File Archive

File download


File size:
683 bytes (683B)
File date:
2006-08-21 23:13:43
Download count:
all-time: 622


<<---------------- -

                 O   ____________ ___  ._____ _____ __   O
                  o  \__  __/ |  Y  |__!  _  Y  |  Y//  o
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                - ---- `--'`-----'-----'-----'-----' ---- -
                          .: gives you "size" :.
                    released at the halloween party '96
                - --------------------------------------- -

   Code: Strangelove, Todi, Pet 
    Gfx: Joker, Sauron
  Music: Fossil
Support: Musli

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Greetings goes to:

· Logic Probe 
· Sunshine Prod.

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At the party Millineum joined Tulou (or vice versa). 

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