This is the boot-loader for the 3D-Net-Analyzer demo from D.O.C!
The cylinder zero is also on cylinder 79 to restore it...(virus)
Song: Composer:
Angie S. Frog of D.O.C
The End Uwe B. of K.C.S
Crack of dawn Romeo Knight of Red Sector
Megaforce02 Luxor of Megaforce
Metalsynth Walkman of Index
Dear Rob Fred of Ackerlight
Written by Unknown of D.O.C in the year 1988. D.O.C Productions
B0 N D F9 das waer ihr preis gewesen.....F0 dead ? F1UW4 .....are they dead ? DW4 or are they already living deUath ?? ..... here's the answer : no, we are not dead !!! and we ain't death, either !!!! F3d.o.cT (dr. mabuse orgasm crackingsT), B1J5one of the most successful amiga crews, no.1 in creating demonsB3trations, no.1 in causing delays, no.1 in writing bullshit, no.1 in creaB7ting soundtrackers, no.1 in writing no.1 ..... okay pischiNsT aF5nd strullersT, we are proud, hast ihn auch gewaschen ?, to pB9resent, mach mir die stute, no, to present this absolutely F6unbelievB6able rubbish, it's of 'cause coded by d.o.B9cT member : F8unknownT !!! the fiF4rst soundB5 tracked by : F3frogT !!! (he's tB7he best musician!!) this fuckingF7 boring always-the-same-containing scrolltext knocked down byB9 d.o.cT member : F8doctor mabuseT !!! you F2won't beliB2eve me now, 'cause it's unbelievable, but it's true !!!! ourF3 high grB9aded magazine, called p.e.n.i.sT, shall be released soon !!!!! (soon, soon immer der gleiche scheiss !!!!! what a dirty job.... ) soon crB1acked by d.o.cT : doctor mabuseT - the game ! ( it's your job to eliminate that overlazy bullshit writer!!!) , unknownT - the shame ! (try stealing unknown's computer...) , estebanT - the schokotiger (try drinking more schokopur than estebanT (impossible mission iii) !!!) , frogT - the shock (listen more than 12.34 secondB0s to one of his musix....) , don't kick me up, frogT F5!!!! well, ahuuuh, wie spaet, frag doch mal ! scheisB6se, ich hau dir gleich eine reinT ! (original h.h.TF4 slogans...) !!!! man, ist der dick man ! ich hab den dicksten... neh. ich! aetsch! deideidei... ex - ex - ex and hopp!!!! holstenT, flensT, elephantsT - B0uha ! attentione F0 F1 from nF8ow on unkB9nown hat kein bock mehr colors oder so'n scheiss einzutippen... springen nervt sowieso nur and soF3 kann man ganB9z geil readen ! messages to some friends of unknown : press 'm'... instructions for this demo : press 'i'... but now enjoy dr. mabuses scrolltext again... ..... was ist der unterschied zwischen 'nen normalen bauern und 'nen oekobauern ???? - beide duerfen ficken, der oekobauer aber nicht spritzen !!! huhuhaaaarrrr !!!! .....aber wie schoen, dass eduscho noch auf hat.... ....wuerde eduscho ja sonst nicht machen... au! schwitz ich heut wieder.... au schwitz ich !!! oh it's really great !!! on thursday the 8th of december the 'toten hosen' (dead trousers) are in kiel !!! nice day.... liebe amiga freaks, das warten hat sich gelohnt - seid ihr alle gut drauf ??? moegt ihr alle limonade ??? ist hqc das groesste fuer euch ??? jungs, ihr seid in der komplet falschen demo... das ist coding.... das ist d.o.cT.... applauuusssss !!!! deh oh ce - deh oh ce - deh oh ce !!!! yep ! what about... mit 110 einen ford versenkt, und einen fiat ausgebremst.... wir sind die jungs von d.o.c !!! eine runde um den haeuserblock, danach wird die karre aufgebockt... kavalierstart wird ausprobiert.... d.o.cT - wir haben alle abgehaengt... d.o.cT gibt 'ne party - und wir kommen nicht rein... zivis bewachen das ganze haus... na gut ihr penner !! macht schluss mit dem krach !!! psssssss....... ich will noch nicht auf die karre.... was ein mann alles vergessen kann... weil er ein mann ist... hypodrom... hannes kroeger.... hypodrom... eins - zwei - freddy kommt vorbei - drei vier - verschliesse deine tuer.... cutter weg - besen her - ich feg das lager nur so leer.... psssss..... na, kommt die message rueber ???? plitsch platsch wir sind auf trab - nehmen kondome im nachfuellpack... altes gummi her - neues gummi weg.... das ist nicht schwer.... d.o.cT hat's ! genauuu ! denn d.o.cT hat ganze nuesse, voller candy creme, d.o.cT hat's !! genau. he man, was laberst du eigentlich rum... wenn dir der scrolltext nicht gefaellt, dann schalt doch ab, du hoden !!! okay leute.... da kann man nur noch sagen : ! schwanz ab ! W3 du trinkst whisky.... du trinkst whisky.... du trinkst whisky.... er trinkt bier. ich trink vollmich!!! oh floppy, du bist soo eng, das macht mich geil und morgen nehme ich dein hinterteil... messages coming up.... hey unknown of d.o.c !!! nice demos you make... ...but ... who's those fucking guy who writes all those bullshit... ??? das waer ihr preis gewesen... messages : tach dick of rat hector !!! wie schoen, dass eduscho noch aufhat, wah ??? wir haben rote socken an... hey freaks... stop writing to us for swapping.... it's enough... only contact us if you need something brandnew or for good critics... here's a list of some countrys we got more or less letters from, if you are living in a country, that isn't named here, you can ofcourse contact us.... you know.... plk 089114 c - 2300 kiel 1 - west-germany !!!! okay , here's the list of countrys we get letters from : germany (west and east), denmark, belgium, turkey, italy, norway, sweden, france, luxembourg, spain, united states, canada, malta, hungary, israel, iran, greece, cssr, poland, finland, austria, switzerland, great britain, wales, australia and of course from much more countrys... i'm sorry but i can't remember 'em all..... welcome are contacts from : ussr, japan, and all other countrys.... write us... do it.... just for fun.... perhaps you'll get an answer.... russians and japanese will get it 100 per cent !!!! hey all guys who wrote..... i think i will write one letter to one person in every country, (so that about thirty people will get a letter from me soon), and i will ask all those people to represent d.o.c in their country.... that would be the biggest cooperation on a computer ever had been existed in world !!!! our p.e.n.i.s will be a magazine containing about 30! different languages.... on wednesday i (doctor mabuse - if you've forgotten who's writing all those fuck..) will join my 'theoretische pruefung' and i hope not much later the practical one... so everyone who reads this must (must!) send me one german mark - that means i will get about 3,5 millards of german marks (eingebildet sind die gar nicht, wah) and i can buy zacki zacki a ferrari testarossa (or shall it be a gto ??) and then - was wollt ich jetzt sagen - and then we (unknown and me) can visit a lot of contacts.... no i've got a better idea... send us money for the petrol we need to visit you and to drive home and add a sum of about 100 german marks and we will visit you 100 per cent... isn't that an offer, eh ??? a nice time would be summer 89.... okay, can we come.... and we have of course to join a room (we are also satisfied with a bed (add a beautiful girl)) .... so ist das nunma .... ich will noch nicht auf die karre... ich bin noch gar nicht tot.... ach kacke ich hab kein bock mehr scheisse zu schreiben .... warum auch immer scheisse ??? es gibt doch auch noch pisse.... achtung nun geht's los.... sonderscroll fuer alle peitschenmasochisten (hehe) .... originally this demo's name should have been 'rasierte votze', but the bundespruefstelle fuer jugendgefaehrdende demos hatte was dagegen.... soon coming : the df0 and df1 orgasm program... get your dick ready for being formatted at 880 kbyte.... just produced by d.o.c : strapse fuer disketten... sieht schaerfer aus..... kannst mal'n stueck rutschen, dann kann ich dir ein' lutschen.... es lesen doch keine kleinen kinder mit, oder !!! (unknown geh mal ins bett!) tja, course of this enormous zeitdruck, that i'm leiding under i think i must go now, or better, i think i've to finish this kotzible scroller.... it's possible to see you very soon in our p.e.n.i.s !!!! the next demonstration of d.o.c will of course be finished at the beginning of the next (89) year... see you then.... and don't forget.... keep the scene clean.... throw loser and lamer into the trashcan...! mit freundlichen gruessen : ihr d.o.c team !!!! gezeichnet (haeh, ich hab doch gar nichts gemalt?) : doctor mabuse (auch genannt dogge, oder matitte, oder mabbi, oder docci, oder maaabi oder spatzi oder schnuckel - aber lassen wir das) also freundliche gruesse von : unknown (auch genannt unknown, oder unknown, oder doofi (sorry), oder codi oder auch oder so!) have a nice hacking, continue fucking, be careful with your dick (you know soon coming the df0: orgasm...) and never forget.... they can all say what they want.... there are no leading five, or six, or three or whatever.... there's just a leading one , and the name is..... send the solution to our hq and if you are right, you'll the winner of a present... byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............!!!!!!! und nochmal...... ja! ja! tiefer! tiefer! scheisse wir sind noch auf sendung.... textstoerung textstoerung schluss!!!! .............
UN B6 F5press the 'help' key to switch the indicator on or off. 'f1' to 'f4' to switch each sound-channel on or off. 'f5' to 'f8' to switch each sound-channel from the analyzer on or off. 'f9' to change the high-level of the analyzer. 'f10' to change the down-speed of the analyzer. 'del' to change the mouse-sensitivity. use the mouse to move the camera around the space to see the whole net !!!! use left and right mousebutton to zoom in or out !!!! cursor left and right to change the direction and speed of the x-rotation. cursor up and down to select one of the six songs on disk !!! (the arrow marks the song to load next, the headphone shows the current song (played now)). 'return' to load the marked song. 'i' for instrunctions (just take a look at them) 'm' for messages to some friends of unknown... that's all you can do.......B9 F3original scrolltext coming up....
UN B7 F3hi zeronine, garfield, tip, crazy typer and bytemaster. also some messages to : s0dan, onyx, mordillo and mad thinker... F8s0dan : hi, cool dude ! here's my demo, but where's your letter you promised to send me ??? write back soon... F3onyx : get my phone number from dirk and call me with a pbx card to get a nice talk about disk-routines and other cool routines.... F8mordillo : when do you call back (sometimes i think i'm not the only one who's lazy) ??? i want to talk to your friend who modified the kickstart version i work with.... F3mad thinker : try to contact me, so we can swap cool tricks and routines... B9 F3original scrolltext coming up....
Unknown of D.O.C presents : The 3D-Net-Analyzer !!!