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$VER: CRUX 'DReaMSCoPe iNTRo (Rev 3) ·×· Code by [-cR!SP-]

You're kidding me, right?|Your AGA check suxx!

CRuX · MiNi-MeGa-aGa-CHeCKaH! v1.0

AGA Test ................. NeGaTiVe

Sorry dude, no hancyfancy AGA stuff
for you...

 CRuX · MiNi-MeGa-aGa-CHeCKaH! v1.0


 AGA Test ................. NeGaTiVe

 Sorry dude, no hancyfancy AGA stuff

 for you ....


its finally done! What you are watching right now is the result of months of hard working! Without the help from every single member it wouldn`t be that great as it is now! The amazing mainpic from our french pixel duo CLARY&TOF was the first contribution that reached me and it gave the motivations to finish that project! Without the coding talent of Psychotron it would be unpossible to do such a project - he was always very reliable and gave his best, respect bro! Newt was also always here when i needed some changings in in the gfx, he never went angry when i gave him thousands of gfx requests ;), he even redrawded the intro gfx completly! Very nice work my darling ;) Then, Dexter, he was the main initiator for this project, his musical vibes always inspirated me, i`m sure he will grow up to a big star in the scene - try to get his contributions for MONO and NO`MO!  -   Acid-Jesus, his technic of using protracker is one of the best i`ve ever seen! And his mods sounds also like that! Underground hardtrance from it best! Too bad that he left the scene and i lost the whole contact to him, if you read that AJ, please try to contact me! Am sure the scene will hunt you after they heard your mods ;)   -  Our belgium heavy fanatic named CRISP finally managed to code the fine intro after 3 coders which failed on it! And he even complained when he had to recode the intro using the new gfx! Also a huge kiss to you!  -  Odin, the oldest member in the demodivision of crux! He made the fab titlepic within no time! Thx mate for not loosing the faith in crux even after almost 2 years without any prodcutions! Last but not least AMusic spend also alot of time to contribute this production! Thx mate! DREAMSCOPE was released at THE PARTY 6 and we wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR and KEEP THE GOOD OLD SPIRIT OF THE AMIGA ALIVE!     My best regards to:  RELIEF/PUZZLE - an very old friend in the scene, unfortunatly we lost the contact a bit so try to contact me over my e-mail mate! ACRYL - The drunken god in #amigascne :) Halt die Flasche gerade alter! hehe GRACE/ILLUSION - another #amigascne pal, stay cool! SWOOP/REBELS - Thx again for helping to communicate with ERACORE - you know what i mean! hehe - ERACORE/REBELS - My biggest respect to you Erland! The GFX were brilliant and watch out for the final product soon ;) - RAHIEM & TOUCHSTONE/ESSENCE after some hard discussion in the net we finally went to scene pal`s! FURY - One of my oldest scene pal`s, without you i wouldn`t be that what i am now, without you crux wouldn`t simply exist! Thx for your great help! SID/CRUX - Bonjour mon ami hehe also a huge kiss to you, same as I said to FURY, without you probably i wouldn`t type this words right now! SCREEM/CRUX - my donut maniac heheh! One of my best scene pal, also maximum respect to you bro! SKYWALKER - The best ascii-animation artist i`ve seen so far and .. immer schoen heiss bleiben hehe. SKYPHOS/ARTWORK - another fine scener - bleibt fit alter! PEACHY/HAUJOBB - I always said WESTBAM suxx hehe! JAZZ/HAUJOBB - Keep the good work at FRIENDCHIP up! It rules! RUBIK/CRUX - Next time some of your modules will be included ;) HOTWIRE/CRUX our UK gangsta ;) hope u like it! EXCEL - hey jany! lets kick some ass with BALANCE! HOLLYWOOD/MONO - stay cool dude! we have `something` to do soon :)) LOUSY - greets to my swiss bro ;) DIGIMAN - bald gehen wir wieder einen saufen - hehe! SHAG - greets to my MAC friend RECALL - my fondue lover! we gonna eat one sometimes for sure hehe ZINKO - where`s THOR ? wuff wuff! :) - Cyclone - thx for the logo mate! keep the cool friendship up! RENDALL/IMPULSE - one of the best gfx dude i ever met! stay cool pal! .. and also to the following groups: DRIFTERS - BAD KARMA - HAUJOBB - BALANCE - DA JORMAS - TRSI - ARTWORK - 3LITTLE ELKS - THE BLACK LOTUS - ABYSS - MASSIVE - BALANCE - ESSENCE - ALCATRAZ - AMBROSIA! - REBELS - SUNSHINE PRODUCTIONS - MYSTIC - BIZZARE ARTS - .... and to all trusty AMIGA believers and all i`ve forgotten! ... Enough wise words! Enjoy this Musicdisc as much as you can, we tried to included several music-styles to give everyone a reason to like it ;) See you in our next production! Shane anno `96                

Hi fellas, here you got our latest production: DREAMSCOPE (you probably already have noticed that ;)) I have had a great time putting this together and therefor my greatest respect goes to everybody involved in this project and especially to SHANE who has always been very supporting and made this possible to do. The only thing i'm disapointed with is that I can't be at The Party when it is going to be released. HAVE BIG FUN WITH IT!.. Greets go to the following dudes: (random order) HAMLET - SCREEM - HOTWIRE - LA ONDA - GAJAN - LACOSTE - RECALL - MADSEN - WHIRLWIND and all CRUX members and the rest i've forgotten. Psychotron signing off           

Ho! Ho! Ho! What have we got here.... ???    YES It is the result of months of hardwork and coding, recoding ;), cutting and pasting... But we love it. That's why CRUX is proud to present to you DREAMSCOPE, our first Musicdisk! And admit it: it looks good :) Well, I'd like to say hi to some people through this way... (random order ufcuz): First of all big Hi! to SHANE/CRX for all his efforts and co-ordinating. Great work dude, without your hard work this musicdisk wouldn't have existed... Also *HUGE* Hi! to FRaNKy/BK for helping me out when I needed it. Thnx! ... Furthermore I'd like to say hi to SCREEM/CRX (aka SCROTUM/CRX) - Our donutloving chatterdude :) Thnx for cewl chats and chat ya soon again! Har!... Quicky greetings go to: mAkno (Hail!), RETI, BIGOPHONE (great tradin ;), Legion (*bliep*), #amielite (keep on keeping it cewl :) and all others I can't think of right now.... Well, have fun withg this musicdisk and c ya soon again with another high quality CRuX demo or crack! [CRiSP] signing off at TP6 1996.... Bye!              

Hey Brothas! Dexter hitz tha fuckin' keys! Well, after a looooong and haaard time WE finally finished this BABY and I must say...I'M PROUD OF IT!! YEAH! First Productions are always a hard thing so I hope you like it! So..what can I tell about my Livestory? Nahhh? Okee Okee..i prob..'s kewl that all the Gangstas in Crux made it for this kewl piece of like it or DIE!! =)..Hmm..well how shane said the whole thing (maybe) based on some ideas i got..hmm dunno anymore..seemed I have been Stoned as i said this =)..hmm..okee..the name is surely from my Dreamscope this Musicdisk you only find Dreamscope #5 (Trancetune) but if you would like to get tha rest of those tune (ALL IN ACID) then contact Shane or catch tha Mono Release called Dreamscope 4 or contact some of those Buddies on IRC that i gonna Greet l8r!..okee...well...Wow..what can i say..just one thing.. RESPECT 2 ALL THE PEOPLE WHO HELPED 2 GET THIS FUCKING THING WORKING YEAH! I would like to thank especially here SHANE who always helped me in any kind of problems and always had the FAITH and BELIEVED in me..BIG THX 2 YOU M8.. without you i never reached it till here!Also big thx to ZINKO for LUUUVIN' my tunes =)!Okee..about the Story of this Musicdisk i would like to tell you just some was the 18 December..Shane came to my flat and we were working on the introtune for the "Preintro" of the Musicdisk..well and then i had to finish 2 Tunes in 1 Week??..Damned i'm not a Genius..well or maybe yes?..=)..well at least i managed it and all got finished..I hope you like the to the Greetz coz i haven't got anything more to say! SHANE/CRUX: THX FOR ALL m8 - TRANCE/MONO: Hey mann what's up? =) - ZINKO/TOO MUCH: JUNGE, LIEB DIE TUNES! =) - tRIVIAl/SOIA: Damned shit m8: i hoped to see you at the Party but..I CAN'T COME!! - HOLLYWOOD/MONO: Thx for liking my Tunes..this means much for me.. - AND ALL THOSE PEOPLE I KNOW ON THE IRC AND SO.. 

SHANE/ZINKO/FURY/TRANCE/T-RAY/TRIVIAL/ROADRUNNER/ZANOK/ZOLTRIX/ORIGO/HOLLYWOOD/NEWT/MATHEWS/SKYWALKER/NIKE/SCREEM AND ALL I FORGOT FOR SURE!! --- SPECIAL GREETS AND LOVING TO STEPHANIE: »I LOVE YOU« --- CYA ALL SOMEDAY! heaven =)                   , it's always difficult to think what to write when it comes to scrolly parts. Oh well, my greets go to all the cRUX members, as well as the greek music and demo scene. See you at "The Gardening '97" in Patras/Greece... signed off AMusic/cRUx!          

Oooooooookay, finally we have it here! I`ve worked hard with this release as all the others i suppose, i`m still not satisfied with the gfx though. As i`m pretty boneheaded =) I can`t come up with anything to write except this: ABOX WILL RULE. Greets to all friends on #amielite and #amigascne. Newt is signing off..              

First of all i want to greet t0f a lot, for being the best graphician i know, and a very patient friend. Without his talent this pic wouldn't have been possible to do! Also greets to Shane for managing to pull this project together! And Dexter for making so good musik, I hope we'll have a lot of demo to do in the futur...psy?;)  Now i also think a lot, of all the DFT member, like sh0cker who learned me all about the Amiga, my sister IO for all the funny Gfx she does.          Greetings to all in #amielite Zinko, Bionic, Hamlet, skywalker, whirl, Appollo, Vega, Acbs, dr.g, Soldier,Anome, Fury, eCs, Mario, Loy, Lord, and the symposium and sih organiser and of course all the crux member..          Don't forget to call The Northern Palace, Dial Hard, The Charge, And all the other nice places i go!

Greetings from the Party96 in Denmark to all the ones I know. Shane sitting left beside me and looking like a drunken Swede (Well, at last he doesn`t look like Recall yesterday evening when we went out to the town). I have to say that this years party is not as good as it`s supposed to be. To many PC-Lamers here and the party rules suck like hell (no alcohol, no smoking). Well, what`s that for a party ? I have to say hat german parties may not be that well visited like the ones in the northern parts of europe, but at last you`re allowed to have fun there (smoking, drinking etc.). I guess the organizer`s don`t know what a party is (well, maybe they don`t drink and smoke, but that`s their problem if they can`t live with dudes that do so). One positive thing is that i met many nice guys here (listed l8ter in the so called "special greetings"-part of this scroller. Another thing is that party organizers should check about possibilities to have fun outside the party location. Ok, they had a "party-bowl" yesterday, but to be honest... i can stay at home to bowl... in this town here (Aars) there`s nothing you can go to except a little disco (if you can call a place as big as a toilet a disco...). What i really missed was some place to sleep. This year those dumbfucks rented a school approx. 1 km from the party place as sleeping place. But well, when you`re tired you don`t want to walk very much. There was some area here that they declared at sleeping hall, but like last year it was a joke. Some small moveable wall to seperate the sleeping dudes from the rest of the party and believe me... I felt like a cow in a slaughterhouse. Put together with many people in a small place. Why are organizers to stupid to arrange some real quiet place to sleep at ??  Well, lets stop this crap about the party and talk about the funny things that happened here. Yesterday I met V^C^M of Skid Row. Was real funny.. Drunk like hell, but at last a nice guy to talk with (well,talked again with him today when he was sober again). Probably a nice guy to have fun with, but I`ll see today evening (if I get him) before we leave to have fun in the town here (still hoping to find a place to have party at). Seems all swedish guys are drunk like hell at parties outside Sweden, but well, who would not drink like an idiot, when the prices for alcohol are that high as in sweden). That`s what Recall (another swedish guy) told me yesterday, after he lost his Vodka to the party security. Well, was no fun for him, but was a good laugh for the rest of the audience. Don`t forget to call "Schewersch offf Mischteriiiii" (right, Recall ??). But at last for a low life human from the third world he`s a nice guy. Like Zinko the first danish dude I met that is able to speak german. A nice guy with a nice BBS.. Coming up next -> the one staring at this screen and reading what I write down here... as mentioned above the one that is sitting left besides me. Someone who is used to wear a Crux-Cap and some small glasses with and some hairs in his face :) You probably know Shane the crazy dude from Switzerland. Well, I`m using his Amiga at the moment and well, every minute I remember why I don`t want an A1200 :). Ups someone on my right side starts talking to me. It`s Mario, the well known (?) TRSi-Leader. Trying to lead our way... well, keep on trying :) As long as you don`t take it to serious we`ll follow you (do we ?) But he`s a nice guy and you can have a lot of fun with him (that`s for sure). I should know, coz he`s my best friend.... Still searching for a place to see Fury in action when Playing Wipeout XL. Should`ve taken my playstation with me. But I guess it`s to late now. Try to beat him and well, then you can say you`re good.  Well, I`ll better stop now with the scrolltext or else you`ll need a ram-expansion to read it..             Some greetings going to the dudes at this party as there are: Mario/TRSi, Shane/Crux, Zinko/Crux, Rekall/DCN, Slime/Royal, Mogue/Arclite, Hausfrau/Oma, Fury/Crux, Clary/Drifters, Whirlwind/Royal, Baffle/Delirium, VCM/Skid Row, Cruger/Skid Row, Birdhouse Projects (the party people should know their stickers as they left `em everywhere), Uyanik/TRSi, Control/TRSi, TNM/TRSi, Warhead/TRSi, the Dudes from Haujobb (don`t remember the handles), Lawnmover Man, Jukebox, Digiman/Crux and all the ones that i met, but don`t remember now..              Also greetings to the dudes on #amielite that didn`t appear here as there are: Agony, Argon, Jack^Daniels & Guzzman, Scarface, Fungus, WKnight, Cesspool, Gryzor, MFM and all the rest I can`t remember now...              That`s it.... enough text for now and see ya all at the Symphosium`97 in Germany.............