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         Coding : Kreator          
        Charset : Kreator
          Music : 4-Mat 
           Logo : Lils of Intuition
           Text : Raistlin


  Press Right mouse-button to flip pages
and Left mouse-button to exit...


  Welcome  to  the  first in a series of
'message-boxes'  in which I, RAISTLIN of
ANARCHY,  will  write about all kinds of
things,  ranging  from  messages  for my
contacts    to    personal    views   on
controversial  subjects, etc...  Anyway,
we'll  see  how  things  develop as I go
on...   Please note however that this is
definately  NOT another magazine - I saw
enough  of those on the C64 to last me a

  OK, here I go with a few notes to pals
and contacts of mine...

Mr.Big  and  Judge  Drokk  of Anarchy...
Thanks  for  taking me on as a member of
Anarchy  guys!   I will learn 68000 over
the   summer-break,   so   you  may  see
something  in  the way of a demo from me
soon!!!  Phone us soon OK!

Mole  of  Anarchy..   Thanks for all the
hot warez (cliche or what?)...  Keep the
Mole-packs coming, they are always cool!

Hammer  of  Anarchy..   Well, what can I
say?  I guess you read in the message to
Mr.Big  and JD (Don't you know it's rude
to  read  other peoples mail?...) that I
will  learn  to  code  in 68000 over the
summer-hols...   I  doubt I will be able
to  do  anything  good  enough  for  the
Anarchy-mega-demo in time, but you never

Kreator of Anarchy..  Why am I writing a
message  to  you  when  you sleep in the
room  across  the  hall from me?!?  (You
are my brother after all!!!)...  Anyway,
good luck with the filled-vectors-intro!

Cowson  of  Rubidium..   Hmm,  not a bad
sending,  but  you obviously aren't very
interested in swapping!..  Anyway, write

Pioneer  of Anarchy..  I guess you won't
be  too  pleased  about being greeted so
low  down...   (hehe!) You will get this
'demo'    (?)   sometime   around   your
birthday,  so I might as well say "Happy
Birthday"  (I'll  probably forget on the
day (whenever that is?...))

Edward  of SCS..  Ta for driving us home
so  many  times!...  Why not get Pioneer
to show you how to code demos so you can
join  Anarchy?   (You have to be good to
join the elite...  (?!?))

Nosah  of  DCS..   Shame you had to quit
the scene, you were one of the best...

Igor  of  Anarchy..  Nice talking to you
on the phone...  I express myself better
on  paper,  honest!   I  like your music
anyway!..   (well,  some  of it...) Your
logos  are  really  cool,  I hope we can
work  together  when  I finally learn to
code on Amiga!

4-Mat of Anarchy...  I haven't contacted
you  yet,  mainly  because John and Mike
have kept me up to date with your (quite
superb)  music!...   You  are one of the
best  musicians  on the Amiga, up at the
top   with   'Dr.Awesome'   and   'Romeo

Robert  Brammeld..   I have never really
tried   to  code  a  full  game  on  any
computer  -  I  don't have much patience
you   see...    I  like  to  get  things
finished  as  fast as possible (a lot of
guys  complained  that I wasn't using my
full   coding   capabilities   releasing
(averagely  cool)  C64 demos every other
week!...   Maybe  someday  I will code a
game,  but I'm not sure I'd like to code
one  on  C64  for  Mirrorsoft, but we'll

Andy  Partridge..  Sorry I couldn't code
that  C64-disk-magazine  for  you, but I
didn't   think   it   was   a   feasible
project...  You can't have been too sure
about  it  yourself  after the 'offer' I
made you!!!

Bizzmo  of Genesis Project...  Hi Doug!,
hope you will send me the 'letter-sheet'
soon  -  I've  finally  found a (fairly)
cheap  photocopying place!  Send the GFX
too!  (Car and Anarchy logo)

Deek of Genesis Project...  Hey Richard,
I'm not back on the C64 quite as soon as
you  expected!   (and  I  never  will be
back...) Why not come back to the Amiga,
it really isn't as bad as you said!!!

Hybrid  of  Omicron  UK...   Thanks  for
replying so fast, your sending was quite
cool, keep it up!...

Antichrist  of  Genesis  Project...  Hey
Frank,  sorry I couldn't stay in Genesis
after  I  got  my  Amiga, but GP doesn't
have  quite  the following on Amiga that
you  built  up  on  the  C64!   Has  the
'Birthday  Demo'  that we spent 4 months
making  been released yet or what?!?  My
Bob-plexer  still holds the world record
(for  C64),  and  I wrote it in December

Beat  Boy  of  Flash Productions...  So,
what did you think of my package?  Write
back  soon and greet Anarchy in all your

Flamingo   of  Light...   Why  not  code
something  on the Amiga?  Your C64 demos
were  truly  outstanding, I particularly
liked  Brutal  2  and  Brutal Vector!  I
agree  with what you said about my demos
-  1  cool demo every 2 months is better
than  3 average demos in the same period
of  time!  Check out 'Delirious 9' for a
slightly more polished demo from me!...

The Banana of Silsden...  Hey Phil!, why
not do some logos / pics for Anarchy?!?

Hein  Design of Density / diArt...  Hmm,
what have you been doing lately?  Surely
your  brother's game has enough graphics
by  NOW  (5  months later)...  Maybe you
can  borrow  his  computer again to make
some GFX for Anarchy?!?

Cryptic  UK...   Kreator  is  working on
your  Vectors-intro  this weekend!  - it
should  be  ready  for  release  at  the
16-bit show along with this 'demo'!

   OK,  that's  enough messages for this
time!...   I  don't  have  anywhere near
enough  contacts, since I've only had my
A500   for  3  weeks  (at  the  time  of
writing, which is 23/6/90 at 7:51 pm..)

   So, if you want a cool contact, write
        RAISTLIN of Anarchy UK,
        Robert Troughton,
        42 Browfield Terrace,
        West Yorkshire,
        BD20 9PT.
        Tel: (+41) 535 653669
   Now,  if  I may take up a little more
of your time, I would like to talk about
some    more    controversial   subjects
(connected with Amiga of course...)

DISK MAGAZINES - Taking over the scene?

   I  am  a  C64-veteran,  and so I have
seen exactly what C64 disk magazines did
to   the   (once  quite  cool)  scene...
Imagine  recieving  disk  after  disk of
magazines  each  of  which contains page
after  page  of boring news...  (most of
which   will   be   copied   from  other
magazines,  and a lot of it will be pure
speculation)...   A  lot  of  quite cool
coders   spent   hours  of  their  lives
programming these things, which did them
no  credit  whatsoever!...  Top swappers
spent  even more time writing the text -
and  what  for?   A few seconds pleasure
for the few lamers who actually READ the
magazines!!!    Suffice   to   say  that
disk-magazines  totally  screwed  up the
C64 scene!...

   Anyway,  what  I  want  to suggest is
this:  Cool groups wanting to contribute
in  a  big  way to the scene-mags should
not  start  up  their  own magazine, but
instead  try to gain a co-operation with
one  of  the  existing  disk  magazines.
(eg.   STOLEN  DATA is made by Anarchy -
Tristar - DCS, and I am sure more groups
would be welcome to join in!!!

   Please  don't let Disk-Magazines take
over  the  scene as they did on the C64,
because  things  are cool enough as they
  Raistlin..... Swapper, Trainee coder 
  Kreator...... Coder, Artist, Swapper
  Mr.Big....... Swapper
  Judge Drokk.. Swapper
  Pioneer...... Coder
  Mole......... Swapper
  Hammer....... Coder, Swapper
  4-Mat........ Musician
  Igor......... Artist, Musician
  Raphael...... Artist
  Vektor....... Coder
  Tony......... Coder
  CPH.......... Coder
  Dan.......... Swapper
  Banger....... Swapper
              STOLEN DATA

   Stolen  Data is a disk/paper magazine
from  Anarchy, Tristar and DCS.  Most of
you  will have seen the disk half of the
magazine already, and some will have had
the  good  fortune  of  seeing the paper
half...   This is the only magazine that
is  released  on  disk  AND  paper,  and
really is something special!\

   Order  your  copy  of the magazine by
sending  a disk and sufficient amount of
money (about 3dm?) to:-

     Parson / DCS,
     Michael Eggers,
     J M Meere 11,
     3208 Grob Forste,
     West Germany.

   Parson  compiles  the  paper-magazine
and handles distribution of the disk and
paper mag...\

   If  you  want  to submit anything for
the   disk-magazine  (news,  interviews,
articles, letters, etc...) write to:-

     Mr.Big / Anarchy,
     49 Kirkstall Road,
     New Lodge Estate,
     S71 1RS.\

   Or  if you want to send votes, either
send  them  with articles to the address
above, or to:-

     Judge Drokk / Anarchy,
     9 Back Lane West,
     S71 4RZ.

   I  am  not quite sure as yet how much
Parson  plans  to charge for copying the
paper-magazine, but you can always check
with him first!...\
   OK,  this  will  be  the last page of
this  message  box,  I  told you that it
wasn't   a  magazine,  but  if  I'm  not
careful it will be as long as one!!!

   Again  I will give you my address for

     Raistlin / Anarchy,
     Robert Troughton,
     42 Browfield Terrace,
     West Yorkshire,
     BD20 9PT.
