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1 030 bytes (1.01K)
File date:
2024-11-28 05:45:01
Download count:
all-time: 10


CRYPTOBURNERS strikes back with a new demo!      The picture you're seeing is the result of 5 hours of hard work done by TEC.     As TEC fades away...   JACKMIX and AGGRESSOR says:  - UT MOT HAVET FOR FAEN! - When that is said We (The swappers of CRB) want to say sorry for the lame delays... (Maybe we will send something soon)... And now.. (Drumroll) ..... Press your left mousebutton !!!      Fy faen Gerda, fytti hælvete!                                 

CRYPTOBURNERS presents a new demo called THIRD DIMENSION.    Coded by TEC in the dark norwegian days of december. Music by RHESUS MINUS. Graphics by HEATSEEKER, BUGBEAR and TEC. Objects by RHESUS MINUS, BUGBEAR and TEC.  Release date: 29/12 1990.    This is the very first three dimensional demo on Amiga. To see the 3D-effect, you need a pair of 3D-glasses which the left glass is red and the right glass is green or blue.  Press the left mousebutton to start the demo.       Contact CRYPTOBURNERS at:  P.O.BOX 141    3055 KROKSTADELVA       NORWAY