Message leute !!!.........wisst ihr schon das neuste ???..........neeh?...........okay, guys : ingrid steeger ist tot.....................alkoholvergiftung !!...................hat harald juhnke einen geblasen......!!!!! hahahaha... hehehe! was ist klein und springt nicht mehr ??? nein, nicht das scroll, sondern : hans rosenthal !!!!! english language coming up now..... welcome, gentleman and ladies, to this absolutely perfect fuck off demo from the world famous dr. mabuse orgasm crackingsT DOC !!!! it is allowed to control the scrollspeed by pressing the left or right cursor key !! before we will come to the greetinx we have to talk some more guelle.... most of the greetinx will be commented, so do not turn off now !!!! why not, let us begin now.... DOC send extra geile greetinx in alphabetical order to : active cracking crew where are ya, man !! DOC ;<>-+ DOC active cracking force DOC ;<>-+ DOC amiga platoon DOC ;<>-+ another new contact of DOC ;<>-+ DOC amigo contact F DOC F bad gadget where are you, belgian guy ?? & & & belgian cracking association DOC the boytronic association genauso faul wie tft ;<>-+ the bitstoppers hello uwe! hope to have a nice contact on the amiga... #$$%%%$$^ byte bandit of acc still have a commodore 64 and tape?? DOC ccc DOC c.i.c DOC commandofrontier hello mad all, bubu and so on.... J J J csa F S S S S cfo F F F F dcc F DOC danish gold *() *() darkskin F DOC d.c.s DOC d.c.u F DOC div.d. what is with amiga ?? DOC ;<>-+ DOC d.s. compware nice contact on amiga. go on. DOC dsh F DOC dominators DOC dune int. again a new contact!! DOC ;<>-+ DOC dns F DOC eca DOC explorer F & & & & fairlight the hobbit J J J J the fantastic trio DOC ftf of the commodore guys nice demos and stuffs.. DOC the greetinx will be continued very soon..... how do ya like the ;<>-+ ??? we like it !!!! okay, there are not so much J games J now, but they are coming soon !!? we send a F and again a F to all atari loosers !!! more greetings ?? okay : DOC #$$%%%$$^ DOC ;<>-+ DOC fbi fuckin videos?! DOC garfield hallo holgi! sorry i could not laenger speaking on the phone with you because the waerter has us rausgeschmissen weil it was schon eighteen uhr !!! sorry, but here you have a new demo from DOC ;<>-+ DOC testing numeral keys......1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 DOC all right DOC *() DOC FFFF DOC generation x or was it generation wix??? DOC helloween hello! du schwien! just joking... & & & & hotline popeye, wil and so on.... DOC irq fuckin digitizer S S S S tia DOC man, eh !!! warum muessen wir bloss immer so viele gruessen??? i do not know!? hauptsache sie gruessen uns! also grrrreet dr. mabuse orgasm crackings or get stuffed !!! more greetings : DOC ibb esg &&& ice DOC jace FFF jew DOC ;<>-+ DOC joe mc fuck or was it funk or punk or krank ??? DOC kitt DOC lcp DOC lda & & & the lightforce #$$%%%$$^ the light circle moin duke, du willi!! warst du heute schon beim baecker ??? bei boris ?? send stuff and get tough..... see ya! ;<>-+ magic hands scf DOC major rom crew DOC megaforce F DOC mmc DOC msb DOC the new army DOC the nmi DOC the organized crime F where are you?? F F F F perfect cracking team hello bfbs !! sorry for my mega late reply! & & & phr crew intros are getting better DOC psycho DOC quelle lass diese demo laufen, willi !! was is mit v part 4 ?? DOC radwar enterprises F theo mach hin DOC relax don't do it! DOC rocky in holland DOC sam how is your amiga ?? DOC shield DOC the silents DOC skywalker thanx for the digitizer! er funktioniert sogar mal! DOC ;<>-+ DOC starfrommsers DOC the softpiller sorry softkiller crew of course! what is with your demo ?? DOC syndicate dk a new contact S S S s.t.e DOC the supply team you are the last who is left, tsn ?? DOCT the sunnyboys berlin berlin DOC tgi DOC teenwolf how is it to have schwefelsaeure in your eyes ??? F F F plutonium crackers DOC the trio hagar! come on! DOC trianon DOC triton technology F rage! DOC ;<>-+ twr 1888 DOC underground team F DOC the united artists mad max sorry 4 the late reply! DOC weser cracking service also sorry for the late reply!! & & & & web DOC wizaxF F F F and last but not least : wupp schwubbeldiwupp, hier bin ich wupp !!! enough for the greetinx, man !!!! perhaps we should present u the members of DOC ??? here they are : unknown *() esteban *() the import freak the spread freak the dead one and of course doctor mabuse DOC on ;<>-+ come on guys, for any information on the ;<>-+ , for any & or whatever you want contact : DOC & plk. 069070 c & 2300 kiel 1 & west germany !!!!! do it !!! answer rate : 97.4321998 percent !!! the fuck off demo seems to be finished.... #$$%%%$$^ byebye.