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da daa little suckers there in front of your monitor, bloodsuckers very sickly persenting another intro. do not forget to read this all of text. use arrow keys to control scrolly speedya. munaa suuhun, nyt orkku tulee kakka housussa, kaikki masokististit join waka.  niin niin, but now some credits...   piip piip code by hoffi the lurps...    hangover artwork by scy the rapsutin...    pumtipumpum mjuzix made by clones for us...    hi hi hi scrooltexts by aarne the leader!   what? hoffi wanna write? ok!  hello this is hof... that is enough, aarne here again!  everybody knows that i am the coolest ikkunaverho in the finland, but whose coming next???   ok, i tell...    number four in the finland is...  mr. wiz of team x /thanks for using the wickeds of bloodsuckers source codes in your demus/    number three in the finland is phalanx /it is really amazing that as stupid as them can code so well as they do/     number two in east sweden is ex mennen partavesi  /vain muna pystyssa voi koodata niin hyvaa vektorigraffaa, kuin jaanmurtaja viime visvasyylademussanne. kylla vituttaa!/       number one in finland is of course one of the famuos cooperation called beyond worse, brow beat, team x, x beat and y wave. but where was mighty boozesuckers? piip piip we on bloodsuckers have isommat kyrvat kuin x miehilla ja byterunkkareilla, eiko seiso enaa grendel?  homoista puheenollen annankin vuoron hazorille...  thanks aarne, now i tell to you what happened to me few days ago...   my pervert dreams came true when i was last weekend in railway station. i met few sweet boys,  they caught me and put my body on the wall. older man had whip and he whipped me whole time. other gay took my big cock in his hand and cutted it off!!! i screamed that my name is hazor and then millions little hazors came out and all we got big orgasm   aaaaaarrrrrraarrrrggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end of hazors...    ///  now little commercial...     pouta presents.   mummy, mummy, look! the shootgun!!!    yes my son, it means... blooooooooooood!!!    klik klik, boooooommuumuu!!!  ///       hey all single men, here is some aarnes hot tips to you... it is better that your dick and arsehair are well. if not, you maybe have big problems to get goodlooking girls. my hair is always well, so i have no need of girls or boys! i am very popular transvesitiittinen in scandinavia, especially in sweeden !!!!!!!!    azzholezz here is scy !! hip and hop fuck your dog! like tws!!! use your dog and be pop!!!   and now ..... a question to ya little suckerfuckers...hassie palaa kotiin karvat karyten!! luxor hazor vs superman , which is winner???      answer is roope the tiukkakannikka!!!!!!!!!!           an another question what means shortname  t w s ?      a. the witun sukkeri         b. turnipsi wiuhahti suuhun        c. the weevil sound          d. the wolfen squaderna     the answer is  / b /!!!!!!!!!                                gotta go to fuck roope because tws is not now around!!!       / / /               gee! once upon time, exactly now, miniminimiimiimiivappuparty in fucking rautavaara, ex paskovaara, in communist cowfuckers place! here is only commie, scy, hoffi, aarne and many kossuvodka bottles. yesterday we had fun time when we drank all vodkabottles. before boozing we coded, but then cowfucker get tired and took vodka. scy und hoffi started boozing too. belmont heilui ja kossu kilisi! we had really fun and we drank more... and more... and more... and more... then hoffi ran to forest and we had to take him back, but it was hard, because hoffis mass is about 450 kilos plus clothes. then scy started to puke, and it was really terrible to look! scy thought that it is better to sleep and he went to his slimy box. aarne ran to lake and got lost, but anybody had not care!  next pukemaker was hoffi and he got new world record. hoffi made  s i x  really big smelling vomit to balcony! uuuuh! oooh!  while communist cowboy had his eye on one really goodlooking tree and finally he had enough courage to fuck it!!!  kiva rako, mutta vituttaa kun tuli tikkuja terskaan, was his comment.  finally we all went to sleep... hoh hoijaa...   but at the morning we got really nice waking, commies parents came to house!!!  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrggghhhh!!!   the house was full of empty bottles and glasses...  commie and his parents had interesting discussion like...   jaaha, mitenkas tialla on parjailty?  hyvin, hyvin, painukaa jo pois! tuotiin hieman ruokaa, jos vaikka on loppunu... joo, joo, menkaa jo! onkos taalla sattunut mitaan?!?!?!  no ei, ei, menkaa nyt!     etc. etc.    and finally they went fuck.   phhhhhh!!!    and then we fuck together to arse... piip piip piip piip piip piip piip...       / / /   ok that is enough about partytext. thanks to lord!!!        / and now again other commercial...           transvesitiittiset, contact to communist cowfucker. i have many sukkahousua ja rintaliivia, many many more than tws, who only wanna fuck his fucking idiot dog called roope the tiukkaperse! tws and roope have nice analsex nights, und tws like to lick roopes small dick weared condom that is as small as his very own molukkikyrpa!    /  oh no, here is drinkshaker hoffi. nice saturday evening. i drank proudly 1 koskenkorva bottle in two hours / half liter in 38 percent fully super alcoholic../ later i wandered, ran, jogged, climbed, crowled and puked everuwhere. code gone well, at least while / seka, c, 100, r, df1 in1, oirewgjfkdlsjnsakjlhgkjda/ then started big forgot time. later came big shit feeling...... oho wanna contact us... hoffi on amiga, 64, videos and music   hoffi  /  postbox 12  /  70501 kuopio  /  finland   or  scy on amiga     harri tikkanen  /  jysinaho  /  74700 kiuruvesi  /  finland  or samppa of hoffi of bs on amiga and videos   samppa  /  myhkyrink. 10 a 6  /  70100 kuopio  /  finland  or  juha only on videos   juha takala  /  ankkuritie 4 b 12  /  70460 kuopio  /  finland ..... that is all folks this time. hope you enjoyed scrolltext....stay cool and see ya !!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                                                    

 / academy / alpha flight / axenon / black monks / blaze / byte rappers / cascade france / clones / cpu / critters / digitize design group / doctor mabuse orgasm crackings / erkki vumpire / fashion / freedom force / genesis project / insiders / italian bad boys and digital technology / megaforce / mr.thompson / nemesis / network / new bencor brothers / new formula crew / q.c.f. / science frontiers / predator of team x / the supply team and tartan army / thorax / top swap / triad / triangle / vision factory and bencor brothers / wizards / world of wonders / x men