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File size:
1 181 bytes (1.15K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:02
Download count:
all-time: 18


          intro scrolltext :  welcome to soundtracker fuenf   - nein -  soundtracker nine  !!!!!      for additional messages press shift/v  in the soundtracker !!!!      okay, contact d.o.c at : plk 089114 c    -    2300 kiel 1   -     west-germany   !!!!        new features :    1000 new functions   -    new playroutine and so on....          credits to this intro - scrolltext : wie immer : doctor mabuse of d.o.c   and     coding,graphix and music by : unknown of d.o.c    and nothing : wie fast immer : by all other d.o.c members, like esteban (fauler sack) and frog (.)    !!!!                 this traecker released in july 1988  !!!!        we need stamps !!!   send fresh stamps to our headquarter !!!!   gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt belgae, aliam aquitani, tertiam, qui ipsorum lingua celtae, gallii nostri appellantur. hic haec hoc - wir haben keinen bock - hi hae hae - casa casae casae casam casi caso - lupus lupi lupo lupum -   sisi, two years ago, i had my last latin lessons.... kotz...      okay that should be all for today... don't forget to press shift/v in the soundtracker....     byebye      seeya             ...