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 O.M.E.N. OF ANALOG 1990 

                               øþ¤¡ DISEASE øþ¤¡         is the name of the new  ANALOG music disk!              Maybe the best (musicaly meaning) music disk ever from Analog.                     [Geronymho's taking his old'n ugly keyboard]...           -- The God of Analog my Shepherd is,  -- And he that doth me feed,         -- While he is mine and I am hism    -- What can I want or need ?          -- He leads me to the tender grass,  -- Where I both feed and rest,  -- Then to the streams that gently pass,  -- In both I have the best.       ...         Is Hell a crime? may people ask...            The answer should be...      Hell is a land, a simple land.  Of course, another stupid dude will ask - Where is Hell? -.      If you want an answer, come'n see Saddam' and Bush's bombs!      We could not avoid this war, but war keeps on being so ugly.  Hell is back on Earth !                                 This disk uses songs from the new cool ANALOG music masters.        Have an ear at the music by REFLEX, æFor Heræ,he's our newest member.          BABY FAB created æFluctual Windsæ  and æRythm 'n Softæ , and maybe his tunes will smash your brain !!!!!!! they smashed ours.             The last one you don't know yet is SUPERBEE, who created, with this fab psykedelic tune æOn Commandæ, one of the most original tune on Amiga since a long time.                 æFunny Balladæ was tracked by the ones you know since a long time now, they're called The Fatal Duo. The Fatal Duo is composed by Cobburn & Geronymho.  Today their song intends to make you happier.   Ca devrait rappeller quelques choses à certains !         We know that the code is not so pretty cool, but WHO CARES ?    This product is a music production, not a coding exhibition, but we have an excuse (yes, we have one !) :   it's the realy first demo coded by O.M.E.N. (do you remember the } sign ?), one of our gfx makers. Simple but nice anyway !           Who did the fantastic gfx ??       I know that you're wondering...            It's the dude behind the coding, his name is... have you forgotten yet ? no, you know him for a long time, since he created so many cool gfx masterpieces...    for the others, his name is  O.M.E.N.      Do not forget him, he'll blast the gfx scene soon again.                                        Comme c'est sympa, Olivier, d'avoir fait ces caractères à la française, on va pouvoir faire quelques petits coucou à nos french friends!              Tout d'abord, of course, salut Billy, bonjour à toi Akeu je suis pas Jhonny mais presque.             Salut aussi à Viro, à HDWR (rachètes un Amiga, c'est du gaspillage !!) , à U2 (je suis sur que le Droit n'est pas aussi passionant qu'une bonne excursion sur le dernier Noise-Pro-Star tracker en date !), ainsi qu'à son frère (Pi-R) qui fait vraiment du beau boulot sur Sculpt!  ........                Nous aimerions que des créateurs français VRAIMENT cools    - et pas seulement soi disant comme trop souvent ! -     nous contactent (The Fatal Duo, donc Cobburn ou Geronymho), qu'on se fasse une petite discute sympa, qu'on crache un peu sur Jean Marie Le P... après s'etre échangé nos instruments et modules !     On vous attend les gars.                                          (c)1991 Analog                                        @V4øþ¤þ¤þ¤þ¤þ¤þ¤þ¤þ¤þ¤þ¤þ¤þ¤þ¤þ¤¡                   @V2                     @V1welcome to the third sun tracker of analog called  &à disease é&                              few commands:  you can use your mouse or keys f1 to f5 to change musics. you can also use the right mouse button to stop all the scrollings                                  musics by      - reflex -       - baby fab -      - super bee -      and      - the fatal duo -  åcobburn and geronymho©                  code and graphics by  - o.m.e.n. -         åthanks to revolution for some help in the coding !©              first loading logo by  - saxon -                 second loading analogo by    - swoly -                                      contact analog :          e.o.d., quartier des lones, 84200  carpentras  france@P       or         cobburn, qu. le touve,  84570  methamis  france   @P   or         geronymho, lara,  84570  methamis  france     @P    åfor geronymho, only friendly musicians and artists !©                                        analog sends greetings to:    abakus    *    addonic    *    anarchy u.k.   *    amaze   *    artemis   *    a.d.d.    *    byterapers    *    celeste    *    cult    *    cyborg power system    *    cyclone    *    crionics    *    crusaders    *    cave    *    cycron    *    corps    *    demons    *    dictators    *    drifters    *    dual crew    *    doxos    *    defjam    *    defeat    *    elite inc.    *    energy    *    euphoria    *    exterminators    *    free access    *    italian bad boys    *    impact inc.    *    iris    *    inferno    *    intense    *    level 4    *    loctite    *    magic 12    *    mutans    *    mystics    *    mirage    *    n.b.c.    *    o.m.d.    *    paradox    *    prologic    *    psycho    *    pussy    *    pyxxis    *    razor 1911    *    rebels    *    sanity    *    savage    *    sphere    *    sygma    *    sun system     *    tgwl    *    time    *    the mecanical minds    *    the black home    *    the power home    *    twilight    *    triumph    *    vega    *    vectra    *    whiplash    *    zenith    etc...