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File size:
1 963 bytes (1.92K)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:50:07
Download count:
all-time: 216


D.MOB (ex. Sunriders Swe.) presents MUSIC-DISK 1. 
Sunriders Swe. is now          --D.MOB--          
We have decided to jump out of Sunriders and form 
a new and better group...  The reason why we did t
his is because we were the only working guys in Su
nriders...   So, we took the best guys and left th
e lamers, and created D.MOB...                    
Sunriders Germ. have now joined Beastie Boys...   
(Thanx for the offer, but we don't want to join B.
B.), so we think that Sunriders is quite dead at t
he moment...                   Over to some inform
ation about this music-disk...          All music 
were made in SoundTracker, (ofcourse made by a pro
fessional D.J.) and sampled in Frequenc
e Five (another D.MOB production), thereof the qua
lity of the sound...          Some other productio
ns soon to be released from D.MOB is D.COPY & D.CR
UNCHER, and some traditional demos & intros...    
           The latest demo from the Sunriders was 
really a D.MOB production, but when we got to know
 about this break up the demo was already spreaden
...                   We will also start hot modem
 trading (14400 baud) in the near future. Cool mod
em traders better contact us now...               
Contact us at:  Elleskar 13, 37140 Karlskrona, Swe
den.  or call: +46-455-12701.        (This adress 
is the H.Q., and is also for swapping)            
or contact: XOR, Virvelvindsv.4 i, 22227 Lund, Swe
den.                or...     CREATOR, PL 1241 Hal
lbro, 62148 Visby, Sweden.                        
So, all contacts...  You better erase Sunriders Sw
e. from your greetings-lists now and put D.MOB the
re instead...    And wont you forget it!!!        
            Guess this was all for this time, guys
...         See ya' in a later production folks...