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2 585 bytes (2.52K)
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2024-09-05 01:09:47
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    artstate welcomes you to the jedi temple music disk.  credits go to motion for code and graphics.  music and concept by adkd.  this is our last release of the year and we hope you get some enjoyment from it. to select a tune, press either f1 or f2. the short looping track you can hear, can only be listened to when loading this selector screen for the first time. adkd has made an extended version, which we may release on a future pack disk. i'm going to hand over the keys to adkd, as he wants to give a breakdown of the music used in the intro and how this project came about. over to you, adkd.......  thanks motion. ok, i just discovered that 'the bad guy' was uttering the sample in question to darth vader, for the sake of destroying the jedi and that was not my intention. here i'm using the cool sounding darth sidious utterance for the cause of light, 'i want you to go to the jedi temple' to get fully trained, as only then can you conquer the dark side. now that's out of the way, i want to give you some background on the track in the oldskool intro. i got the inspiration to make something with the old st-01 samples disk and after sending a quick preview to motion, he very much encouraged the idea. i kept on tracking until it became a module called st-svarup. the word svarup means something like original form, used in yoga to pertain to ones original spiritual identity. so in that way, i thought it fun to think of my original tracker identity as an st one, since i started tracking with st-samples back in 1988, and still love those sounds. after a lot of revision on the track and one month later, having added some old soundtracker speech samples, it seemed to do the job of making it more interesting. then shortly after, i became inspired by star wars and made another version with jedi samples. motion liked both versions, so i made a hybrid of the two with both soundtracker and jedi speech samples. hence the name, 'st-svarup jedi ii'. the 'ii' was added because there are two jedi being tracked in the intro song.  big ups to pt-1210 dj's, amiga broadcasters such as dj daemon, amiga bill, slash, ms mad lemon [i love your shows], the mod archive and amiga music preservation crews. greetings to hukka, alientech and puni, powerslave, assassin, branch, enk, mpxvm, dand many more, atekuro, dj queso, utz [bintracker], steffest [bassoontracker] and jon [amibian].  well, that wraps up this release.  we hope to be on your screens again sometime in the new year. we wish you all a very merry christmas, regards from adkd and motion.