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9 839 bytes (9.61K)
File date:
2006-08-20 23:09:36
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all-time: 940


                       _____ _____ _____     _  _ __
                      |  ___Y  .  Y  .  | /|(_)(_) / 
                      l___  |  l__|  l__j  | /  / /  
                      |  |  |  |  |  |  | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| 
                      |  :  |  :  |  :  | |4-6 july| 
                      `-----^-----^-----' `--------'       
                        Summer Computer Conference      
                   - -- -------------------------- -- - 
                   The Scene Event This Summer To Come! 
                   - -- -------------------------- -- - 
                            KÖPING · SWEDEN

|                                                                            |
|          Arranged by:    ·  FAIRLIGHT ·  OBSCENE  ·  STOP  ·               |
|                                                                            |

                    - --  ----------------------------  -- -
                                 When and Where
                    - --  ----------------------------  -- -

The Party will be held between 4-6 July (this year!) in Köping, a small town
in the middle of sweden. The party starts at 12.00 Friday and will be shut
down 12.00 Sunday. There is about 4000 squaremeters of free space for you
and your computers, so there will be no problem finding a place to sit!

                   - --  ----------------------------  -- -
                        10 reasons why you should come
                   - --  ----------------------------  -- -

                  # 4000 Squaremeters of free space
                  # Food served 24h
                  # 2 Bigscreens
                  # Movies shown from Laserdisc
                  # FREE Internet
                  # Lots of surprise compos
                  # Sound equipment that can blow your ears out
                  # Our own Party TV-channel
                  # Nostalgia expo with classic computers & videogames
                  # It will be FUN!

                    - --  ----------------------------  -- -
                                How to get there
                    - --  ----------------------------  -- -

By Car:
Use any good map to find your way to Köping (if you don't have one, just
buy one on a gas station, it won't cost much) or drive towards Västerås,
Eskilstuna or Örebro, and follow the signs that say "köping xx".
Once you're in Köping, there won't be any problem. Just follow the signs
to the Hospital, and you'll find the partyplace across the street. We will
also put out some signs. If you still can't find the place, just ask any
friendly looking fellow where glasgatan or the hospital is..  :)

By Bus:
All buses (Västmanlands Länstrafik/VL) stops right at the partyplace.
Take a chat with the driver, and tell him to stop at "Glasgatan" or the
hospital. If you travel with another company than VL, they might stop
anywhere, but if you call us, we will pick up you and your stuff for free.

By Train:
I'm not one of the fellows using the train very often, but in sweden there's
no problem, because when you by the tickets, you'll just tell them where you
want to go, and they'll fix that, and tell you where and when you have to
change train. When you get to köping, just cross the street from the station
and walk along "glasgatan" about 100 meters, and voila! you're there!

                    - --  ----------------------------  -- -
                               Food  and  Snacks
                    - --  ----------------------------  -- -

Food, drinks and Snacks will be served around the clock on location.
Two professional chefs will be cooking Hamburgers, Pizza, Kebab etc
on location of coz! Sandwiches, cookies, and coffee as well.
Snacks like chips and candy can also be bought. For you thirsty ones
out there Coca-Cola, Jolt-Cola, and Red Bull hopefully will do it for you.
Everything will be sold to real cheap prices.
If you don't like fastfood there's appx. 2-300 meters to a restaurant, or

                    - --  ----------------------------  -- -
                    - --  ----------------------------  -- -

AMIGA DEMO         Must work on A1200/030/50mhz/18mb RAM
                   Max length: 10 mins    Max size: 5mb

AMIGA INTRO        Must work on A1200 standard
                   Max length:  5 mins    Max size: 64k

PC DEMO            Must work on P166MMX/2mbGFX/SB16/16mb RAM
                   Max length: 10 mins    Max size: 5mb

PC INTRO           Must work on P166MMX/2mbGFX/SB16/16mb RAM
                   Max length:  5 mins    Max size: 64k

GFX                No scanned/digitized pictures
                   Format: Iff or Gif     Max resolution: 600x800

4 CHANNEL MUSIC    4 channel mods only. If interest also Chiptunecompo
                   The songs will be played using Hippoplayer or similiar

WILDCOMPO          Compete with anything you like :)
                   Max length: 15 mins

C64 DEMO           Must work on a C64 with a diskdrive (1541/1571)  :)
                   Max length: 10 mins    Max size: 2 disks

     We will also arrange Fastintro compo and some Surprisecompos !!

                    - --  ----------------------------  -- -
                          Entrance Fee  &  Party rules
                    - --  ----------------------------  -- -

ENTRANCE FEE        The entrance fee will be the same as last year, 180 SKR
                    on location and 150 SKR if you pay in advance.
                    If you visited the party last year, you only pay 120 SKR
                    All attenders paying in advance have the chance to win
                    a CD-rom title (Amiga/PC) worth about 250 SKR each.
                    To pay in advance: If you come from a foreign country
                    you'll get the advance-price, if you can show a passport
                    or ID. Swedes only: Betalning skall göras senast 2 veckor
                    före partyt till vårt postgiro nr: 493 26 43-2. Ange
                    Namn, Handle, Adress, och Grupp.
                    GIRLS GETS IN FOR FREE!!!

PARTY RULES         1. Smoking is NOT allowed, so if you wan't to take any
                       of these cancer-sticks, STAY OUTSIDE !!
                    2. Alcohol and drugs of any kind is not allowed at the
                       party, but if you wan't to have one or two beer.....
                    3. Troublemakers STAY HOME! Parties are supposed to be
                       fun, so try keep calm...
                    4. Thiefs of any kind will be handed over to the police
                    5. We don't take any responsibility of any kind of
                       illegal activities, such as duplication of copyright
                       material (Software, Movies, and so on)

                    - --  ----------------------------  -- -
                              Wan't to know more ?
                    - --  ----------------------------  -- -

                  It sounds like a great party, doesn't it ?!!

      Latest news about the party can be found on our website on internet


                            -  ----------------  -
                               Any Questions ?!
                            -  ----------------  -


                        Phone: + 46 (0)70 - 497 44 56

                 You can also "meet" us on IRC-channel #stop
                        every monday 21.00-22.00 CET

          ___ ___ ____    _  _ __
 LEECH   | __Y . Y . | /|(_)(_) /   DONT
  NOW    l__ | l_| l_j  | /  / /  MISS IT
........ | | | | | | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| ........
: KöpinG | : | : | : | |4-6 july| SwedeN :
:        `---^---^---' `--------'        :
:       Summer Computer Conference       :
:  - -- -------------------------- -- -  :
:  The Scene Event This Summer To Come!  :
:  - -- -------------------------- -- -  :
:   Read This Official Invitation NOW!   :

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          Uploaded on 18-Jun-97 at  13:22:38 on line # 0 by fRED                                                    [A¡RaDDer v3.5 By A¡Rcø]