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File size:
1 233 bytes (1.20K)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:49:16
Download count:
all-time: 164


Go fuck your ass an' stop lookin' at mah kewl code ya mutha fucka!  If your name is SLUSH then go on, make your feeble threats coz I don't care!  Or to the tune of Bum-Me-A-Rhapsody (Bohemiam Rhapsody) "You're just a gay boy nobody loves you, he's just a gay boy nobody loves him"

                        THE DEFINITIVE RIPPER'S KIT                         
                      ©1996 Carnage - By Zebedee & Kei                      
                             Released 10-Mar-96                             

   NOTE:  Due to the lack of disk space and time, the AmigaGuide documents
	  can't be viewed with the buttons etc.   Instead all buttons will
	  appear as highlighted text.

   CREDITS:  This file, the menu, keymap file, disk packing, ANSI text and
	     disk packing by Zebedee, couple utilities supplied by Kei.
      the LEFT mouse button to continue...