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          presents                              ........                       
                  ??!?!?!!                why am I writing with a lot
of spaces between each word??  That seems to be a bit stupid,if
ya ask me,man!     Since i have found a total lack of cool
scrolltexts on the amiga,I decided to make one myself. a
little message to tristar and their 'record breaking' scrolltext:
       35 K.  eh?? well,i checked it up,and unless my calculator
needs a new power supply,your scrolltext used about 33.9
kilobytes of
mem! and you used approx. 286 bytes on your own name!  First of
all I must say that I have no intention to try to break
scrolltext records,i don't believe i can possibly make a cool
text on over 20000 bytes. oh,tristar,please don't make so much
stuff with the scroller,i got a mindblowing headache (...)       
Well,I think it's time to introduce myself. I am Denithor,I've
had my Amiga in two months now,and I sold my 64 to a jerk a few
weeks ago. so now i'm coding on the amiga. i made quite a few
demos on my 64,but since that's nothing to boast about,i wont. by
the way,the bitmap you are gazing at with your squared eyes was
made by me. well,cirion did the phone and the trashcan(he seems
to be good at painting trashcans!) and i did the other junk.
the aural torture was composed by our ear-executor,theron....
(God knows what he called this stuff...)   He is writing some
text later i suppose...          in case you think i'm using any
library routine or the blitter for this scroller i have to say
that you are wrong.(oh,well,almost,coz i use the blitter to clear
the scroll area.) using such things is cheating (...)    No, this
is pure skilled programming. (eh...)    that sinus table was made
without any sinus maker at all. i made it with patience and hard
work.(two things not usually associated with the name
'denithor'...)    what now then? ok,let's have the standard
sentence : It's in the middle of the night and i'm tired. You
might use the right mouse button to freeze the scrolltext.use
fire button on the joystick to toggle between the different
noises...   we had a french test at school today. Personally i
think it went straight off to a very hot place. c'est la vie.   
unfortunately i can't talk about the weather
 is too dark to see anything at all.    the soundtracker is a
very mind-consuming beast!  it's using a lot more that the whole
memory of the 64 for one song!  personally i think that's
extremely ridiculous.       time to slag off a few hellos and
messys to a couple of my friends. hello and thanks to all the 64
freaks i had contact with,and the ones i had to stop the swapping
 with.(well,it wasn't a big catastrophy anyway,coz i wasn't
swapping with too
many persons.)     hello to qual i of tetragon,you are the
coolest guy in 'sverieg'! one could say you've 'spaced out' or
what? sorry about all this
not-so-funny jokes,but what else should i fill all the 'space' in
this machine with?         hello grendel! still going strong in seem to be quite a famous guy over there. how many
did you have to bribe to get that famous??
i've got a weird sense of humour,but you all know what computers
can do with people.       hello kcf or whatever you call
yourselves these days. I hope to find that address of yours in
the near future.          hello skywave of cosine. here's a note
for you: make good music on the 64,and nobody cares. make good
music on the amiga,and you are guaranteed fame! (Don't you
agree,theron?)      hello TSG 9001. i'll probably send you
something.(like this demo)     hello eoc! how's things going?
i'll contact you again when i have the time.       now  it's time
to get a good night's sleep. i'll soon let mr. Theron take over
for a while,coz if i go on chatting in this style,you'll probably
end up having your dinner at your keyboard. over to some new
fresh blood:                          this is theron writing.
writing an interesting scrolltext has become an art. in fact
there are very few persons in this business that handles the art
to the extreme limits. everyone is going for the world record in
long scrolltext, but what about the quality? on the amiga the
quality of scrolltexts are extremely low, on the 64 there are
very few persons that handles the writing. well i guess you've
heard enough of scrolltexts today. if i know denithor right he
has also written something about this subject. the music used in
this demo was composed on my yamaha pss 680, and then arranged on
the amiga. well in fact, i only used my yamaha to produce good
ideas, and this is what came out of the loudspeakers a cold and
ugly friday evening. press your joystick button to switch between
the two songs. the one you heard when starting the demo is called
'theronit'  i always name my songs, making them more personal!
(...)  the other is called 'shades' and it's the most 'rock' song
i've ever written. some of the sounds used in these two songs are
taken from demos & games. i'm making my own sound library, and i
hope that none will get offended by my stealings. if so - tell
me, and i'll never use your extremely baaaad sounds again!   now
it's time for some friendly and perhaps unfriendly messages.  
first to megaforce, denmark:    it's satisfying when my contacts
spread our works, but why ruin the work by using the programs
found on our disKS ON YOUR own packs? we're grateful for the
credits on your disks, but the programs was supposed to be used
and spread on our own disk with intro,addresses,atmosphere and
real credits! For example you didn't mention that theron made the
music, which i most certainly did! no other members of academy
could achieve such a nice combination of notes put together with
nice rhytms. no hard feelings guys, but stick to our rules in the
future. spread our products as you receive them!   (all groups
are welcome to spread our single part demos - but do not tear
apart compilations!)     hi ian! nice that you've read this
scrolltext so far - it makes you exceptional!  i've not received
your new demos yet, but i guess i will in near future. i'll soon
make some music that you can use in coming demos, but i'm afraid
i can't make heavy tunes like you wanted. ('shades' is the
heaviest i've ever written!)       hello petteri!  you didn't
expect a message did you? well here's a short one: stick to stack
and make more packs!          message to all contacts of academy:
do not, i repeat   not   send letters in the future with taped
stamps. i will not get your post because the local post office
wont deliver any with illegal stamps on.   if you want to contact
academy for any reason, contact me by writing a letter addressed:
roger holmsen   m.bokeligt.20   3250 larvik   norway      i can
not afford to return disks that belong to lamerheads, so please
consider your status before you even think of contacting us.   i
guess that was all. we'll be on the scene again in short time. do
wait - it's worth it (...??? ed.)                And I had the
guts to call it 'New fresh blood'!  Well,this is Denithor again.I
have to write an essay for tomorrow,on 'Nynorsk'! That's a
horrible language! Oh,please note that this text is written
partly on Word Perfect,and partly on Txted. So if there are too
many or too few spaces somewhere,i hope it won't annoy you. This
scrolltext is getting quite big anyway.Hope you don't mind. I was
at a party last weekend,(with some old classmates.) and we came
to the following conclusions. Note: This text is not suitable for
children and people with heart problems.     Ok,here they come:
1.Gays are a pain in the ass.     2.Sodomy is beastial.(according
my dictionary sodomy is anal sex,but in norwegian sodomy means
animal fucking.)    3.pedo-sex is childish.(I really don't know
that is an english word,but i presume you got the message.)  
4.Oral sex is a matter of taste.    5.Necro-sex is dead fun.   
6.Masturbation is a handwork.     7.Group-sex is teamwork.   
Class 1E at larvik Gymnas.(some people might wonder what we were
actually doing at that party...)     Hey,i just found out another
7,5. Anal sex stinks... Ok,it was a bad one,I can do better than
that.(I made two of the other ones,so don't complain.)      Wanna
contact me? No way!   The few contacts i have is enough!         
let's show off with this sinus thing...            .....    
.....    .....     .....     .....   looks cool,eh?  Stop press!
How is it possible to say 'looks cool'?     why am i asking all
these stupid questions?        this demo is not a very
professional demo,with hours of painting and so on,i gotta admit
that,but i liked the result,and I hope you do as well,coz there
are some hours of designing behind this program. My next demo is
probably a bit more professional.Meanwhile you gotta enjoy this
one. I met theron yesterday (Oh my,what a rare occation!) and he
delivered me a little list with a lot of funny names on it. after
hours of intense thinking i came to the following conclusion: he
wanted me to write these funny names down in this text. Why i
asked myself,and after thinking over a bottle of coke i thought:
maybe it is to fill out the vast emptiness of the memory chips.  
     He called it greetings... and here they come.     we salute
you:                world of wonders-rage-dns          megaforce 
        quackers(YO rainmaker.Stop making all that rain!let it
rain in sweden instead!)          it (what?)         Destiny     
    Stack & x-men          the lost boys(?)          tetragon
(we greet you twice!)          Sunriders (Gentlemen,if you ride
on the sun your asses will be in ashes pretty soon)         The
gang         supervisors          artic league          rawdeal
inc.          sct          united          abnormal(How true!)   
      4th dimension (that's time isn't it?)          yes
(Certainly!)          phenomena (No comments)          wot (wet
wet)          election (in the 'bush'??)         system ii (not
to mention 3,5 and 9)         whizzard          tsg 9001         
the whizzards (I don't know if that's the correct spelling,but
you wrote 'THEron' wrong,so it doesn't really matter.)    sorry
about all those stupid comments,i hope i didn't abuse you!      
over 10000 bytes already!                    eclipse was supposed
to write something ,but his circuits of creativity was not
actually working at top speed,so his ecliptic way of speech will
not characterize this top quality text.      now,what about a
poem?? what should the contents be? about cracking?? ok! (This
was a dialogue between me and myself.)        in the shadow of
industry    lurks a man with his hands so free   source code
can't they from him hide    when he cracks,they loose all pride. 
    wasn't that a stupid poem?          Theron named his music
'theronit' and 'shades' .well,i have an alternative name for
'shades': what about 'the rutting owl'.   for 'theronit' i have
the following suggestion: 'dustbin disco'   ...   sorry theron,i
just couldn't resist it!        school irritates me nowadays.
there is so much to do! correction: there is so much that should
be done!!   that means to time for computing. well,almost no
time...   i hope you've enjoyed this text.(i hope you've read
this text...) it might sound like a cliche,but i've actually
enjoyed writing this.i am sorry if this text turned out to look like something
people end off a text with,but you see,that's exactly what this
text really is!         next time i'll probably make a readable
scroller and some really
hightech stuff as well.(wonder how many times i've written 'as
well' in this text. can't be few...)       well,then. i think
it's time to go now.       have an adorable evening.          
for your attention everybody!                             $29.10
1988 Denithor of Academy.                      The academic light
is turning off.   For some time....     