Damage Presented
ß ß P O R R ß ß
an intro for
Damage Report p6
Codex, Dezign
Count Zero
Decor8 & Dozig
The Player v61a
Guru/Sahara Surfers
That rotator you saw was 45x136 8x2 pixels, surely an ECS worldrecord. Without the musicplayer the routine can handle 45x141 realtime 8x2 pixels on a stock A500. No precalcs, no fastmem, no 020, no AGA. Appreciate this or die. Oh, and I coded the routine 1000 years ago but was too lazy to release it until now.
Dum de dum: don't reset, long music postsodomization.
Released at
ß Abduction'97 ß
Filmed in SodoVision®
Any similarity to any actual scrolltexts, either lame or elite, is purely coincestuous
No copying, redistribution or penetration without a huge, ever-growing, pulsating Penis that rules from the edge of Sodomity.
No graphicians were severely harmed during the making of this intro
For the purposes of copulation, Baldis shall be considered the owner of a Moby Dick
Remember this or die:
- Damage -
We lack
Vi har inte
U nas ni jest
Vi nicht gehabenhabenhaben
Watashitachi ga zenzen wa arimasu.
public 6
Damage has invented
A totally new kind of plasma
We like to call it
* P O R R P L A S M *