File Archive

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File size:
2 445 bytes (2.39K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:09:48
Download count:
all-time: 0


        _______  _______  _______    _______               ______ ________
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    |   |          \  |     \  |__)  \|         \     /      |   |||  |      |
    |   |          .\       .\      . \        . \   /          .||  .|      |
    |   |___________/________/________/__________/   \___________||___|      |
    |    ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~       |
    |                            -=* ACCESS WHQ *=-                          |
    |       _______    _____  _____    _         ______ _______              |
    |       |~~    \   |~~ |  |~~ |   /~\       /~~    ||~~    \             |
    |       |       \  |   |__|   |  /   \     /      !||       \            |
    |       |.   |   \ |          | /  T  \   /    |   || (------\      CoBrA|
    |-------|    |--- \|    __    |/       \-/     |  .||         \----------|
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            ||         .\  |  |  /     |    .\        .||          .\
            |___________/__|  |__\_____|_____/_________||___________/
             ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~    ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~

      SySoP:    Sophocles            RuNNInG /XPress 4.5 -*- 500MeGz OnLiNe!
      CoSySoPs: CoBrA                           
                Cray-1                         - AMIGA / PC / MAC -
                Sequencer             CaLL  +44 (0)41 6445588 (28.8k) NOW!!

                     - Code by CoBrA and Sophocles of A((eSS -
                     - Additional dancing by GaIa of A((eSS! -

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    / __  |  |--|  |--|  _)_|___  |___  |
  _/  `|  |  '  |  '  |  `  |  `  |  `  |
:::::::::::::A Kewl new BBStro:::::::::::::
:::::::::Rotating Vector Animation!::::::::
::Coded By Sophocles/A((eSS & Cobra/A((eSS: