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                             TROOP independent                                  
                               KR'33 of AXIS                                    
                           >READ AND SPREAD II<                                 
                     Copyright blue nose productions                            
                     Left mouse button : Forward page                           
                    Right mouse button : Backward page                          
                    Both mouse buttons : Quit Mess Box                          
                      * Enjoy our new production *                              
                          * No hard feelings *                                  
First of all a very importand note:                                             
WITH OUR PRODUCTS WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION...                                     
If you want a permission for not selling it, but only as a collectors item in   
your PD-collection, then write to one of our addresses...                       
Why the fuckin' fuck is everybody putting a PD-message in their demo's? We      
think it is pure aping. Since>CRUSADERS<started with this in their productions  
everybody seems to do this...                                                   
Well, we sure think this has to be ended.  What the fuck does it matter if      
someone sells it to local lamers... You can do the same with their productions  
but probably you don't dare it... We entered a PD-collection a couple of weeks  
ago and we saw about 40 disks telling they had not to be sold by PD-company's.  
...The disks were for sale: 1.5dollars each...                                  
So, as you can see is does not matter any damn fuck...                          
                                     Now, turn the page for more nice articles! 
Ok, our first article is about>End of century 1999<in fact, it's about the U.K. 
division of EOC1999. some of you might remember>read and spread I<which told    
everything about them. Now, I got a letter back from Devistator and he told me  
not to make war and please write back and more things. Now, Ok. They apologized 
to me and that was good. Then, a couple of days ago,>KR'33 of Axis<told me that 
Devistator wrote shit about me to Crackerjack. Well, Crackerjack said they sure 
did, so... Here's the continuing story to>End of century 1999 U.K.<...          
Ok Devistator, if you want a war with me then you can get it... Thanx for your  
letter to me in which you apologized to me. I think I'm gonna contact you for   
swapping, that's what you want eh?  No, no, NO, if you want a war with me,      
then just tell me and don't be nervous by sneeky writing to other people from   
which you think they don't know me....                                          
Well, Yes you fucking lamer called>Devistator<. Now I think it's time to do     
what we mentioned in read and spread I...  Well, what do you think about that,  
eh?   Well, to apologise to me, send 50 disks to my address down there and we   
don't talk about it anymore... Well, probably you're gonna write shit about me  
more times so I think I'm gonna visit England in summer, and then hit your face 
completely. Then you sure will wake up.                                         
Well, this is all about>EOC1999< for this time...  Please read on...            
So, let's go on to our next article. It's about>ORIGIN<, a lame dutch group...  
Yo D.C.G. give my disk back before I break down your knee's... Well yes...      
Ok,>Lamers<, nice demo's lately. you sure have lot's of contax... Greet         
FLUFFY CLOUD for us, because it's such a nice contact...    What, you don't     
know her...  Well, what was the name>FLUFFY CLOUD<then doing in your greetings- 
list eh?   Ah, I see, you just took a greetingslist out of an unknown demo...   
Well, most lamers do that, yes...  But is was>our<demo you piece of lame        
Ok, don't you think that>ripping a greetlist<is a bit on the lame side...       
Well, normaly people won't find that out, but then why did you just took ours.  
Ok, the time is here to put a>HUGE broomstick<into your ass, although you will  
like that anyway...                                                             
Ok, to apologise to us, send also 50 disks to my address and then we won't talk 
any futher.  But, if you don't, then we hit your face completely when we will   
meet ya on another party...  Prime'92 maybe...                                  
Ok, talking about Prime'92...                                                   
                              Read the next page for more about Prime'92...     
Ok, ofcourse we,>KR'33 of axis and Troop< will visit the Prime'92 party from    
mirage. We take lots of beer to drink and lots of toilet paper to throw around. 
We also bring a gettoblaster to slam your ears of your heads...  We sure will   
puke around on the party and we will destroy the party-place...                 
Ok, maybe this is a little bit exaggerating, but we will sure blow up the party 
the whole day...                                                                
Probably some windows will break down when we leave but we don't care at all.   
We think the party will be lame as last year but the more beer, the more fun we 
have. But most of all we hope lots of beer-drinking guys will be around to hand 
us a beer or 6.. HEHE...   Well, there's not much more to say about Prime'92    
except that it will be a cool drinking party for us...                          
If there are some lamers present we will hit their faces as hard as we can and  
then put a broomstick into their arses...   Maybe we bring some dildo's with us 
to put in someones vent...   >D.C.G. of ORIGIN<will have one...                 
Talking about sex, if anyone has a sister below 13, send it to troop and you    
will get 50 disks... I like little girls you know, they are thight you know...  
Well, this is all about Prime'92, if you want to read more about a>LAME<party   
then turn the page...                                                           
The TRSI-easter Pardy in Leuven, Belgium on 18 and 19 April 1992. Hmmm, It was  
extreme>LAME<organized! Just take the>fact<about the promise that the pardy     
would last for>2<days... NO WAY! On Saturdaynight at 3 o'clock everybody who    
was present was>FORCED<to leave the pardyplace. Those motherfuckers from TRSI   
said that too less people wanted to stay the whole night.>Bullshit!<When we     
arrived it was already clear to the organisation that at 3 o'clock the place    
would be closed until 8 o'clock Sundaymorning...                                
Why, WHy, WHY??? Only because those assholes wanted to>fuck<with eachother that 
night without anybody else hanging around we guess...                           
Several freaks left the place early because they coudn't stay at the pardyplace 
the whole night. Too bad for them since they already had payed for two days and 
stayed only one day! When the fact would be known earlier to us we wouldn't     
have come over all the way and just pardied at home! More fun, much cheaper and 
no fuckin'>Lame<people hanging around our asses!                                
The second fact we disliked was about drinking inside the pardyplace. We had    
>48< cans of beer with us but we weren't allowed to drink our beer in peace!    
(ofcourse we had the only real beer>HEINEKEN<and not any shitty German lager!)  
Ok, you could buy beer inside but you had to pay>2,25<Gulders for a little bit  
of watered brew... Get a smart and serve>DUTCH<quality beer on your pardy guys! 
Now we continue with the competitions...                                        
Have you ever seen such a>Lame<way to choose the winner? What way? Well let us  
inform you about it then:                                                       
The>demo<compo was clear enough. No doubt that Melon Dezign was the fair winner 
because the other competitors were pure shit! The so called music disk from the 
Dutch>Lamers<Origin was a real laugh! After looking?? at it for some time the   
shitty code was>bugging<like hell... hohoho, way to go guys! Holland is OK, eh? 
The>Music<compo was a real Tampax style! Two musics were choosen by the 'Jury'  
to the best and now the>audience<had to cheer for their choise. Mmmm, because   
some guys didn't want that Audiomonster would win they cheered for the>lame<    
song from Fabian... What can you say about that? >LAME<organizing or what? The  
music from Audiomonster was atleast ten times better but he lost because of the 
'great' rules from TRSI! You guys seems to be as stupid as any fucking lamer!   
It was also supposed that the winner was>present<at the pardy but we haven't    
even seen the dick of Fabian... So, better send your money to Audiomonster who  
has the right to get it anyway! >TROOP< had also made a>kewl<music but it was   
too good to win... Listen to it, it's on this disk to!                          
                       READ THE REST ON THE NEXT PAGE...                        
The>Graphics<compo... the same happened here. The same depressing rules and     
again the second place should have won! The picture from Hof was ok, but the    
picture from>DANNY<was better and was a full screen one. Not only a small       
drawing somewhere in the middle of the screen like the one from Hof. But he got 
more cheers from all those guys from France so he won... Very sad to loose this 
way don't you think??                                                           
The promised>signs<which should hang all over Leuven so you could find the way  
to the pardyplace easily were very rare. We saw only three>little<pieces of     
paper hanging around the pardyplace... but we only saw them after we had drove  
several times in Leuven while we already found the place. Better don't promise  
things you can't realise guys and just tell everyone to find the fucking place  
by your own! So we know what we can expect, without any broken dreams...        
The pardy was nice, but>only<because of the fact that we met several kewl dudes 
which were contacts from us! We also had a great time with our beer and with    
the 'Apfelcorn' we drunk together with those German freaks! Burps...            
All in all we are looking forward to the>next<pardy from TRSI! Ofcourse we will 
be present... just look out for a big>banner<saying>TROOP and KR'33<are great!! 
But don't forget to>contact<us and we will make sure the pardy is going to be   
                          >Some lame facts now...<                              
Troop is now killing some irritating insects! He just want to fuck up all of    
those bloody fagots.                                                            
Sleaze has found out that in the>Sanctuary<music disk, coded by Troop July 1991 
are some fucking messages to him on disk only. How the hell did he manage to    
see those mesages? The>only<way to see them is by ripping the code! So he is    
just a >LAMER<but we knew that for a long time. Get pissed dude, and try to     
write your own programs instead of ripping of>true<coders!                      
>Commercial Break:<Order now the very best>FAKING GLUE<at our>adress!< For only 
>10 DM<you get a 50ml tube. Post and package included. End of Commercial Break. 
The>Dutch post<is even more Lame than ever. Those fucking bastards should all   
be hanged on a big tree at the Zeikdijk!                                        
Send us the dinnertrays from>McDonalds< and you will get back the surprise of   
your miserable life! Don't delay, send today.                                   
Effect and Enzym are in war now... We let those dudes kill eachother while we   
are mastrubating and sucking our extraordinary broomsticks... Watch your ass!   
The lame facts continue...                                                      
Let's talk about>Desire<now. Hela, hola, get stuffed suckers! And again they    
lost a member... This time it's their best coder (Zasjaa) who decided to leave  
those fuckin' loosers! Hohohohohohohohohohoooooooo, jaaaaaaaaaa, mmmmmmmmmmmm   
Make a pardy and drink your body asssssssssssssses!                             
Desire wants to make a nice??? demo together with all local lamers around in    
Holland. Only the best survive and stay cool! Too bad that Deezire will not     
stay that long anyway!                                                          
We are not allowed to join Desire... well, we just say: Nice joke, man! Better  
get a good crew and not only lowlifes. Who wants to join Desire anyway? No one! 
For sure we stay as we are: Blue nose Productions! The one in charge...         
Another commercial break: Order now your personal 'Balletje pinda met' at the   
best snackcorner around with the coolest owners: Joop and Loes! If you can't    
pay for it just ask for the special treatment 'in het Kamertje'!                
Jaaaaa, nou is mevrouw beledigd, jaaaaaaa nu is ze kwaad...                     
We have to dash now, keep being a fool and we stay cool!                        
                  Well, this is the end of>Read and Spread II.<                 
            Make sure that we will>return<with our critical note!               
      So, better watch out and think twice before you want to slam us...        
      Here are the adresses from us so you can contact us for any reason:       
      >TROOP< No name!                                >KR'33< No name!          
       Oude Zuiderlingedijk 3                          Voorste Gewind 20        
       4147 BP  Asperen                                4161 AC  Heukelum        
       Holland                                         Holland                  
                  Also for swapping the latest pub stuff...                     
             Put your finger up your nose and make it turn blue!                
                 Copyright Blue nose productions June 1992!