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13 531 bytes (13.21K)
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2011-01-23 23:04:09
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Lame code by FIX.... tein muuten et-merkin 5 kertaa ???

      hi! it's fix writing...       do you think that this scrolly is lame !!!   no way it's coool  maybe it's now little bit better so let's talk about bullshit     but maybe i fix this scroll....  now it's better.... but still so fucking stupid.....                        now it's now o.k.         maybe you think "where is the logo ?"    where is the logo !    i have little problems with logo but let's try...                                   hhhm... what you think !it's looking funny... 8-)           so go hell!!                 i must do someting but what... do you have any ideas ?...          let's try again...         yeah! looks fine...  but i don't like it...L
                 this is so stupid.... maybe we reset this fucking demo...                not yet... one more time....                shit... why everything goes wrong?                                                  hey where is mouse....         let's press 3rd mouse button    now... it's looks that what it must look ?          so everything is fine....               if you want to contact cave then write the adresses down....               here they are....          and now we can talk about shit... so one day.... what !!! you don't see adresses ?    this stupid demo is so lame......        but maybe you now see them????           can i continue my scrolltext now...       -no!!     -why not?     -look the scroll!        -what about it, it looks fine.        -fine!!!      -maybe it's little jerky.       - little!!        -allright, i fix it (if i can)                            and now... what else ???        -nothing, thanx       Hniin joo... it's fix now writing.  i'm so happy because my first amiga coding
is now ready. i make this demo in 3 days and then 2 days i optimize the code
but it's still so lame... but maybe next demo-intro is better than this.
 next month i maybe draw... and then i start to code the "real demos"      
    the day is saturday and time is now 18:54.    19:00 i must go to sauna...   
 so i stop now and go to sauna, but i continue this text after that........
          huh, huh... it's hot place... (sauna meinaan)  wait a mimute i turn
the casette....         now it's better... jon bon jovi: blaze of glory....
  shit phone ringing....                       my friend call and say that i
must go there ?   o.k. i continue this text when i come home........            
     the time is now 03:25 !! and i'm little bit drunk... it's better to continue
this shit tomorrow... (ett[ t[[ jatkuu sitten kun joskus her[[n)           
 juu nyt on taas kaikki hyvin... and new casette is.... bon jovi... ja kipale
on bad medicine !   it's sunday and time is 13:53... perfect just call me and
say that i must crunch this demo today ???  flyers scroll is somewhere... i must
found it...  shit he just now writing it... jupes scroll maybe come today (onneksi
on modeemit olemassa) i don't have strength enought to write this bad, bad, medicine,
bad, bad, english....     niin ett[ kai sit[ sitten voi suomeekin kirjottaa...
  etuoikealla taas on valtaisa j[[lohkare. n[ytt[[ aivan silt[ kuin massiivisen
lohkareen sis[ll[ olisi jotakin...          sinun t[ytyy p[[tt[[ kumpaan suuntaan
l[hdet hiiht[m[[n !   pyritk] paksun sumusaarekkeen suojaan vai kohti j[[lohkaretta?
 siin[ katkelma bondista...(jonka ehk[ joskus jaksan tehd[ loppuun) niin juu
piti l[hett[[ kiitokset mr.spiville joka on jaksanuut l[hett[[ sorsia...(ne ovat
kaikki pakkasessa mrs.vips?)              banaanipoika hot !   kiitti
"j[rkev[st[" scrollista... miten voitkin kirjoittaa niin j[rkev[[ texti[??  
       perfect ! aina vaan [lytt]m[mpi[ scrolli textej[... pit[[ joskus
tehd[ demo  "perfectin kootut scrollitextit"                              
 niin joo kiitti hotti niist[ f-19:sen
doceista... (oli niist[ jotakin apuva ja on muuten tosi huva !!)
            niin juu teill[
(arsi, jukka, erkki ???) oli kai sellasia suunnitelmia ett[ tuutte t[nne x-mas lomalla ?
 jos se pit[[ paikkansa niin tarkempia tietoja pleez... muuten voi olla ett[ en olekkaan
kotona ?  pit[[ kai laittaa "stereoita" pienemm[lle kun alkaa kalvot noista kaiuttimista
tippumaan...   toinen kaiutin hajos taas lis[[ eilen kun latasin hunt for the 7th octoberin
ja pistin volumen t[ysille....     ei sellasia demoja sais tehd[ kun niist[ kaiuttimetkin
s[rkyy....                      argh... thats lot of finnish text...  and i don't wanna
write anymore....                          

                       This is...   is...   is...   oh...
who hell i am...    ahhh....  now i remember...     yes...
start again...      hmm....      hello everybody...    no, that isn't
good...     ok...   zau...   here i'm again...   again writing shit
and talking more shit...    yes it's me....    flyer...     
yes, i don't have more to write but something...   greets to all my
contacts and specials to all members of cave, midight sun, judge of
??? (i really don't remember), bud outrage of artch (nice and very cool
letters, wanna more....), and...  and...  and...    to my girlfriend...
  yes...    i don't have anything special to say and i'm little hurry...
so i only give my adress...   flyer   -       h o n k a p i r t i n t i e
  1 3       -       9 0 6 3 0   o u l u       -       f i n l a n d      -
   and i only wanna contacts who write long letters and sen cool stuff...
  no lamers...    i mean lamer is man who don't write letters and send
old stuff...    but anyway...    if somedoby of my contacts havn't get
sendings on long time...   i have lost adress or forget to send...   so
if you wanna continue sen something to me with adress...   and to make
sure that my contact get something from me he/she put adress on letter...
(and only demos or simulator games)...   ok...   i give turn to somebody
else...   so c ya...   and be cool...               i fly on sky...     
         hi guys! it is hot writing some text... as you probably now there is some
changes on the cave. johnny has no longer our member. there is new member
too we welcomed to our new coder called curunir!  okay that's all about members
and now something else of course we like to get more members but they must be good and you must
send your works, coders, crackers, original suppliers are very welcome of
course we can't offer you any money this is only for fun not for money but
our group works quite nice everybody get own releases same day and members get
all stuff what swappers get (all). i allways write some special hot hellos my 
best friends and contacts of course all my contacts are great  but these are specials 
do not get mad if you are missing i probably forgot you...but this time messages and 
hellos coming last thing before i start write any scroll in finnish.. okay if 
you want to contact me for elite, masterpiece, lame, long letters, heavy, megademos, 
and anything else swapping then write to this address: hot/cave   tellervonpolku 7
     11120 riihim[ki      finland     and of course you can write to our hq's
addresses. okay i forgot to say that you must add disk becouse i do not have any 
(hahahhah) and another thing too if you have bbs and wanna join us write to any 
cave address what you find. it is time for story... story is called 'perfect 
(pervessi) came here in riihim[ki... it was friday the 13 no it was friday the 12
and clock was 19.06 and we were still jupes place but we were walking on the car
and started to drive railway-station. perfects train arrived 19.10 so we were bit 
late but who cares when we arrived we saw that lancer was there too with his car 
and perfect (hirmujalka) scared us to dead but we live again and it is impossible 
to kill us so be careful. okay we went my house (hot) becouse perfect comes to our
place to stay couple of days so it was friday night and we only drive over the
communist (riihim[ki) city. okay in saturday we copied lot of stuff and in the 
evening started drinking something.... nothing especially happened in these days 
but it was nice to see perfect (goebbels) again and i think we will go to oulu
in cristmas but who knows... okay i have terrible hurry so here is only couple 
of messages:  mercure/eoc 1999 (you are just great!), raistlin/northstar (nice 
letter hope you like mine), gurujosh/valhalla&skidrow (nice stuff and keep sending), 
rocket/hypnosis (thanks for all especially cassettes), skeletor/cult (nice 
sending allways), wraith/gate (how about joining us), cool j/? (heheh), tmb/scoopex 
(nice sendings and letters), zedy/savage (apuuva mit[ s[ revit), ?/phenomena 
(we are swapped 1,5 years hope we can continue) and all others my contacts 
(thanks for all great sendings and letters and everything)..... nothing else to say 
so i must go to play s[hly..........   hei hei
 Hhi! all cool friends who read this scroll text. today is 18.10.1990. i am
perfect and i don't have long hair. i am not fat or grazy. mayby i
must go to riihim[ki, because there is few realy good friends. only they
can save me and my brain. -sorry i mean my head, because i don't have
brain. koko kroppaa m[[ vaihan, p[[ saa j[[hä koska se vielä toimii ja
ainahan se on toiminu hyvin. sit[ min[ ootan ett[ p[[ irtois ja nuppi py]ris
maahan joku l]ytäis sen ja vaihtas sen omaansa...  min[ en jaksa! now is time
for send greets and hellos to following friends: hi! jupe you are our great
boss and one of my best friends. sin[ olet kunnon ryyppy kaveri. tule
joululomalla t[nne muutamaksi p[iv[ksi arsin ja erkin kanssa. sendaile
newi[ stuffia ja cooleja kirjeit[, sill[ niit[ on kiva lukea. hi! hot
hope we can booze very soon (jupe and erkki too). send new stuff and cool
letters. hi! mr.spiv code cool demos. hi! proxt send something new and
write letter. hi! rare send soon new stuff and write letter. hi! infinity
send soon and write letter. hi! fix code something. hi! flyer draw good
graphics. hi! orion make cool heavy songs. hi! dr.feelgood make cool
heavy music like (guitar and headbanger), call to me. hi! stinger ihanaa
olla lihavaa! (he he!) call to me and send soon new stuff and letters.
hi! eku thanks for your letters and disks. send soon new stuff and letters
hope you can call to me soon (i waiting). i send greets to all my contacts
and cave members and my friends and erkki. all cave members call to me!
now i must stop this shit. bye!                                          
            scroll restarts !                                            

            ---== cave ==---            
           technical problems           
          here is the credits...        
              coding: fix               
           music: dr.feelgood           
               logo: flyer              
               fonts: fix               
    here comes complete memberlist...   
      anxious (code, in the army)      
             curunir (code)            
          dr. feelgood (music)         
            duplicator (swap)          
             ( eku (swap) )            
            fang (originals)           
          fix (code, graphics)         
            flyer (graphics)           
             headless (code)           
               hot (swap)              
             infinity (swap)           
       jupe (swap, miscellaneous)      
        lancer (graphics, music)       
              logic (code)             
            magic (graphics)           
          mr. spiv (code, swap)        
              orion (music)            
              perfect (swap)           
            proxt (code, swap)         
               rare (swap)             
             stinger (swap)            
      thunderboy (graphics, music)     
             tronic (music)            
            wombat (graphics)          
    cave send special greetings to :   
            end of century 1999        
            valhalla & skidrow         
                no limits              
                razor 1911             
               defjam & ccs            
          red sector & tristar         
               ex. thyrone             
                dual crew              
            flash production           
     ! hellos to all cave contacts !