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3 688 bytes (3.60K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:09:54
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all-time: 0


   welcome to the second volume of %the beautiful machine%, released on the 4th of march, 2023.  this time you get 26 tracks celebrating the wonder that is the paula chip.  as last time, i present a collection of varying styles demonstrating the creative flair of the many talented individuals that have contributed to the amiga music scene over the years.  as you'll note, the interface remains more or less the same, with some minor cosmetic changes to differentiate things a little.  i'm trying to get all my un-released projects completed this year (there are many!), so that i can focus on other creative endeavours.  i've enjoyed contributing to the amiga scene and in some way re-living the golden times, but now it's time to move on.  i'll still use the amiga and create things, only it'll be for my own entertainment.  one thing i won't miss, is writing scrolltext!  i've had projects languish because the prospect of typing can be so underwhelming.  in other news, the log fire is burning here and one of the cats had to leave the room as he was surely about to combust!  roll on summer, so i have an excuse to get away from the keyboard and spend some time outdoors with the family.  anyway, enough of that, time for just a few messages to my amiga friends..... amiga bill - thank you so much for streaming the james d. sachs slideshow in its entirety on your twitch stream.  adkd/artstate - do not fear, our joint projects are next in-line.  judge drokk - i do hope i can make it to the zzap! event later in the year, it would be great to catch-up with you.  grip - keep those fine releases coming!  andy/arkanix labs - i hope you're keeping well and that you are getting on top of your projects.  asle - thanks for the great work you do over at kestra. i hope this entry doesn't cause you too much fatigue!  conrad - have a great time at forever 2023!  elkmoose - i've used twitter briefly in the last couple of weeks, how about adding download links to your intro posts?  depeche/spreadpoint - i hope you appreciate a certain tune in this release. what a classic!!  soda7 - i hope that this selection of tracks will also agree with you.  stingray/scoopex - looking forward to your return, surely some good will come of it.  synesthesia - we must get a tracklist made up for your music disk.  syphus/up rough - screw the tories? left or right, they're cheeks of the same arse. the establishment remains, regardless of which party gets the majority vote.  now some thoughts for the day..... trust your government, since its inception, there has never been any documented history of corruption. ha ha ha!!!  ...and remember folks, %the object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane% - marcus aurelius.  stay happy, stay free and don't follow the pack you'll most likely end up with fleas!  see you next time - motion.                          

SYS:mods/FR_Angie's Song.crm
SYS:mods/V!_It's Flann's.crm
SYS:mods/PK_Family Business.crm
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SYS:mods/SO_We'll Make it Live.crm
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SYS:mods/ES_Estrayk is Back.crm
SYS:mods/SP_Fantastic Times.crm
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SYS:mods/MF_Triangle 3532.crm