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2 510 bytes (2.45K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:09:54
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                       yo its ribald presenting you another nice intro...     yeah and again its an       argon    production. first of all the credities will come up        code by        navy    of vanish     and the gfx were done by me    ribald   and the nice sound by an unknown member of argon.     now sum fuckin bullshit by me and the bullshit is my address to which you have to write to if you wanna swap beer , girlfriends , lamers and the latest legal crap    take a disk a letter and stamps and write to    joe tonne  spatzenwinkel 3  w 2000 hamburg 53  germany      i hope you like my add   hor hor    if you want to give our board a call just call    aces high under 46 41044886    85 mb   24 hours a day    after this i wanna mention that we r lookin for sum new members and divisions   if u r the right one let me know    at the moment were having divisions in germany  csfr  france  sweden and finland with about 45 members in em all together         so now some messys the first one 4 u   yop there r ads wanted 4 our grate ad mag and i am sure that ya wanna get some for free. just paint them with dpaint in medres  8 colors  and only 190 pixels  high       before i will forget it  todays the 30 6 91 and i wont stop sendin messys into world  that means the next one must scratch over to the famous unbelievable unbeatable extremely cool hot eiswuerfel   i hope that our fuckin hollys will be at the same time    and to mister mind   send invitinx pleez    shit so many messys and zero bock  ey   so for all ungerman guys is thiz the end of this intro calld  exploding dick  coz i will appear in german now !     yippie nu erzaehl ich was von meiner klassenreise    wir waren am hintersee in berchtesgarden  bayern    yodel !   und das essen war kacke denn es gab milchreisschlamm und fettrandschweinesuelzbraten und eiterpudding mit oma hildes schamlippenkruste und so weiter   jedenfalls haben alle so gebechert dass wir das ganze heim vollgekotzt haben und da es eine herberge vom christlichem verein junger menschen war haben die uns erstmal von alk erzaehelt von wegen ungesund und so weiter und nu darf koine klasse von unserer schule mehr dahin !   also  fuck you into yar fat ass  schoiss heimleiter     so  nu hab ich kein bock mehr is ja auch lang genug jetzt und wenn du bist jetzt fleissig mitgelesen hast kriegste zur belohnung meine telefonnumber     040 847423     greetinx hoite mal nicht !  tschau , ribald of argon signin off !           text restarts