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1 861 bytes (1.82K)
File date:
2025-02-24 05:45:02
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10...                                                    9...                                                   8...                                                   7...                                                   6...                                                   aaahhhh... Fuck it... HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!                                `What a great way to celebrate the new year... get totally pissed and stoned on New Years Eve and then spend New Years Day writing scrolltext...hehe... Oh well what da phuck... Since the release of our first BBSTRO we've gone thru a few changes so we thought it would be appropriate to release a new one... Credits for this BBSTRO are as follows:                              All coding: Roadrunna and Apparition                                 `Graphics: Roadrunna	                                         `music and fonts: ???	                                         `The current AUSSIE ALLIANCE lineup looks like this:   Roadrunna * Thorn * Jagermeister * Sheedy * The Dude * X-Cell * Onslaught * Dataline * Count Zero * Tijuana * Stylemaster DJ * Noddy   We are presently looking for some fast and reliable traders to join our team... If u think you fit the bill feel free to E-Mail us on any ALLIANCE board...     New Year's Greets in alpha order to:   243, Alexander Nevermind, Assassin, Blackbeard/Skid Row, Bobo/Mystic, Bowen/Skid Row, Carcass^Equinoxe/Logic, Cornflake/Prestige, Data-Lore, Dio^Cat/Alpha Flight, Drum, Felon/Devious Designs, Firestarter, Grunge, Junkman, Kev/Underware Design, Krusty, Lord/Absolute, Nico, Petike, Pizza/Alpha Flight, Psyche/Devious Designs, Rustler, Ryu Kami, Sneaker, Warlock, Windjammer, Zozo/Majic 12      Enuff said... I can hear a coldie calling me...   Laid'er Roadrunna