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File size:
8 926 bytes (8.72K)
File date:
2006-08-21 23:13:43
Download count:
all-time: 583


Short: Invitation demo for THE PARTY 1993
Type: demo/euro
Author: anonymous
Uploader: (Soeren Doessing)
Uploaded-to: (930912)

Official invitation to

                   ___   _  _                 _
                  / __| |_|| |              _| |_
                 | |__   _ | |  ___   ____ |_   _| ____
                  \__ \ | || | / _ \ |  _ \  | |  | ___|
                  ___| || || || |__/ | | | | | | |__  |
                 |____/ |_||_| \____||_| |_| |_||____|
                  | |
                  | |      ___   ____    ___   ____
                  | |     / _ \ |    \  / _ \ |  _ \
                  | |___ | |__/ | |_| || |_| || | | | _
                  |_____| \____||_| |_| \___/ |_| |_||_|
        ___                              _             _  _
       / __|                            | |           | || |
      | |__   ____    ____   ___   ___  | |__    ____ | || |   ____
       \__ \ |  _ \  / _  | / __| / _ \ |  _ \  / _  || || |  | ___|
       ___| || |_| || |_| || (__ | |__/ | |_| || |_| || || | |__  |
      |____/ |  __/  \____| \___| \____||____/  \____||_||_||____|

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          -   Y O U   C A N ' T   B E A T   T H E   F E E L I N G


   The  Party 1993 will be held in Scandinavia's largest conference centre.
   The  centre  is called Messecenter Herning and it is of course placed in
   Herning in the middle of Denmark.  The Party will be held from Monday 27
   December at 10:00 CET to Wednesday 29 December at 15:00 CET.


 - Room for at least 3000 people, including tables, chairs and airondition.

 - A quiet, separate hal for sleeping.  But you are free to sleep where you
   want to.

 - Enormous free parking area.  Bring your tent or caravan.

 - If  you  are  going by train or bus, you will arrive at Herning Station.
   Here  the  public bus no.  4c and a nonstop party bus will be driving to
   the  party  place.   The ride takes 12 min.  and costs app.  10 DKK.  At
   the  station there will be 2 organizers to help you getting to the party

 - Enough  electricity  for  everyone,  with  a professional electrician 24
   hours a day to avoid problems.

 - All  info  about what's going on (competitions, surprises, winners etc.)
   will be published on a large bulletin board in the entrance area, on the
   big screen and on The Party Channel.

 - 600 x 400 cm high quality screen for competitions and other events.

 - Extremely powerful HI-FI equipment to guarantee perfect sound quality.

 - Two  real  cafeterias  will  be open all day.  At night only one of them
   will be open.  A kiosk and a hot-dog stand will also be open most of the
   day.  The prices will be low.

 - This  year  everyone  who  bring a TV-set and an antenna will be able to
   watch  The  Party  Channel.   The  Party  Channel  is an information and
   entertainment  channel  with movies, live broadcast of the competitions,
   all the latest info, news, results etc.

 - A Laserdisc room  with chairs for 500 people, a big screen and dolby pro
   logic surround sound, showing new laserdiscs 24 hours a day!

 - The  toilet and shower facilities are good.  This year we have more than
   25 free showers.

 - Professional  cleaning  company  to ensure that you will be able to walk
   around in the hall.

 - The Party 1993 T-Shirts and disks will be sold at the Information.

 - Female organizers!


 - 24 hours entertainment.

 - Many strange and crazy surprise competitions.

 - If  you  have  made  a  video,  a harddisk-based demo or another amazing
   thing,  bring  it with you and we will gladly show it at the big screen.
   Just hand in the production at the Information.


 - Brand new Kyd/Balle Video Production!


 - The main Amiga competitions and prizes:

   Demo Compo     Gfx Compo     Music Compo    Intro Compo   AGA-Demo Compo
   ----------     ---------     -----------    -----------   --------------
    1. $3000       1. $500        1. $500        1. $500        1. $500
    2. $1500       2. $300        2. $300        2. $250        2. $300
    3. $750        3. $200        3. $200        3. $100        3. $100
    4. $500        4. $100        4. $100
    5. $250        5. $50         5. $50


 - Overall Demo/Gfx/Music/Intro/AGA rules:

   - All   contributions  must  be  delivered  at  the  Information  before

   - If  you  want to take part in a competition you must be present at the

 - Demo Competition:

   - A  group  can contribute with as many demos as they want to but only 1
     from each coder.

   - Max. demo lenght:  20 min.

   - The  demo  must  be able to run on a standard Amiga 500 (1.3) with 1MB

 - Gfx Competition:

   - Each artist is allowed to contribute with 1 picture.

   - The  picture  must  be  loadable  from a standard Deluxe Paint IV (not

 - Music Competition:

   - Each musician is allowed to contribute with 1 tune.

   - We will play a maximum of 5 minutes per module.

   - Your  tune  must  be  delivered  as  an  executeable  file or with the
     music-program required.

 - Intro Competition:

   - Max. intro length:  40KB.

   - The intro must be able to run on a standard 1MB Amiga 500.

 - AGA Demo Competition:

   - Max. demo length: 20 min.

   - The demo must be able to run on a standard Amiga 1200.


 - Due  to  the  extra  events,  facilities, competitions, prices etc.  the
   entrance fee will be 150 DKK.


 - We  will  not  accept  anybody  selling  food,  disks etc.  without  our

 - Alcohol is not allowed at the party place.

 - People  who  cannot  behave  will be thrown outside until they can, real
   troublemakers  will  ofcourse be handed over to the police located close
   to the party place.

 - We will not accept any racist signs or acting, spraycans or firework.

 - People who cause any damages will of course have to pay for it.

 - We take no responsibility for illegal swapping, software, video etc.

 - A  special  diskmag  will  be  released  primo  november  with  detailed
   information about the party and how to get there.


   Party place:         Organizers/Registration:  The Party-phone:
   ------------         ------------------------  ----------------
   Messecenter Herning  The Party 1993            For info and registration
   Vardevej 1           Postbox 755               (+45) 98 18 96 69
   7400 Herning         9100 Ã…lborg
   Denmark              Denmark

   Modem-registration:  Net-registration:
   -------------------  -----------------
   Mainline BBS         Internet:
   Silents DKHQ         Amixnet : Dux@DK0001
   (+45) 98 15 30 62


 Fill in this slip and send it to one af the addresses above:

|                                                    |
| Yes, we are coming to The Party 1993               |
|                                                    |
| Name:                                              |
| Group:                                             |
| Number of persons coming:                          |
| Number of computers:    Amigas     C-64's     PC's |
| Do you want to reserve tables?    Yes/No           |
|                                                    |
|                                                    |
|                                                    |
|                                                    |

For  further  information about The Party 1993 you can write to SauberSound
on  internet,  call The Party-Phone or read The Party Mag released in early