con:120/25/400/150/STONE CRACKER v2.70
-=> STONE CRACKER v2.70 <=-
(c) 1990 by Mr. Spiv of Cave
Start address: $
End address: $
File to load:
Efficiency (0->7)
0=$0200 bytes
1=$0400 bytes
2=$0600 bytes
3=$0800 bytes
4=$1000 bytes
5=$2000 bytes
6=$4000 bytes
7=$8000 bytes
Jump to: $
Save executable or data (e/d):
File to save:
Crunch more? (y/n):
Scan data lenght (0-3)
0=$0024 bytes
1=$0044 bytes
2=$0084 bytes
3=$0104 bytes
Normal data lenght (0-3)
0=$0028 bytes
1=$0048 bytes
2=$0088 bytes
3=$0108 bytes
Supervisor stack: $
User stack: $
Clear memory? (y/n):
Decruncher type (n/k):
n=normal decruncher
k=kill system decruncher
Status register: $
Int ena: $
Adk con: $
Dma con: $
Decruncher address: $
No file found!
Couldn't save!
Not enough memory for the buffers!Get a memory expansion,man!!
You must be kidding!
File too big for the buffer!
Crunching failed! Try again with
a better efficiency!
Original lenght: $00000000
Crunched lenght: $00000000
Bytes won: $00000000
File lenght: $00000000
-StoneCracker by Mr. Spiv of CAVE-
-StoneCracker by Mr. Spiv of CAVE-