File Archive

File download


File size:
30 929 bytes (30.20K)
File date:
2006-08-20 23:09:36
Download count:
all-time: 689


-ps      (- o.n.e. o.f. t.h.e. f.a.s.t.e.s.t. i.n. e.u.r.o.p.e. -)     -ps

                    NO LiMiTS, NO FEARS, NO SUBSTiTUTES

-ps      (- o.n.e. o.f. t.h.e. f.a.s.t.e.s.t. i.n. e.u.r.o.p.e. -)     -ps
                    UPLOADED AT 01:44:50 ON 29-May-97          

                                 _.___._         ALPHA FLIGHT SWEDISH HQ            
                             .:|'       '|:.               
                            /   __     __   \         AMBIENT SWEDISH HQ       
                            :  __~\   /~__   :                
                           (  ( .\ \|/ /. )  )       TEAM 666 SWEDISH HQ        
                            | \_~_) . (_~_/ |                 
                            (._ ~  /_\  ~ _.)          BROKEN SWEDISH HQ       
                    / UU                     UU  /         
·                                         Uploaded at 00:54:23 on 28-May-97 ·
·          .________.                 .________.                            ·
·   _______|__      |   ______________|        |_____       ______________. ·
· ./       __/      |___\_______      |        _____/___.___\_______      | ·
· |        |        |       ___/      |        |        |       ___/      | ·
· |_________________|_________________|_________________|_________________| ·
· ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ·
·                   ._____.                                                 ·
·        _________  |     |__     __________ __________  _____  _____       ·
·       |   _____/__|     __/___ /    _     |\_____    \|    _\/_    |      ·
·       |\_______   |     |     |     |     |     |_____|     \/     |      ·
·       |___________|___________|___________|_____| .npt|_____||_____|      · 
·       --------------------------------------------------------------      ·
·                                                                           ·
·                 N O D E 1 : +46 XXX-XXXXX  (33.6 USR)                     ·
·                 N O D E 2 : +46 XXX-XXXXX  (28.8 USR)                     ·
·                 N O D E 3 :  TELNET - FIND ME ON IRC!                     ·
·                 N O D E 4 :  TELNET - FIND ME ON IRC!                     ·
·                 N O D E 5 :  TELNET - FIND ME ON IRC!                     ·
·                                                                           ·
·     lACOSTE! - tRANCE!/LiGHTFORCE - WRAiTH/cLS^lSD^m! - oRCHiD/pOSSE      ·
·                                                                           ·
·     bANDIT/aFL - lANCE!/tRSi/pUSSYpOSSE/MaSSaCa - nASTYBOY^gAMO/oNYX      ·

»»»»·««««[ · sTRIP`n`aDD v6.3 bY tHE fLASH / cB4! - dATE : 27 May 1997 · ]»»»»·««««
»»»»·««««[ · tHIS vERSION iS rEGISTERED tO :                           · ]»»»»·««««


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·                   /____| /____|    :::   :::.:::'  :::                /_____|
·                                           `::::'
:   OPERAtOR : fAtE^fCY  - SYStEM : DAYDREAM bbS - MAChiNE : a1260/50/34/1GiG
|ø                                                                            ø

   ------- - --------------( +36-1-2914029 )-----------------   -  --
                                         _ ________
  _ __  ___________ ________/\ ______  __   /_____/_ __________ __________
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 :|       /_____/    /_____/    /_____/    /_____/    /_____/     /       |
  | iMPuLSe      1.3gb                                           ·        |
  |   wHQ  _ ________    33k6!    O·F  T·H·E        cRIMSOn jIHAd distro  |
  |           /_____/_ __________  _________ __________ ________          |
  | aBSoLuTe!/ \___  ¬\_______  ¬\_\_______¬\_______  ¬\__     /__  __ _  |
  |    wHQ  /     /    /   \______/    ___/  /     /____/    ____///      |
  |        /     /    /     /    /     /    /\_____   \/     /  \_        |:
  |_______/     /    /     /    /     /    /     /    /     /    /________|:
         /_____     /_____     /_____     /_____     /_____     /
             /_____/    /_____/    /_____/    /_____/ kRm/_____/

   ------- - --------------( +36-1-2914029 )-----------------   -  --
.-[ iMS wHQ^aBS! wHQ^cJ dis ]--\  /-------.
:                               \/        :      - --( nODE:  2 )-- -
¦     uPLOADED bY: lORD                   ¦
|     lOCATiON   : ( iMS^aBS!^cJ )        |     - --( bPS:     0 )-- -
|                                         |
|    DaTe: 27-May-97  TiMe: 18:36:48      | - --( FileSize:    17539 )-- -
:   ____                                  :
`---\  /--------[ +36-12914029 ]----------'

           ____________   ____
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  |__|_| \____/|  |  |____|    \_____/       /7 ______  4
 |____|        |__|       |________|        /7__||_     4
                  |__________|              ----||-     4
                                                ||      4

                                     # #
General info:                      #######
                                     # #         /
 PP = Party Place                  #######      /
 PL = Poland                         # #       /
                                         _____/   /    /
                                        / / //   /    /
_____________________________________  /\ \//   /    /
        | organizers:     |           / / //   /    /  /  /
        |------------- - -+ -        /\ \//   /____/  /  /
        | CYBERMANIAX     |         / / //    +---+| /  /___
        |                          /\ \//____ |   ||/  / \__
        |     TAQUART     |   ____/ / /-------+ - +---+ / \_
        |                     \||/\ \ \Intel Outside   /___\
        |   U N I O N     |   /||////////////====- #4  ____/
        |                     \++-------------+___+--|/___/
        |     ZSBIKMW     |       |  |        |\__|  |___/
        |                       --+--+--      |__\|  |__/
\                                ( #4 )     __|_\ |__
 \ \                            --+--+--   /_|_\  \  \
  \ \ \                           |  |    /__\_\_\__\_\
   \ \ \ \                        (__)
    \ \ \ \ \
     \ \ \ \ \ \
----- W E L C O M E screen  ----------- - - -  -
      | | | | | | |
                    H E L L O !

                              P R I V E T !

     H I !                                H E Y !
                       C I A O !

                                         H A L L O !
    K O N I C H U W A !

                           H O L A !

---| INFO-terminal  |-------------------------------
   |  We are honoured to invite you to the 4th release
   |  of Polish best, biggest and oldest party called:
   |             I N T E L  O U T S I D E
   |                  -  - - --- multiplatform edition
   +------------------------------------------ - - -  -  -
Photos of PP, way to PP and other will be placed very soon
Prompt) nore info please! (enter)

Step by step info:

 []->  Country - Poland

 []->  City - Wloclawek - W L O C L A W E K - medium town
                          in center of Poland on the Vistula
                          (Wisla) river.

 []->  Date - 12/13 July
               opening about 10.00 a.m. Saturday
               closing about 12.00 a.m. Sunday
       if you are earlier you be able to get in

 []->  Party Place (PP) - will be located in Sports hall
         str. Chopina 10/12. PP is very easy to find! More
         info below!

 []->  Safe parking (with security).

 []->  Free entrance for girls.

 []->  Special offer !!!!
         50% free for guests from other planets, it means
         UFO guests, guests from Mars, Moon, etc. :-)

 []->  Non stop food support, inc. vegetarian.

 []->  Big screen, audio, video, TVs equipments.

 []->  Mr. Root Manga Room.

 []->  Rave Party + something special ......

 []->  Competition, competition, comp.......

 []->  A lot of crazy compos.

 []->  Fast compos.

 []->  Special Monument - Yes we show you monument
       temporaily named B.G.E. :) We have E. for you Mr B.G.

 []-> Sony Play Station ........

 []->  Enter fee 25 PLN - about 10$/14DM/6GBP all values
       If you want to discuse about fee - use e-mail and 
                                          mail to Jonek
Platforms:          ///////////

============  \\ //  Amiga
///////////// Atari

------------  Commodore

 __________  __
|___  --+- | |_)              (what about IntelOutside?)
|__________| |  C - Pc compatible               :=)

_______   _____ __  __
LLLLLLL|  L_  / \ \/ /
_______    / /_  >  <     ZX Spectrum  :-)
LLLLLLL|  /___| /_/\_\

and more.... (your sugestions are welcome)


-- - - - - ---- - --- - -  - Deadlines - -- -
---- -- - - -- --- ----- -- - -- Deadlines - - .. . ..
----- --- --- - --- ---- - - -- - -- Deadlines .. .  .
Only two deadlines:

Saturday  at 12.00  |-----------+
--------------------+           |
Music compos - all platform - mod4ch & multi
If it is to early for you - you can send mod by e-mail
(between 1 July and 10 July)
e-mail: ...........................  (will be shown soon)
subiect: IO4-MusCompo
additional info: handle, (group), name, city, country -
You MUST confirm it at the Party!!!

Saturday  at 14.00 |------------+
-------------------+            |
  | All other compos Demos, Intros, Gfx, Ray .. .. ...
  | No e-mail available
  |                        ||--------
  |================ == =  =

                   |--------------------------|   LLLLL
-------------------| End of deadlines I N F O |   LLLLL
                   |--------------------------|   LLLLL

-----+------------------------------------+----- - -  -
     |  Competition & Competition Rooles  |
                     ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
----------------+     ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Very important! |------------------------------------------|
All executables (demos, intros, 4Kbs, Crazy, Wild(?) ... ) |
must be mouse exitable!!!! (ex. Atari, Commodore, ZX)      |
All competitors must be present at the party place!!! |
No competitors - no prize! |

 _  _ demo  _    |  deadline: Saturday at 14:00 (2.00 p.m.)
|_) = /\/\ (_) : |  competition start: about 10:00 p.m.
-----------------+---------------- - -  -  -   -
  | Time:   about 10min (ex. end txt part)            |
  |---------------------                              |
  | Size: Hmmm...                                     |
  |----------+------                                  |
  | In sele- | If demo will be making any problems    |
  | ction    | and autor can't repair it, after 5th   |
  | time     | try demo will be kicked out! Sorry!         |
  |----------+------------------------                |
  | platforms: All                                    |

    intro 64 _      | deadline: Sat. at 14:00 (2.00 p.m.)
  I     ___ |_) _64 |
  I |\|  |  |\ (_)  : competition start: about ......
-----------------+---------------- - -  -  -   -
  | Time:   about 4min (ex. end txt part)             |
  |---------------------                              |
  | Size: 64Kb = 65536 bytes                          |
  |----------+------                                  |
  | In sele- | If intro will be making any problems   |
  | ction    | and autor can't repair it, after 5th   |
  | time     | try intro will be kicked out! Sorry!   |
  |----------+------------------------                |
  | platforms: Amiga, Pc                              |

    intro 4k _      | deadline: Sat. at 14:00 (2.00 p.m.)
  I     ___ |_) _4k |
  I |\|  |  |\ (_)  : competition start: about ......
-----------------+---------------- - -  -  -   -
  | Time:   about Hmmm... Just show something!        |
  |---------------------                              |
  | Size: 4Kb = 4096 bytes                            |
  |----------+------                                  |
  |          |       and standard blah blah blah ...  |
  |          |                                        |
  | In sele- | If intro will be making any problems   |
  | ction    | and autor can't repair it, after 5th   |
  | time     | try 4k will be kicked out! Sorry!         |
  |----------+------------------------                |
  | platforms: Amiga, Pc                              |

music compos     |  deadline: Saturday at 12:00 p.m.)
       - --- - --+-----+
4 clone of music compo |
  | Time:   about 3min                |
  |---------------------              |
  | Size: about 700Kb                 |
  | module format: all standard formats |
  |                acceptable           |

Music clones:

Atari music
  competition start: about 16:00 (4 p.m.)

Commodore music
  competition start: after Atari music about .....:00 p.m.

  competition start: ..........

  competition start: ..........


\        7 | ||    |   \
 \  7\  7  | ||    |    ) Demo !!!!
  \7  \7   | ||___ |___/
                            WILD demo

No limitation !!!!!!!   /// Positve shock preferable!!!
VIDEO DEMO       /
---------------- |    competition start: about .... p.m.
  | Time:   about 5min (ex. end txt part)             |
  |---------------------                              |
  | Size: Hmmm... Hmmm... - Double "Hmmmm..."         |
  |-----------------                                  |
  |-----------------------------------                |
  | Vdemo must be "compatible" with platforms:        |
  +------------------------------------------         |
  |            VHS & SVHS Videos, Mono, Stereo, Hi Fi |

--------------------------------////// ____    ___   _  _
              XXXXXX      XX   /////  /    |  /   | // //
    ____           XX    XX   ////   /____// /___///___/
   /    \  ||||||   XX  XX   ///    /   \   /   //  /
  ||  ___  ||        \\//   //     /     \ /   //  /  \\\
  ||    || |||||      XX   <<  -------------------------->
   \____/  ||        XX\\   \\\                  -----///
           ||       XX  XX   \\\\
gfx                //    \\\  \\\\\
     ray          //           \\\\\\\

  gfX -:-   Gfx  | deadline: Sat. at 14:00 (2.00 p.m.)
Ray  g  f x  ray |
 gfx   G.F.X.    : competition start: about ......
-----------------+---------------- - -  -  -   -
  | Resolution:   640x480/512 up to 800x600           |
  |                 with/without overscan             |
  | Colors:       up to 24bits (16M) RGB              |
  |               32bits & CMYK - not acceptable !!!  |
  | Format:  All popular format,                      |
  |              IFF, Jpeg, Gif,... preferable        |
  |-----------------------------------                |
  | platforms: Amiga, Pc    |   No scan, plagiation!  |

As you see we are not trouble generators :-)

You have other module format - no problem
You have new picture format - no problem - we try to help
You have HD - no problem
You haven't got HD - your problem
You are tired - no problem
You want sleep - no problem
You are hungry - no problem
You have a girl - You are lucky
You have money - you are ........


     S E L E C T I O N S                _____
   //_______________________________________ \
 ////   _           _ ___    _        _____/ /\
////   (_    |     /   |  | / \ |\ | (_     / /
///______) E |__ E \_  |  | \_/ | \| __)   / /

Yes ! for better quality!

Modules: standard selection - 10-15 modules in all

GFX:   Stupid low quality pictures will be removed
                                      to Crazy Gfx

Demo: Only for separation between standard demo, crazy demo

  RRRRRR\                   |
  RR   RR   RRRRRR\         +---End of Selections |
  RRRRRR/   RR   RR         ----------------------+
  RR  \RR\  RR \RR\   R E S T R I C T I O N S !!!
            RR  \RR\

/\/\ Restrictions /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
_     _
|RouBL= - INFO !!!
           {  ONLY FOR TROUBLEMAKERS !! }

As usually:

 - no alcohol - soft drinks will be accesible at the PP

 - no drugs   - ABSOLUTELLY NO! - no comment!

 - no smoking  - only in selected areas

 - no wall painting, ( No? Why no? ... OK! OK! Yes! We
   will prepare some walls specially for "ASCII" painters)

 - Drunk people will be ... Hmmm ... (inc. fractals
   generators) separate from PP

 - Troublemakers will be KICKED OUT !!!

 - damagemakers must pay for damages

Nearest Police Station is about 600m from PP!


3-2-1 Contact:

Any question, sugestion ..... don't hesitate to write: or

How to get ?  *

This release of Intel Outside Have new place! Yes!  Three
previous editions were placed in Warsaw, actual edition
will be placed  in  Wloclawek - town in the center of
Poland on the Vistula (Wisla) river.  It is on one of the
main roads E-75.

By car!

Party place is very easy to find - you must find the E-75
road going from (FIN) Beriewag, Kaamanem,Ravaniemi, Oulu,
Jamsu, Helsinki /next by ferry-boat to/ (PL) Gdansk by
Torun, W L O C L A W E K, Lodz, Czestochowa, Katowice,
(SK) Cadka, Zilina, Bratislava, (Hungary) Budapest,
(YU) Subotica, Beograd, (MK) Skopje, (GR) Thesaloniki,
Athens. If you live in Athens - find E-75 and go ahead!)

Party hall is located 5m (yes! five meters) by E-75 road.
(Wloclawek is more in center of Poland than Warsaw the
capital !!!)

By air!

Best way is arrive to Warsaw - Okecie air port. There is bus
line called Polski Express (Polish Express) - This bus drive
from Warsaw by WLOCLAWEK to Bydgoszcz or Szczecin. This is
very cheap, save and easy way to visit our Party.

By train!


during party - crazy-intro 0.5 (yep! 512 bytes) K Amiga compo!
also - visit of c. o. of Amiga International!

Amiga Show 3 - you cen see what polish distrubutors & hardware/software
producers can offer You! The biggest polish Amiga Show!

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ English! ____________ ____  Intel OutSide4
 ____     |____   ____\|_ | party invitation
|____|__    __|  |   ____\|            _ _
 |  |   \  |  |  |  |  |  | _    ___ __||_)E
 |  |    \ |  |  |  |__|__|(_)|_| | (_ |
 |  |     \|  |  |  ______/       |___)+   4
 |  | |\      |  |  |  |  |_     / _       4
 |__|_| \____/|  |  |__|    \___/ /7 _____ 4
|____|        |__|     |______|  /7__||_   4
 12-13/july/1997 |________| Poland---||-   4
                                     ||    4

        __                 ______                      __________
  _____/  \_______________/     /_____________________/ ____/   /_________
_/    -    \   _-   /__   _____/__   _   \    /____  /  \__    ___/  -____\__
\____/      \_________/----______/_______/________/__     /___/ \___________/
   \__________/     \_____/                          \______/.2L.
    __             __       aBSoLuTe!   _____   wHQ        ______  
  _(__)___________/  \_________________/    _\____________/     /_________
_/      /      '      \     -_____/   /    /    /_____    _____/__   -____\__
\______/____/___/      \____/   \_____    /__________/-----______/__________/
              \__________/   .2L.     \_____/      \______/ iMPuLSe wHQ
       _______          __               __         ______             __
  ____/    ___\________(__)_____________/  \_______/    __\___________/  \
_/    ____/__    - __\__    \_       '      \      ____/__  _   \   _     \
\______     /___/      /_____/____/___/      \__----_____/______/___/      \_
   :   \_____/ \_________/          \__________/___/              \_________/
   :                __    _________              __   .2L.   __
   :    33k6!     _(__)__(__)__    \____________/  \________/  \  cRiMSOn
   :        _____/     /      \_  _     /      -    \     _/    \_ jiHAd distro
   `-- -- -/    /     /________/__/    /______/      \___________/-- --.    
           \_________/           \________/ \__________/               :    
                                                                1.3gb  :
                   n.u.m.b.e.r...o.f...t.h.e...b.e.a.s.t     -- -------'

.-[ iMS wHQ^aBS! wHQ^cJ dis ]--\  /-------.
:                               \/        :      - --( nODE:  2 )-- -
¦     uPLOADED bY: lORD                   ¦
|     lOCATiON   : ( iMS^aBS!^cJ )        |     - --( bPS:     0 )-- -
|                                         |
|    DaTe: 27-May-97  TiMe: 18:36:48      | - --( FileSize:    17539 )-- -
:   ____                                  :
`---\  /--------[ +36-12914029 ]----------'
[0 p.------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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|   \/        //      \     \_      ||    /|·   \_     /:  l   //       __
|            /_______/_\\    l______|____/_||    l____/_·_______\    ___\/_
\                   /________|          /________|                   \  /\/
|                                                                     \/
·                           Thiz file leecheD from 

·  ______ ________________________ _::::.  .::::::.  .::::______ ______ ________
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 /       \      \_   | \_   | | | /  / .:::.     .:::.  |     |    \_ \  |    |
/_________\______/___|  /___| |_|____\::: :::.  ::: ::: l_____|\____/__\_|    |
·                   /____| /____|    :::   :::.:::'  :::                /_____|
·                                           `::::'
: -->> [   F A C U L T Y   H U N G A R I A N   H E A D Q U A R T E R   ] <<--              
:    rUNNING dAYDREAM 1.2x - nO nEW uSER pASSWORD - 0-3 dAYZ aMIGA wAREZ ! 
:           1 nODEZ 28k8 v.eVERYTHING - 2 tELNET nODES aT nIGHTS !
: sYSOP : fAtE^fCY cOSYSOP lORD^iMS!^aBS!^cJ! - MAChiNE : a1260/50/34/1GiG!
|ø                                                                            ø
[1 p

                          -÷ dATASTORM bACK aGAiN! ÷-
   .           ________     ________      ______.    ________              .
   |        .__\  __   \____\  __   \_____\    _|____\  __   \___.         |
- -÷--------|____ \/       _____        .___  /     .____        |---------÷- -
   |             \________/    /________|   \_______|v÷t/________|         |
   |                                                                       |
   |        [ -÷ aLPHA fLiGHT hQ ÷ aMBiENt hQ ÷ bRoKEn  hQ ÷- ]            |
   |      ________.   ______.     ________     ________     _______        |
   |   .__\  _____|___\    _|_____\  __  /_____\  __  /_____\      \___.   |
- -÷---|        ________  /     .___         .___/        .____\/      |---÷- -
   |   |_______/        \_______|   \________|   \________|     \______|   |
   ·             sTAFF:                                                    ·
     -÷  wRAiTH/cLs^m! ÷ bANDiT/aFL ÷ lANCE!/tRSi/pUSSYpOSSE/MaSSaCa ÷-
       -÷   tRANCE!/LiGHTFORCE ÷ nASTYBOY^gAMO/oNYX ÷ oRCHiD/pOSSE ÷-  

                                                     [A¡RaDDer v3.4 By A¡Rcø]
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         ( -*- never was so much owed by so many to so few!! -*- )
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