, or if you are messing with the same ideas, please get in touch with one of our team or just contact the mag in friendship: THE JUNGLE......

ß                              ¥end.Å


®¹        ÷ B B S - H D Å 
  ÷ N O N - A U T O B O O T Å 

This little text is dedicated to all sysops in the scene! Every sysop hates the fact that the police could visit him once.....Due to the fact that at a BBS`s place is very much of the "hot-stuff" available, i thought recently of a great idea. Now this method is even improved by a local BBS that was busted 2 weeks ago. The thing is quite simple to handle! I think that a BBS has at least a 660 MB HD for the newest stuff and about 200 disx for depacking, giving them to your copy-man, etc.
More disx are not recommend because if a visit is done by the cops, the will take them along with them. Bad luck! But if most of the stuff and work lies on your HD, you can avoid letting a cop fumbling on your HD by making the HD NON-BOOTABLE! On most controllers there is a dip-switch for booting on Kick 1.2 or 1.3, or a special switch for this reason,.... You simly copy your special drivers, mountlists, datas to 3 disx and install them that by inserting one of the disk the specific parameters are being loaded....then make access to your hd and give the control to your normal startup-sequence!
Without one of these 3 Disx (one is for real, the others are only for safety) you aren`t able to gain access of your HD with the BBS and Stuff..... So when the cops are coming, you don`t have to worry about software! A password on your HD is really very suspicious for hiding crime. So all they find is bunch of PD-Soft and Demos! And when a modem without a permission of the PEST is found, it`s your fault! Why don`t call a DAMIAN BBS for getting a secure registration?

ß                              ¥end.Å

How To Get In Scene

®¹ß      ÷ H o w   T o   G e t Å 
        ÷ I n   S c e n e Å 

      §   by Ace of Damian   Å

This article is dedicated to VOLKER DIERKS, a Lamer who`s calling me almost every week to ask if I got time, so that he can come along and copy many disx of new stuff!!!!!

Hey nobody!! Yeah you! Do you often think about the new games of the monthly magazines and how nice it would be to have at least one of them?? Well, you can take your pocket-money, rip off your grandma and buy an original (POOUUH!) for at least 80 DM or you can try to ... get in scene!! Just think about it:
many disx with the latest stuff, many Friends all over the world, parties and all that stuff! Even you can try to make this happen!! How? Here are some helpful tips to reach your aim:

In most computer mags are advertisements of people who want to swap illegal. They of course don`t write that they are illegal, but they are! Look through these pages and write down all addys of the people who want to swap.
Write a normal letter to these addys and tell them you always get the latest stuff but you can`t send any disx, coz you don`t have any empty at the moment. Tell them they should send a few disx with their latest stuff. Write at least ten letters and  wait for their answers and the stuff.
Always write back very fast so the answer of them won`t take long. Take the stuff you got and send it back to your contacts. Ya know, stamps are expensive and so take the stuff and sell it to the lamers on your school or somewhere else. Of course, NEVER do illegal swapping with your home-adress!!
Always do it as Postlagernd, never send your telephone-nr.,your adress or real name to any of the contacts, if they get busted, you`ll be fucked, too! Always use an A.K. instead of your real name!!

Your stuff is getting newer every week and you are getting more contacts coz it`s better choice of stuff. After about one or two months you should start to drop the lamest contacts.
When you realize that you get the stuff at least two or three months before it`s tested you can try to do the crossover to the scene. I bet, you got at least one DISKMAG at home, if not, ask your contacts to send you some if they have. Look through the advertisements and take one disk for every adress and contact them all with that game.
Tell them to send legal stuff, most of the scene is based on it! So you get some new Demos and with that you can contact more and more people. When you have many contacts (30 good at least!) you should write to some groups if you could join them as a swapper.

Perhaps one will say yes and thats a good sign. Always remember to write back fast to your contacts, otherwise you`ll get dropped someday. When you are in a group it`s more easy to find new contacts. If you still like to play then keep your first contacts, otherwise drop them! If you got more contacs, then you can join a better group, of course.

You finally did it! Now you got much stuff, only the latest, of course. You got many contacs and friends, and get party-invitations (go there, it`s very nice!). Now you got the Power to make all lamers of your town addicted to you and sell them games ... what a nice feeling!

Maybe you are talented to do GFX, Sounds or Coding. Just try to do it if yer interested in pixeling or something else!


What A Nice Day!

¤¹ß  ¿ W h a t   A   N i c e   D a y 

      §   by ACE OF DAMIAN   Å

Have ya ever been visited by Police, coz of illegal stuff?? It`s a nice feeling when you open the door in the morning and two or three nice Policeguys stand in front of your door. I remember the nice day in august when they stood in front of my door.

It was a thursday and we still had holidays. At about 8:30 the doorbell rang. I thought it could be the postman having a nice package for me (I awaited one), but it were two men of the Police.They showed their police passes and an examine-license for my room.

They entered my room and when they saw all the disx they really asked me which disx were full with illegal stuff!?! I handed them about 10 Disx and said that the rest was legal stuff like Demos, Tools and so on. They believed me and they only looked around a bit, but they didn`t find anything else. They also searched for letters and adresses, but they also didn`t find anything of that stuff (I had a box with all letters and adresses on my wardrobe, but they didn`t even recognize it!!). After about 15 minutes they left my house and drove away.

One week later I had to come to the police-office for an examination. There the cop showed me some envelopes,which I had sent away about one year ago.
They were taken by the post, coz of very bad faked stamps (Germans know the 'Automaten-Briefmarken-Trick': you take two stams from an automatic stamp printer, one for 20 pfennig and one for 10 Pfennig. One stamp looks like the other, except the number! then you cut the 2 (of the 20 pfennig-stamp) and glue it on the other stamp, in front of the 10. So you get a 2.10 DM-stamp for only 30 pfennig.
I made the mistake that I didn`t glue the stamp, I only licked the backside of the 2 and so, one day the 2 got loose.) .I don`t know where they got my addy from, coz I used a PLK. But let`s get back to the examination.
It took about (sorry, I can`t remember exactly) 1 or 2 hours,perhaps. The cop asked me about my illegal stuff and the faked stamps. when we were finished, we had a little conversation about which system was better, my AMIGA or his "atari-st". Finally he realized that the AMIGA is better, of course, and he asked me about prices for the system!!!

When I got outta the building I didn`t feel worried, I felt a bit curios about what would happen. But finally nothing happened, I didn`t hear anything of them again!!! One tip for you, if they someday ring at your doorbell: Don`t be agressive to them, be smart! So, they are smart to you, too, and don`t take so much things with them...

P.S.: The story is 100% true, no inventioned shit!!!

ß                            ¥end.Å

'Legalize It 2 - Review

¤¹ß      ÷ L e g a l i z e   I t Å 
                ÷ 2 

        ¢ by Friendly/Damian Å

After a big delay Legalize It 2 finally was finished and spreaded. It is a bit old nowadays, but though I want to review it...blame me!

When you load LI2, the intro appears fast. You see the bottom of a collumn and the screen scrolls up to a dragon, sitting on the top of it.The dragon is really cool I think, though the bottom of the picture seems to be drawn in a hurry. Anyway, the picture fades out and with thunder a Legalize It logo bumbs in, followed by the 2...

The menu is again perfectly designed. Again a nice logo by Facet, especially the fist is pixelled well. This time there are no functionkeys, they have choosen functionballs instead. You are able to check out different scrollers, to see a credits part, which is boring in my opinion, or to get some information about the actual module. The info-part is the same as in LI1.

The music is mostly Jazz, as stated in the scroller. Too bad because I don't like Jazz very much and so I didn't enjoyed the music. Anyway there a some quite good ones like 'Breath of air' or 'Visitors'. Many people may disagree with me, but that's my opinion. As always Nukes music is technically really good. Dan included a routine which plays the actual tune while decrunching the next one, so there is no nasty silence.

Hidden Parts: While the intro is loading press left or right mousebutton.
Hidden modules: In menu press F4 - F10

Music:      7/10 (Because of Jazz, someone else might like it!)
Grafics:    9/10
Coding:     9/10
Design:    10/10
Impression: 9/10


(Flashback - Review

¤¹ß        ÷ F l a s h b a c k 
Å°¹               ÷ReviewÅ

ß        ¢   by Ace/Damian   Å

Flashback, also known as the second part of Another World which was released around Xmas 1991. The Action-Adventure is the follow- up to the first Hit from Delphine-Software, France. The game contains four disx. Your aim is it to escape from another world where many bad creatures live, which want you to be dead. Let`s take a look at the story:

It began in a rainy and stormy night. A scientist sits in his laboratory to finish and test a new invention. The moment he starts the try, a lightflash rushes into the building and he and his computer get blown away-straight into another world. The place where he lands is a pool. He swims upwards and gets out. In the game it`s your aim to find the way back to your world. It`s a mixture between Action and Adventure. At the end you make it possible to get away, but as you can see in the Intro of Flashback, your bike crashes. So it`s on you to escape the second time.

You start to play in a kind of forest where you first have to search your holocube. The things you collect while playing can be activated by pressing the F1-Button. The first thing you might recognize that the style changed since the first Part. Now they use real grafix and no more polytechnix like in the first Part. The hero got smaller and the animation of the guy got changed.

About the Animations: Well, what can I say? It`s the best animated game-figure I`ve ever seen (beside Prince of Persia and Another World). It`s really funny when you jump against a tree for example. The grafix are really nice and the sound is (chooseable) also very good. The only thing that disturbes is that the hero got smaller and the Flair in Another World was much better. It was so funny when these wormy creatures bit in your leg. All in all is Flashback a very good game which is worth the four disx.

It gets 8 Points outta 10 !!!


)Indy IV - Review

¤¹          ¿ I n d y   I V 
Å°¹               ¿ReviewÅ

ß        ¢   by Ace/Damian   Å

Finally it`s done ... the most awaited Adventure is released for Amiga: INDY 4 - The Fate Of Atlantis. For every Lucasfilm- Adventure-Fan it`s a totally MUST to have it. In the game you are Indiana Jones of course, and your aim is it to find Atlantis, and I think also a treasure on it.

The game contains 11 Disx and I would advice you to play it via Harddisc, if you have one. Otherwise you`ll have to change the disx very often. After a short Intro you start to play at a lonesome street. Walk down and pick up the newspaper lying on the ground. Walk around the corner and up the stairs. When you're in, talk to the nice man walking towards you. Give him your newspaper.
After that he dissappears and you can go to his machine. Pull the three levers. When you did it right, a ghost will fly on stage and cause some trouble. More? No, I won`t tell you! Try to find it out yourself! About the game: The grafix are very good and also the animations. The sound only sometimes appears (as known from Monkey Island 2) and it`s not the very best I`ve ever heard. The game is good to play and you gonna get really motivated coz there`s much fun in it. Sacrifice the eleven disx and keep the game! It get`s 9 Points outta 10 !!!


*Kefrens MultiMegaMix III - Review

®¹      ¿ M u l t i M e g a M i x 
¹             ¿the reviewÅ

ß        ¥ by Friendly/Damian Å

åAnother Multimegamix by S.L.L. of Kefrens, which seems to me, in one word, simple. The Code is nothing special and the tune consists of digitized voices of famous pop-songs, mixed with some drum patterns. Maybe some guys like it, because you get the feeling, that this isn't Amiga, or because they liked the originals. I have to admit, that I loved this type of songs some time ago too, because I thought this has to be a great artist who can make such music. Now I think it's boring and has nothing to do with good music (not on Amiga!).

The small loaderpicture by R.W.O is just average, he has drawn better ones, but the main GFX are good.

If you want to you can read various scrollers, written by some Kefrens-Members. I would say: If you have heard it once, you won't listen to it again.

Design:     6/10 (The usual design of musicdisks of this kind)
Code:       5/10
Grafics:    7/10
Music:      5/10
Impression: 6/10

+Wing Commander - Review

®¹ß    ¥ W i n g   C o m m a n d e r 
¹               ¥reviewÅ

ß        ÷   by Ace/Damian   Å

A long time after the release of the PC-Version it`s finally done on Amiga. Wing Commander, the best Action-Game of the year 1992 (as many magazines stated), released in december 1992 as a three-disk-version. Let`s take a look if it`s as worth as on PC. Of course the hardware-configuration is not the same as on PC, but let`s see what the guys did with the idea.

I wanted to use my three drives to play this game-but it crashed! Ok, I killed one drive and wanted to use two drives - bye bye baby. So finally with one drive I could watch the intro (an animation, much too slow!) and finally, after a little waiting time, play the game. You may know what sort of game Wing Commander is: Shoot`em up-action in 3D. That might sound good to you, but the game itself is very bad.

It`s much too slow, and after a few minutes you`ll get nervous. When you play it over one hour your whole life will be that slow, too! After a few minutes of playing you start to have fun maybe, coz you wanna destroy your enemy. And so you can stay in front of the screen for a long time and play for hours. That didn`t happen to me, but I also played some minutes. When you load the first time, you`ll realize how slow it is but when you started to play you can`t stop. Result: WING COMMANDER is not the best Action Game I`ve ever seen, but to play it, is funny when you don`t have anything else to do.

It gets 6 Points outta 10 !!!

ß                               ¥end.Å

CD-Review 1

®¹¤      Ç C D - R e v i e w   1 Å 

ß    ÷   by Metal Death/Leprosy   Å

Bandname:²Rage Against The Machine

¹CD-Title:²Rage Against The Machine

   Zack de la Rocha     Vocals
   Timmy C.             Bass
   Brad Wilk            Drums
   Tom Morello          Guitars

10 Tracks:
Bombtrack, Killing in the name, Take the power back, Settle for nothing, Bullet in the head, Know your enemy, Wake up, Fistful of steel, Township rebellion, Freedom.

Playing time: 52min 57sec


åNow what is that? A really hard to define mixture between Metal-Funk-Rap, absolutely weird and overloaded with raw power? Music, that not just makes your head bang, but also hit`s your whole body? The Red Hot Chilli Peppers? No way, it`s Rage Against The Machine from Los Angeles!
Sure, if you put this CD into the player for the first time, you might think, `well, sounds like the older Chilli Peppers albums`, but you will soon recognize, that there`s a lot more to it. The way, Tom Morello plays his guitar here is just unique, you wouldn`t believe, that this is really a guitar, where he rip`s out all that great tunes and effects.
And these effects are, what gives the band a really special sound, you can easily point them out of a lot of other bands.
Not to forget the great vocals of Mr. de la Rocha...he really perfectly understands, how to give the mostly social-critical lyrics a really fuckin` angry and fed up with expression. When he yells `fuck you, i won`t do what you tell me`, than you simply know, he really MEANS what he is saying.

The whole album is very good produced and has got a transparent sound, so no point to mutter about here. All those dudes know, how to play their instruments, and you can hear that.

All in all, just get this CD and love it! There`s no chance to just sit and listen here, you simply will be forced to move your body, cause that`s music, that really goes into your stomach!
Can`t wait to see them live on stage!

Killing in the name, Take the power back, Know your enemy



ß                              ¥end.Å

Rap Reviews

¤¹ß      ¿ R A P   R E V I E W S 

       ÷  by Ace of Damian    Å

åOk,now we gonna take a look at the rap-albums which have been released the last months ...

Let`s start with²-DAS EFX`s-¹first Album which is called³-DEAD SERIOUS-.¹It contains 10 tracks and has a total length of 39:04 minutes.The style is sumthin` between Hardcore and Madness. The backround is based on Hardcore and the vocals are totally mad, but coooooool!!!!
This release is their first Album and it was produced by -EPMD-!! -DAS EFX`s- career began at a rap-competition where they won the first price. Before that time, one of the two rappers (DRE) was a psychologist, believe it or not! The Album is one of the best I`ve ever heard. Take my advice and buy it, you won`t make a mistake!!!

Best Tracks are:MIC CHECKA and THEY WANT EFX but all others are cool too!!

It gets 10 Points outta 10!!!
Next Album to judge is³-FINE MALT LYRICS-¹by²-HOUSE OF PAIN-.¹It contains 15 Tracks and has a total playing time of 46:31 minutes. The first Track they released (JUMP AROUND) was a chartcracker and has often been shown on MTV.
This is also the debut-Album for the Irish Guys who now live in America.Their style is straight Hardcore and I wonder why they were played on MTV, outside of YO!MTV RAPS! Guest Stars on this album are -Cypress Hill- and -DAS EFX-. This Album is really good, too, but listen to it first coz it is possible that you don`t like the same-sounding Tracks!


It gets 8 Points outta 10!!!
Now lets get to the fourth Album of²-EPMD-¹which is called³-BUSINESS NEVER PERSONAL-.¹It contains 11 Tracks and runs for 39:02 minutes. It is a mixture of Hardcore and Funk, and I bet that not everybody likes it. Their style is typical for them, like on the other three LPs. Guest Stars are the new members of the -HIT SQUAD-, -DAS EFX-! Like it or not, I don`t do much!!

Best Track is:CROSSOVER (REALLY COOL!!), the rest is not very good!

It gets 5 Points outta 10!!!
The next Album to test is²-RETURN OF THE PRODUCT-¹by³-MC SERCH-.¹ It contains 11 Tracks and has a total playing time of 45:49 minutes. After the splitup of -THIRD BASS- he released this Solo-Album, and it`s much better than everything from -THIRD BASS-!!! Guest Stars on this Album are -CHUBB ROCK- , -RED HOT LOVER TONE- and -NASTY NAS-. The style is not very hard, more like HIP HOP.


It gets 9 Points outta 10!!!
And finally another release by³-PUBLIC ENEMY-¹called²-GREATEST MISSES-.¹It contains 13 Tracks and runs for 55:46 minutes.This Album contains 6 Remixed Tracks,6 new ones and one Live-Version of SHUT`EM DOWN.First thing you will recognize is that they changed their style on their fifth Album.The new songs are no more straight fucked up-Hardcore, now they use a few music-samples and somtimes it sounds if it was only hard Hip Hop!! This Album is the best they ever made,I think!!!


It gets 8 Points outta 10!!!
Ok,the last RAP-REVIEW for this issue of³THE JUNGLE¹is²-MECCA AND THE SOUL BROTHER-¹made by³-PETE ROCK AND C.L.SMOOTH-.¹The Album contains 16 Tracks and has a playing length of 77:22 minutes. The style, the two Jazz-Freaks use on their Album is a good mixture between Jazz, Smooth Hip Hop and a bit Funk, which sounds very nice together (even my girlfriend likes it!!).
A few Tracks of this Album should be known, they are often played on YO!MTV RAPS: GHETTOS OF THE MIND, STRAIGHTEN IT OUT and THEY REMINISCE OVER YOU. The Guest Stars on this Album are: -HEAVY D-, -ROBO-O, -GRAP & DIDA- and -GRAND PUBA-. In my opinion it is a good Album, but I can`t listen to it the whole day!


It gets 7 Points outta 10!!!
If yer interested in having one of these Albums on Tape, just send one to ACE OF DAMIAN:
         2090 WINSEN/LUHE

Or try to reach me Via Voice at:

Ok, c.u. in another RAP-REVIEW!!

ß                            ¥end.Å

 Rap Reviews II

¤¹  Ð R A P   R E V I E W S   I I 

       ¥  by Ace of Damian  Å

åOk, fellows. Here`s the second Part of RAP-REVIEWS in this issue of THE JUNGLE!

Let`s look at the Album -ZHIGGE- by -ZHIGGE-! It contains 14 Tracks and has a total playing time of 46:o5 minutes.The most favourite song of this Group is called -TOSS IT UP-, I bet you`ve seen it on YO!MTV RAPS, yet! The style of this Album is something like Hip Hop with many weird and fast spoken rhymes. It`s a really funny Album, worth buying!


It gets 8 Points outta 10!!!
Next to judge is -GUERILLAS IN THA MIST- by -DA LENCH MOB- which was produced by -ICE CUBE-.It contains 13 Tracks and runs for 41:34 minutes.The style is close to -CUBE`S-, also straight Hardcore.As the name of the Album shows, they are also rapping about Vietnam and the Jungle-Wars.If you like Hardcore you should better buy -ICE CUBE`s- new Album, it`s much better!

Best Track is: GUERILLAS IN THA MIST (it`s hype!!), rest is not important!

It gets 6 Points outta 10!!!
Now let`s look at the fourth solo-album of -ICE CUBE- called -THE PREDATOR-. It contains 16 Tracks and runs for 56:30 minutes.The whole Album is straight Hardcore, as it`s known from Cube! This release is featuring -DAS EFX-, which sounds very interesting and funny.It`s the best Album -ICE CUBE- ever released, and I would advice you to buy it!!


It gets 9 Points outta 10!!!
Last Review for this issue is the german Rap Group -DIE FANTASTISCHEN VIER- with their second Album called -4 GEWINNT-.It contains 18 Tracks an has a total playing time of 61:23 minutes. For shure you`ve seen -DIE DA- on MTV sometimes, and for shure you`re not satisfied. When you hear the whole Album your opinion will be changed! I always thought about german rap that it`s not good, but after EL CATIVO/SUBMISSION sent me the Tape (thanx Dude!!) I got my mind made up and a few days later I bought the Album! The style is everything between Hardcore and Hip Hop, sometimes the scratches are from The Naked Gun and Sesame Street - really nice! I would advice every German to buy or at least listen to it and foreigners should listen to it first!

Best Tracks are: Poouuh! Hard to say coz almost every tune is really cool!

It gets 9 Points outta 10!!!
STOOOOP!!!! I still got a nice single to test, so that`s the last for this issue.It`s also don by -DIE FANTASTISCHEN VIER- and it`s called -FROHES FEST-. The playing time is 12:45 minutes and it contains 3 Tracks.The last Track is the Instrumental-Version of -FROHES FEST-,the first song.The Beats and Samples are very good and the text ... I just can laugh!!! It`s total hard and ... what can I say?! JUST BUY IT!!! Even if you hate RAP (why do you read this pages??), sacrifice this 10 DM - you`ll love it!!! The second Track is a german Cover-Version of -TWO LIVE CREW`S- -ONE AND ONE- which sounds extremely cool in german hardcore!!!

It gets 10 Points outta 10!!!
Like I wrote in the first Part, you can send me a tape and write down the Album I should copy you!!

ß                            ¥end.Å

=CD-Review 2

®¹¤ß    Ç   C D - R e v i e w   2   Å 

ß    ÷   by Metal Death/Leprosy   Å

Bandname:³Bolt Thrower

¹CD-Title:³The IVth Crusade

   Karl Willets      Vocals
   Jo Bench          Bass
   Gavin Ward        Guitar
   Barry Thomson     Guitar
   Andy Whale        Drums

11 Tracks: The IVth Crusade, Icon, Embers, Where next to conquer, As the world burns, This time it`s war, Ritual, Spearhead Celestial Sanctuary, Dying Creed, Through the Ages.

Playing time: 53min 30sec


åThis is the follow-up to their debut Album `Warmaster`. And the band with the female bass-player really made a great step forward with this one ! You can easily call them in one breath with their british colleagues Napalm Death and Carcass, although Bolt Thrower are playing a lot slower than these two bands (no Snare-core attacks here), they are not a fuck less brutal ! What you get here, is simply pure Death Metal at it`s best.
In comparsion to `Warmaster`, they reduced speed a bit, but that was surely no fault, and not at all an aspect of commercial thoughts as it`s still full of power. Songs like `Embers` or `Spearhaed` are guaranteed to crush your skull, when played on a high volume level (at least, if the neighbours smash your speakers on your head 8-)).
The production is ok too, with very intense basses, just the drums are bit to far in the background of the pushing low frequencies, but that`s not really disturbing.
For the lyrics, there is nothing very special, with a few exceptions, but you won`t find that gore-type of lyrics.
So, if you do like Death Metal, you really should get the CD, you won`t regret it !

Listening-Tips: The IVth Crusade, Embers, Spearhead.



ß                              ¥end.Å

CD: Scorpions/Crazy World

®²        S c o r p i o n s  
      C r a z y   W o r l d
          by Coax/Damian

¹CD-Tips under the sign: Not the latest Stuff, but worth to buy!

      THIS TIME:³ScOrPiOnS¹

  1. Tease Me Please Me        4:44
  2. Don't Believe Her         4:55
  3. To Be With You In Heaven  4:48
  4. Wind Of Change            5:10
  5. Restless Nights           5:44
  6. Lust Or Love              4:22
  7. Kicks After Six           3:49
  8. Hit Between The Eyes      4:33
  9. Money And Fame            5:06
 10. Crazy World               5:08
 11. Send Me An Angel          4:34

Total playtime: 53:13 Minuten

Scorpions are:
 - Klaus Meine (Vocals)
 - Rudolf Schenker (Guitars, Lead Guitars)
 - Matthias Jabs (Lead Guitars, Guitars)
 - Francis Buchholz (Bass)
 - Herman Rarebell (Drums)
Produced by Keith Olsen and Scorpions.

The Text is some times very poetical, thus i have enclosed it! (Hope you like it!)

³Tease Me Please Me:¹
 I've been around the world
 I've known a lot of girls
 Livin' and lovin'
 It's hard to keep them all in line
 I've seen a lot of sights
 So many crazy nights
 Cruisin' and boozin'
 It's a wonder that I'm still alive

 Never wasted any time
 Never missed a best
 Total satisfaction
 Always guaranteed

 Tease me
 Please me
 No one needs to know
 Tease me
 Please me
 Before I have to go

 Spread the world around
 The boys are back in town
 Reelin' and rockin'
 We're rollin' with it win or lose
 The girls are dressed to kill
 Just loockin' for a thrill
 Slidin' and Glidin'
 Sometimes they make it hard to choose

 I never wasted any time
 Never missed a best
 Total satisfaction
 Always guaranteed

 Tease me
 Please me
 No one needs to know
 Tease me
 Please me
 Before I have to go
 Tease me
 Please me
 We'll take it nice and slow
 Tease me
 Please me
 Just let the feeling grow

³Don't Believe Her:¹
 Out for a thrill
 Got time to kill
 Just livin' up my dreams
 For heaven's sake
 She's on the make
 A twisted vicar's queen
 And then one night we took a ride
 She was all over me
 Just ain't real
 I was too wasted to see

 Before you get in too deep
 And you get burned by the heat
 Oh yeah
 She'll take you there
 You know it happened to me

 She'll make your heart break
 She'll give you fever
 She'll tell you everything but don't believe her
 A perfect stranger
 She knows the game
 She'll promise heaven on earth
 But don't believe her

 Out on the streets of broken dreams
 Where no one ever wins
 Just when you thought you'd made a start
 You're back where you begin

 Before you get in too deep
 And you get burned in the heat
 Oh yeah
 She'll take you there
 I think you know what I mean

 She'll make you crazy
 She's such a teaser
 Say you're the only one but don't believe her
 She deals with danger
 The girl's insane
 She'll promise heaven on earth
 But don't believe her

³To Be With You In Heaven:¹
 You can shoot me down
 You can drag me 'round
 Girl I'll get you
 It won't be long
 You can smash my heart
 You can trash my love
 But my desire for you is much too strong

 To be with you in heaven
 I would go through the darkest hell
 In heaven
 There's no cure for love that kills

 You can waste my time
 But you can't change my mind
 I won't stop you
 So just go on
 You can't play your games
 But it's all in vain
 Cause' my desire for you is much too strong

 To be with you in heaven
 I would go through the darkest hell
 In heaven
 There's no cure for love that kills
 To be with you in heaven
 I would go through the darkest hell
 In heaven
 There's no cure for love that kills

 Girl I'm on fire
 Heaven seems so close tonight
 Girl I would die for your love

 You can shoot me down
 You can drag me 'round
 Girl I'll get you
 It won't be long
 You can smash my heart
 You can trash my love
 But my desire for you is much too strong

 To be with you in heaven
 I would go through the darkest hell
 In heaven
 There's no cure for love that kills
 To be with you in heaven
 I would go through the darkest hell
 In heaven
 There's no cure for love that kills

³Wind Of Change:¹
 I follow the Moskva
 Down to Gorky Park
 Listening to the wind of change
 An August summer night
 Soldiers passing by
 Listening to the wind of change

 The world is closing in
 Did you ever think
 That we could so close, like brothers
 The future's in the air
 I can feel it everywhere
 Blowing with the wind of change

 Take me to the magic of the moment
 On a glory night
 Where the childrens of tomorrow dream away
 In the wind of change

 Walking down the street
 Distant memories
 Are buried in the past forever
 I follow the Moskva
 Down to Gorky Park
 Listening to the wind of change

 Take me to the magic of the moment
 On a glory night
 Where the childrens of tomorrow share their dreams
 With you and me
 Take me to the magic of the moment
 On a glory night
 Where the childrens of tomorrow dream away
 In the wind of change

 The wind of change
 Blows straight into the face of time
 Like a stormwind that will ring the freedom bell
 For peace of mind
 Let your balalaika sing
 What my guitar wants to say

 Take me to the magic of the moment
 On a glory night
 Where the childrens of tomorrow share their dreams
 With you and me
 Take me to the magic of the moment
 On a glory night
 Where the childrens of tomorrow dream away
 In the wind of change

³Restless Nights:¹
 Blackout in London
 Just sleep 'n slide
 Blackout in London
 I'm just about to loose my mind
 Big time in Paris
 Time's gonna fly
 Big time in Paris
 It's c'est la vie for me tonight

 Here I go
 To take the one and only road I know
 In my life
 Here I go
 Another place to bare my heart and soul
 Restless nights

 Hot shot in Dallas
 A wild horse to ride
 Hot shot in Dallas
 I don't know how but I survived
 Rock hard in Rio
 Pure sex and crime
 It's just too much to take tonight

 Here I go
 To take the one and only road I know
 In my life
 Here I go
 Another place to bare my heart and soul
 Restless nights

 Red hot in Moscow
 Turn back in tide
 Red hot in Moscow
 The eagle rocks the bear tonight
 Die hard in Tokyo
 Lexington nights
 Die hard in Tokyo
 I barely made it out alive

 Here I go
 To take the one and only road I know
 In my life
 Here I go
 Another place to bare my heart and soul
 Restless nights

³Lust Or Love:¹
 The innocence is gone
 But still I'm holding on
 Searchin' for love that lasts forever
 Lookin' for a place
 Where love can hide away
 Takin' a chance it's now or never

 Maybe it's time to draw the line
 There's just one thing that's on my mind

 Is it lust, is it love
 Whatever it is I can't get enough
 Is it lust, is it love
 When I look around tell me who can I trust
 Is it love

 Lovers come and go
 Sometimes it's hard to know
 If this will be a night to treasure
 When the damage has been done
 And the hurting has begun
 You'll justify a moment's pleasure

 Maybe it's time to draw the line
 There's just one thing that's on my mind

 Is it lust, is it love
 Whatever it is I can't get enough
 Is it lust, is it love
 It ain't nothin' that I can't rise above
 Is it love
 When I look around tell me who can I trust
 Is it love, is it love
 Lust or love

 Maybe it's time to draw the line
 There's just one thing that's on my mind

 Is it lust, is it love
 Whatever it is I can't get enough
 Is it lust, is it love
 It ain't nothin' that I can't rise above
 Is it lust, is it love
 Still lookin' for more, it's never enough
 Is it lust, is it love
 When I look around tell me who can I trust
 Is it love, is it love, is it love
 Is it love, is it love

³Kicks After Six:¹
 Another morning, such as ordinary day
 She's doin' time from nine to five
 The hours waste away
 There's no escape, she's part of the big machine
 she's slave to the suit and tie
 Seven days a week

 But every night
 She can hardly wait
 It fells alright
 To give it all away

 Good girls get their kicks after six
 Good girls get their kicks after six
 (She needs it bad, real real bad)
 She wants what she never had
 All the things that make a good girl bad
 She gets her kicks after six

 Some days its hard to face the cruel reality
 Just waitin' for the bell to ring
 She wants to be free
 It feels so good to start another endless night
 She spread her wings for another flight
 She's running wild

 But every night
 She can hardly wait
 It fells alright
 To give it all away

 Good girls get ther kicks after six
 (She needs it bad, real real bad)
 Good girls get their kicks after six
 (Oooh yeah shake it for ma baby)
 She wants what she never had
 All the things that make a good girl bad
 She gets her kicks after six

 Good girls get their kicks after six
 (She needs it bad, real real bad)
 Good girls get their kicks after six
 (Oooh yeah nothin's gonna stop her)
 She wants what she never had
 All the things that make a good girl bad
 She gets her kicks

 Good girls get their kicks after six
 (She needs it bad, real real bad)
 Good girls get their kicks after six
 (C'mon baby take it to the limit)
 She wants what she never had
 All the things that make a good girl bad
 She gets her kicks

³Hit Between The Eyes:¹
 Late at night when you're all alone
 Take a ride to the danger zone
 If someone wants to cut you down to size
 You never argue with a loaded 45

 Just when you've had enough
 It's really getting tough

 I'm ready for that hit between the eyes
 Someone get me out of here alive
 I'm ready for that hit between the eyes
 Can't you see I'm  much too young to die

 You can feel the tension in the street
 There's no escape, getting closer to the heat
 You play with fire, get your fingers burned
 It's too late, past the point of no return

 Just when you've had enough
 It's really getting tough

 Late at night when you're all alone
 Take a ride to the danger zone
 If someone wants to cut you down to size
 You never argue with a loaded 45

 Just when you've had enough
 It's really getting tough

 I'm ready for that hit between the eyes
 Someone get me out of here alive
 I'm ready for that hit between the eyes
 Can't you see I'm  much too young to die

 I'm ready for that hit between the eyes
 Someone get me out of here alive
 I'm ready for that hit between the eyes
 Can't you see I'm  much too young to die

³Money And Fame:¹
 You know nothing about loving
 You lost somewhere down the line
 You know nothing about giving
 You should draw the line

 You keep looking out for something
 Something you're never gonna find
 When will, will you show your feelings
 You will lose your mind

 Who's to blame my love
 You play a dangerous game
 Who's to blame my love
 All you want is money and fame

 You play, play with emotions
 You need, need a stepping stone
 You're out, out for sensations
 Don't you, don't you feel alone

 Who's to blame my love
 You play a dangerous game
 Who's to blame my love
 All you want is money and fame

³Crazy World:¹
 I get up in the morning
 For my dose of the news
 Crawl right back in the sack girl
 Had enough of the truth
 Spend your dollars and rubels
 Buy a piece of the wall
 Build it up in your backyard
 I'm so thick of it all

 Ooh, it's a crazy world
 Ooh, it's a crazy world

 Drivin' down to the city
 Doin' 155
 Better late than never
 I'm more dead than alive
 We can find the Titanic
 Put a man on the moon
 But we can't fix out backyard
 Man we better start soon

 Ooh, it's a crazy world
 Ooh, it's a crazy world
 Ooh, it's a crazy world
 Ooh, it's a crazy world

 I don't want to hear about it
 I wish it would be worlds away
 You know the more I think about it
 The more I feel we need to change
 I get up (In a crazy, crazy world)
 We all live (In a crazy, crazy world)
 Ooh yeah (It's a crazy, crazy world)
 I gotta get out (Of this crazy, crazy world)

 Goin' home to my baby
 It's been another hard day
 Bust my balls for the tax man
 So what else can I say
 They spent our money on missiles
 For the third world war
 Now they're stacked in my backyard
 We don't need them no more

 Ooh, it's a crazy world
 Ooh, it's a crazy world
 Ooh, it's a crazy world
 Ooh, it's a crazy world

³Send Me An Angel:¹
 The wise man said just walk this way
 To the dawn of the light
 The wind will blow in your face
 As the years pass you by
 Hear this voice from deep inside
 It's the call of your heart
 Close your eyes and your will find
 The passage out of the dark

 Here I am
 Will you send me an angel
 Here I am
 In the land of the morning star

 The wise man said just find your place
 In the eye of the storm
 Seek the roses along the way
 Just beware of the storm

 Here I am
 Will you send me an angel
 Here I am
 In the land of the morning star

 The wise man said just raise your hand
 And reach out for the spell
 Find the door to the promised land
 Just believe in yourself
 Hear this voice from deep inside
 It's the call of your heart
 Close your eyes and your will find
 The passage out of the dark

 Here I am
 Will you send me an angel
 Here I am
 In the land of the morning star
 Here I am
 Will you send me an angel
 Here I am
 In the land of the morning star

²To summarize this stuff i can only say: VeRy GoOD! Most Songs are played with a vital speed, 2 ballads are a good balance. GeT iT!
            CoaX / DAMIAN¹

AState Of The Art - The Review

¤¹  ÷ S t a t e   O f   T h e   A r t 

        ¢ by Friendly/Damian Å

Well, here we have the No.1 of THE PARTY II in Aars - State of the Art by Spaceballs. Code by Lone Starr and Major Asshole, GFX by TMB Design, sound by Travolta. This demo deals in general with the same effect, shown in different variations. I don't know how they've done it, I'm just a poor graphician, but they seem to have digitized some dancing techno-people and these are shown as vectors (?).
Anyway, it is a good effect and I will watch this demo more than once. I haven't seen many GFX, except the monster in the beginning, which looks quite nice. The sound is, as you might have guessed, Techno! Some people may like it, some don't (Me too!), but the tune feels great, if you listen to it while watching the demo.

Design:     9/10
Code:       8/10
   (Don't know if it's difficult!)
Grafics:    7/10
Music:      5/10
Impression: 7/10


B3D Demo II v2.01 - Review

¤¹      ÷ 3 D   D e m o   I I Å 

        ¢ by Friendly/Damian Å

First I have to say: The first really cool One-file-demo after a long period (Look at my article 'No More Demos?'). As in 3D Demo I the code is done by hannibal, grafix are pixeled by Slash and the sound is composed by Madfreak. The tune sounds a bit weird to me, though it fits the atmosphere of this demo. You can heare techno-samples mixed up with some music from games like Gods.
Slash has drawn some nice GFX - I like the fantasy picture best! As stated in the Credits scroller this is a funny demo, which isn't ugly, it is great! You are not able to get bored at any time, cause the effects do not last long on the screen. That's why even some old effects do not look primitive or placed wrong. Hannibal has updated the starwarsscroller with a turn round all three axis.

I have seen before the routine of a sphere that turns into a cube and so on, but it looks cool because the sphere is so great and because it does not bore you too long. I don't know if the 3D Demo II is a coded masterpiece, but I love it and will watch it a lot in the future.

Design:      10/10
Code:         8/10
Grafics:      8/10
Music:        6/10
Impression: 9.5/10

P.S. The demo has a long loading time, but it's worth waiting!

our. So I guess we'll do it like you said."
  Jill looked on as Terry settled down between Holly's ample thighs, pausing to take each breast-berry into his mouth, which caused Holly to moan until he silenced her with another kiss. Holly reached between them and stroked his rigid limb before guiding it to her sacred spring, still wet from her lovemaking with Jill.
Jill knew that whatever was left of Holly's maidenhead would be little or no hindrance, and she was happy that Holly wouldn't have to lose her virginity in pain, as she had. Terry slid smoothly into his sister, neither quickly nor slowly, and Holly sucked in her breath in a long gasp, her eyes widening as they stared into his. Terry's eyes closed and he fell gently onto Holly, murmuring her name over and over.
As his hips began rocking, Holly reached out to find Jill's hand, and for the first time that day Jill felt her eyes fill with tears of joy rather than sorrow.
  Holly closed her eyes. She was full of him now, their joining complete, and he paused for one long, wonderful moment to savor the feeling of their bodies merged, his within hers for the very first time, their souls like two trees, grown together from close-planted seeds, only now discovering that their roots were as intertwined as their branches.
  It was, understandably, not long at all before Terry's breathing and movements betrayed his impending climax, and Jill had to remind him to not increase Holly's risk further. As soon as he emerged from his sister's depths, a long jet arced out to land on her thigh. Jill grabbed the bucking shaft and captured it with her mouth, holding it there as Terry gasped out his orgasm.
  "I wish I'd done that," said Holly, as Jill licked the last creamy drops from her leg. "What's it taste like?"
 Jill answered by kissing Holly, letting her taste the seed that she had wanted to feel inside her. "Terry, you left something unfinished here."
  "You haven't made Holly come yet. Wouldn't you like to find out what she tastes like?"
  "Does she taste anything like you?"
  "Better," said Jill, which caused Holly to blush.
"Let's see." Terry leaned over Holly, who obligingly parted her legs. As she felt his lips and tongue lead her down the road to ecstasy, she reached out to stroke Jill's breasts. Jill responded by kneeling next to Terry to suck on Holly's nipples. Holly's hand found its way to Jill's pussy, and Jill's hand reached beneath Terry to fondle what she found there.
This proved awkward, and Jill had a better idea. Lying on her back next to Holly, she wriggled around until she was staring up at Terry's limp member, then drew her knees up to her chest, presenting her blooming womanflower to Holly. After some shifting about to find comfortable positions, Jill set forth to coax Terry's cock back to life as he explored his sister's vagina with his fingers and tongue, while Holly made a similar exploration of Jill.
  By the time Holly came, Jill had a very stiff penis in her mouth, which she removed to say "He's hard again, would you like a turn?" Holly said she would, so they switched places and Holly found herself staring up at her first close-up view of a man's cock. It bobbed about as Terry set to work eating Jill, and Holly licked at it tentatively, chasing it around with her tongue. She finally took it in her hand to hold it still, and her touch coaxed pearly drops from the tip.
These she used as lubrication, and soon her hand moved slickly back and forth around the fleshy pole. After a few more licks, she aimed the bulbous head between her lips and dared a real taste. Terry's cock pulsed as he felt his sister's lips close around it. Holly was afraid he was going to come right then, but he didn't, and she gradually took more and more into her mouth until her gag reflex showed her her limits.
  After several happy minutes of lovemaking in this fashion, Terry straightened up and collapsed onto his back. "Sorry, girls," he said, "I mean, ladies. My knees have had it."
  "Jill," said Holly, a bit timidly, "Could I see you two make love?"
  Jill hugged her. "I was hoping you'd ask." She eyed the prone Terry, and added "I guess I better do the work." She climbed atop him, straddling his hips, and said to Holly "Would you like to help?"
  "Help how?"
  Jill grinned lewdly. "Put us together." So Holly took hold of Terry's staff and held it upright, then watched in fascination as its rounded tip spread open the lips of Jill's cunny and the whole long length slowly disappeared inside her. "Oh, wow," whispered Holly.
  "Yeah," breathed Jill.
The Journey To Prime'92

®¹ß  ¿ T h e   J o u r n e y   T o Å 
            ¿ P R I M E 

      ÷   by Ace of Damian   Å

³On¹August 1st in 1992 the PRIME-Party (organized by MIRAGE) took Place in Tilburg/Netherlands. We still had school-holidays and so we decided to go there. Who were we? Well, me (ACE) , HOME GAY (or was it BOY??) and a guy changing his name very often, that time was Hellraiser/DAMIAN (after he got kicked he joined ADDICTS as TARRIN, he`s a musician.

²We¹still had our special summer-train-tickets for Germany, so we only had to pay the trip from the frontier to Tilburg and back. We started on friday the 31st of july at about 6 o`clock in the evening. We took my computer-stuff with us (HOMIEs mummy didn`t allow her little baby to take his computer away!!! OOOOOOOOHHHHH!! POOOOR HOME BOY!!!) and big bags with things to eat`n drink, disx and sleeping bags.

²This¹day we only reached the German frontier and had to stay in Rheine, very close to the Netherlands. We didn`t know where to sleep, because it was too late for a youth- hotel, so we asked a guy from the station, if we could sleep in a waiting-room of the station. He said Ok, and so we went in one of these rooms. We took 3 banks and made everything ready to sleep.

²But¹we couldn`t sleep. However, TARRIN and I got the idea to build up the computer-set and play a while.After we found a power-plug we started to build up and play the games I and TARRIN took with us.After a half or one hour we stopped playing and started to put the set back in the cases,even because another guy (a black one) stepped into the room and also wanted to sleep there. After a few minutes of talking to the guy we finally went to bed, coz it was very late.
In that night TARRIN and I awoke, coz we heard something groaning. We stood calm and wondered what it would be. In the night we only could see a shadow-it was HOMO GAY fucking around with the guy we shared the room with!!! We knew that WEINI (HOME GAY) was a gay, but we didn`t knew that he would fuck around with a totally strange guy!!! After a few minutes TARRIN and I fell asleep again (NOT WITH EACH OTHER-WE LIKE GIRLS!!!).

²The¹next day early in the morning we awoke again, and we still had about one or two hours time till our train would leave. We used this time to get something to eat out of an automat. HOME BOY seemed to be very sleepy and horny that morning (say what???), but who cares! We took the train and TARRIN and I enjoyed the journey while HOME BOY was only dreaming...

²At¹about 10 or 11 o`clock we arrived at the Party-Place. We built up the computer and I looked around to search some friends. I finally spotted some of them and talked to them a bit. A bit later JESTER of SANITY arrived and we walked around a bit and talked. When we went outside the room we had something like an interview, but without any tape. That took about 1 hour and we decided to reply it at home, with tape or computer. The final interview you can find in this issue of³THE JUNGLE.

¹I also met some others like³DARK/DESIRE,16-BEAT/EX-RAZOR 1911¹and I also got to know some other nice guys like³FACET¹and³CONQUEST of ANARCHY, SEMTEC of OPTICAL, ELESSAR of CENTURA¹and³COUGAR of SANITY.¹TARRIN and I enjoyed the day, homeboy didn`t, coz he`s much too shy to talk to strange guys (but likes to fuck with them!?!?). Later that day the Demo-Competition started. Here are the results:
First Price was won by³ANIMATORS¹for their²ROLL OR DIE-Game,¹second price was won by³DESIRE¹for their Tekkno-Intro called²MENACE¹and the third price was won by³TECH¹for their²DIGITAL INTOXICATION-Trackmo.

¹When the Party was over the 300 people went home, like we did. This evening we only reached Utrecht, where we stayed that night and slept at the station, once again. This night wasn`t so nice like the one before, because we weren`t allowed to stay in a waiting-room and so we had to stay in the really huge hall of the station, where the whole night was trouble, and we were goddamned sleepy!!!

²In¹the middle of the hall we finally lay down and tried to sleep. In the morning it got much colder and we were fucking starving. I still had 3,5 Guilders and so I went around to find something to eat ,but everything was closed, even the automats were locked!!!
A few minutes before we left the automats got unlocked. So I bought something to eat wich we shared in the train. Someone still had something to drink and so the day was rescued! At about 4 o`clock we finally arrived back home, sleepy, but it was a really nice Journey!

ß                            ¥end.Å

/The Party Part 2

¤¹ß  Ç T H E   P A R T Y   P A R T   2 
Å°¹              § A REPORT Å

ß        Ç by Jester Of Sanity Å

åThe city of Aars, 1500 inhabitants, situated in the north of Denmark was the venue for the biggest semi-professional computer conference ever held during the last few days of 1992.

Almost everyone with a particular interest in demos and public domain software for the Amiga, C64 or even PC was present which added up to an estimated number of 2400 visitors. Just like on the original event held one year before all action took place under the roof of a huge conference hall but in contrast to the earlier party this time halls 2 and 3 were open as well. While hall 1 was exclusively reserved for the Amiga users, hall 2 hosted the C64 and PC crowd and hall 3 was supposed to be the sleeping room.

The beginning of the party was extremely enervating since the registration for every individual progressed at an incredibly low speed. Each visitor had to pay the entrance fee of 120 Danish Crowns for which he got a plumbed wristband and a voting disk. Moreover his handle, country and computer type were electronically registered at the information desk. Having faced that truly unpleasant task the actual party started for most people, except for the ones who were too tired and went to hall 3 straight away.

The very best aspect about the entire party could be enjoyed around the clock: meeting people. Almost every famous name was present, chatting with pals, making new friends and generally having a good time.
A list would be superflous, to my mind, because I'm not willing to write down the entire Eurocharts here. One thing I really liked was the air of friendship and cooperation that lay over the whole place - I did not notice any arrogant or nasty types.

Still there were a few negative sides to the event, as well. These points were without an exception the fault of the organisers. The promised movie- and radio-channels never worked properly. Most of the time the laserdisc programmes were transmitted via only ONE channel but once it was functioning you could not receive it in the second hall for the transmitter was too weak to penetrate the walls.
The biggest joke, though, were the competitions. The music competition was the first one to come for the Amiga owners. A jury made a selection of 34 modules out of a total of 255 entries. I (and not only me) really wonder who that jury was composed of because the major part of the chosen musics were very sad techno or pseudo-jazz pieces.

Another thing a lot of people found rather suspicious was the fact that there was only one German musician (Emax) in the whole competition - could it be that parts of the jury were deliberately trying to keep certain artists out of the crowd's minds? Nah, guess not - or do YOU think so? Anyway, there were some nice entries by for example Moby, Audiomonster, Doh, Lizardking or Mr.Man but the entire competition was declared "sick" by most of the present guys (not only musicians!).

The demo-comp wasn't any better, the only good contributions were released by Spaceballs (revolutionary!) and Anarchy (really nice!). The rest was average or even below that - sad but true. There was only one other remarkable production which came out on the party, namely the "Mirror" musicdisk by Andromeda.
To my mind, it is really setting new standards, especially in terms of design (Well done, Mr. Hyde!). A competition with really nice results was the graphics one. All good scene artists took part and there were a lot of true masterpieces. In my opinion, there was no actual number one, too many of them were of equal quality. Especially the entries by Mack, Rhah and Alex were very much my taste.

All competitions were shown on a big screen (just like last year) and played via a rather powerful music equipment. Spaceballs got awarded for best demo, Moby for best music and Peachy for best picture. I have no idea about the smaller comps like fast intro etc. but who cares, anyway.
A lot of the announced extra-events did not take place - I was really surprised by the fact that there were NO surprise competitions. Still, Kyd/Balle took their show to stage in the middle of the first night but I slept all through the concert. Some people I talked to said they really liked it (or didn't you, Moby?!).

Summing it all up, it can be stated that the party was good fun because of the people who were present but NOT because of the events promised (but not held) by the organisation (sorry, Trix!). Certainly this was the biggest and best demo-party involving the Amiga EVER and you're a git if you missed it.

ß                               ¥end.Å

Hijack - Concert Report

®¹ß          ¿ H I J A C K Å 
  ¿ C o n c e r t   R e p o r t 

      ÷   by Ace of Damian   Å

åIt was the 21st of december when the English Hardcore-Rapgroup -HIJACK- gave their fourth concert in Hamburg, the third time I saw them Live! This time they were on tour with -TIM DOG- , a Rapper from the USA and as special guests they had a little group called -BLITZ MOB-. Let`s start the Report!

At about 7 o`clock I arrived at the Place where the concert should be (HH-Markthalle). Sometimes there are independent-parties at this place (greetinx to STEARO OF PARADISE) and so it was no wonder that three independent-freaks appeared in front of the building.
They had black clothes, wild black hair and really white faces, as normal for indies! Everybody was looking very angry at them, and I think they didn`t check the situation (they were a bit drunk too). And suddenly they started to talk very bad about rappers and they wondered how many came there that day (they really thought an indie-party would take place!).
They didn`t seem to be frightened and spoke much louder and laughed loud at some persons. That suddenly stopped when a crowd of 8 or 10 people started damaging their faces and kicked them down the stairs!!! RAP RULEZ!!

At about 9 o`clock the first crew called -BLITZ MOB- appeared on the stage. They were really bad and nobody wanted to see them. They tried to turn a big Party outta the crowd, but all they got to hear was the crowd shouting²"BUUUH!"¹or²"HIJACK".¹They made so many mistakes on the stage that I couldn`t count them anymore!
They had to search the songs they wanted to sing on tape, while everyone was waiting what would happen! There were 2 DJs scratching different at the same time (I`m still feeling sick) and at some songs there were 2 MCs and at other ones there were!7! MCs. On the stage they collidised very often and it was very funny to see the main rapper of the crew shouting agressive to the people that they are totally shitty and other not-so-nice-things!
The only things they replied were²"BUUUH!", "HIJACK"¹and²"FUCK YOU".¹Many nice things were thrown towards the crew, like burning cigarettes, beer-cups and a 2-litre bag of water (given to the crowd by the main-rapper) hit them. When he asked if we want such people that throw things, everyone shouted²"YES".¹They were rapping in german and made Hardcore but they were really bad, believe me!!! Take my advice and stay at home when there`s a concert of the -BLITZ MOB- in your town, it`s even more interesting to listen to indian folk songs!!

About the next gig (TIM DOG) I can`t say anything coz that guy is too lame and his music is nothing but crap! His rhymes are straight against WestCoast Rappers like -N.W.A.-, -ICE CUBE-, -ICE-T- and all others ... FUCK -TIM DOG-!!!

The time the concert took place I stood outside the hall and talked a bit to the guys from -HIJACK-. I got some nice autographs and talked to them for about half an hour. A few minutes later the show began.
The 4 MCs stormed the stage and made the crowd go wild. More than 1000 people visited this concert and shouted²"HIJACK".¹They have a totally cool live-show with much action and played terroristical homicides (KILL DA KKK). The Show took about ninety minutes and after that time everybodys health was ruined for at least one week.

After the show I met up with -HIJACK- again. We went to drink something and told me about their world tour and their second Album which will be released in march, they think! A few minutes later I had to leave coz of my train,I had to go back to Winsen (about 30 km far away from Hamburg).
Before I left, they gave me a really cool HIJACK-Cap, coz "a true HIJACKer needs a cool cap" like they said. After the "merry christmas and a happy new year wishes" I had to go. The same night HIJACK went back to Brixton in England, where they live.

Watch out, they are on tour in Germany again in spring 1993. If they come to your town,don`t miss to go there! HIJACK are very nice to everyone of their fans, and I`ll promise that you`ll also see them, and not only on stage! Why??
They told me, that in every concert they are running around in the crowd when the first groups are on stage, they like to have contact to their fans! When they are back in Hamburg, I`ll go to the concert everytime again!!! Take my advice and do the same!!!


London City Report

®¹ß          § L O N D O N Å 
  § I t ' s   s o   f u n n y Å 
        ¿   by Friendly   Å

²For readers who are interested in hearing something about the big cities in this world, we have our BigCity-reports. Hopefully some of you know a big City, because it depends on YOU to keep this reports up.
If you have visited a cool City and you think you know something about it, don't hesitate to write an artikel and send it to us! This Issue Friendly tells you something about London:

¹If you want to hear something about the great Buckingham Palace, the cool Big Ben or the amazing Tower Bridge, I have to disappoint you. I am not the freak who spents hours for sightseeing, I HATE sightseeing. So just some things about shopping, prices etc.

All you need for a trip to London:
- much money
- map
- good nerves
and trained legs (You have to walk miles while shopping)
Why are so many people spending some days in London?
It's the hope to find YOUR favourite clothes, which you have searched for for ages. It's the hope to find YOUR favourite CD. It's the wonderful feeling to see a seller who isn't helpless shaking his head, when you tell him the name of a not so known band, because he knows more than the boring Top-20-Chart-titles.
It's good to know that the crowd isn't looking at you, just because you have another Outfit than most people. It's the great fun you can have in London.
Well, London is not so clean as many other european cities, and as you might know, London is extrem expensiv (Especially food, drinks etc.), but though it is the No.1 in Europe (Yeah, even better than Paris)!

When I left the bus to explore the dark streets of London, it was clear what was the plan for the next 13 hours - shopping, shopping and again shopping till the stores are closed (Partly at 24h). First I went straight on to enter the portobello road, where is a fleemarket on the weekends.

If you search a bit in the side-streets, it is possible to find EVERYTHING and you can also take a good breakfast. While speaking about fleemarkets, you should visit the 'Camden Town'-fleemarket which is the biggest and best fleemarket I have ever seen (HAVE I seen many?). Here the tourist can buy almost everything,too. Even real skulls were offered (Urgs!).
Another place where you can buy some nice things is the giant warehouse 'Kensignton Market'. Many little stores are inside it.

At the end comes the, in my opinion, best street in London - the Carneby Street! Before you get to the Carneby Street, you have to enter the Oxfort Street, where are a lot of warehouses, like C&A, but it is nothing special. It's a street like in every large town. Around the corner we have the Carneby Street...

In the stores around, you can find the biggest (best?) choice of T-Shirts, pullis, jackets, posters and everything in this direction. Here I enjoyed to see some totally cool punks, with a very strange outlook. Rather funny...
I had also made plans to visit the Hard Rock Cafe, the 'Harrot's' and perhaps the MTV centrale. The 'Harrot's' is another huge warehouse, where you can buy almost everything, even Monkey Brain !!!
But there was so much else to see and I hadn't the time to see all these things. Maybe next time...




®²        I n g l i s c h ? ! 
         by Blitter/DAMIAN

³(Only understandable for Germans, I guess! Sorry! Ed.)¹

We all know that ENGLISH isn`t an easy prob for "Mr. H. Kohl" alias
    ² -> Mr. Vegetable <-¹

  So let`s have a quiter look at his personal letters! Here we go....

  Yesterday we came in New York on. My dear man, that was what, can I you say! We saw each mass ships, so great as a whole town. In the harbour was a great wife: it had a thing in her hand that was so thick, that ten man drinne breakfast could, when it empty were, but I think it full is.
But as we first the cloudcratzers saw! My god, were that thingers! Me remained the spucke away. I thought I see not right! I packed my friend by the arm and cried:³"Have you so what already seen? That is what, wat?"
"Wonderful, wonderful,"¹said my friend always,³"there are you from the socks what?"¹And the eyes went him over for louder emotion.

  After the ship onlayed had, snapped we our coffers and sprang on land. We came us before as Columbus! The people were always friendly and greened over the whole face as honeycake-horses, when we what asked.
We asked us through, and then mounted we finally well behold in an undergroundrailway. She thundered through the tunnels as an oiled-lighting. We came three times to the same end-station, where us the shaffner highcanty outthrew.³"You are on the wood-way,"¹said I, but the man took no further notice from us. Now had we a mighty cabbage-vapour and our stomach grumbled always, so that we us no more on the legs hold could.

  We sat us in a little local and cried with one voice:³"Upper, I become a beafsteak!"¹and³"Have you farmers-early-piece?"¹Then said we:³"Benefied mealtime!"¹and slang the beafsteak fast down. As we finally sad were, made we a little bummel.
Suddenly frightened I together, then my friend cried whole loud:³"I see the Stampire Ate Bulldog!"¹I looked in the High and saw a house that was damned high, so that I me nearly the neck outrolled had. We went in and crabbled always upwards.
After three hours could my friend no more and said:³"Thunderweather, is that a mist, that I a heart-failure have!"¹There came me a saving thought. I packed me on the head and meaned:³"Here must yet a driving-chair be!"¹My friend rappled himself up, and we flitzed with the fairstool up. There could we perhaps downlook! It was so high, that it my friend evil was and he break must. Thunderstorm, was that a town!

  We cried always,³"wonderful, wonderful, what that town great is!"¹But a man so bride as a shrank who pooled always in his nose, said only:³"Texan oil are much better!" "Take you together,"¹said I, but as provident people made we us me-nothing you-nothing out of the dust.

Too Many!?

¤²    Ð T o o   M a n y ! ( ? ) Å 

          ¥by J.WalkerÅ

A many times discussed question is 'are there to many magazines?'. I think²there can't be enough!

¹Why? Well because the market will regulate itself. If there is a market, if there are enough readers for all this magazines, why not release all this magazines? If the people don't like a magazine it will die anyway or if there are too much magazines the low-quality magazines will die first and the high-quality magazines will survive.

So if a magazine wants to survive its quality has to be quite high. The most important thing:²There have to be a lot of cool and excellent articles.¹Apart from that the code has to be bugless and fast, the graphics should look good (but that's a question of taste), but it sould not be overloaded with gfx and the music should sound cool too.
The readers, you will benefit from that. The articles will get better, the code faster, the graphics will look much better.
(This makes it difficult to start a new magazine, but we hope that we will make our way to the top anyway.)

Ofcourse it can also be³too much.¹Not magazines but for example too much graphics inside a magazine. Too many icons to click and play around with. At the end you don't know whether you have read a magazine or watched a nice demo with a bit more text than the average demo normaly has.

In other branches a biger number of competitors has also lead to an increasing quality of the products. TV for example. Since the introduction of satelite-TV the quality of the stations has got better and better. The same goes for newspapers, paper-magazines, etc.

ßA reason for the big amount of magazines is that the scene is so big today. I don't know how many Amigas have been sold up today worldwide, but in Germany for example there have been sold more then²Ð1,000,000ŹAmigas!
With the number of Amigas sold the number of the scene-members grew rapidly and with them the number of parties, groups, demos, cracks, intros, packs, action! Also the actions apart from the computer have increased. All the resulting information has to spread to satisfy the increasing demand of the scene-members.

Ofcourse it would be the best if only one magazine could spread all this information, but that's impossible. There is too much information in too many countries. And a magazine that covers all the action and all interests would be much to expensive to produce and would take too much time to create.
Don't forget that creating a magazine takes a lot of time. Most of the editors do their job just for fun and not for the money. I know nobody who earns money with a disk-magazine!

So I can't understand why some people say that there are too many magazines. And if you still think there are to many: Calm down and remember that you don't have to read all of them!

How To Have Fun At A Lame Party

®¹ß¿H o w   T o   H a v e   F u n Å 
  ¿ A t   A   L a m e   P a r t y 

      ÷   by Ace of Damian   Å

°Have you ever been invited to a totally lame and boring Party, maybe by an ugly girl from your class or the best guy in every subject?? I bet everybody of us had to go through such hard and nervkilling times. Of course you got the choice to go there, but I would advice you to go to every Party you can get, coz it`s more funny than sitting at home!! Here are some helpful things to help you to get through the evening:

²First¹of all: NEVER GO THERE ALONE!!! ALWAYS take a good friend with you, who likes fun, too!!

Before you go there, go to the supermarket and buy some DEXTRO-ENERGEN or other dextrose, it can be very helpful that evening!

Always take a little²weapon¹with you coz when you are drunk it might happen that you say some not-so-nice-things to a guy who`s bigger and stronger!

Buy something to booze and take it to the Party. It could happen that you arrive there and the only thing you can find to drink is Orange- and Applejuice!

²Start boozing¹at home and drink, till you become a bit funny. Don`t drink too much, coz it`s never nice to arrive there drunken!

Await the worst and make the best outta that evening!

When you arrive there you should look around: is there ...
«... something to drink (ALCOHOLIC OF COURSE)
... something to eat (NEVER BOOZE WITH AN EMPTY STOMACH)

¾If they do have something to booze then you can keep your alcoholic stuff and take it back home for the next morning (staying drunk is the best cure!).

²Beercans¹are nice to do shooting with: Take a knife and push a little hole in the can, take the hole in front of your mouth pull the trigger (the piece to open the can) and driiink!!! Within two or three seconds all the beer will be in your stomach and you feel like you only drank a bit and not one can. Take some beer like this and you gonna feel funny!

Take your dextrose and mix it in your alcoholic drink or beer. It will cause that the alcohol gets pushed straight into your blood and it won`t take long to make you sing nice songs the whole evening! If yer focused on fucking a girl then mix the dextrose into her drink and wait a few minutes!

Only chat with your friend and start to talk bad about the other people at the Party, talk loud, so that they can understand everything!

Your main aim is to²get totally drunken¹that evening, so do it! When you are close to coma then search a place to lay down and relax.

Always remember:
« ... it`s not your house that must be built up again!!
 ... you mustn`t clean up the rooms!!
 ... it`s not your parents that are angry on their child!!
 ... no matter what you do - it`s OK!! Fuck on the one who gave the Party - YOU HAD FUN AND THAT`S THE IMPORTANT THING!!!
 ³... SHOW NO MERCY!!!¹



®²          § P I C K U P Å 

        ÷   by Blitter   Å

... we are
meeting again this year at Englishtown (same place year?)

After going to the trouble of thinking up an original opening line,
the most common responses are:

        'Do you come here often?'
        'Where do you live?'

My favorite 'famous line' is one that appeared in this very newsgroup some months ago:
'I'd really like to lick apricot brandy out of your navel.'

Other opening lines that I have heard recently (that are famous or
'Hi. I'm Big Brother. I've been watching you...'
'Where have you been all my life?'

And one that I used recently, as I was standing next to a woman looking out the window at Rochester's first snowstorm:
'Would you like to join me in the Bahamas next week?'

My only defense is that it was said in a way that made it clear that I wasn't serious and that seemed like the thing to say at the time... (She said yes, by the way).

'Would you like to see my Congressional Medal of Honor?' ...then, after fumbling with finding it, 'Oops! I must have left it at home.'

This can only be used in certain situations, but it worked on me:
'You shouldn't run around looking like that or one of us sex-starved young men might attack you.'
This was said with a grin.  I was wearing a halter top with a blouse open over it and jeans.  He didn't attack, but we ate dinner together and were good friends through college.

Think you can dance in those shoes? (Nice, macho line.  Works best on mean women you've seen once or twice before, instead of 'Have I seen you somewhere?')

Ok, you can stand next to me, as long as you don't talk about the heat!
(From 'Body Heat'. Perfect if you've obviously gone waaay out of your way to talk to a woman standing somewhere else.)

Did you have a color television when you were a kid? (Flesh this out with the old 'settle an argument' trick, ask her what color Fred Flintstone's dog Dino is. This has *never failed* to generate further conversation.)

You're 'no parking', aren't you? (Another two-parter. Explain that you're trying to guess her sign. This is so stupid that it's almost bulletproof in the right kind of bars.)

Excuse me, I don't want you to think I'm ridiculous or anything, but you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.  I just felt like I had to tell you.
(Then walk away!! Casual sincerity is crucial.  Next time you walk by, you can go for something mundane: 'What's your name, occupation, have you lived in fooville long, etc'. This works best on well-scrubbed ex-cheerleader types.)

The cutest one I've ever gotten (from my current girlfriend) was after our first date. She got up and turned off the light, and then said,
'Why don't you surprise your roommate and not come home tonight?'

One that I'm stealing from 'Red Bricks', an op-ed comic strip formerly seen
at Purdue, is: 'What's your blood type?'
'I'm into semiology.  What's your sign?'

My favorite lines:

In the produce department, 'How can you tell if these things are ripe?'

At the laudromat, 'How much bleach should I put in with my good suit?'

 'You don't sweat much for a fat girl.'

'Hey, doll, is this guy boring you? Try me instead! I'm from a different planet!'
       -Zaphod Beeblebrox, Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Once, I was in a coffee shop and while the waitress was pouring my cup of coffee she said, 'Say when.'  Response: 'As soon as I finish this coffee.' All it got me was a nasty look.

I liked the pick up lines used in the movie Gregory's Girl:
'You know when you sneeze, it comes out of your nose at a hundred miles per hour. Choo! just like that.'
'D'ya know how they make veal? They hang babay calves upsode down and slit them from top to bottom and let the blood drip out.'

Needless to say, both were useless.

We musn't forget the one used by Les Nessman in WKRP:
'Hi, I'm incredibly rich.'

Well, ok, I'll tell a story on myself.  I once had a lover confide to me that she had had many men tell her that she had a beautiful smile, but that I was the first to tell her she had a 'terrific grin'.  I guess it worked!

overheard in a rural bar:
'Hey, I know you! You were Miss Ohio last year, weren't you?'

overheard on a NYC street:
'Wow, I like your jeans.  Did you design them yourself?'

'What a lovely dog! Does it have a phone?'

The next one maybe doesn't qualify, except as a counterexample. College cafeteria, enormeously long tables with benches for seating 40 on each side. Girl alone at one end of bench, no one else sitting at either side of the table. Prospective picker upper(?) approches, carrying tray with lunch.
-'Excuse me, is this seat free?' Girl looks slowly over him, from head to toe, waits till he's almost ready to put tray down.
Girl lowers her eyes back into book.

'Lie down; I think I love you.'
'Want to go to my place for some data? 1600 BPI -- the good stuff!'
Gee, you look like my sister

For example, if you are italian, you would say:

Want a little italian in you?
Holds true for whatever ethnic group you belong to.
'Course there's always 'Your face or mine?'
What's a nice girl like you doing on a face like this?

²We at the NA40 Institue for Advanced Research in Pop Culture have come up with the following classick lines:

¹If I told you you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?

I can sense that you're a terrific lover, and it intimidates me a little.

Let's have breakfast together; shall I call you or nudge you?

If I weren't so romantic, I'd shoot you.

I can't help noticing that you left your peas.

The first time I saw you, I could sense that there was a strong emotional bond between the two of us.

Isn't my father your tax attorney?

I bet you have delicious thighs.

If you went swimming with me, I'd lick you dry.

Do you believe in love at first sight? How about the synchronocity of multiple orgasms?

You've got the bluest eyes I've ever seen.

My lenses turn dark in the sunshine of your love. [from the forthcoming album]

My friend and I have a fifty-cent bet that you won't take off your blouse in a public place.

I only have a month to live, and I feel like I've never really lived before.

My appendix is about to burst, would you drive me to the hospital?

I've just received government funding for a four-hour expedition to find your G-spot.

Not only am I rude and tasteless and trying to get you into bed, but I'm also being paid for it.

Can you believe that just a few hours ago we'd never even been to bed together?

Have you ever had sex underwater?

You look remarkably like our gardener.

Shall I wait for you in my car or will the closet suffice?

I know a great way to burn off the 300 calories in that pastry you just ate.

I'm learning Latin; would you like to come home with me and help me practice oral declinsions?

Nothing you've ever done before counts.  The only thing that matters now is that we're together.

I've been slightly depressed ever since my vasectomy.

Do you wanna fuck or do you have herpes?

You look nice and clean.

You've got nice tits; wanna fuck?

         Yeaaaaaahhh, Get Thizzz! BliTTeR/DMN fuckin` off! hehehe


How To Cheat At School

¤¹ß  ÷ H o w   T o   C h e a t   A t 
Å          ÷ S c h o o l 

      §   by ACE OF DAMIAN   Å

°Well, you all know that feeling when you are at home, and think about tomorrow morning ... SCHOOL ... maybe you still have to do homework or you gonna write a test in a totally fucked up subject and you don`t wanna go ... here are some easy tips, maybe you know a few of them, but this article is written for the people who don`t know it .... let`s start!!


First of all: if ya wanna stay at home then don`t ask your mom 'I`m feelin` bad mom, can i stay at home today?' coz then she will say that you can try to go to school and if yer still feelin` bad you can go home then!!, you must say that there`s no way for you to go to school coz you`re feelin` really bad and no matter what she answers, you say that your gonna stay in bed!!

how to be ill:
the afternoon before you write the test you can go to aldi or another shop and buy one or two packages of VIVIL. When you eat them it takes about one forth of the day and then you gotta go to the toilet coz you will have very thin shit ... and a MAGEN/DARM-GRIPPE (disorder of the stomach) is a good reason to stay at home for at least two or three days!!

another thing you can tell her is that you got a real bad headache and you`re feelin` dizziness ... and you have a bit sore throat, together it is the first sign of a bad cold, and your mom knows it..

if yer don`t wanna go to school next day, then sacrifice the last afternoon to stay at home, tell yer mom yer feelin` bad and go to bed ...

if yer mom forces you to go, then go home again after the first lesson ..

if ya gonna write the test in the first or second hour, just come too late and tell the teacher your clock didn`t ring!!


If ya gonna write a test, then ask a guy from another class in the same form, if they got the same subject at the same teacher. If yes, then ask him to write down some of the questions or to tell you what`s goin` on in the test. The teacher will take the same test in different classes for at least 90 percent! For this you should ask a guy who`s good in the subject, no matter if you like him or not, you mustn`t become his best friend!!

If ya got long hair it`s very useful in tests, coz you can put it in front of yer face and the teacher won`t see that you look on the test of the guy sitting next to ya!

Try to get a ballpen with somthing like a little window on it, that turns when you push the bottom. Take out the old text and put a little sheet with some useful things for the test in it, and now, when you push the bottom ... your text turns!!

If ya have one of these round leather-pencases, it can be very useful in a test! You can take a little sheet of paper with some helpful things on it and put it in the pencase, under the pens, so, nobody will see it! In the test you can look into the pencase and act like yer searchin a special pen. So you can look on the sheet and write a good test.

You can also write some helpful things on the desk and put yer pencase or your test-sheet on it!

Try to be ill at the day you gonna write the test. If ya have to write it later, you will be put in an extra-room, coz your or another class will be too loud, so that you can`t concentrate on the test. If you are sent to another room, just take a sheet with helpful things, a book or something like that with you (hide it!!!). On the same day your class wrote the test you should call a few guys to get some questions of the test, or ask one to write down the questions of the test when he`s finished!!!

Ok, I hope the things I wrote are as useful for you as they are for me! If ya also got some cool tricks to cheat then send them to me, or write an article!! You can find my addy in the Advertisment-Section!!!


Signs of Our Times

®¹ß  Ð S i g n s   o f Å 
              Ð O u r   T i m e s 
        ¿   by Blitter   Å

°The following signs have been observed in various hotels and other establishments around the world.

In a Tokyo hotel: "Is forbitten to steal hotel towels please. If you are not person to do such thing please not to read notis."

In an other Japanese jotel room: "Please no bahte inside the tub."

In a Bucharest hotel lobby: "The lift is being fixed for the next day. During that time we regret that you will be unbearable."

In a Luxenbourg elevator: "Do not enter the lift backwards, and only when lit up."

In a Belgrade hotel elevator: " To move the cabin, push burton for wishing floor. If the cabin should enter more persons, each one should press a number of shishing floor. Driving is then going alphabetically by natiional order."

In a Paris hotel elevator: "Please leave your values at the front desk."

In a hotel in Athens: "Visitors are expected to complain at the office between the hours of 9 and 11 a.m. daily."

In a Yugoslavia hotel: "The flattening of underwear with pleasure is the job of the chambermaid."

In a Japanese hotel: "You are invited to take advantage of our chambermaid."

In a Moscow hotel across from a Russian Orthodox cemetery: "You are welcome to visit the cemetery where famous Russian and Soviet composers, artists, and writers are buried daily, exept Thursday."

In an Austrian ski resort: "Not to perambulate the corridors in the hours of repose in the boots of ascension."

On the menu of a Swiss restaurant: "Our wines leave you nothing to hope for."

On the menu of a Polish hotel restaurant: "Salad a firm's own make; limpid red beet soup with cheesy dumplings in the form of a finger; roasted duck let loose; beef rashers beaten up in the country people's fashion."

In a Hong Kong supermarket: "For your convenience, we recommend courageous, efficient self-service."

Outside a Hong Kong tailor shop: "Ladies may have a fit upstairs."

In a Bangkok dry cleaner's: "Drop your trousers here for best results."

Outside a Paris dress shop: "Order our summer suit. Because in big rush we will execute customers in strict rotation."

Similarily, from the Soviet English-speaking weekly: "There will be Moscow exhibition of Arts by 15,000 Soviet Republic painters and sculptors. These were executed over the past two years."

In an East African newspaper: "A new swimming pool is rapidly taking shape since the contractors have thrown in the bulk of their workers."

In a Vienna hotel: "In case of fire, do you utmost to alarm the hotel porter."

A sign posted in Germany's Black Forest: "It is strictly forbidden on our camping site that people of different sex for instance, men and women, live together in one tent unless they are married with each other for that purpose."

In a Zurich hotel: "Because of the impropriety of entertaining guest of the opposite sex in the bedroom, it is suggested that the lobby be used for this purpose."

In an advertisement by a Hong Kong dentist: "Teeth extracted by the latest Methodists."

Translated from a Russian chess book: "A lot of water has been passed under the bridge since this variation has been played."

In a Rome laundry: "Ladies, leave your clothes here and spend the afternoon having a good time."

In a Czechoslovakian tourist agency: "Take one of our horse-driven city tours -- we guarantee no miscarriages."

Advertisement for donkey rides in Thailand: "Would you like to ride on your own ass?"

In the window of a Swedish furrier: "Our coats made for ladies from their own skin."

On the box of a clockwork toy made in Hong Kong: "Guaranteed to work throughout its useful life."

Detour sign in Kyushu, Japan: "Stop. Drive Sideways."

In a Swiss mountain Inn: "Special today - no ice cream."

In a Buddhist temple in Bangkok: "It is forbidden to enter a woman even a foreigner if dressed as a man."

In a Tokyo bar: "Special cocktails for the ladies with nuts."

In a Tokyo shop: "Our nylons cost more than common, but you will find they are best in the long run."

From a Japanese instructions booklet about the hotel air conditioner: "Cooles and Heates: If you want just condition of warm in your room, please control yourself."

From a brochure of a car rental firm in Tokyo: "When passenger of foot be in sight, tootle the horn. Trumput him melodiously at first, but if he still obstacles you passage then tootle him with vigor."

From a Majorocan shop entrance: "English well speaking. Here ending this month's column."

In a Copenhagen airline ticket office: "We take your bags and send them in all directions."

On the door of a Moscow hotel room: "If this is your first visit in the USSR, you are welcome to it."

In a Norwegian cocktail lounge: "Ladies are requested not to have children in the bar."

At the Budapest zoo: "Please do not feed the animals. If you have any suitable food, give it to the guard on duty."

In a Roman doctor's office: "Specialist in women and other diseases."

In an Acapulco hotel: "The manager has personally passed all the water served here."

                  BliTTeR / DaMiaN

ar, where he rip`s out all that great tunes and effects.
And these effects are, what gives the band a really special sound, you can easily point them out of a lot of other bands.
Not to forget the great vocals of Mr. de la Rocha...he really perfectly understands, how to give the mostly social-critical lyrics a really fuckin` angry and fed up with expression. When he yells `fuck you, i won`t do what you tell me`, than you simply know, he really MEANS what he is saying.

The whole album is very good produced and has got a transparent sound, so no point to mutter about here. All those dudes know, how to play their instruments, and you can hear that.

All in all, just get this CD and love it! There`s no chance to just sit and listen here, you simply will be forced to move your body, cause that`s music, that really goes into your stomach!
Can`t wait to see them live on stage!

Killing in the name, Take the power back, Know your enemy



ß                              ¥end.Å

Rap Reviews

¤¹ß      ¿ R A P   R E V I E W S 

       ÷  by Ace of Damian    Å

åOk,now we gonna take a look at the rap-albums which have been released the last months ...

Let`s start with²-DAS EFX`s-¹first Album which is called³-DEAD SERIOUS-.¹It contains 10 tracks and has a total length of 39:04 minutes.The style is sumthin` between Hardcore and Madness. The backround is based on Hardcore and the vocals are totally mad, but coooooool!!!!
This release is their first Album and it was produced by -EPMD-!! -DAS EFX`s- career began at a rap-competition where they won the first price. Before that time, one of the two rappers (DRE) was a psychologist, believe it or not! The Album is one of the best I`ve ever heard. Take my advice and buy it, you won`t make a mistake!!!

Best Tracks are:MIC CHECKA and THEY WANT EFX but all others are cool too!!

It gets 10 Points outta 10!!!
Next Album to judge is³-FINE MALT LYRICS-¹by²-HOUSE OF PAIN-.¹It contains 15 Tracks and has a total playing time of 46:31 minutes. The first Track they released (JUMP AROUND) was a chartcracker and has often been shown on MTV.
This is also the debut-Album for the Irish Guys who now live in America.Their style is straight Hardcore and I wonder why they were played on MTV, outside of YO!MTV RAPS! Guest Stars on this album are -Cypress Hill- and -DAS EFX-. This Album is really good, too, but listen to it first coz it is possible that you don`t like the same-sounding Tracks!


It gets 8 Points outta 10!!!
Now lets get to the fourth Album of²-EPMD-¹which is called³-BUSINESS NEVER PERSONAL-.¹It contains 11 Tracks and runs for 39:02 minutes. It is a mixture of Hardcore and Fu
!The Dual System - Only Trash?

®²  ÷ T h e   D u a l   S y s t e m 

    ¿     by Ace of Damian     Å

Since January the first Germany has a new trash-system. You don`t have only one trashcan, you have at least two but you should have five! 1 for normal trash, 1 for the trash with the green point, 1 for empty bottles, 1 for old paper and the last one for the rests of vegetables and fruits. The people with two different trashcans only sort between normal- and green point-trash. At the end of 1992 almost every home got a new trashcan for normal trash and some sacks for the green point. Last year the trash was taken away every week and now every second week. The things with the green point are taken away every fourth week and the old paper every week like last year. For the nature-trash you have to make a seperat place in your garden, where it rots.

If you don`t have a garden then you should bring the trash to a friend or your neighbour. Otherwise-perhaps you already have a special place for that kind of trash in your town where you can bring it to.The empty bottles aren`t taken away from you - you must take it to a special container.That doesn`t only sound difficult - it also is. The things with the green point must be cleaned by you.Firstly it`s better for the people to recycle and secondly it doesn`t stink within the four weeks. It`s no wonder that this is the most difficult and most expesive trash system in the world.Not only for the government of Germany.

The prices are 5-7 times as much as last year. Most of the people in Germany think bad about this new system.That`s because of the time, the money and how it`s done.The trash which we sort is put on one place again (so why do we sort it?) in most parts of Germany and if it`s sorted not everything with the green point is recyleable.It seems like a firm can buy the point for their things because it`s a good advert - and they don`t recycle it. i think a lot of things must be changed so that the system works like it should-and that takes time.We`ll see what happens with the german trash in the next time. Nobody knows if the system is worth the time and the money.


A Nice Trip

®²    ÷ A   N i c e   T r i p 

   ¢   by Friendly of Damian   Å

°This summer holidays the german railway company 'Deutsche Bundesbahn' offered a special ticket to all pupils in Germany. The 'SchuelerFerien- ticket'! With this ticket you were able to travel with all the trains, busses etc. in your state for only 30 DM! So one day Ace visited me and asked if I had already heard of this great ticket.

Of course I had and we decided to check out some other towns in 'Niedersachsen' which is our state in Germany. Without any organisation we left our home town in a train to Hamburg. During the journey we enjoyed several alcoholic drinks and the party was ready to begin.

Hamburg is suited 20 miles from our home town. There we wanted to check out what trains are leaving to other cities. Ace had the idea to search the lokal cinema and watch the great movie 'Wayne`s World' - it was already 22:30h! After some wrong streets we finally managed to get into the movie. Great feeling to be drunk and watch a film!...

0:45h - The movie was over and we got back to the railway station, where we arrived at 1:10h. OH YEAH! Really cool to see that the last train had left at 0:55h and the next train would arrive at 4:46 h! So we had no choice and stayed at the station. You guess right if you think that it was very unfunny. Party was over. At the station some drunken guys were hanging around. No fun. I wanted to sleep for a while - it was 3h - and layed down at a bench. Ace couldn't find sleep, and so he bought some coffee at a shop, which had opened 24h.

It was getting colder and I felt like a squeezed out spot. Ace joined me but there was too much light to sleep. We searched for a better sleeping place, and found a bench where we could sleep without some nerving lamps near us. You aren't able to sleep well on a bench and it was so COLD! At 4 o'clock we couldn't stand it any longer and stood up. Finally we recovered the secret why it was so cold. You have to know there is partly a roof above the station, but we had slept outside! Inside it was warmer. Blame us.

Well, finally the train arrived and we travelled to Goettingen. It was already getting lighter and weshut the certains. Then we covered our eyes with some toilet paper and slept ... Though the guard disturbed us two times, we dreamed the whole 4 hours in the train, puuuh!

Lukily, we arrived in Goettingen and, what fun - it rained! We entered a bus and drove into the city. With half-shut-eyes we stumbled through the shops, thinking of our wonderful beds. We didn't see much of the town, but what we have seen wasn't so good at all. Two hours later we left Goettingen and drove to Braunschweig. The main reason we went there was because we wanted to visit Aliex/Cyborx (Now Agent/Atomic). In Braunschweig we tried to call him by phone, but this dirty bastard wasn't at home.

So, in the city we joined McDonald's to have a cool meal after we bought some food to survive the weekend. On the way back we saw a bus with a sign on it, which said that this bus would drive to the station. We jumped in and a few minutes later we recognized that we entered the right bus, but it was driving into the wrong direction! We thought the bus would return to the station so we stayed, till we reached the terminus. All in all we sat about one hour in the bus. After we arrived at the railway-station we left Braunschweig to search a youth-hostel in Goslar, which was about one hour away from the station (on foot).
But it was already 18.15 h and we had to arrive at the youth-hostel at 19 h! So we took a bus which drove in the right direction. But we still had to go 45 minutes and the best thing ... the youth-hostel was suited on a mountain!!! Fortunatly, we met a nice car driver, who told us a shorter way, which could only be used by foot. After half and hour of mounting-climbing we finally reached the hostel - 19.05 h! We got a room and fell asleep, after having a small talk with some dummy guys.

The next day we felt a bit fresher after we took a hot shower and had a breakfast.We took the dishes that we had to clean and put them (dirty, of course !) somewhere in a room. We walked to the station and left Goslar to go to Hannover where we bought some food and drinks again and left to drive to Oldenburg, near Bremen.There we went to McDonald`s and had a nice meal and fun with the cucumbers on the Hamburgers (which sticked on the wall when we left). After we left, we went to Bremen (but we only stayed at the station) and then we left to go to Hamburg and from there to Winsen - HOME AGAIN !!

A 2nd Gulf War?

®²      ÷ A   2 n d   G u l f Å 
          ÷ W   A   R   ? 

    ¢     by Ace of Damian     Å

åExactly this time, only two years earlier: The Iraq dictator wanted to make the land next to Iraq, Kuwait, a part of his country. He sent military-troups to Kuwait to take over the land of the other country. The people living there  of course didn`t want that and so they got the help from America and the Allies. America tried to force Saddam to take his troups out of Kuwait, but he just said that Iraq is much stronger than the USA and his people would never give up fighting. So the American President, George Bush, gave Hussein a date until he would have to delete his troups from Kuwait before the USA and the Allies would start a war against him.

He didn`t do it and so on January 17th, 0:30 CET they started to attack many strategic points of Saddam to force him to leave the land. On the side of the Allies and the USA only a few people died but in Iraq and Kuwait many, also innocent people lost their lives through that unnecessary war. Saddam didn`t do good things to his people as he said. In the war he burned down many Oil-Fields in his and the other country;the last ones finally could have been extinguished in 1992! Some infos about the first war:

-The Iraq had 545000 soldiers, the USA sent 415000 and the allies brought
 420000 fighters
-The Iraq had 4200 tanks, the USA had 2000 and the allies sent 1900
-The Iraq brought 500 bombers, the USA sent 1300 and the allies had 500
-The Iraq had 15 ships, the USA had 100 and the allies sent 80

You may have recognized that Iraq had no chance against this enemy, and so the war ended about three or four weeks later. Three or four weeks to much war! The day I wrote this article was January 17th in 1993. Today in the early evening the USA and the Allies started to attack Saddams troups again, after he tried to make Kuwait his land again. Everything is exactly like two years earlier.

The troups of Hussein also torture the innocent people like last time. They have less fighters, bombers and everything like last time, and the people would be proud to die for their country, like last time. Well let`s hope that this war ends even earlier than the last time. The only thing that changed since last time is that the UNO still has troups there to check some areas for illegal weapons. Saddam wanted to prevent that and so the troups went in the country. Hussein said that he`s going to start a war again and so the USA and the Allies started to attack the Iraq, exactly 2 years after the first attack!

Church - The Biggest LIE in Life...

®²÷A b o u t   T h e   C h u r c h 

    ¿     by Ace of Damian     Å

Hey Smucky!?! Are you going to church every sunday?? Well, if yes, then you don`t know what`s going on... Don`t you see that the church is nothing but a big lie and a ripoff for people that believe in god??? Why? First of all let`s look at the prices in Germany: If you earn 4000 DM (Brutto) and you have to pay 20 % wage tax , then you pay 80 DM for church in a month (10 % of the wage tax is the church tax!).In one year you gotta pay -960 DM-!!!!! For this money you can buy much better things!!!... Now let`s take a look at the cross, the symbol for these people:

They must be proud of the romans because they killed Jesus by hanging up on the cross, if he ever lived!! The people going to church believe in the thing on that their second leader died!! If the pope gets shot, what do the people do?!?! Do they wear a gun around their neck???...
What about the "magic book"-The Bible: The church-visitors are strictly against violence and sex for fun... what do we find in their book? I think their names were KAIN and ABEL,two brothers. One killed the other by hitting with a stone, nice, hmmmm? Or another example: a guy appears in that book called: ONAN. He should make a baby to a girl, but he only fucked her and pulled out his dick before he got a climax and ejaculated on the floor... HA HA HA!!! So, this guy inventioned the word "ONANIE"!!!

Keep looking around! The two books are a totally opportunity.In the first one you can read about revenge: EYE FOR EYE, TOOTH FOR TOOTH and in the second one: IF SOMEONE HITS YOU ON THE FACE, THEN TELL HIM TO HIT THE OTHER SIDE, TOO!... FUCK THIS CRAP!!! What about god? He must be totally shit, worth nothing! You know this NO-NAME-SHIT! Yep, he got no name. That`s the same like when you don`t use a name for your friend and only call him "human"! Sounds nice, hmmm? As I said before: NO-NAME-SHIT!!!
Talkin` about the pope... he is strictly against sex for fun, but I think he can`t talk about that coz he never did it and he isn`t allowed to do it! Ok, let`s think about what would happen if everybody does sex without a condom or something like that. More and more people would become ill, because of AIDS and other veneral deseases.Another point is that more babies would be born all over the world which would cause a totally overstocked world. I the third world people would become much more poor than they are now!

Now let`s look at the church itself! The people going there voluntary must be masochists!! DON`T ASK WHY!!! In summer it`s fucked up hot in there, in winter it`s frozen cold.You sit in there and listen to what this motherfucker called priest prays, sing songs over that I could laugh everytime I had to go there, if I didn`t sleep!!! The furniture you sit on is 100 % made of wood and it`s fucked up hard!!! When you sit there, suddenly a beggar runs through the church, collecting money for this and that, but who knows what will be done with the money!?!?! When you are interested, write your opinion to my addy,which you can find in the advert-section!!!

å[Yo guys! What do you think! Is Ace right? Or is it just bullshit what he wrote? Let us know your opinion, send it to: The Jungle / P.O.Box 740 / A-6852 Dornbirn 3 / Austria. Ed.]

2Mysterious 0229-Numbers

®¹¤ß      Ç M y s t e r i o u s Å 
    Ç 0 2 2 9 - N u m b e r s Å 

In Austria the  0229-0x-0xx numbers are service numbers like the german 0130, swiss 0156 oder the american 800`s.
But they are not green - you will be charged as a local call. In this range of numbers the foreign operators like AT&T, MCI, Canada, etc. can be met. Lately, as i scanned this range, i noticed that from 0229-05-11 to 0229-05-19 some really cool numbers are located! A strange voice tells ya: 'Here is Vienna, please hold the line.....Here is.....'
A really tired and unmotivated voice picks up the phone. If ya ask to whom you are connected the woman says: I`m not allowed to tell you to whom you are linked, but i`m only able to say that we are located in Austria.... She won`t tell you anything - under NO circumstances!

Hmmmmmm, really strange! In this range there is also a french version of this operator (???) and two english-speaking lines. First i thought that these are the austrian operators for foreign operators. But then i had doubts that these numbers are austrian. I called up the local operator and asked for the owner of this phone-line.
First she said that there is no area-code in austria that starts with 0229. After i have explained her, that this is a service number, shit hacked around in her computer and found some information. She was near to explain everything to me. But somehow she got really quiet from one moment to the other and stopped giving me information. Suddenly she said that she has NO information about a number 0229-05-11..........
Does anybody know ANYTHING about these real strange numbers??? To whom do they belong?

ß                              ¥end.Å



The German Telekom wants to give all phone-users a treat to buy one of these shitty and very expensive answering machines and phones.
One of these lame guys said in an interview: We will make all modemusers buy a post-modem! No one will be able to USE a illegal machine!
What they want to do? They said they will make the phone-system digital!
Hahahahah, haven`t postmen checked out, that a dial prefix T is supplied with all modems? But some older answering machines really won`t work anymore, because they will increase the speed of the busy-tone and the older answering-machines won`t check out, that the line is disconnected. Then the recordtape will run until it`s out of space...... These machines are to be littered, but newer ones will work properly. A notice from the interviewee: United Germany will be full digital at the end of 2020 (!)
if no problems occure........

ß                              ¥end.Å


®¹Ç  F B I ' s   N O T   J O K I N G   

ß        ÷   by Jabb/Ministry   Å

åThe Secret Service has raided a dorm room at Texas Tech University, seizing the computers of two Houston-area students who allegedly used an international computer network to steal computer software.
        Agents refused to release the names of the two area men and a third from Austin, who were not arrested in the late-morning raid Monday at the university in Lubbock. Their cases will be presented to a grand jury in January.       They are expected to be charged with computer crime, interstate transport of stolen property and copyright infringement.
        "The university detected it," said Resident Agent R. David Freriks of the Secret Service office in Dallas, which handled the case. He said that Texas Tech computer system operators contacted the Secret Service when personal credit information was found mixed with the software mysteriously filling up their fixed-disk data storage devices.
        The raid is the first to fall under a much broader felony definition of computer software piracy that could affect many Americans. This October revision to the copyright law was hotly debated by computer experts, who contended that it sets the felony threshold far too low.
       Agents allege that the three used a chat system hosted on the Internet computer network, which connects up to 15 million people in more than 40 nations, to make contacts with whom they could trade pirated software. The software was transferred over the network, into Texas Tech's computers, and eventually into their personal computers. The Secret Service seized those three personal computers and associated peripherals which an agent valued at roughly $5,000.
        The software Publishers Association, a software industry group chartered to fight piracy, contends that the industry lost $1.2 billion in sales in 1991 to pirates.
        Although these figures are widely questioned for their accuracy, piracy is widespread among Houston's 450-plus computer bulletin boards, and even more so on the global Internet.
        "There are a lot of underground sites on the Internet run by university system administrators, and they have tons of pirated software available to download -- gigabytes of software," said Scott Chasin, a former computer hacker who is now a computer security consultant. "There's no way that one agency or authority can go through and try to sweep all the bad software off the Internet, because the Internet's too big."
        The mission of the Secret Service does not normally include the pursuit of software piracy, but rather the use of "electronic access devices" such as passwords in the commission of a crime. This gives the service purview over many computer and telecommunications crimes, which often go hand-in-hand, with occasional bleedover into other areas.
        Freriks said that the investigation falls under a revision of the copyright laws that allows felony charges to be brought against anyone who trades more than 10 pieces of copyrighted software -- a threshold that would cover many millions of Americans who may trade copies of computer programs with their friends.
        "The ink is barely dry on the amendment, and you've already got law enforcement in there, guns blazing, because somebody's got a dozen copies of stolen software," said Marc Rotenberg, director of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, in Washington, D.C. "That was a bad provision when it was passed, and was considered bad for precisely this reason, giving a justification for over-reaching by law enforcement."
        Freriks noted that the raid also involved one of the first uses of an expanded right to use forfeiture against computer crime, although he was unable to state from where this authority evolved after a civil rights lawyer questioned his assertion that it was contained in the copyright law revision.

"One of our complaints has always been that you catch 'em, slap 'em on the wrist, and then hand back the smoking gun," he said. "Now all that equipment belongs to the government."

ß                              ¥end.Å

$Introduction to 'Our Little Kitchen'
¤²      ÷ O u r   L i t t l e Å 
        ÷ K i t c h e n Å 
    ÷ I N T R O D U C T I O N 
A feature for all you cooks and bakers, mixer and bar-men - Here comes 'Our little kitchen'! We supply you with some nice recipes for cookies, Long Drinks, lunch or soups. Of course we are no five star cooks and have no idea of how to prepare a lobster or how to use your caviare. But we try to choose the best we can get, and if you think, our recipes are shit, load a texteditor and send us some better ones! We need recipes of every kind, write down your latest lunch or the cake, which you ate at your grandmother's home. The best thing: Try to compose a big menu, beginning with the hors-d'oeuvre. Maybe you mix your very special cocktail every night - send it to us!

And if it is possible give us a little tip where to use your meals. If I have tested the recipe I will judge it and write down what I think about it. So, have fun with the small choice of recipes we chose for you this time...

Send your very best recipes to this address:
     W- 2090 WINSEN/LUHE

%Something to Drink

¤²      ÷ S o m e t h i n g   T o Å 
            ÷ D R I N K 

Recipes collected by Friendly/Damian

²- Cold dug:

¹Time you need: 10 minutes (Without the cooling)
For 4 persons you need:
- 2 bottles white wine
- 1 bottle champagne
- 1 lemon
- Icecubes

Let's go...
1.Cool the wine and the champagne.
2.Wash the lemon and dry it. Then skin it very thin and spiral.
3.Fill the bowl-pot with the icecubes.
4.Hang the the lemonspiral into the pot. Pour the wine over the spiral and   cover the pot for 20 minutes. After that, pour the champagne into the pot and   your 'cold dug'.

Little kitchen tip: The cold dug tastes best if it is cold. If you are a bowl                     fan, get a iceholder, which can be put into the bowl-pot to prevent the water from the icecubes to get into the bowl.

²- Irish Coffee:

¹Time you need: 15 minutes
For 4 persons you need:
- 1/8 l cream
- 1 l water
- 85g coffeeflour
- 8 little spoons suggar
- 16 big spoons Irish Whiskey

So it is made...
1.Stir the cream (A bit!) and cool it.
2.Heat the water and boil up the coffee.
3.Put 2 spoons of suggar into each cup. Fill 3/4 of the cup with the strong coffee.
4.Put 4 spoons whiskey into every cup and place a bit cream above.

Litle kitchen tip: If you want to make real Irish Coffee you have to use Irish Whiskey. Perhaps scottish whisky but others are shit!

²- Old fashioned-cocktail:

¹Time you need: 10 minutes
For 1 person you need:
- 1 little spoon suggar
- a bit angustura
- 1 little spoon water
- 3 icecubes
- 5 cl whisky (Bourbon-Whisky)
- 1/2 slice of an orange
- 1/2 slice of a lemon

Not much work...
Put the suggar, angustura, and water into a flat glass. Stir . Ice into the glass, pour the whisky over it. Stir. Serve with a little spoon and the fruit- slices.

²- Martini Dry:

¹For 1 glass you need:
- 2-3 icecubes
- 1 part dry Vermouth
- 2 parts Gin
- a bit angustura
- 1 green olive

How to prepare...
Fill a big glass with the icecubes. Pour the Vermouth, Gin and angustura over them. Stir. Sieve the whole thing into a cocktail-glass and place the olive into the drink.

²- Sangria:

¹Time you need: 10 minutes, without cooling
For 4 persons you need:
- 2 bottles red wine
- 8 glasses (each 2cl) spanish cognac.
- 3 big spoons suggar
- 1 apple
- 1 lemon
- 1 orange
- 1 shaft cinnamon
- 1 bottle water
- 10 icecubes

Phew! Mix, mix ...
1.Mix the red wine, cognac and suggar in a can, untill the sugar is dissolved. Wash the fruits, the lemon and the orange in hot water. Dry them. Quarter the apple, take away the stones and cut it into cubes. Cut the lemon and orange into little pieces and put the fruits and the cinnamon into the can.
2.Cover the can and cool it in the fridge.
3.Before serving, add the water and put the icecubes into the glasses.

Little kitchen tip: Sangria is a perfect drink in the sommer season. Enjoy it!


&Something to Bite

¤¹ß      ÷ S o m e t h i n g   T o Å 
              ÷ B I T E 

Recipes collected by Friendly/Damian

³- Hamsteaks with red pepper and pineapple:

¹Time you need: 25 minutes.
For 4 persons you need:
- 2 red peppershells
- 4 big spoons oil,salt,white pepper
- 4 pieces of cooked ham (each 150g)
- 4 big spoons ketchup
- a bit suggar
- 1 big spoon butter
- 4 pieces pine apple

Here we go...
1.Clean the red peppershells, quarter them, wash them and cut them in stripes of same size.
2.Heat the oil in a big pan. Put the red pepper stripes into the pan. Salt them, pepper them, and stew them 5 minutes. Put them to the side...
Then broil the ham pieces on both sides for 5 minutes. Put the ketchup and the suggar onto the ham.
3.Heat the butter in another pan. Broil the pine apples on both sides. Powder them with red pepper powder.
4.Prepare the dish with the hamsteaks. Place the red pepper around them and the pine apples above.

Little kitchen tip: You can eat the cold hamsteaks on an excursion with bread and wine.

³- Cheeserolls:

¹Time you need: A few hours (Cause you have to put them into the fridge!)
For 4 persons you need:
- 350-400g Gouda or Edamer (Cheese) in one piece
- 6-10 pieces of sausage
-*3 hard-boiled eggs
-*125g butter
-*3 different sorts of melted cheese
-*pepper, salt, some chive

And so we do it...
1.Melt the Gouda in a cooking-bag 1/2 hour.
2.Put all the additions which are marked with the stars together and make a creme out of them.
3.Roll out the cheese, put the creme on top of it and place 6-10 pieces of sausage above. Then roll up the whole thing for a few hours into the fridge...

My impression: Not bad. If you like cheese they are really good. Little Kitchen tip: The cheese rolls are a good snack for dinner.

³- Covered chips

¹Time you need: 45 minutes
For 4 persons you need:
- 4 thin chips
- 1 bag of onion soup
- 1 box of mushrooms
- 1 cup of cream
- 1 cup of creme fraiche
- roastet onions

It's so easy...
1.Put the chips into a suffleform
2.Cover them with the bag of onion soup, the mushrooms, the cream and the creme fraiche.
3.Strew the roastet onions over the whole thing.
4.Put the suffleform into the oven and bake it for 20 minutes at about 200 degrees.

My impression: In one word - WOW! Absolutely perfect. I love it!



¤²    ÷ S A N D W I C H E S 

     ¿  by Ace of Damian  Å

åWell, when Friendly told me his idea about 'Our Little Kitchen', I thought of writing down some little recipes, too. I looked through my collection and found some nice recipes for sanwiches, and here they are:

English Banana-Toast
What you need:
 2 Banans
 The Juice of a half Lemon
 3 big spoons of butter
 3 big spoons of Coconut-flakes
 a bit salt
 125 g cooked ham
 4 slices of Gouda-cheese
 4 slices of toast

How to prepare:
Turn on the oven(225 degrees).Cut the bananas into slices and get some of the Lemon-juice over them. Put 1 big spoon of butter in a frying-pan and then take the banana-slices and the coconut-flakes and put them in the pan for three minutes. Give a little bit salt on it. Cut the ham into little pieces and put them into the pan, too. Put the toast into the oven for about three minutes (top row). Take the toast and put the rest of the butter on the side that lay down in the oven. Put the banana-ham mixture on the toast and give the cheese on it. Now put the sanwiches into the oven again and let it there for 8-10 minutes on the top row. That`s it!

French Sardelle-Canapes
Canapes are a french speciality. It`s bread cut into small pieces which you eat before the meal.

What you need:
 2 slices of toast
 1 big spoon of sardelle-butter
 4 big spoons of cress
 4 hard-boiled yellow-parts of eggs
 1 little spoon of raddish-cream
 a bit salt

How to prepare:
To get the sardelle-butter take 50 g of butter, 1 little spoon of sardelle- paste, a little bit cheyenne-pepper and mix it. Put the sardelle-butter on the toasts and the cress up above. Cut the yellow-parts into very small pieces and mix it with the raddish-cream and a little bit salt and put it onto the toasts. Cut them into small pieces and serve them.

Danish Ham & Egg-Smoerrebroed
What you need:
 4 slices of ham
 2 slices of black bread
 1 big spoon of butter
 2 hard-boiled eggs
 2 little tomatoes
 a bit salt
 a bit black pepper
 1 little spoon of small-cut parsley

How to prepare:
Put the ham into a pan and roast it. Put the butter on the black bread. Cut the eggs into slices and put them on the bread. Do the same with the tomatoes. Put a bit salt and pepper on it. Now take the roasted ham and give it on the bread. Spread the parsley on it. Put the other slice of bread on it and ready is it!

American Club-Sandwich
What you need:
 2 pieces of salad
 1 big spoon of mayonnaise
 1 big spoon of tomato-cream
 a bit salt
 a bit pepper
 small-cut chicken-meat
 1 slice of raw ham
 2 slices of toast

How to prepare:
Cut the salad into small pieces. Mix the mayonnaise with the tomato-cream and put a bit salt and pepper into it. Now mix the salad with the mixture. Roast the ham in a pan. Put some butter on the bread and give some chicken-meat on it. Put the salad on it and then the roasted ham. Now put the second slice of toast on it and then put the sandwich for 10 minutes under a heavy wood-board, so that it gets pushed together. Cut the bread into 2 treacles after that and it`s finished, too!


 drip out.'

Needless to say, both were useless.

We musn't forget the one used by Les Nessman in WKRP:
'Hi, I'm incredibly rich.'

Well, ok, I'll tell a story on myself.  I once had a lover confide to me that she had had many men tell her that she had a beautiful smile, but that I was the first to tell her she had a 'terrific grin'.  I guess it worked!

overheard in a rural bar:
'Hey, I know you! You were Miss Ohio last year, weren't you?'

overheard on a NYC street:
'Wow, I like your jeans.  Did you design them yourself?'

'What a lovely dog! Does it have a phone?'

The next one maybe doesn't qualify, except as a counterexample. College cafeteria, enormeously long tables with benches for seating 40 on each side. Girl alone at one end of bench, no one else sitting at either side of the table. Prospective picker upper(?) approches, carrying tray with lunch.
-'Excuse me, is this seat free?' Girl looks slowly over him, from head to toe, waits till he's almost ready to put tray down.
Girl lowers her eyes back into book.

'Lie down; I think I love you.'
'Want to go to my place for some data? 1600 BPI -- the good stuff!'
Gee, you look like my sister

For example, if you are italian, you would say:

Want a little italian in you?
Holds true for whatever ethnic group you belong to.
'Course there's always 'Your face or mine?'
What's a nice girl like you doing on a face like this?

²We at the NA40 Institue for Advanced Research in Pop Culture have come up with the following classick lines:

¹If I told you you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?

I can sense that you're a terrific lover, and it intimidates me a little.

Let's have breakfast together; shall I call you or nudge you?

If I weren't so romantic, I'd shoot you.

I can't help noticing that you left your peas.

The first time I saw you, I could sense that there was a strong emotional bond between the two of us.

Isn't my father your tax attorney?

I bet you have delicious thighs.

If you went swimming with me, I'd lick you dry.

Do you believe in love at first sight? How about the synchronocity of multiple orgasms?

You've got the bluest eyes I've ever seen.

My lenses turn dark in the sunshine of your love. [from the forthcoming album]

My friend and I have a fifty-cent bet that you won't take off your blouse in a public place.

I only have a month to live, and I feel like I've never really lived before.

My appendix is about to burst, would you drive me to the hospital?

I've just received government funding for a four-hour expedition to find your G-spot.

Not only am I rude and tasteless and trying to get you into bed, but I'm also being paid for it.

Can you believe that just a few hours ago we'd never even been to bed together?

Have you ever had sex underwater?

You look remarkably like our gardener.

Shall I wait for you in my car or will the closet suffice?

I know a great way to burn off the 300 calories in that pastry you just ate.

I'm learning Latin; would you like to come home with me and help me practice oral declinsions?

Nothing you've ever done before counts.  The only thing that matters now is that we're together.

I've been slightly depressed ever since my vasectomy.

Do you wanna fuck or do you have herpes?

You look nice and clean.

You've got nice tits; wanna fuck?

         Yeaaaaaahhh, Get Thizzz! BliTTeR/DMN fuckin` off! hehehe
