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2011-06-05 23:03:41
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       are most probably two groups.    
     try to present to you something    
              But we`ve got no proofs...

Sorry for lack of originality but we had
to put greetings somewhere...           
So our hellos fly to ...                
Absolute!, Abyss, Acrid, Addicts,       
Agnostic Front, Alcatraz, Angelica,     
Animax, Bronx, Circle, Compact, Complex,
Cryptoburners, Damian, Desire, Diamonds 
and Rust, Equinox, Essence, Equi,       
Eremation, Frantic, Highblitter,        
Interactive, Jump, Kefrens, Logic,      
Majic 12, Nova, Nerve Axis, Ozone,      
Paradise,  Parasite, Platin, Pleasure,  
Ram Jam, Remmidemi, Sanity, Skenge,     
Sonic, Supplex, TDD, Stellar, TRSI, TWW,
Wizzcat, Zenith, and all the others...  

  Contact ARISE or DRINKS for elite PD  
  swapping or sending Porno Mags under :
  Skyline/Arise        Pink/Arise       
  Kirschseiffen 41     Bahnhofstr. 157a 
  53940 Hellenthal     76356 Weingarten 
  Germany              Germany          
  Curacao/Drinks       Malibu/Drinks    
  10 Imp.du Romarin    11 bis Raime
  34920 Le Cres        56270 Ploemeur   
  France               France           
  Contact ARISE or DRINKS for elite PD  
  swapping or sending Porno Mags under :
  Skyline/Arise        Pink/Arise       
  Kirschseiffen 41     Bahnhofstr. 157a 
  53940 Hellenthal     76356 Weingarten 
  Germany              Germany          
  Curacao/Drinks       Malibu/Drinks    
  10 Imp.du Romarin    11 bis Raime
  34920 Le Cres        56270 Ploemeur   
  France               France           

ARISE - wir sind alle nur 1.50m 
        gross und schwul.       
DRINKS - when drinks come true. 
     (Arise/Drinks insider)     
      The complete Credz:       
    main theme "U20 Regular"    
      endtune "Domination"      
            by Taron            
  All pixeled stuff by Falcon   
  Operating system "Looker" by  
-->Handle text with da righty<--
    Looker doesn`t only make    
the demo A1200/4000 compatible, 
some parts are improved - try ! 
    Coding: Curacao and Kyle    
    Design: Kyle and Curacao    
       Code/Design: Kyle        
         Jelly Lemmin`:         
      Code/Design: Curacao      
          Mapped cube:          
       Code/Design: Kyle        
Code: Kyle       Design: Falcon 
  Code: Kyle       Design: Sky  
    Code/Design: Pater Pink     
Code: Kyle       Scape: Skyline 
        Stencil Rubber:         
      Coding/Design: Kyle       
      Code/Design: Curacao      
           Code: Kyle           
      Code/Design: Curacao      
 Code: Kyle      Text: Skyline  
         "Hiddenpart" :         
 Code: Pater Pink  Idea: Curacao
    Sampling:  Nicolas Daire    
      Startup, autoconfig       
       and trackingwork:        
  You`d better keep on reading  
(craptext and messys comin` up)!
  We`re arrogant, aren`t we ?   
  It`s Sunday, 15th August of   
  1993 at 2:38 am and it seems  
   that diz %!$? tracktro is    
    finnished 80 percently.     
   We`re all sitting in Pater   
   Pink`s parent`s Gartenhaus   
  and are sweating our ass off  
       (since four days).       
  Curacao, Kyle and Falcon be-  
gan this tracktro 2 weeks before
 and at Thursday I came to move 
 with all that mindless, crazy  
human beings into that nice flat
   up here in the winehills.    
 Ever had any Gartenhausspass ? 
Hot weather, no pool, cold beer 
(only for me and Curacao) and to
 eat ONLY Pizza, Hamburgers or  
      Life can be cruel !       
  Only some words about Arise.  
 Some guys complained about our 
   style or our productions.    
         Please do so !         
    WE DON`T GIVE A FUCK !!     
  Maybe we don`t have the best  
 code or design, but we`ve got  
  fun`n`friendship, that`s the  
      main idea in Arise.       
 (Besides, we like our style).  
       (Ahnungslos rulez)       
   (Watch out for Arbeitslos)!  
      Personal messys will      
follow, but first some words by 
I finally took control of da    
keyboard to force da last people
reading to reset.. What you have
to know (one  more  article  for
your mag or something to  say  2
your contacts to proof them that
you are an hot`n`fast elite good
swapper) is that this track-tro,
which actually looks like a true
trackmo after two long weeks of 
haaard work (waking up at 15:00,
eating, scanning up the mail, do
some code, eat, do nothing (also
called design in our prods), eat
then code a bit and sleep..), is
the first production from DRINKS
because, mainly,  there  was  no
other production before (I  love
Ok it may look strange to make a
co-op for a first production but
we innovated in many ways in diz
track-tro, so why not.. And coop
with ARISE was a nice way for us
to come into the sceeene... Then
do what you want with this prod,
copy it or not, vote for  it  or
not or replace it by  da  latest
97% cracked  tchac-poum game, we
cannot decide for you...        
This demo innovates  in  several
(strange) ways like putting ansi
at start of a trackmo (why  not,
and if not, why ?) but the thing
I`m the most proud in this  demo
is  the  program  which  handles
system config, memory,  loading,
multitasking (not used  at  full
power in this track-tro  because
we didn`t really need it) and so
on... Ok, you don`t see its work
on the  screen  and  almost  all
people won`t notice  it,  that`s
why I write some words there  in
this niiiiiiiice end part...    
I give back the control  to  Sky
for a while, see ya after...    
  YOHOOOO`s from Skyline to:    
Splatter ruuulez ! What about   
visiting me ?                   
Scottie/Wizzcat: I`ll visit ya  
in one week (Warn Tanja  :-) )  
Exhorder/Interactive: You have  
been too stoned for the Kuehl-  
raumsession !! Call me !        
Deicide/TRSI: Hope the swap will
continue, dude !                
Trasher/Sanity: Thanx for nice  
letter, I`ll try to do longer   
ones !                          
Lou van B./Jump (?): Sorry, bis 
jetzt sind 50% dagegen (nicht   
Fashion Design/PLS: Nice to be  
that fast.                      
Pearl/Parasite: What`s up ??    
Curacao/Drinks :                
I`ll make some holidays at your 
costs !!                        
His girlie: Thanx for giving him
the money ! Stay tuned !        
All my contacts which I love 2 !
And of course to all in Arise   
for being the craziest, nicest  
and $%&? friends in the scene ! 
Messys from Kyle:               
Ich lieb euch alle, aber ich hab
kein Geld mehr mit euch zu      
Joho Pater Pink is on the road? 
Care for the Arise-BBS Intro    
because we don`t!               
Special Messages to.....        
Hey Hawkeye when you read this  
TEXT remember who `Pink` is...  
Hallole Effendi!                
Lieber Effendi, Darkstar SUXX!  
   Joehoe Falcon schreibt       
zunaechst moechte ich einige    
Worte an einige Leute richten   
die ja auch mal gennant sein    
moechten ... so z.B. an         
SLAM/Essence  RUEBENNASE!!!     
Gruess mich oh Herr!!           
         oder auch an           
Nose/(Paradise)  Noet!          
Da iss Funky!!! Funky? JA!      
DER Funky!                      
        und natuerlich          
 Wetewo/Essence : Badkapp rulz. 
      nicht zu vergessen :      
  Skyline, der gnadenlose, der  
    mit dem duesteren Blick     
     (Obituary rulz! - ed.)     
    Pink is back but it`s no    
     Schuettelreim Time ...     
    i think it`s no time for    
     Schuettelreim Time ...     
   no think no time no reim!    
   And now the last comment:    
 When you go me on the nerves I 
  put you in the gully, do the  
 Deckel druff and you`ll never  
  come back to the Tageslicht.  
    Wizz, Curacao is back :     
Sorry if no innovation there but
I have to write some  short  and
serious messies for  my  friends
around the world,  sorry  if  no
skip-option  was implemented... 
Malibu/DRINKS: Il semblerait que
dieu existe (demande a ton  pote
qui allume les lampadaires il te
le confirmera), on  a  fini  par
naitre.. Desormais on va gonfler
tout le monde avec notre  design
debile... Drinks rulez...       
Fireblade/EREMATION:   (t`aurais
pu prendre un nom plus court  ca
me vire 1 ligne de texte plus  3
pour en parler...)  Eh oui comme
tu vois cette production  est  a
la hauteur  de  ma  relativement
bizzare vision des choses... Bon
on va faire court le francais ca
fait grunge (?)..   Si  j`ai  un
message je te le dirai de visu !
La GPZ c`est  quand  meme  mieux
que si c`etait pire...          
Mr.Pet/SANITY: Nice (nice=argh!)
routines you showed me  at  your
party ! I hope you will write me
as  you`ve   said,   because   I
virtually lost your address (yes
I did it)..                     
Khul/NERVE AXIS: The war machine
is now active as you can see.. I
will try to  shorten  my  answer
time for your mail but  lazyness
and my girl are two of  my  main
reasons of delaying like this...
Noir Desir forever !            
Zenit/COMPACT: Cool work with da
toolboxes... I will try to  make
my delays shorter with you  too,
I hope...                       
Audiomonster/MELON: Quoi te dire
sinon que j`adore tes zikes mais
c`est pas tres original... Melon
dizaigneu rules...              
Kyle/aaaaah-RISE: Nice  holidays
at your place... Pff what can  I
write... Rienbranlos rules, hope
you will keep 1 writing now that
you know me...                  
Pink/aaaaaaaaaah-RISE: PowerROMS
forever ! ROMgeficke for when ? 
(under menace) Oh Skyline I love
you you are a sooo nice guy ....
Seriously (?) I`m waiting for ..
for what.. ah yes.. wizz..  your
visit to my place  (too  bad,  I
loved my house...)              
Ok enough kilobytes for today...
       One last message :       
Soft companies: Who  wanna  sell
an advanced and veeeery powerful
operating system ? Be  quick  or
be dead (ever heard it ? maybe!)
By the way this is da end of the
end, so you`re  gonna  read  the
text again or reset or fuck off,
do your life... The text restart
is near,  I  can  hear  it  come
slowly...  Watch  out  for  next
ARISE  and  DRINKS  productions,
alone or together...            
Curacao/DRINKS lets the keyboard
        breathe again...        
          End of line.