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File size:
3 661 bytes (3.58K)
File date:
2011-01-08 23:03:31
Download count:
all-time: 297


yeah!!!   i'm back again in the business!!!!               who???
   you don't know??   (well,i don't wonder why....)  the answer is  :
crusher   yes...  after about 2 months of being in holiday i thought that i 
should finally really - do - something visible before i'll stop the whole 
computer-business  H this mad lazyness began when i was making a part for 
our mega-demo about one month before that shit-party in lahti... those days 
i was still in phalanx (because it was alive) i had some big and strange 
problems with it,but i could fix out somekind of version of that demo-part 
(do you remember cable!!?)  somehow i didn't (lazyness?) fix it until 
i started to code this one about 2 weeks ago.... i had same problems with 
this one too!!  i really got mad and angry about this. i had no idea from 
where the bug was come from.... i checked the source again and again and 
again until i was so fucked up with this that i was making a decision of 
stopping the programming totally..... (no kidding at all!!) 
then a few days ago i loaded seka again and i started to think,what the 
hell can be wrong in this... i figured out that copperlist was just fine,
but scroller had something wrong because the scrollfont didn't scroll at 
all.... (clever brainwork,eh??) now i'm satisfied with this demo.... 
not because it's brilliant code,but it works perfectly (does it!?). the 
bug in the scroller was so stupid and little that i don't even tell 
it to you.......... I let's pump out some credits.....
coding by crusher (yeee!! i really managed this huge operation called : 
 make a demo after a long period of silence)
this nice scroll-font was done by tai-pan and blade 
(i don't know how much each of you did,but i think the result 
is pretty watchable ,or what?)
other graphics is made by myself (in one day!!!  can you believe it!!!)
and the nice tune on the backround was created by walkman of it 
(yes,very cool tune actually...a litte messie to walkman : 
i heard from cable that you are a little bit disappointed to it.........)
 gosh! i'm tired,but scroll must go on....
now i'll send some messages to my contacts
first a hello to  -shark the master- of -scoopex-
hi!! i'm really sorry that i've keeped your disks quite a long time,
but i'll start swapping again in a few days!!! so stay cool,pal...
-jorg- of -amiga industries-   same words to you too!! 
-ssd- of -cosmos-   hello you cool dude... thanx about those cool and new
cracks you've sent to me!!  and last messy to   -mike- of -avenger-
i'm really surprised about your incredible speed of sending me your cool 'n' hot cracks
.... keep going!!   1-3 sendings from you in a week really isn't slow action!!!
now.. let's change the subject!     i've decided that i won't answer any 
letter which are written to me for swapping,so don't bother.....
but if you are cool enough i'll give you an address to a another member of -complex-
here's my address (but remember : only a matter of coding or something 
else will be accepted!!   no swapping!!) 
vesa valimaa  ,  porkkanakuja 10  ,  90460 oulunsalo  ,  finland 
and telephonenumber is  :   A358-81-482532  C  and ask for vesa.....
so..... that's about that and before i stop i'll send some greetings to my own contacts
freestyle uk  -  crusaders - avenger - scoopex - horizon - cosmos - it - 
shining 8 - newline - nzc - action force - cryptoburners - public sector - 
silverhawks of nemesis f.d - setrox.....
sorry for those who were not mentioned,but my list is somewhere 
(maybe it has something to do with this terrible mess in my room!!)
ok....   now i'm going to stop this stupid bye for now from -crusher- of -complex-