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File size:
3 594 bytes (3.51K)
File date:
2010-10-01 23:04:50
Download count:
all-time: 339


where did them penguins go?
  ahh..  there they are..
  ahh..  there they are..
  beautiful mornin ehh?
  don't worry bout the penguines 
          they were just         
        pc gamer lamers..  :)    

     apathy's  contribution      
      ..the introcompo at..      
         the gathering'97        
   code'n'design..:  strife      
        graphics..:  psycho      
           music..:  cope        
       blablabla..  fuck!        
  as you may have noticed this   
  intro is participating in the  
     those damn tg organizers    
   didn't show our intro in the  
   introcompo..    those damn tg 
  organizers suxx!!  this is the 
  worst fucking party i've been  
     to!   fuck'em! yeahh!       
  but don't worry, i will write  
  a report on how fucking lousy  
  this party was!   blablabla..  
  this intro was meant as a      
  joke from the beginning, and   
   i think it is quite phunny    
  now..  :)     still, it would  
  have been nice to seen it in   
  the introcompo..  uhh..        
  the quality of the graphics in 
  this intro is not that good    
  anymore, since we just cut     
  down on everything to get it   
  into 64k..  guess this doesn't 
   matter now but.. well..       
  in the original state they are 
  a lot better, so an excuse to  
  psycho/apt for ruining your    
  gfx!  :)                       
  the digital chips serie is now 
    back!  issue#21 got released 
  here at tg, under the apathy   
  label..       check it out!    
  since this aint gonna be in    
  the introcompo i guess size    
  doesn't matter anymore..       
  nothing matters anymore...     
  who wants to make a good intro 
  or demo when the party is      
  full of god damn quake players 
  and irc-chatters!?  uhh...     
  waytago crusaders!  you just   
  keep on arranging your fucking 
  quake compos, hell, why don't  
  you bann all sceners from tg   
  aswell?   you don't want us    
  blablabla..  maybe i'm a bit   
  too negative here, but this    
  party is completely fucked up! 
  oki oki, hope you enjoyed this 
  different kind of intro.. :)   
  and sorry for writing such a   
  boring scroller guys!  :)      
  see you all at kindergarden7!