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File size:
13 182 bytes (12.87K)
File date:
2006-08-20 23:09:36
Download count:
all-time: 617



$VER:KGInvitation 1.0 (22.9.98)

 _______  :    | ___________/\ :____ ________ _______   :_________  _________
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                    ..(( k i n d e r g a r d e n ' 9 8 ))..

                     1 .................... Where and When
                     2 .... Entrance Fee/Table Reservation
                     3 .......................... Features
                     4 .................. How to get there
                     5 ...................... Competitions
                     6 ............. Rules and Regulations
                     7 ........... Staff/How to Contact us

1. Where and When
   Kindergarden'98 will be arranged at Eikeli Videregående Skole (College) in
   Bærum, Norway. Bærum is right next to Oslo.

   The main hall will be divided into two, with one main hall for the party,
   and a separate hall for sleeping.
   The doors open on Friday the 13th of November.

   The doors close at 14:00 on Sunday the 15th of November.

2. Entrance Fee/Table Reservation
   The entrance fee will be 150 NOK, that's roughly about 22$. Girls get free
   entrance, like they get on most parties.

   The entrance fee for foreigners will be 100 NOK. By the term foreigner, we
   do not mean people that lives in norway and happend to have a foreign pass-

   The prices has, as you might have noticed, sunk with 50 NOK compared to
   last year.

   This year we will accept prepaid entrance fees. The price will still be
   150 NOK.

   Money for prepaid tickets must be transferred to:
   Daniel Bruvoll
   Værhaugstubben 19
   1925 Blaker
   Account #: 1321.10.25101

   Please mark the "giro" with:
   <real name>
   Table reservation will only be possible for prepaid tickets.

   Direct questions about table-reservation to Daniel.

3. Features
   The Main Hall:

    · There is space for about 300 people in the main hall. There are ofcourse
      enough tables and chairs.

    · Party-network with connection to the internet. Look at our WWW site for
	  more information.

    · Showers for everyone! We will set up a separate shower for female guests.

    · Clean toilets! We will actually clean the toilets now and then, and take
      away all the paper from the wastebaskets... And put in new!

    · This time the party will feature a separate sleeping hall, which we will
	  try to keep warm and dark.

    · We will set up a information-channel running on a few screens inside the
      hall w/important messages/what films are currently running etc.

    · Organizers that are not too shy to give messages/host compos etc. ;)

   Happenings, Entertainment and Leisure Activities:

    · A theatre located in a separate room will be showing all the latest
      movies nonstop.

    · The city-life in Oslo/Bærum is great.

    · If we have time, we will set up a few coin-op's to have fun with.

    · Various suprise events, like last year. I think most people remember
	  these. :-)

    · We will set up a Kinderegg stand in the cafeteria where you can place all
      your Kinderegg figures!

   Food and Beverages:

    · A 24 hours open "cafeteria" with food (Even the first day) and beverages
      with low prices. Ofcourse with Kindereggs!

4. How to get there
   Go to our WWW page to find maps of the area around the hall.

   The address of the school is:
   Eikeli Videregående Skole
   Bispeveien 10


    · Take the plane to Gardemoen Airport in Norway.

    · Follow the instructions for train/subway.


    · Travel to Oslo S. (Oslo Sentralbanestasjon, the 'connection point' of
      trains in Norway. Mother of all stations. You should find it. :))

    · From there take the subway (Line 2) towards Østerås from Jernbanetorget.
	  Go off at Østerås station.
    · We will (!) put up signs that shows where the party is this year.

   If you have problems finding the way, be free to phone one of the
   organizers. Please notice, however, that we can not supply any means of
   transportation for you or your equipment.

5. Competitions
   All competition entries MUST:

    · Come with a file called: "kgcompo.dat"
	  This file will be created by a program which will be distributed at
	  the party.

    · Come with FILE_ID.DIZ (44*11) file that describes the intro.

    · Come with .readme file in AmiNET format that describes the intro.

    · Come with all required nonstandard libraries.

    · Be harddisk installable.

    · Have clean exits to the OS.

    · Work on 020+ processors including A4000/040.

   This year we will accept entries on Amiga DD, PC HD, ZIP and CD disks.
   But we prefer recieving all entries via the party-network.

   All entries will be shown on an Amiga 1200 with either 030, 040 or 060 and
   with 8 or more megabytes of RAM.

    · Demos will be shown until end or for 10 minutes.

    · Pictures will be viewed for about 20 secs each.

    · Modules will be played for maximum 3 minutes. (Except if it is close to
      the end)

   We preserve the right to stop showing somewhat 'unserious' or extremly
   boring entries at an earlier stage.

   Setpatch will be run before any demos/intros.

    · Disk(s) must be labeled + have a paper w/information wrapped around it.

        Entry Name: 
         Real Name: 
             Disks: x/x

   Amiga Demo ---------------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 16.00

    · Max size for demo is 5 megabytes. (In runable form, you may ofcourse
      have realtime decrunching of exe/datafiles)

    · Max RAM useage is 2 meg CHIP and 16 meg FAST.

   Amiga Intro --------------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 12.00

    · Max file size is 64 kb.

    · Max RAM useage is 2 meg CHIP and 16 meg FAST. The demo SHOULD run on an
      AGA machine with 020 processor with 4 meg FAST memory.

   Amiga Hate Intro ---------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 12.00

    · No max filesize. (Okay, 5 megs...)

    · Max RAM useage is 2 meg CHIP and 16 meg FAST.

    · We have the right to disqualify entries we don't like. Heh.

    · Contact Baffle for details.
   Amiga Game ----------------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 12.00

    · Max size for game is 10 megabytes. (In runable form, you may ofcourse
      have realtime decrunching of exe/datafiles)

    · Max RAM useage is 2 meg CHIP and 16 meg FAST. The game must be somewhat
      playable on an 020 processor.

      You are free to make any kind of game you want, and they will be played
      live for maximum 5 minutes.

   Music ---------------------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 12.00
    · Max size 5 meg.

    · Must be delivered in MOD, MED, DB (Digibooster), XM or MP3 format.

    · Module entries will be played with HippoPlayer.
	  MP3 entries will be played with WinAMP.
   Graphics Handdrawn -------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 12.00

    · Files must only be delivered in IFF, TIF or JPG format.

   Graphics Raytraced -------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 12.00

    · Files must only be delivered in IFF, TIF or JPG format.

   Graphics Animation -------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 18.00

    · Maximum 16 colors.

    · Animation must be in PAL: LORES (320*256)

   Ascii Logo ---------------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 12.00

    · Must be viewable in CED. No ANSI.

   Wild ---------------------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 12.00
    · You must bring your own equipment to show the entries, if it does not
      work on an standard Amiga with 8 meg FAST or is over 10 meg in size.

    · Please deliver big wild demos in VHS format.

    · Brief explanation of the wild demo must be given to the organizers.

    · Live acts will have maximum 5 minutes each. (Female nudity allowed!)


                      * THE PRIZES HAS NOT YET BEEN SET *

6. Rules and Regulations
   The rules are simple. We do not want to control your life. Just be nice.

    · We do not allow anyone selling food, disks and the likes without WRITTEN
      permission from the organizers.

    · Illegal drugs and alcohol are ofcourse not allowed inside the party area.

    · This year intoxicated persons will be thrown out or put in the showers.
	  We got to have stricter rules this year, as the hall-owners will shut us
	  down if they find drunk persons in the hall. :-(
    · Puking inside the hall will be fined with 100 NOK. Please use a toilet if
      you suddenly have an urge.

    · Any damage to personal and public property must be paid for.

    · We can and will not take the responsibility for any kinds of theft or
      injuries. Not even injuries by our big guards. You have no witnesses.

    · Smoking is not allowed. Smoke outside.

    · Norwegian laws act as normal ofcourse.

    · Be polite and smile when the organizers try to fix your problems.

    · No drunken skateboarding/rollerblading inside the partyarea. Be careful.

    · Don't bitch the organizers all the time if you can fix something yourself
      without us noticing. (But stay away from the power/network!)

    · It's cool to be crew. They are gods.

7. The Kindergarden Staff/How to Contact Us
      IRC: #amigano at IRCNet
   The main organizers of the party is:

    Daniel Bruvoll        Acid                  T           Home: +47-63828821
                              Mobile: +47-90177828

    Dag Stenstad          Baffle/Delirium & Lightforce      Home: +47-66795921
                        Mobile: +47-90516354

    Øystein Sættem        Arcane/Royal & Mystic             Home: +47-63903366
                              Mobile: +47-!STOLEN!

                 Contact us if you have unanswered questions.
      Foreigners should also contact us so that we can make arrangements.

         ._____________ .                   BE THERE!
        .|            /_:_
        :|              |
        ·|              |    (÷) *THE* PARTY FOR ALL YOU BIG BABIES (÷)
        :|              |
      ___| ______       :     _____       _____    _______     _________
   ._\\  \/     /_\\ ___·____\\_   \ ____\\_   \ _\\ __  /__ _\\___    .\
   |    _/    _/    \\ .\      /   .\      /   .\    \__/  .\    _/   __/
   |    \      \        \\____/     \\    /     \\          \\   \      \_
   |_____\______\________/   /_______/___________/___________/____\______/
    _______     ________    _________       _____    _______        _____
 ._\\ ____/__ _\\____   \ _\\___    .\ ____\\_   \ _\\ __  /__ ____\\_   \
 |    \___  .\    __/   .\    _/   __/       /   .\    \__/  .\      /   .\
 |       |   \\   \_     \\   \      \_     /     \\          \\____/     \\
 |____________/____|______/____\______/____________/___________/   /_______/
      tGø|              .
        .|              ¦
        :|              | (÷) KINDERGARDEN - WELCOME TO THE PLAYGROUND (÷)
         |__            |
         : /____________|

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ      _________
   ___\       /___________
.-/   /      /     _      \------------------.
| \___\       \_____      / KinderGarden '98 |
|   This is the Official Invitation to the   |
|       K I N D E R G A R D E N ' 9 8        |
|   in Bærum, Norway 13th to 15th November   |
|  Main Organizers: ACID, BAFFLE and ARCANE  |