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15 257 bytes (14.90K)
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2012-02-21 23:02:59
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SHITT                     SLB AND SHMB
POWER                      ROGUE MALE 
BEATMASTER                    ZING    
DANGER FUN                    NOISE   
JOKING                       WALKMAN  
TIED UP                     Dr AWSOME 
LARS                           SLL    
ACADEMY               a guy of ACADEMY
RAPMIX                     ROGUE MALE 
FEELING GREAT                 TITAN   

   here it is,    at last    after   let me see       ..1......2....3...4.....5..........       months!!   
 it's finished,      puff!     you might wonder why this crap took the great 
      mad      so long to code!!!????          well i don't know either!  if you know, give me
a call.           use mouse to select song.              credits for this music disk, goes like this........             
               coding                    (tratttatidum!)          mad                        (yeeeah).  
                     graphix -            death hawk (loading pic.),   the soft. (shit) ` (logo),    me and svinet (sweinstein) did some  
and chars from deluxe paint ii.                             
music ripped by   mad   except shitt which was made by    slarty bartfast    and
   mr. schmoothie patootie     of action force.                 
 personal grettings to ironlight and to the amiga for beeing better
than atari!!!!!!!!                         
 and then some terrible stuff about a local laaaaaaaaaamer called...
   mr. wiklems.        he is talking shit about action force and call us lamers. the
truth is that     he      is a bloooody stinking shit head of a lamer..!       the 3rd
lamest person i have ever heard of.   (the other two below lives in arendal.
  fuck you guys!)     so stop talking shit or we will continue talking dirt about
you until you are dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.                     if you want to contact me
then write to       (:),         roger              kamben             2930 bagn            norway            for
swapping, tips (coding) and ....things !                      i am tired of writing  drit  and stuff
so i link to the        software      terrorist   (the boss!!!!   (he thinks so
  (ha ha hi!)))   scroller   ......... bye the way, we'll meet again in future
releases!         hide under the table, because here is.....                     
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatsjih !!!!!  schnufs! snufs!   sorry 'bout
that chaps!    may i introduce myself to you stincky lamers ! (just kiddn' you
man!)....   i am             the       software      terrorist      ` ` ` ` ` `
!!!!  of course not only an official member of the world famous (???)       action
      force     , but the big boss himself (at least i stinck (sorry, think)
so!)...   well, well, enough talk about myself i think (or do you want more?
let me hear...     nooooooooooooooo !!!   okay, okay, i can
take a hint.... well, what should i talk about instead ? (stupid question
really, you haven't any influence on that anyway!) 
 i think i'll take one of
my home-produced jokes! ('ey! where are you going!??!!)  ok, here it is... 
do you know the difference between an elephant and a lamer ?   neither do i
!!! (haha ha ha, come on then, laugh! ha ha hihi hoha!)  i think you're fed up
with my jokes already, so let's leave that subject!    why not show the
memberlist of action force ?  okay, here it is, in  "wnwcimhatt" order!
(stupid! doesn't you know what "wnwcimhatt" stands for? of course it means...
in "which-name-who-came-into-my-mind-at-the-time" order...  okay, there i see
it comin' !                                   ;  `  the software terrorist - coding, graphix, swapping, boss
!!!  `  ;    ;  :  mad - coding, hardware (burning and making!),experimenting (
dr.jekyl)  :  ;    ;  ss  sweinstein - coding, hardware
freak (at least freak !!! haha hihiho!), muzak-wizard and graphix  ss  ;   ; 
skt  skeletor - swapping, muzak  skt  ;    ;  sgt  sergeant slaughter -
muzak, graphics, insane (!)  sgt  ;  
;  death hawk - coding, art work, swapping  ;    ;  punisher - coding,
swapping  ;    ;  slb  slarty bartfast - muzak, coding  slb  ;    ; 
scp  mr. schmootie patootie - muzak, swapping  scp  ;    ;  scorpy - swapping
  ;    ;  spite - swapping  ;    ;  bootboy - swapping, muzak  ;      that
was the norwegian members of action force! but we have got a couple of new
members! we welcome two finnish members, called    ;  slime - swapping  ;   and
  ;  safir - swapping  ;   we wish the new members a great time in action
force !!!            sorry, i have to leave to prison (read school) now! i'll be back
soon freaks!!!  kick, kick, kick  "dammit!" pump, pump, pump...  kick, kick
brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmm brm brmmm brrrm  choke, schreeeeeech.....
(for the stupid ones, this was me starting my motorbike (popular called
"the wreck"! it is a corvette (norwegian product of course!) model?  1962 !!!) 
brrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmm (louder and louder), schreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech!
bang! crash! creeeek! boooooooooooomm!... ooops! that
was that garage!  but what is important, is that i'm back from prison (read
school!). it was boring (as usual) in the prison (continue reading school!)
today! okay, this is better! just now i'm sittn'in here and relaxing in my
chair and listening to what else than...  jean michel jarre  while writing
this scrolly! i'm also very interested in heavy metal! of course my favourite
group at the moment is...  iron maiden (they rule) !!! if you're also a
music freak, why not contact me, and we could swap some cassettes ???  do not
hesitate, write now !!! address will come later on, so continue reading!
ok... are you waiting for the greetings? then you'll have to wait a bit longer!
the greetz will come later!  now i think i'll burst out some messages...             
   first message to    ravisher of brainbug ... hey freak! what's the matter? do
you really take school that serious??? stop swapping you say? stop talking
bullshit! why not gimme a call???!   2nd message to...  burglar of it...
what's the matter, old chap? why not written back for so long??? to much
to do at school? please give life from you soon!   3rd message to... shark
the master of scoopex... 'ey sharky, thanx for beeing a great contact, allways
sending the hottest stuff! your demos are great (especially the vectrix demo!).
by the way, what do you think about this production?   4th message to firecat
of united! ... hey ol' dude! thanx for beeing a great friend! maybe a bit
lazy with the swapping, and a bit to much swallowed up in your school-work
(my printer can confess that!), but a cool pal! a special greeting to your
turtles!   5th message to... express of magic science... hope we can swap some
music-tapes! send faster!   6th message to tgc of icon crew... hope your amiga
will work ok now! seeing forward to swap with you again!   7th message to...
duke of flexible... what's the matter, are you dead or something? or have the
cops visited you again??? hope to hear from you soon!   8th message to...
eye of impulse... what's up pal? give some life from you soon!   9th message
to... the flash team (the black wizard) ... i read the scroll in fog's last
demo a while ago, and i see that you and punisher (action force) isn't to
great friends! but please stop dragging action force into your fight! and,
black wizard, i think you should stop thinking so high about yourself! can you
code an equalizer (wrong word really, you use an equalizer to adjust the sound,
which i think would be rather difficult in a demo! what you mean is probably
a 'vu-meter'!) routine yourself??? that's the messages for today!         
let's see if i can dig up something else from my brain.... hmmmmm, no it
seems that it's pretty empty up there just now! but i've got two visitors
tonight. they are...  ;  skeletor  ;    and      ;  sgt. slaughter  ; ... i
think i'll hand the keyboard over to one of them, while i'm filling up my
brain with new ideas! see ya later... anyone out there, who want's to smash
some keys????   hmmmm...  yeah! me want!! (he-he) sgt. slaughter here! i'm
sure glad this is tst's computer!! bamm! crash!!! i kill me! (alf) well, i
am supposed to locate some trash from my brain, so here we go!!!! i know
you are listening to some music on this disk rigth now (unless you're not,
ha ha!!!), but have you ever listened to jarre??? sure, you have!!! he's
grrrrrreat!!! but i really think 'live in houston' is better than
'revolutions'. don't know why. it's only a feeling. maybe it's because the
laser-show (seen the video???). enough jarre from me!  let's change subject!
some of us will be present at the it and razor 1911 party, i sure know that,
but i've got some problems with convincing my father to allow me to go. as
my earlier contacts know, i'm always broke. that means i need him to pay the
trip. well, more about that later. skeletor is soon going to leave, so i'll
give the keys to him. skeletor???? skeletor????? skeletor!!!! your lazy
bast....     zzzzzzzzzzzz..... yeah????!!!    what's up???!!!   (` speaking...
your dick is up!)      ha-ha  very funny!!    well i'll get down to some real
bullshit...   ooooooops!! i just smashed the 'del' key down into the computer!
!!   well it's tst's computer so it doesn't matter. well, i can see that
slaugter has been out telling you about his money-problems again. actually the
reason for that problem is sweets (` speaking... and girls???) !! well `, i
don't think that girls really are slaughters problem. if it is any problem at
all?? what do you think?   well i'll tell you a sweet little story told by
slaughter's mum....       she said... " if we shall get him (slaughter) after
girls, we'll have to push him up right in front of them!!".....   well, the
other day ` and me were at the cinema, and afterwards we discovered that we've
got the same code on our cash-cards..   do you wanna know what it is ???..  
oh no, it will be easier to throw a : dog over four tall buildings (each house
at least 4 metres high)  (: speaking  don't abuse my name!!! )   well, i gotta go, but i hope i'll be back later on.
you see i've got some work to do.   hope someone can fix that 'del' key anyway.
... someone who wants to crunch the keys??????    well here is ` ` ` ` ` `
!!! i surely doesn't want to "crunch" my keys !!!  anyway, as slaughter told
ya earlier, we will come to the razor - it party, 23-25th of june... if we'll
get a seat near a wall, you surely won't have problems seeing us! i have just
made a poster, which consists of 14 (!) a4 sheets! everything created with the
proggy "posters", and printed out on my printer! see you all at the party !!!
ok, i think i'll show you my address now! contact me at once if you wanna
swap music-tapes or the hottest stuff on amiga! i am also programming a little
machine code, so if you want to exchange ideas, routines and so on, contact me!
my address is as follows...             (get a pen and a sheet of paper now!) ........           
  tst/action force        fejordet      n-2900       fagernes        norway   
 ..... my phone number is....     (+47) 063 60967     (ask for bjorn)  looking
forward to hear from you!     okay, i think i have written enough scrolltext
now, so i'll
let someone else write something...  ````````````````````` signing off....          
    oh, i (skeletor) am back, and some bullshit's coming up again....    oh no
(splat!!!!)    slaughter just let a filled fart on the keyboard... (uack!!!!),
and now over to a great subject, my ad.  it's coming up, so you'd better
grab a pen, and write faster than yourself!!!!            skeletor/af  ,
    n-2920 leira i v.,         norway.    wanna hear my unpleasant voice then
call...    (+47) 063 62399 ask for skeletor.....    slaughter coming up with some
bullshit.....     bullshit??? me??? well, acctually, here's some bullshit...
eh.. about skeletor, he's a biiiig asshole, you know, because it wasn't me that
farted at the keyboard, it was himself!!!!!    anyone who want's to hear a
joke?? skeletor says 'no', ` says 'no', so here it comes!!!    do you know
what a iranish anti-komehini man is?????   no???  dead!!!!  ha, ha, ha! i kill
me!! oh, i forgot about the party, but i suppose you've allready read enough
about it, so i'll put it away!! wasn't that fun???? well here's `, so..... 
juuuuuupppi! der sluttet den fistampen endelig! naa kommer det som dere alle
har ventet paa! okay, for the non-norwegian, i'll translate... here comes
the long-awaited greetz! first we kick out the very special golden, flashing,
flying, magnificent greetings (of course in alphabetical order!)....                              
      101 crew malta  ;  alive  ;  amigavision  ;  atomic  ;  avenger  ;
 black monks  ;  byterapers  ;  complex  ;  crusaders  ;  cryptoburners  ;
 deathstar  ;
 digitech - ibb  ;  freedom force - amiga industries  ;  freedom force
norway/tomcat f-14  ;  freestyle u.k.  ;  ghostriders  ;  it  ;  level 4  ;
 maffia  ;  neutral zone crackers  ;  network  ;  odyssey  ;  orion 5
(message from death hawk... sorry about the delay, but the next sending will
be great!)  ; razor 1911  ;  rising force  ;
 sanxion  ;  sargon  ;  scoopex  ;  sector 5 and the carriers  ;
 setrox  ;  silents - northstar  ;  spreadpoint - defjam - ccs  ;
 subway - dreamteam  ;  sunriders iceland  ;  team-x  ;  the band norway  ;
 the cartel  ;  trash and the top boys ;  united  ;  vision  ;  wizzcat  ;
 world of wonders  ;  zark ....   the normal silver greetings fly out to...                     
act  ;  alien force  ;  artic league  ;  a.s.k.  ;  asteroids  ;  boonfire  ;
 brainbug  ;  browbeat  ;  byteman cracking crew  ;  cosanostra  ;  cpu-til  ;
 creators  ;  crime  ;  dream warriors  ;  driller killers  ;  dual access  ;
 earl  ;  ff  ;  finnish force  ;  fixion  ;  flexible  ;  freedom force 
norway/the amiga superiors  ;  h.a.c.  ;  heavy duty inc  ;  icon crew  ;
 impulse  ;  insiders  ;  james  ;  limited  ;  lonewolf - amiga  ;  magic
science  ;  mainframe  ;  megadeath  ;  megapower  ;  m.o.a.  ;  more love  ;
 mr. abacus  ;  new order  ;  nonstopcrew  ;  ollie  ;  orion  ;  phillip  ;
 polarbears/noble star  ;  quino  ;  random fashion  ;  rille  ;  scanners  ;
 shape  ;  silence  ;  smart t  ;  supervisors  ;  supreme  ;  terminators  ;
 the amiga artists  ;  the california hacker  ;  the flash team  ;  the
possessed  ;  threat  ;  tvm  ;  zeus  ;  zipp  ;;;;;;;;;;......         phuiiii!!!
that was them all (i hope) !!! if you still cannot find yourself on the list,
write to us for swapping, and you'll get on the list! if you mean that you
swap with us, and is still missing on the list, please give us a hint !  okay,
this is the very end of this scrolltext now! hope you have enjoyed this
scrolly, the demo and all the muzak (handpicked by
me (`) and : ....  see you all very soon in another action force production...
bye, and big greetings from...      action force (c) 1989   